Yablochkov, Pavel Nikolayevich (Russian electrical engineer) |
1847-1894 |
Yahweh ben Yahweh (Hulon Mitchell Jr.; Am. religious leader) |
1935-2007 |
Yale, Caroline Ardelia (American educator) |
1848-1933 |
Yale, George Elihu (American-born English colonial admin.) |
1649-1721 |
Yale, Linus (American locksmith, inventor, lock manufacturer) |
1821-1868 |
Yalow, Rosalyn née Sussman (American medical physicist) |
1921-2011 |
Yamaga Soko (Japanese military strategist, philosopher) |
1622-1685 |
Yamagata Aritomo (Japanese army commander, politician) |
1838-1922 |
Yamamoto Isoroku (Japanese adm.; planned Pearl Harbor attack) |
1884-1943 |
Yamanoue Okura (Japanese poet) |
c.600-c.733 |
Yamashita Tomoyuki (Japanese general) |
1885-1946 |
Yamazaki Ansai (Japanese philosopher) |
1618-1682 |
Yamazaki Sokan (Japanese poet, monk) |
c.1465-c.1552 |
Yancey, William Lowndes (American politician) |
1814-1863 |
Yanez, Agustin (Mexican writer, government administrator) |
1904-1980 |
Yang, Jerry (Taiwan-born American entrepreneur; co-fd. Yahoo!) |
b.1968 |
Yang Chen-Ning "Franklin" (Chinese-born American physicist) |
b.1922 |
Yang Chu (Chinese philosopher) |
440-360? BC |
Yang Guifei (or Yang Kuei-fei; Chinese beauty, concubine) |
d.756 |
Yang Hsiu-ch'ing (Chinese rebel) |
d.1856 |
Yang Hsiung (Chinese poet, philosopher) |
53 BC-AD 18 |
Yankovic, Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" (Am. musician, parodist) |
b.1959 |
Yankovic, Frank (American musician) |
1915-1998 |
Yao, Andrew Chi-Chih (Chinese-born Am. computer scientist) |
b.1946 |
Ya'qubi, al- (Arab historian, geographer) |
d.897 |
Yaroslav the Wise (Grand prince of Kiev 1019-1054) |
980-1054 |
Yasuda Zenjiro (Japanese businessman, philanthropist) |
1838-1921 |
Yasui Sotaro (Japanese painter) |
1888-1959 |
Yau, Horng-Tzer (Chinese-born American? mathematician) |
b.1959 |
Yau, Shing-Tung (aka Qiu Chengtong; Chinese mathematician) |
b.1949 |
Yaziji, Nasif (Lebanese scholar) |
1800-1871 |
Yearsley, James (English surgeon) |
1805-1869 |
Yeats, William Butler (Irish poet, dramatist) |
1865-1939 |
Yeats-Brown, Francis (British army officer, writer) |
1886-1944 |
Yehoshua, Avraham B. (Israeli writer, playwright) |
b.1936 |
Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich (Russian politician) |
1931-2007 |
Yen Fu (Chinese scholar) |
1853-1921 |
Yengibarov, Leonid Georgievich (Soviet clown, actor, boxer) |
1935-1972 |
Yen Hsi-shan (Chinese general) |
1883-1960 |
Yen Jo-chu (Chinese scholar) |
1636-1704 |
Yen Li-pen (Chinese painter) |
c.600-673 |
Yensen, Richard (American psychologist) |
b.1947 |
Yen Yuan (Yen Hsi-chai; Chinese scholar) |
1635-1704 |
Yerby, Frank Garvin (American writer) |
1916-1991 |
Yerkes, Charles Tyson (American financier) |
1837-1905 |
Yerkes, Robert Mearns (American psychologist) |
1876-1956 |
Yersin, Alexandre-Emile-John (Swiss bacteriologist) |
1863-1943 |
Yesenin, Sergey Aleksandrovich (aka Esenin; Russian poet) |
1895-1925 |
Ye Shengtao (pseudonym of Ye Shaojun; Chinese writer) |
1894-1988 |
Yevstushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich (Russian writer, poet) |
b.1933 |
Yezierska, Anzia (Russian-born American writer, essayist) |
1885-1970 |
Yglesias, Helen née Bassine (American writer) |
1915-2008 |
Yi Chong (aka Naeong or Sorak; Korean painter) |
1578-1607 |
Yi Chong (aka Tanum, i.e. Ocean Hermit; Korean artist) |
b.1541 |
Yi In-mun (aka Yu-ch'un; i.e. Exist Spring; Korean painter) |
1745-1821 |
Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe (French mathematician) |
b.1957 |
Yogi Bhajan (Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji; Am. religious ldr.) |
1929-2004 |
Yohai, Morrie Robert (American businessman; inv. Cheez Doodles) |
1920-2010 |
Yoka Daishi (aka Yung-chia Ta-Shih; Gengaku; Chinese sage) |
665-713 |
Yokomitsu Riichi (aka Yokomitsu Toshikazu; Japanese writer) |
1898-1947 |
Yokoyama Taikan (born Sakai Hidemaro; Japanese painter) |
1868-1958 |
Yonai Mitsumasa (Japanese naval officer, politician) |
1880-1948 |
Yonath, Ada (Israeli crystallographer) |
b.1939 |
Yonge, Charlotte Mary (English writer, editor) |
1823-1901 |
Yorck von Wartenburg, Johann Hans David (Prus. field marshal) |
1759-1830 |
York, Alvin Cullum (Sergeant York; American soldier) |
1887-1964 |
York, Herbert Frank (American physicist, educator, writer) |
b.1921 |
Yorke, Henry Vincent (pseudonym Henry Green; English writer) |
