Aagesen, Svend (Danish historian) |
12th cent. |
Aakjaer, Jeppe (orig. surname Jensen; Danish poet, writer) |
1866-1930 |
Aalto, Aino (Finnish architect, designer; wife of Alvar) |
d.1949 |
Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik (Finnish architect, designer) |
1898-1976 |
Aanrud, Hans (Norwegian writer) |
1863-1953 |
Aarestrup, Carl Ludvig Emil (Danish lyric poet) |
1800-1856 |
Aaron ben Elijah (Jewish theologian) |
1328/30-1369 |
Aaron ben Meir (Palestinian Talmudist) |
10th cent. |
Aaron, Henry Louis "Hank" (American baseball player) |
b.1934 |
Aaronson, Marc (American astronomer; asteroid) |
1950-1987 |
Aasen, Ivar Andreas (Norwegian philologist, lexicographer) |
1813-1896 |
Abahai (T'ien-ts'ung; Manchu leader, emperor of China) |
1592-1643 |
Abakanowicz, Bruno Abdank (Lithuanian mathematician) |
1852-1900 |
Abarca de Bolea, Pedro Pablo (Spanish general, politician) |
1718-1798 |
Abascal u Sousa, Jose Fernando (Spanish statesman, general) |
1743-1821 |
Abasiyanik, Sait Faik (Turkish writer) |
1906-1954 |
Abauzit, Firmin (French Protestant theologian, philosopher) |
1679-1767 |
Abba Arika "Rab" (Babylonian rabbi) |
2nd-3rd cent. |
Abbadie, Antoine-Thomson (Irish-born French explorer) |
1810-1897 |
Abbadie, Arnaud-Michel (Irish-born French explorer) |
1815-1893 |
Abbado, Claudio (Italian conductor, music director) |
b.1933 |
Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph of Lunel (Fr. Jewish theologian) |
1250?-1306? |
Abbate (or Abate), Niccolo dell' (Italian painter) |
c.1512-1571 |
Abbe, Cleveland (American meteorologist, time zone advocate) |
1838-1916 |
Abbe, Ernst (German physicist, instrument maker, astronomer) |
1840-1905 |
Abbe, Robert Waldo (American surgeon, pioneer radiologist) |
1851-1928 |
Abbey, Edward Paul (American radical environmentalist) |
1927-1989 |
Abbey, Edwin Austin (American painter, illustrator) |
1852-1911 |
Abbey, Henry Eugene (American theater manager) |
1846-1896 |
Abbon of Fleury, Saint (French religious, theologian) |
c.945-1004 |
Abbot, Charles Greeley (American astrophysicist) |
1872-1973 |
Abbot, Ezra (American biblical scholar) |
1819-1884 |
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood (American clergyman, philosopher) |
1836-1903 |
Abbot, George (English prelate, writer) |
1562-1633 |
Abbot, George (American playwright, producer, director) |
1887-1995 |
Abbot, Henry Larcom (American soldier, engineer) |
1831-1927 |
Abbott, Berenice (American photographer) |
1898-1991 |
Abbott, Charles (1st Baron Tenterden; English jurist) |
1762-1832 |
Abbott, Edwin Abbott (English writer, mathematician, scholar) |
1838-1926 |
Abbott, Grace (American social worker) |
1878-1939 |
Abbott, Jacob (American clergyman, teacher, writer) |
1803-1879 |
Abbott, Sir John Joseph Caldwell (Canadian politician) |
1821-1893 |
Abbott, Lyman (American clergyman, writer, editor) |
1835-1922 |
Abbott, Robert Sengstacke (American publisher, editor) |
1868-1940 |
Abbott, Samuel Warren (American physician) |
1837-1904 |
Abbott, William Alexander "Bud" (American actor, comedian) |
1895-1974 |
'Abd al-'Aziz (Sultan of Morocco 1894-1908) |
1878/81-1943 |
'Abd al-Ghani ibn Isma'il an-Nabulusi (Syrian mystic, poet) |
1641-1731 |
'Abd al-Ilah (Ruler of Iraq) |
1913-1958 |
'Abd Allah ('Abdullahi; Sudanese Islamic leader) |
1846-1899 |
'Abd Allah ibn al-'Abbas (Ibn Abbas; al-Hibr; Islamic scholar) |
c.619-687/8 |
'Abd Allah ibn az-Zubayr (Islamic soldier, rebel) |
624-692 |
'Abd Allah ibn Iskandar (Shaybanid ruler) |
1532/3-1598 |
'Abd Allah ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh (Muslim ruler of Egypt) |
d.c.656 |
'Abd Allah ibn Yasin (Moroccan Islamic scholar, reformer) |
d.c.1060 |
'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (Fifth Umayyad caliph 685-705) |
646/7-705 |
'Abd al-Mu'min (Berber leader, founder of Almohad dynasty) |
d.1163 |
'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (Sufi leader) |
d.1166 |
'Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad ibn (Islamic reformer) |
1703-1792 |
'Abd ar-Rahman al-Ghafiqi (Moorish soldier) |
d.732 |
'Abd ar-Rahman ibn Hisham ('Alawid ruler of Morocco 1822-1859) |
1789/90-1859 |
Abdelkader (Algerian ruler) |
1808-1883 |
Abd el-Krim (Berber leader) |
1882-1963 |
'Abd ol-Baha (Persian religious leader) |
1844-1921 |
'Abdorrahman Khan (Ruler of Afghanistan) |
c.1844-1901 |
'Abduh, Muhammad (Egyptian scholar, reformer) |
1849-1905 |
Abdulaziz Oglu Mahmud II (Ottoman sultan 1861-1876) |
1830-1876 |
Abdulhak Hamid (Turkish poet, playwright) |
1852-1937 |
Abdulhamid I (Ottoman sultan 1774-1789) |
1725-1789 |
Abdulhamid II (Ottoman sultan 1876-1909) |
1842-1918 |
Abdulla, Muhammed Said (Tanzanian writer, journalist) |
1918-1991 |
Abdullah ('Abd Allah ibn al-Husayn; King of Jordan 1946-1951) |
1882-1951 |
Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir, Munshi (Malay writer, translator) |
1796-1854 |
Abdulmecid I (Ottoman sultan 1839-1861) |
1823-1861 |
Abdulmecid II (Last Ottoman caliph 1922-1924) |
1868-1944 |
Abdul Muis (Indonesian nationalist) |
1890-1959 |
Abdul Rahman (Malayan politician; son of Negri Sembilan) |
1895-1960 |
Abdul Razak, Tun (Malaysian politician) |
1922-1976 |
'Abd-us-Samad, Khwaja (Persian painter) |
16th cent. |
Abe Isoo (Japanese politician; introduced baseball to Japan) |
1865-1949 |
Abe Kobo (Japanese writer, poet) |
1924-1993 |
Abe Masahiro (Japanese politician) |
1819-1857 |
Abe Nobuyuki (Japanese soldier, politician) |
1875-1953 |
a' Beckett, Gilbert Abbott (English humorist, playwright) |
1811-1856 |
Abegg, Richard Wilhelm Heinrich (German chemist) |
1869-1910 |
Abel (King of Denmark 1250-1252; son of Valdemar II) |
c.1218-1252 |
Abel, Alan (American prankster, hoaxter, writer, filmmaker) |
b.1928 |
Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus (English chemist) |
1827-1902 |
Abel, John Jacob (Am. pharmacologist, physiological chemist) |
1857-1938 |
Abel, Karl von (German politician) |
1788-1859 |
Abel, Karl Friedrich (German musician, composer) |
1723-1787 |
Abel, Niels Henrik (Norwegian mathematician) |
1802-1829 |
Abel, Rudolf Ivanovich (Russian spy; exchanged for G.F. Powers) |
c.1902-1971 |
Abelard, Pierre (French philosopher, theologian) |
1079-1142 |
Abell, Arunah Shepherdson (Am. newspaper publisher, editor) |
1806-1888 |
Abell, George Ogden (American? astronomer; asteroid) |
1927-1983 |
Abell, Kjeld (Danish playwright, critic) |
1901-1961 |
Abell, Sir Westcott Stile (English naval architect) |
1877-1961 |
Abelson, Philip Hauge (American physical chemist, writer) |
1913-2004 |
Abercrombie, James (Scottish-born British general) |
1706-1781 |
Abercrombie, John (American musician) |
b.1944 |
Abercrombie, Lascelles (English poet, critic; brother of Pat.) |
1881-1938 |
Abercrombie, Sir Leslie Patrick (English architect) |
1879-1957 |
Abercrombie, Thomas James "Tom" (American photographer) |
1930-2006 |
Abercromby, Sir Ralph (Scottish-born British general) |
1734-1801 |
Abercromby, Sir Robert (Scottish-born British general) |
1740-1827 |
Aberhart, William (Canadian politician) |
1878-1943 |
Abernathy, Ralph David (American clergyman, civil rights lead.) |
1926-1990 |
Abernethy, John (English surgeon, teacher) |
1764-1831 |
Abetti, Antonio (Italian astronomer; crater) |
1846-1928 |
Abetti, Gregorio Giuseppe (Italian solar astronomer; crater) |
1882-1982 |
Abetz, Heinrich Otto (German propagandist, diplomat) |
1903-1958 |
Abgar (surnamed Ukkama; King of Edessa) |
4 BC-AD 50 |
Abhdisho bar Berikha (Syrian Christian theologian) |
d.1318 |
Abhinavagupta (Indian philosopher) |
fl. 1014 |
Abich, Otto Wilhelm Hermann (German geologist) |
1806-1886 |
Abildgaard, Nikolai Abraham (Danish painter) |
1743-1809 |
Abington, Fanny née Frances Barton (English actor) |
1737-1815 |
Abish, Walter (Austrian-born American writer) |
b.1931 |
Ableiges, Jacques d' (French legal compiler) |
d.1410/11 |
Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie (English chemist, educator) |
1843-1920 |
About, Edmond-Francois-Valentin (Fr. journalist, writer, dram.) |
1828-1885 |
Abouzeid, Leila (Moroccan writer) |
b.1950 |
Abplanalp, Robert Henry (Am. inventor; friend of Richard Nixon) |
1922-2003 |
Abrabanel, Isaac ben Judah (Port. Jewish theologian, statesman) |
1437-1508 |
Abrabanel, Judah Leon (Port. physician, poet; son of Isaac) |
c.1460-c.1521 |
Abraham, Karl (German psychoanalyst) |
1877-1925 |
Abraham, Max (German physicist) |
1875-1922 |
Abraham a Sancta Clara (German friar, preacher) |
1644-1709 |
Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda (Spanish Jewish philosopher, math.) |
c.1065-c.1136 |
Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (Spanish Jewish scholar) |
c.1092-1168 |
Abrahams, Peter Henry (South African writer, poet, journalist) |
b.1919 |
Abramov, Fyodor Aleksandrovich (Rus. writer, academic, critic) |
1920-1983 |
Abrams, Donald Ira (American research physician, educator) |
b.1950 |
Abrams, Israel (English scholar) |
1858-1925 |
Abrams, Meyer Howard (American literary critic) |
b.1912 |
Abrams, Muhal Richard (American musician, composer, educator) |
b.1930 |
Abramson, Harold Alexander (American physiologist, educator) |
1899-1980 |
Abramovich (or Broyde), Shalom Jacob (Russian Jewish writer) |
1835-1917 |
Abramowitz, Raphael (orig. surname Rein; Russian revolutionary) |
1880-1963 |
Abreu, Aleixo de (Portuguese physician, tropical pathologist) |
1568-1630 |
Abreu, Antonio de (Portuguese explorer) |
16th cent. |
Abreu, Joao Capistrano de (Brazilian historian) |
1853-1927 |
Abrikosov, Alexei Alexeyevich (Russian-born Rus./Am. physicist) |
b.1928 |
Absalon (aka Axel; Danish soldier, statesman, prelate) |
1128-1201 |
Abse, Dannie (Welsh poet, playwright, writer) |
b.1923 |
Abt, Franz (German composer, Kapellmeister) |
1819-1885 |
Abu 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i (Muslim religious leader) |
d.911 |
Abu al-'Abbas as-Saffah (Muslim caliph) |
722-754 |
Abu al-'Atahiyah (Arab poet) |
748-825/6 |
Abu al-Faraj al-Isbahani (Arab scholar) |
897-967 |
Abu al-Fida (aka Abulfeda; Arab historian, geographer) |
1273-1331 |
Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur Khan (Turkish historian, ruler of Khiva) |
1603-1663 |
Abu al-Hasan (Mughal painter) |
17th cent. |
Abu al-Hasan 'Ali (Sultan of Morocco 1331-1351) |
c.1297-1351 |
Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn Al-Haytham (aka Alhazen; Arab physicist) |
965-1039 |
Abu al-Khayr Khan (Uzbek ruler) |
1412-1468 |
Abu al-Majd Majdud ibn Adam (pseudonym Sana'i; Persian poet) |
1050-1131 |
Abu al-Qasim (or Abul Kasim; Albucasis; Spanish Arab physician) |
c.936-c.1013 |
Abu al-Wafa al-Buzajani (or Abul Wefa; Persian astronomer) |
940-998 |
Abu Bakar (Sultan of Johore 1885-1895) |
1843?-1895 |
Abu Bakr (as-Siddiq; First Muslim caliph) |
c.573-634 |
Abu Bishr 'Amr ibn 'Uthman "Sibawayh" (Arab grammarian) |
760?-793? |
Abu Hanifah an-Nu'man ibn Thabit (Muslim jurist, theologian) |
699-767 |
Abulafia, Abraham ben Samuel (Jewish theologian) |
c.1240-1291? |
Abulafia, Meir (Spanish Talmudist) |
c.1170-1244 |
Abu-l-Fazl 'Allami (Mughal historian, soldier, theologian) |
1551-1602 |
Abu Madi, Iliya (Arab poet, journalist) |
c.1890-1957 |
Abu Ma'shar (aka Albumazar or Albumasar; Muslim astrologer) |
787-886 |
Abu Nuwas al-Hasan ibn Hani' al-Hakami (Arab poet) |
c.747/62-c.813/5 |
Abu Rishah (Syrian poet, diplomat) |
1910-1990 |
Abu Tammam Habib ibn Aws (Arab poet) |
804-c.845 |
Abzub, Bella Savitsky (American politician) |
1920-1998 |
Acacius (Patriarch of Constantinople 471-489) |
5th cent. |
Accad, Evelyne (Lebanese poet, literary critic) |
b.1945 |
Accius (or Attius), Lucius (Roman tragic poet) |
170-c.86 BC |
Accolti, Benedetto (Italian jurist, historian) |
1415-1466 |
Accursio, Francesco (aka Franciscus Accursius; Italian jurist) |
1182-1260 |
Accursio (or Accorsi), Mariangelo (Italian poet, critic) |
c.1480-1546 |
Ace, Goodman (American humorist) |
1899-1982 |
Ace, Jame née Sherwood (American humorist; wife of Goodman) |
1905-1974 |
Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo (Uruguayan writer, politician) |
1851-1924 |
Acevedo y Zuniga, Gaspar de (Spanish colonialist) |
c.1560-1606 |
Achaemenes (aka Hakhamanish; Persian governor of Egypt) |
d.c.460 BC |
Achard, Franz Karl (Francois-Charles; Ger. chemist, physicist) |
1753-1821 |
Achard, Marcel (born Marcel Auguste Ferreol; French director) |
1900-1974 |
Acharius, Erik (Swedish botanist) |
1757-1819 |
Achebe, Chinua (born Albert Chinualumogu; Nigerian writer) |
b.1930 |
Achenbach, Andreas (German painter) |
1815-1910 |
Achenbach, Oswald (German painter; brother of Andreas) |