1905-1973 |
Yosano Akiko née Otori Akiko (known as Ho Sho; Japanese poet) |
1878-1942 |
Yoshida Isoya (Japanese architect) |
1894-1974 |
Yoshida Kenko (born Urabe Kaneyoshi; Japanese poet, essayist) |
1283-1350 |
Yoshida Kanetomo (Japanese religious) |
1435-1511 |
Yoshida Tetsuro (Japanese architect) |
1894-1956 |
Yoshihito (Japanese emperor 1912-1926; father of Hirohito) |
1879-1926 |
Yoshikawa Hidetsugu (pseudonym Yoshikawa Eiji; Japanese writer) |
1892-1962 |
Yoshino Sakuzo (Japanese politician, educator) |
1878-1933 |
Yoshitsune (aka Minamoto Yoshitsune; Japanese soldier) |
1159-1189 |
Yoshizawa Akira (Japanese origami artist) |
1911-2005 |
Ypulou, Fulbert (Congolese politician; premier & pres. 1959-63) |
1917-1972 |
Youmans, Vincent Millie (American composer) |
1898-1946 |
Young, Al (American writer, poet, screenwriter, editor) |
b.1939 |
Young, Arthur (English agriculturist, writer) |
1741-1820 |
Young, Arthur Henry "Art" (American cartoonist) |
1866-1943 |
Young, Andrew Jackson Jr. (American diplomat, politician) |
b.1932 |
Young, Brigham (American Mormon religious leader) |
1801-1877 |
Young, Charles Augustus (American solar astronomer) |
1834-1908 |
Young, Edward (English poet, dramatist, literary critic) |
1683-1765 |
Young, Edward (English explorer) |
1831-1896 |
Young, Ella née Flagg (American educator) |
1845-1918 |
Young, Francis Brett (English physician, writer, poet) |
1884-1954 |
Young, James Whitney (American astronomer; asteroid) |
b.1941 |
Young, John Russell (Irish-born American journalist) |
1840-1899 |
Young, John Wesley (American mathematician) |
1879-1932 |
Young, La Monte Thornton (American composer, musician) |
b.1935 |
Young, Lester Willis "Prez" (American musician) |
1909-1959 |
Young, Mahonri Mackintosh (American sculptor, painter, etcher) |
1877-1957 |
Young, Marguerite Vivian (American writer, poet) |
1908-1995 |
Young, Murat Bernard "Chic" (American cartoonist: Blondie 1930) |
1901-1973 |
Young, Neil Percival (Canadian-born American musician) |
b.1945 |
Young, Owen D. (American lawyer, corporate executive) |
1874-1962 |
Young, S. David (Rule of Experts, 1987) |
b.1955 |
Young, Stark (American writer, critic) |
1881-1963 |
Young, Thomas (Scottish clergyman) |
1587-1655 |
Young, Thomas (English physician, physicist, Egyptologist) |
1773-1829 |
Young, Whitney Moore Jr. (American civil rights leader) |
1921-1971 |
Youngblood, Daisy (American sculptor, ceramic artist) |
b.1945 |
Younger, Thomas Coleman "Cole" (American desperado) |
1844-1916 |
Younghusband, Sir Francis Edward (Indian-born British explorer) |
1863-1942 |
Youngman, Henny (Henry; English-born American comedian) |
1906-1998 |
Youngs, Richard (English musician, singer) |
b.1966 |
Yourcenar, Marguerite (Belgian-born French writer, essayist) |
1903-1987 |
Yovkov, Yordan Stefanovich (Bulgarian writer, dramatist) |
1880-1937 |
Ypsilantis, Alexandros (Greek revolutionary; son of K.) |
1792-1828 |
Ypsilantis, Demetrios (Greek revolutionary; son of K.) |
1793-1832 |
Ypsilantis, Konstantinos (Greek revolutionary) |
1760-1816 |
Yrjo-Koskinen, Sakari (Finnish historian, politician) |
1830-1903 |
Ysaye, Eugene-Auguste (Belgian violinist, conductor, composer) |
1858-1931 |
Yuan Chen (or Yuan Zhen; Chinese poet) |
779-831 |
Yuan Chi (Yuan Ji; Chinese poet) |
210-263 |
Yuan Mei (Chinese poet, essayist) |
1716-1798 |
Yuan Shih-k'ai (Chinese soldier, politician; president 1913-16) |
1859-1916 |
Yu Dafu (or Yu Ta-fu; Chinese writer; co-fd. Creation Society) |
1896-1945 |
Yudenich, Nikolay Nikolayevich (Russian soldier) |
1862-1933 |
Yui Shosetsu (Japanese military teacher, rebel) |
d.1651 |
Yukawa Hideki (Japanese physicist) |
1907-1981 |
Yuki, Nobuteru (Japanese mangaka, illustrator, animator) |
b.1962 |
Yun, Isang (aka I-sang; Korean-born German composer, teacher) |
1917-1995 |
Yung-lo (born Chu Ti; Chinese emperor 1402-1424) |
1360-1424 |
Yung-yen (Chia-ch'ing; Chinese emperor 1796-1820) |
1760-1820 |
Yung Shou-p'ing (known as Yun Nan-t'ien; Chinese painter) |
1633-1690 |
Yunus, Muhammad (Bangladeshi banker, economist) |
b.1940 |
Yunus Emre (Turkish poet, Sufi mystic) |
d. c.1321 |
Yushkevich, Semyon Solomonovich (Russian writer, playwright) |
1868-1927 |
Yust, Walter (American editor) |
1894-1960 |
Yu Wen (Yu Ta-fu; Chinese writer) |
1896-1945 |
Yves de Chartres (French prelate) |
c.1040-1116 |
Yvon, Adolphe (French painter) |
1817-1893 |