1827-1905 |
Acheson, Archibald (2nd Earl of Gosford; British politician) |
1776-1849 |
Acheson, Dean Gooderham (American lawyer, statesman) |
1893-1971 |
Acheson, Edward Goodrich (American inventor; assisted Edison) |
1856-1931 |
Achilles Painter (Athenian vase painter) |
5th cent. BC |
Achilles Tatius (Greek rhetorician) |
2nd cent. |
Achillini, Alessandro (Italian philosopher, physician) |
1463-1512 |
Achoris (Egyptian king 393-380 BC) |
4th cent. BC |
Achterberg, Gerrit (Dutch poet) |
1905-1962 |
Acker, Kathy (American writer) |
b.1948 |
Ackerley, Joseph Randolph (English writer) |
1896-1967 |
Ackerman, Diane née Fink (American writer) |
b.1948 |
Ackermann, Konrad Ernst (German actor) |
1710/12-1771 |
Ackermann, Louise-Victorine née Choquet (French poet) |
1813-1890 |
Ackermann, Rudolph (German inventor, art publisher) |
1764-1834 |
Aconcio (or Aconzio), Giacomo (It. engineer, religious writer) |
1492-1566? |
Acosta, Joaquin (Colombian soldier, historian) |
1800-1852 |
Acosta, Jose de (Spanish missionary) |
1539-1600 |
Acosta Garcia, Julio (Costa Rican politician; pres. 1920-1924) |
1872-1954 |
Acres, Birt (America-born English photographer, film pioneer) |
1854-1918 |
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg (English historian) |
1834-1902 |
Acton, Sir John Francis Edward (English naval officer) |
1736-1811 |
Acuff, Roy Claxton (American musician) |
1903-1992 |
Acuna, Cristobal de (Spanish missionary) |
1597-1676? |
Acuna, Hernando de (Spanish poet, soldier, diplomat) |
c.1520-1580 |
Acuna y Villanueva de la Iglesia, Rosario de (Span. playwright) |
1851-1923 |
Adair, John (Scottish surveyor, cartographer) |
c.1655-c.1772 |
Adalbero (Frankish prelate; Archbishop of Reims) |
d.989 |
Adalbero (aka Ascelin or Asselin; Frankish prelate) |
c.1030 |
Adalbert (or Adelbert), Saint (Bohemian prince, prelate) |
956-997 |
Adalbert (German prelate) |
c.1000-1072 |
Adalbert, Heinrich Wilhelm (Prince of Prussia) |
1811-1873 |
Adaloald (Lombard king of Italy 616-c.626) |
602-c.626 |
Adam of Bremen (German ecclesiastical historian) |
d.1081/85 |
Adam, Adolphe-Charles (French composer, music critic) |
1803-1856 |
Adam, Albrecht (Bavarian painter) |
1786-1862 |
Adam, Antoine-Edmond (Fr. police official; husband of Juliette) |
1816-1877 |
Adam, Benno (Bavarian painter; son of Albrecht) |
1812-1892 |
Adam, Eugen (Bavarian painter; son of Albrecht) |
1817-1880 |
Adam, Francois Balthasar Gaspard (French sculptor) |
1710-1761 |
Adam, Franz (Bavarian painter; son of Albrecht) |
1815-1886 |
Adam, Jacob Sigisbert (French sculptor) |
1670-1747 |
Adam, James (Scottish architect; brother of Robert) |
1730-1794 |
Adam, Juliette née Lamber (French writer) |
1836-1936 |
Adam, Julius (Bav. lithographer, photographer; son of Albrecht) |
1821-1874 |
Adam, Lambert Sigisbert (aka Adam l'Aine; French sculptor) |
1700-1759 |
Adam, Nicolas Sebastien (Adam Cadet; French sculptor) |
1705-1778 |
Adam, Paul (French writer) |
1862-1920 |
Adam, Robert (Scottish architect) |
1728-1792 |
Adam de la Halle (French trouvere, musician, playwright) |
c.1250-c.1306 |
Adamic, Louis (Carniolan-born American writer) |
1899-1951 |
Adamnan (or Adomnan or Eunan), Saint (Irish ecclesiastic) |
c.628-704 |
Adam of Bodenstein (Swiss alchemist, physician) |
1528-1577 |
Adamov, Arthur (Armenian-Russia writer) |
1908-1970 |
Adams, Abigail née Smith (American writer) |
1744-1818 |
Adams, Alvin (American businessman) |
1804-1877 |
Adams, Andy (American cowboy, writer) |
1859-1935 |
Adams, Ansel Easton (American photographer) |
1902-1984 |
Adams, Brooks (Am. historian; son of C.F. Adams 1807-1886) |
1848-1927 |
Adams, Charles Follen (American poet) |
1842-1918 |
Adams, Charles Francis (American diplomat, writer) |
1807-1886 |
Adams, Charles Francis (American railroad expert, historian) |
1835-1915 |
Adams, Charles Francis (American yachtsman, naval official) |
1866-1954 |
Adams, Charles Kendall (American educator) |
1835-1902 |
Adams, Douglas Noel (English humorist, writer) |
1952-2001 |
Adams, Frank Dawson (Canadian geologist) |
1859-1942 |
Adams, Franklin Pierce "F.P.A." (American journalist, humorist) |
1881-1960 |
Adams, Hannah (American writer) |
1755-1831 |
Adams, Henry Brooks (American historian) |
1838-1918 |
Adams, Herbert Samuel (American sculptor) |
1858-1945 |
Adams, Herbert Baxter (American historian) |
1850-1901 |
Adams, Hunter Campbell "Patch" (American physician, clown) |
b.1945 |
Adams, James Luther (American theologian, educator) |
1901-1994 |
Adams, James Truslow (American historian) |
1878-1949 |
Adams, Joe K. (psychologist) |
1920-1989 |
Adams, John (American diplomat; 2nd U.S. President, 1797-1801) |
1735-1826 |
Adams, John (alias Alexander Smith; British seaman, mutineer) |
1760?-1829 |
Adams, John Coolidge (American composer) |
b.1947 |
Adams, John Couch (English mathematician, astronomer; asteroid) |
1819-1892 |
Adams, John Luther (American musician, environmentalist) |
b.1953 |
Adams, John Quincy (6th U.S. President, 1825-1829) |
1767-1848 |
Adams, Joseph Quincy (American scholar) |
1881-1946 |
Adams, Leonie Fuller (American poet, educator) |
1899-1988 |
Adams, Maude Ewing (born surname Kiskadden; American actor) |
1872-1953 |
Adams, Robert (Irish physician) |
c.1791-1875 |
Adams, Robert (American photographer) |
b.1937 |
Adams, Roger (American chemist) |
1889-1971 |
Adams, Samuel (American revolutionary politician) |
1722-1803 |
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (American journalist) |
1871-1958 |
Adams, Sarah née Flower (English poet, hymn writer) |
1805-1848 |
Adams, Scott Raymond (American cartoonist; created Dilbert) |
b.1957 |
Adams, Victoria Gray née Jackson (Am. civil rights activist) |
1926-2006 |
Adams, Walter Sydney (Syrian-born American astronomer) |
1876-1956 |
Adams, William (English navigator; first Englishman in Japan) |
1564-1620 |
Adams, William Taylor (pseudonym Oliver Optic; American writer) |
1822-1897 |
Adamson, Joy Friederike Victoria née Gessner (Brit. naturalist) |
1910-1980 |
Adamson, William Charles (American politician) |
1854-1929 |
Adam von Fulda (German composer) |
c.1445-1505 |
Adanson, Michel (French naturalist, philosopher) |
1727-1806 |
Adcock, Kareen Fleur (New Zealand-born British poet) |
b.1934 |
Addams, Charles Samuel (American cartoonist) |
1912-1988 |
Addams, Laura Jane (American social reformer) |
1860-1935 |
Adderley, Julian Edwin "Cannonball" (American musician) |
1928-1975 |
Adderley, Nathaniel (American musician; brother of Julian) |
1931-2000 |
Addicks, John Edward O'Sullivan (American promoter, politician) |
1841-1919 |
Addington, Henry (1st Viscount Sidmouth; English politician) |
1757-1844 |
Addison, Christopher (English physician, politician) |
1869-1951 |
Addison, Joseph (English essayist, poet, statesman) |
1672-1719 |
Addison, Thomas (English physician) |
1793-1860 |
Ade, George (American humorist, playwright) |
1866-1944 |
Adelaer (or Adeler), Cort Sivertsen (Norwegian naval commander) |
1622-1675 |
Adelaide, Saint (Holy Roam empress) |
931-999 |
Adelard of Bath (English traveler, philosopher) |
12th cent. |
Adelman, Howard (Canadian philosopher, educator) |
b.1938 |
Adelung, Johann Christoph (German philologist, grammarian) |
1732-1806 |
Adenauer, Konrad (West German statesman) |
1876-1967 |
Adenet le Roi (aka Roi Adam, Li Rois Adenes; French trouvere) |
c.1240-c.1300 |
Ader, Clement (French engineer, inventor) |
1841-1926 |
Adhemar de Chabannes (Frankish chronicler) |
988-1034 |
Adhemar de Monteil (Aimar de Le Puy; French prelate) |
d.1098 |
Adherbal (Numidian king) |
d.112 BC |
Adkins, Hasil "Haze" (American musician, one-man band) |
1937-2005 |
Adleman, Leonard Max "Len" (Am. comp. scientist; co-inv. RSA) |
b.1945 |
Adler, Alfred (Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist) |
1870-1937 |
Adler, Cyrus (American scholar, educator) |
1863-1940 |
Adler, Dankmar (German-born American architect) |
1844-1900 |
Adler, Felix (German-born American educator, reformer) |
1851-1933 |
Adler, Frank Bartlet "Felix Adler" (Am. circus perf., clown) |
1895-1960 |
Adler, Mortimer Jerome (American philosopher, writer) |
1902-2001 |
Adler, Nathan Marcus (German-born British rabbi) |
1803-1890 |
Adler, Peter Herman (Czech-born American conductor) |
1899-1990 |
Adler, Renata (Italian-born American journalist, writer) |
b.1938 |
Adler, Victor (Austrian politician) |
1852-1918 |
Adlersparre, Georg (Swedish general, editor, writer) |
1760-1835 |
Adlum, John (American viticulturist) |
1759-1836 |
Adnan, Etel (Lebanese poet) |
b.1928 |
Adolphson, Arne (???) |
b.1955 |
Adonias Aguiar Filho (Brazilian writer, essayist, journalist) |
1915-1990 |
Ador, Gustave (Swiss politician) |
1845-1928 |
Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund (German philosopher, music critic) |
1903-1969 |
Adoun, Jorge (Ecuadoran writer) |
b.1926 |
Adrain, Robert (Irish-born American mathematician) |
1775-1843 |
Adret, Solomon ben Abraham (aka Rashba; Spanish rabbi) |
1235-1310 |
Adrian, Edgar Douglas (English physiologist) |
1889-1977 |
'Adud ad-Dawlah (Ruler of Iran) |
936-983 |
Ady, Endre (Hungarian poet, journalist) |
1877-1919 |
Adzak, Roy (pseudonym Royston Wright; English artist) |
1927-1987 |
Aeby, Jack W. (Am. engineer; photo. Trinity Test 16 July 1945) |
b.1923 |
Aedesius (Greek philosopher) |
d.335 |
Aehrenthal, Alois Lexa von (Austro-Hungarian statesman) |
1854-1912 |
Aelfheah, Saint (aka Alphege, Elphege, Alphage; Eng. prelate) |
954-1012 |
Aelfric (Grammaticus; Anglo-Saxon abbot, writer) |
c.955-c.1010 |
Aelianus (or Aelian), Claudius (Roman rhetorician) |
c.170-235 |
Aelianus (or Aelian; Tacticus; Greek writer in Rome) |
2nd cent. |
Aelle (Anglo-Saxon ruler) |
5th cent. |
Aemilianus (or Aemilian), Marcus Aemilius (Roman emperor) |
d.253 |
Aenesidemus (Greek Skeptic philosopher) |
1st cent. BC |
Aepinus, Franz Maria Ulrich Theodor Hoch (German physicist) |
1724-1802 |
Aeschines (Athenian orator) |
389-c.314 BC |
Aeschylus (Greek tragic dramatist) |
525-456 BC |
Aesop (Greek slave, writer, reputed author of Aesop's Fables) |
620-560 BC |
Aesopus, Claudius (or Clodius; Roman tragedian) |
1st cent. BC |
Aethelgar (or Ethelgar or Algar; Anglo-Saxon prelate) |
d.990 |
Aethelheard (or Athelhard or Adelard; Mercian prelate) |
d.805 |
Aethelnoth (or Ethelnoth; Egelnodus; Anglo-Saxon prelate) |
d.1038 |
Aethelred of Rievaulx, Saint (British historian, abbot) |
c.1110-1167 |
Aethelred (or Ethelred; Anglo-Saxon prelate) |
d.889 |
Aethelweard (or Ethelwerd; Anglo-Saxon chronicler) |
d.998? |
Aethelwold (or Ethelwold), Saint (Anglo-Saxon prelate) |
c.908-984 |
Aetion (Greek painter) |
4th cent. BC |
Aetius the Atheis or the Ungoldly (Syrian prelate, heretic) |
d.c.366 |
Aetius, Flavius (Roman general) |
d.454 |
Afanasyev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (Russian scholar) |
1826-1871 |
Afanasyev, Georgy Dmitriyevich (Roman petrologist) |
1906-1975 |
Afer, Domitius (Roman orator) |
d.c.59 |
Affleck, Thomas (Scottish-born American cabinetmaker) |
1745-1795 |
Affre, Denis-Auguste (French prelate) |
1793-1848 |
Afranius, Lucius (Roman general) |
d.46 BC |
Africanus, Sextus Julius (Christian traveler, historian) |
c.180-c.250 |
Afzelius, Arvid August (Swedish clergyman, folklorist) |
1785-1871 |
Agar, Herbert Sebastian (American journalist, writer) |
1897-1980 |
Agardh, Carl Adolph (Swedish botanist) |
1785-1859 |
Agardh, Jakob Georg (Swedish algologist; son of Carl) |
1813-1901 |
Agassiz, Alexander Emmanuel Rodolphe (Swiss-born Am. zoologist) |
1835-1910 |
Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot née Cary (American educator) |
1822-1907 |
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe (Swiss-born American naturalist) |
1807-1873 |
Agate, James Evershed (English dramatic critic) |
1877-1947 |
Agatha, Saint (Sicilian Christian martyr) |
3rd cent. |
Agatharchides (or Agatharchus; Greek historian, geographer) |
2nd cent. BC |
Agatharcus (Athenian painter) |
fl. c.460-417 BC |
Agathias (Byzantine writer) |
c.536-c.582 |
Agathocles (Tyrant of Syracuse 317-c.304 BC; king 304-289 BC) |
361-289 BC |
Agathon (Athenian tragic poet) |
c.445-c.400 BC |
Agazzari, Agostino (Italian composer, music theorist) |
1578-1640 |
Agee, James (American poet, writer, film critic) |
1909-1955 |
Afeladas (or Hageladas; Greek sculptor) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Ager, Milton (American songwriter; "Happy Days Are Here Again") |
1893-1979 |
Agesander (Greek sculptor) |
1st cent. BC |
Agesilaus II (Greek king of Sparta 399-360 BC) |
c.444-360 BC |
Agha Mohammad Khan (Shah of Iran 1796-1797; fd. Qajar dynasty) |
1742-1797 |
Agias (Greek cyclic poet) |
8th cent. BC |
Agnelli, Giovanni (Italian manufacturer; founded Fiat 1899) |
1866-1945 |
Agnes, Saint (Roman virgin martyr) |
d.304 |
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (Italian linguist, mathematician) |
1718-1799 |
Agnesi, Maria Teresa (Italian composer, harpsichordist, singer) |
1720-1795 |
Agnew, David Hayes (American surgeon, educator) |
1818-1892 |
Agnew, Harold Melvin (American physicist) |
1921-2013 |
Agnew, Spiro Theodore (American Vice President 1969-1973) |
1918-1996 |
Agnihotri, Shiv Narayan (Indian reformer; founded Deva Samaj) |
1850-1923 |
Agnolo di Cosimo "Il Bronzino" (Florentine painter) |
1503-1572 |
Agnon, Shmuel Yosef née Czaczkes (Austrian-born Israeli writer) |
1888-1970 |
Agobard, Saint (Spanish-born Frankish prelate) |
769/79-840 |
Agoracritus (Greek sculptor) |
5th cent. BC |
Agostino (or Agostini), Paolo (Italian composer, organist) |
c.1583-1629 |
Agostino di Duccio (Italian sculptor, decorator) |
1418-1481? |
Agostino di Giovanni (Italian sculptor) |
14th cent. |
Agoult, Marie-Catherine-Sophie d' (David Stern; French writer) |
1805-1876 |
Agramonte y Simoni, Aristides (Cuban-born Am. bacteriologist) |
1869-1931 |
Agre, Peter (American physician, biologist, Eagle Scout) |
b.1949 |
Agrell, Johan (Swedish composer) |
1701-1765 |
Agricola, Alexander (Dutch or Flemish composer) |
1446-1506 |
Agricola, Gnaeus Julius (Roman general, politician) |
AD 40-93 |
Agricola, Michael (Finnish prelate, writer) |
1509-1557 |
Agrippa (Greek Skeptic philosopher) |
fl. c.200? |
Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius (German physician, theologian) |
1486-1535 |
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (Roman general, statesman) |
63?-12 BC |
Agrippina the Elder (Mother of Caligula) |
c.14 BC-AD 33 |
Aguado, Alejandro Maria (Spanish financier) |
1784-1842 |
Aguesseau, Henri-Francois d' (French jurist) |
1668-1751 |
Aguilar, Grace (English poet, writer) |
1816-1847 |
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastian (Span. monk, musician, composer) |
c.1561-1627 |
Aguilon, Francois d' (Belgian mathematician, physicist) |
1567-1617 |
Aguinaldo, Emilio (Filipino revolutionary leader) |
1869-1964 |
Aguirre, Lope de (Spanish adventurer in South America) |
c.1518-1561 |
Aguirre Cerda, Pedro (Chilean politician) |
1879-1941 |
Agulari, Lucrezia (Italian operatic soprano) |
1743-1783 |
Agung (Sultan of Mataram) |
d.1645 |
Agung, Abulfatah (Ruler of Bantam 1651-1683) |
d.1692 |
Agustin, Antonio (Spanish jurist, prelate) |
1517-1586 |
Agustin Ramirez, Jose (Mexican writer) |
b.1944 |
Agustini, Delmira (Uruguayan poet) |
1886-1914 |
Aha of Shabha (Rabbinical scholar) |
c.680-752 |
Ahab (or Achab; 7th king of Israel c.874-c.853 BC) |
c.874-c.853 |
Aharonov, Yakir (Israeli physicist, educator) |
b.1932 |
Ahaz (or Achaz; King of Judah) |
8th cent. BC |
Ahbez, Eden (born George Alexander Aberle; Am. songwriter) |
1908-1995 |
Ahithophel (or Achitophel; Hebrew courtier) |
11th cent. BC |
Ahlfors, Lars Valerian (Finnish-born American mathematician) |
1907-1996 |
Ahlgren, Ernst (pseudonym Victoria Benedictsson; Swed. writer) |
1850-1888 |
Ahlin, Lars (Swedish writer) |
1915-1997 |
Ahlmann, Hans Jakob Konrad Wilhelmsson (Swedish glaciologist) |
1889-1974 |
Ahmad al-Mansur (aka al-Dhahabi; Moroccan ruler) |
1549-1603 |
Ahmad Baba (Sudanese jurist, writer) |
1556-1627 |
Ahmad Bey (aka Ahmad ibn Mustafa; Tunisian ruler) |
1806-1855 |
Ahmad Gran (born Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi; Muslim leader) |
1506-1543 |
Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Muslim theologian, jurist) |
780-855 |
Ahmad ibn Tulun (Egyptian ruler) |
835-884 |
Ahmad Khan, Sir Sayyid (Indian educator, jurist, writer) |
1817-1898 |
Ahmad Shah (Mughal emperor of India 1748-1754) |
1725-1775 |
Ahmad Shah (Iranian ruler) |
1898-1930 |
Ahmad Shah Durrani (Founder, ruler of Afghanistan) |
1722?-1773 |
Ahmad Sirhindi (Indian Muslim theologian, educator) |
1593-1624 |
Ahmadu Seku (West African ruler) |
d.1898 |
Ahmed Hasim (Turkish writer, government official) |
1884-1933 |
Ahmedi, Taceddin Ibrahim ibn Hizr (Turkish poet) |
1334?-1413 |
Ahmed ibn Yusuf al-Misri (Arab mathematician) |
c.835-912 |
Ahmed Vefik Pasa (Ottoman diplomat, scholar) |
1823-1891 |
Ahmed Yesevi (or Yasavi; Turkish poet, mystic) |
d.1166 |
Ahmes (Egyptian mathematical scribe) |
c.1680-c.1620 BC |
Ahmet Pasa Bursali (Turkish writer) |
d.1496/97 |
Aho, Kalevi (Finnish composer, teacher, educator) |
b.1949 |
Ahsa'i, al- (Muslim religious) |
1741/42/56-1826 |
Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi (Finnish president 1994-2000) |
b.1937 |
Ahuizotl (Eighth king of the Aztecs 1486-1503) |
d.1503 |
Aicard, Francois-Victor-Jean (French poet, writer, dramatist) |
1848-1921 |
Aichinger, Gregor (German composer) |
1564-1628 |
Aichinger, Ilse (Austrian poet, writer) |
b.1921 |
Aidan, Saint (Irish monk) |
d.651 |
Aida Yasuaki (aka Aida Ammei; Japanese mathematician) |
1747-1817 |
Aidoo, Christina Ama Ata (Ghanaian dramatist, poet, writer) |
b.1942 |
Aigi, Gennady Nikolaevich (Chuvash poet, translator) |
b.1934 |
Aiken, Conrad Potter (American poet, critic, writer) |
1889-1973 |
Aiken, George David (American politician) |
1892-1984 |
Aiken, George L. (American actor, playwright) |
1830-1876 |
Aiken, Howard Hathaway (American mathematician, computer sci.) |
1900-1973 |
Aiken, Joan Delano (British writer) |
b.1924 |
Ailey, Alvin (American dancer, choreographer) |
1931-1989 |
Ailly, Pierre d' (French prelate, theologian) |
1350-1420 |
Aime, Valcour (American planter) |
1798-1867 |
Aimoin (French monk, chronicler) |
960-1010 |
Ainmiller, Max Emanuel (German artist) |
1807-1870 |
Ainslie, Hew (Scottish-born American poet) |
1792-1878 |
Ainsworth, Henry (English Separatist clergyman, scholar) |
1571-1622? |
Ainsworth, William Harrison (English writer, editor) |
1805-1882 |
Ai Qing (or Ai Ch'ing, Jiang Haiqing; Chinese poet) |
1910-1996 |
Aird, Sir John (British contractor) |
1833-1911 |
Aird, Thomas (Scottish poet) |
1802-1876 |
Airlangga (Indonesian ruler) |
991-1049? |
Airy, Sir George Biddell (English astronomer, mathematician) |
1801-1892 |
Aisse, Mlle (aka Haidee; Circassian slave girl, writer) |
1694?-1733 |
Aistis, Jonas (Jonas Kossu-Aleksandravicius; Lithuanian poet) |
1904-1973 |
Aistulf (or Astolf; King of the Lombards 749-756) |
d.756 |
Aitken, John (Scottish physicist) |
1839-1919 |
Aitken, Robert (Scottish-born American printer) |
1734-1802 |
Aitken, Robert Grant (American astronomer; asteroid, crater) |
1864-1951 |
Aitken, Robert Ingersoll (American sculptor) |
1878-1949 |
Aitken, William Maxwell (Canadian-born British politician) |
1879-1964 |
Aitmatov (or Aytmatov), Chingiz (Kirghiz writer, playwright) |
b.1928 |
Aiton, William (Scottish botanist) |
1731-1793 |
Aizawa Yasushi (aka Aizawa Seishisai; Japanese scholar) |
1782-1863 |
Ajalbert, Jean (French lawyer, writer) |
1863-1947 |
Ajami, Fouad A. (Lebanese-born American political scientist) |
b.1945 |
Akbar the Great (Mughal emperor of India 1556-1605) |
1542-1605 |
Akeley, Carl Ethan (American taxidermist, sculptor, naturalist) |
1864-1926 |
Akeley, Mary L. née Jobe (American naturalist, writer) |
1886-1966 |
Akenside, Mark (English poet, physician) |
1721-1770 |
Akerlof, George Arthur (American economist) |
b.1940 |
Akhenaton (aka Ikhnaton; King of Egypt 1379-1362 BC) |
14th cent. BC |
Akhmadulina, Izabella Akhatovna "Bella" (Russian poet) |
b.1937 |
Akhtal, Ghiyath ibn Ghawth ibn as-Salt al- (Christian poet) |
c.640-710 |
Akiba ben Joseph (Jewish sage, martyr in Palestine) |
c.40-c.135 |
Akihito (Japanese emperor) |
b.1933 |
Akiko Yosano (Japanese poet) |
1878-1942 |
Akindynos, Gregorios (Greek monk, theologian) |
c.1300-c.1349 |
Akins, Zoe (American poet, playwright) |
1886-1958 |
Akiyama Toyohiro (Japanese journalist, astronaut) |
b.1942 |
Akiyoshi, Toshiko (Japanese musician, composer, bandleader) |
b.1929 |
Akropolites, Georgios (Byzantine historian, diplomat) |
1217-1282 |
Aksakov, Ivan Sergeyevich (Russian writer, leading Slavophile) |
1823-1886 |
Aksakov, Konstantin Sergeyevich (Russian poet, dramatist) |
1817-1860 |
Aksakov, Sergey Timofeyevich (Russian writer) |
1791-1859 |
Akselrod, Pavel Borisovich (aka Paul Axelrod; Rus. pol. leader) |
1850-1928 |
Aksyonov, Vasily Pavlovich (Russian writer, playwright) |
b.1932 |
A-kuei (Chinese general) |
1717-1797 |
Akuta (posthumous title T'ai Tsu; Chinese ruler) |
1069-1123 |
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (pseudonym Chokodo Shujin; Japanese writer) |
1892-1927 |
'Ala' ad-Din Muhammad (Ruler of Khwarezm 1200-1220) |
d.1220 |
Alabaster (or Arblastier), William (English clergyman, poet) |
1567-1640 |
Alacoque, Saint Marguerite-Marie (French religious) |
1647-1690 |
Alain de Lille (French philosopher, theologian, poet) |
c.1128-1202 |
Alaman, Lucas (Mexican historian, politician) |
1792-1853 |
Alamanni (or Alemanni), Luigi (Italian poet) |
1495-1556 |
'Alamgir (Mughal emperor of India 1658-1707) |
1618-1707 |
'Alamgir II (Mughal emperor of India 1754-1759) |
1699-1759 |
Alaminos, Antonio (Spanish navigator) |
fl. 1493-1520 |
Alan, Ray (English ventriloquist, entertainer) |
b.1930 |
Alarcon, Hernando de (Spanish explorer) |
16th cent. |
Alarcon, Pedro Antonio de (Spanish writer, statesman) |
1833-1891 |
Alarcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de (Mexican-born Span. dramatist) |
c.1581-1639 |
Alarcon y Ariza, Pedro Antonio de (Spanish writer, statesman) |
1833-1891 |
Alaric (King of the Visigoths 395-410) |
c.370-410 |
Alaric II (King of the Visigoths 484-507) |
d.507 |
Alas, Leopoldo (pseudonym Clarin; Spanish critic, writer) |
1852-1901 |
Alas y Urena, Leopoldo (pseudonym Clarin; Span. critic, writer) |
1852-1901 |
Alaungpaya (aka Alompra, Aungzeya; King of Burma 1752-1760) |
1714-1760 |
Alava y Esquivel, Miguel Ricardo de (Span. soldier, statesman) |
1771-1843 |
'Alavi, Buzurg (Persian writer, teacher, translator) |
1904-1997 |
Alayrac, Nicolas d' (French composer) |
1753-1809 |
Albaleg, Isaac (Jewish philosopher of N. Spain or S. France) |
13th cent. |
Alban, Saint (British soldier, martyr) |
3rd cent. |
Albani, Alessandro (Italian prelate) |
1692-1779 |
Albani, Dame Emma (born Marie Lajeunesse; Can. operatic singer) |
1847-1930 |
Albani (or Albano), Francesco (Italian painter) |
1578-1660 |
Al-Battani, Abu Allah Mohammad ibn Jabir (Arab astronomer) |
c.868-929 |
Albee, Edward Franklin (American theater manager) |
1857-1930 |
Albee, Edward Franklin (American playwright) |
b.1928 |
Albeniz, Isaac Manuel Francisco (Spanish pianist, composer) |
1860-1909 |
Alberdi, Juan Bautista (Arg. statesman, jurist, philosopher) |
1810-1884 |
Alberdingk Thijm, Josephus Albertus (Dutch writer, art critic) |
1820-1889 |
Alberic I (Lombard noble) |
d.925? |
Alberic II (Lombard noble) |
c.905-954 |
Alberoni, Giulio (Italian prelate, politician in Spain) |
1664-1752 |
Albers, Annelise née Fleischmann "Anni" (Ger.-born Am. artist) |
1899-1994 |
Albers, Josef (German-born American artist, mathematician) |
1888-1976 |
Albert I (Prince of Monaco 1889-1922, amateur oceanographer) |
1848-1922 |
Albert of Aix (French chronicler) |
fl. 1130 |
Albert of Buxhoevden (aka Albert of Riga; German prelate) |
c.1165-1229 |
Albert of Saxony (aka Albert von Helmstedt; German philosopher) |
c.1316-1390 |
Albert, Charles d' (Duc de Luynes; French politician) |
1578-1621 |
Albert, Heinrich (German composer, poet, organist) |
1604-1651 |
Albert, Joseph (German photographer) |
1825-1886 |
Albert, Stephen (American composer, teacher) |
1941-1992 |
Albert, Stewart Edward "Stew" (Am. activist, Yippie co-founder) |
1939-2006 |
Alberti, Domenico (Italian singer, harpsichordist, composer) |
c.1710-1740 |
Alberti, Friedrich August von (German geologist) |
1795-1878 |
Alberti, Leon Battista (It. math., architect, painter, writer) |
1404-1472 |
Alberti, Rafael (Spanish poet, playwright) |
1902-1984 |
Alberti del Giudice, Niccolo di Jacopo (Florentine merchant) |
d.1377 |
Albertinelli, Mariotto (Florentine painter) |
1474-1515 |
Albertini (or Albertino), Ignazio (Italian musician, composer) |
1644-1685 |
Albertini, Luigi (Italian journalist, politician) |
1871-1941 |
Albertson, Jack (Am. actor, comedian, dancer, singer, musician) |
1907-1981 |
Albertus Magnus, St. (Ger. philosopher, theologian, scientist) |
c.1200-1280 |
Albinoni, Tommaso Giovanni (Italian composer) |
1671-1751 |
Albinovanus Pedo (Roman poet) |
1st cent. |
Albinus (Greek philosopher) |
2nd cent. |
Albinus (Roman politician) |
d.c.524 |
Albinus, Bernard Siegfried (German anatomist) |
1697-1770 |
Albinus, Decimus Clodius Septimius (Roman general) |
d.197 |
Albinus, Spurius Postumius (Roman general) |
4th cent. BC |
Albizzi, Rinaldo degli (Florentine general) |
1370-1442 |
Albo, Joseph (Jewish philosopher in Spain) |
c.1380-c.1444 |
Alboin (King of the Lombards c.565-572) |
d.572 |
Albornoz, Gil Alvarez Carillo de (Spanish soldier, prelate) |
c.1310-1367 |
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (Austrian composer, teacher) |
1736-1809 |
Albright, Jacob (American preacher) |
1759-1808 |
Albright, William Foxwell (Chile-born American archaeologist) |
1891-1971 |
Albuquerque, Afonso de (Portuguese viceroy, conqueror in India) |
1453-1515 |
Alcaeus (Greek lyric poet) |
c.620-c.580 BC |
Alcala Zamora, Niceto (Spanish politician) |
1877-1949 |
Alcamenes (Greek sculptor of Lemnos & Athens) |
5th cent. BC |
Alciati (or Alciato), Andrea (Italian jurist) |
1492-1550 |
Alcibiades (Athenian general, politician) |
c.450-404 BC |
Alcidamas (Greek rhetorician, sophist) |
4th cent. BC |
Alciphron (Greek rhetorician) |
2nd/3rd cent. |
Alcmaeon (Greek physician, Pythagorean philosopher) |
6th cent. BC |
Alcman (Greek poet; founder of Doric lyric poetry) |
7th cent. BC |
Alcock, George Eric Deacon (English astronomer; asteroid) |
1912-2000 |
Alcock, John (English prelate) |
c.1430-1500 |
Alcock, Sir John William (English aviator) |
1892-1919 |
Alcoforado, Mariana (Portuguese nun) |
1640-1723 |
Alcott, Amos Bronson (Am. transcendentalist, teacher, writer) |
1799-1888 |
Alcott, Louisa May (American writer; daughter of Amos) |
1832-1888 |
Alcuin (or Albinus; Ealhwine; Anglo-Saxon scholar) |
c.732-804 |
Alda, Alan (born D'Abruzzo, Alphonso; American actor) |
b.1936 |
Alda, Arlene née Weiss (Am. photographer, writer, musician) |
b.1933 |
Alda, Frances Jeanne (New Zealand operatic soprano) |
1883-1952 |
Alda, Robert (born Alfonso Roberto D'Abruzzo; American actor) |
1914-1986 |
Aldecoa, Ignacio (Spanish writer, essayist, poet) |
1925-1969 |
Aldegrever, Heinrich (German painter, engraver, goldsmith) |
1502-1555? |
Alden, John (English-born American colonist in Plymouth colony) |
1599?-1687 |
Alder, Kurt (German chemist) |
1902-1958 |
Alderson, Samuel W. (Am. physicist; inv. crash test dummies) |
1914-2005 |
Aldhelm (Anglo-Saxon scholar) |
c.639-709 |
Aldington, Richard (born Edward Godfree; English poet, writer) |
1892-1962 |
Aldiss, Brian Wilson (English writer, anthologist, critic) |
b.1925 |
Aldrich, Bess Genevra née Streeter (American writer) |
1881-1954 |
Aldrich, Henry (English scholar) |
1647-1710 |
Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth (American politician) |
1841-1915 |
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (American writer, editor) |
1836-1907 |
Aldridge, Ira Frederick "The African Roscius" (American actor) |
1805-1867 |
Aldrin, Edwin Eugene Jr. (American astronaut) |
b.1930 |
Aldringen (or Aldringer, Altringer), Johann (Austrian soldier) |
1588-1634 |
Aldrovandi, Ulisse (Italian naturalist, physician) |
1522-1605 |
Aleandro, Girolamo (Italian scholar, cardinal) |
1480-1542 |
Aleardi, Aleardo (born Gaetano; Italian poet, patriot) |
1812-1878 |
Alecsandri, Vasile (Romanian lyric poet, dramatist) |
1821-1890 |
Alegria, Ciro (Peruvian writer, activist) |
1909-1967 |
Alegria, Claribel (Nicaraguan-born Salvadoran poet, writer) |
b.1924 |
Aleixandre y Merlo, Vicente Pio Marcelino Cirilo (Spanish poet) |
1898-1984 |
Aleksandrov, Todor (Macedonian separatist leader) |
1881-1924 |
Alekseyev, Mikhail Vasilyevich (Russian general) |
1857-1918 |
Alem, Leandro (Argentinean politician) |
1844-1896 |
Aleman, Mateo (Spanish writer) |
1547-c.1614 |
Aleman Valdes, Miguel (Mexican lawyer, president 1946-1952) |
1902-1983 |
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d' (Fr. math., scientist, philosopher) |
1717-1783 |
Alencar, Jose Martiniano de (Brazilian journalist, writer) |
1829-1877 |
Aleni, Giulio (Italian Jesuit missionary) |
1582-1649 |
Aleotti, Vittoria (Italian Augustinian nun, composer, organist) |
c.1575-after 1620 |
Aler, Paul (Belgian Jesuit, educator) |
1656-1727 |
Aleskovsky, Iosif Efimovich "Yuz" (Russian writer, songwriter) |
b.1929 |
Alessandri Palma, Arturo (Chilean politician) |
1868-1950 |
Alessi, Galeazzo (Italian architect) |
1512-1572 |
Alexander of Aphrodisias (Greek philosopher) |
fl. c.200 |
Alexander of Hales (Doctor Irrefragabilis; Eng. theol., phil.) |
c.1170/85-1245 |
Alexander of Pherae (Despot of Pherae, Thessaly 369-358 BC) |
d.358 BC |
Alexander of Trales (Alexander Trallianus; Byzantine physician) |
c.525-c.605 |
Alexander, Andrew Lamar (American Secy. of Education 1991-93) |
b.1940 |
Alexander, Cecil Frances née Humphreys (Ir. tract, hymn writer) |
1818-1895 |
Alexander, Franz Gabriel (Hung.-born Am. physician, psychoan.) |
1891-1964 |
Alexander, Grover Cleveland (American baseball player) |
1887-1950 |
Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofric George (British general) |
1891-1969 |
Alexander, James Waddell (American mathematician, climber) |
1888-1971 |
Alexander, Jerome (American chemist) |
1876-1959 |
Alexander, John White (American painter) |
1856-1915 |
Alexander, Meena (Indian poet, techer) |
b.1951 |
Alexander, Samuel (Australian-born British philosopher) |
1859-1938 |
Alexander, William (1st Earl of Stirling; Scot. poet, courtier) |
1567-1640 |
Alexancer, William (Lord Stirling; Am. Revolutionary officer) |
1726-1783 |
Alexander, William (Irish Anglican prelate) |
1824-1911 |
Alexander Aetolus (Greek poet) |
fl. c.280 BC |
Alexander Balas (King of Syria & Pergamun 150-145 BC) |
d.145 BC |
Alexander Nevsky (Russian saint, military hero) |
c.1220-1263 |
Alexander Polyhistor, Lucius Cornelius (Roman writer) |
d.c.35 BC |
Alexander Severus (Roman emperor 222-235) |
208-235 |
Alexanderson, Ernst Frederik Werner (Swed.-born Am. elec. eng.) |
1878-1975 |
Alexeieff, Alexandre (born Alexej Alexeieff; Russian animator) |
1901-1982 |
Alexis (Greek poet) |
4th-3rd cent. BC |
Alexis I Mikhaylovich (Russian czar 1645-1676) |
1629-1676 |
Alexis Petrovich (Russian czarevitch; son of Peter the Great) |
1690-1718 |
Alexius I Comnenus (Byzantine emperor 1081-1118) |
1048-1118 |
Alexius II Comnenus (Byzantine emperor 1180-1183) |
1169-1183 |
Alfano, Franco (Italian composer) |
1875-1954 |
Alfaro, Eloy (Ecuadorian general, politician) |
1864-1912 |
Alfaro, Ricardo Joaquin (Panamanian politician) |
1882-1971 |
Alfasi, Isaac ben Jabob "RIF" (Moroccan Talmudist) |
1013-1103 |
Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich (Belarusian physicist, politician) |
b.1930 |
Alfieri, Vittorio (Italian tragic poet) |
1749-1803 |
Alford, Henry (English clergyman, scholar) |
1810-1871 |
Alford, Kenneth (born Frederick Joseph Ricketts; Eng. composer) |
1881-1945 |
Alfven, Hannes Olof Gosta (Swedish physicist; asteroid) |
1908-1995 |
Alfven, Hugo Emil (Swedish composer, conductor, painter) |
1872-1960 |
Algardi, Alessandro (Italian sculptor) |
1595-1654 |
Algarotti, Francesco (Italian philosopher, critic) |
1712-1764 |
Algaze, Guillermo (Cuban-born American archaeologist) |
b.1954 |
Alger of Liege (aka Alger of Cluny; French priest, writer) |
c.1060-c.1131 |
Alger, Cyrus (American industrialist, inventor) |
1781-1856 |
Alger, Horatio Jr. (American clergyman, writer) |
1832-1899 |
Alger, Russell Alexander (American politician) |
1836-1907 |
Algirdas (or Olgierd; Grand duke of Lithuania 1345-1377) |
d.1377 |
Algren, Nelson (born Nelson Ahlgren Abraham; American writer) |
1909-1981 |
Ali, Ahmed (Pakistani writer, translator, literary critic) |
1910-1994 |
'Ali Bey (Mamluk governor, ruler of Egypt 1750-1772) |
1728-1773 |
Aliger, Margarita Iosifovna (Russian poet, journalist) |
1915-1992 |
'Ali ibn Abi Talib (4th caliph; cousin, son-in-law of Muhammad) |
c.600-661 |
'Ali Mohammad, Mirza "Bab" (Iranian religious leader: Babism) |
1819-1850 |
Ali, Muhammad (born Cassius Marcellus Clay; American boxer) |
b.1942 |
Alinsky, Saul David (American reformer) |
1909-1972 |
Ali Pasa "The Lion of Janina" (Turkish brigand) |
1741-1822 |
Ali Pasa, Mehmed Emin (Turkish diplomat, politician) |
1815-1871 |
Alison, Archibald (Scottish clergyman) |
1757-1839 |
Alison, Sir Archibald (Scottish historian; son of Archibald) |
1792-1867 |
Alito, Samuel Anthony Jr. (Am. Supreme Court justice 2006-) |
b.1950 |
Alkabetz, Solomon ben Moses ha-Levi (Jewish Kabbalist poet) |
c.1505-1574 |
Alkalai, Judah ben Solomon Hai (Jewish rabbi in Croatia) |
1798-1878 |
Alkan, Charles-Valentin Morhange (French pianist, composer) |
1813-1888 |
Allais, Maurice Felix Charles (French economist, physicist) |
1911-2010 |
Allan, David (Scottish painter) |
1744-1796 |
Allan, Sir Hugh (Scottish-born Canadian financier, ship owner) |
1810-1882 |
Allan, Sir William (Scottish historical painter) |
1782-1850 |
Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford (English physician) |
1836-1925 |
Allee, Warder Clyde (American zoologist, ecologist) |
1885-1955 |
Allegri, Antonio "Correggio" (Italian painter) |
1494-1534 |
Allegri, Gregorio (Italian composer, priest) |
1582-1652 |
Allegri, Pomponio (Italian painter; son of Antonio) |
1521-c.1593 |
Alleine, Joseph (English Puritan clergyman) |
1634-1668 |
Allen, Carl Ferdinand (Danish historian) |
1811-1871 |
Allen, Edgar (American anatomist) |
1892-1943 |
Allen, Elisha Hunt (American politician) |
1804-1883 |
Allen, Elizabeth Anne née Chase "Florence Percy" (Am. poet) |
1832-1911 |
Allen, Ethan (American Revolutionary soldier) |
1738-1789 |
Allen, Florence Ellinwood (American judge) |
1884-1966 |
Allen, Forrest Clare "Phog" (American basketball coach) |
1885-1974 |
Allen, Frances Elizabeth "Fran" (American computer scientist) |
b.1932 |
Allen, Fred (born John Florence Sullivan; American humorist) |
1894-1956 |
Allen, Frederick Lewis (American editor, writer) |
1890-1954 |
Allen, Henry Watkins (American soldier) |
1820-1866 |
Allen, Horatio (American civil engineer) |
1802-1890 |
Allen, Sir Hugh Percy (English organist) |
1869-1946 |
Allen, Ira (American Revolutionary politician) |
1751-1814 |
Allen, Sir James (Australian-born New Zealand politician) |
1855-1942 |
Allen, James Lane (American writer) |
1849-1925 |
Allen, John (American dentist; devised modern denture) |
1810-1892 |
Allen, Marshall Belford (Am. musician, composer bandleader) |
b.1924 |
Allen, Paula Gunn (American poet, literary critic, activist) |
1939-2008 |
Allen, Ralph "The Man of Bath" (English philanthropist) |
1694-1764 |
Allen, Richard (American bishop) |
1760-1831 |
Allen, Stephen Valentine Patrick William (Am. composer, singer) |
1921-2000 |
Allen, Viola Emily (American actor) |
1867-1948 |
Allen, Walter Ernest (British writer, critic) |
1911-1995 |
Allen, William (English cardinal) |
1532-1594 |
Allen, William Hervey Jr. (American writer) |
1889-1949 |
Allen, Woody (Allen Stuart Konigsberg; American director) |
b.1935 |
Allen, Zachariah (American inventor) |
1795-1882 |
Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman (English field marshal) |
1861-1936 |
Allende Gossens, Salvador (Chilean Marxist, president 1970-73) |
1908-1973 |
Allende, Isabel (Chilean writer, journalist) |
b.1942 |
Alles, Gordon Albert (American psychopharmacologist) |
1901-1963 |
Alley, Vernon (American musician) |
1915-2004 |
Alleyne, Edward (English actor) |
1566-1626 |
Allibone, Samuel Austin (American editor, librarian) |
1816-1889 |
Allibone, Thomas Edward (English physicist) |
1903-2003 |
Allingham, Margery Louise (English writer) |
1904-1966 |
Allingham, William (Irish poet) |
1824-1889 |
Allison, Samuel King (American physicist, textbook writer) |
1900-1965 |
Allison, William Boyd (American politician) |
1829-1908 |
Allon, Henry (English Congregational minister) |
1818-1892 |
Allori, Alessandro (Italian painter) |
1535-1607 |
Allorim Cristofano (Italian painter; son of Alessandro) |
1577-1621 |
Allott, Robert (English poet) |
fl. 1600 |
Allouez, Claude-Jean (French missionary in America) |
1622-1689 |
Allport, Gordon Willard (American psychologist) |
1897-1967 |
Allston, Robert Francis Withers (American planter, politician) |
1801-1864 |
Allston, Washington (American artist, writer) |
1779-1843 |
Almack, William (Scottish clubman) |
d.1781 |
Almagro, Diego de (Spanish soldier) |
1475-1538 |
al-Malaika, Nazik (Iraqi poet, teacher) |
1922-2007 |
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (Dutch-born British painter) |
1836-1912 |
Almeida, Antonio Jose de (Portuguese physician, statesman) |
1866-1929 |
Almeida, Brites de (Portuguese heroine) |
fl. 1385 |
Almeida, Francisco de (Portuguese soldier) |
c.1450-1510 |
Almeida, Guilherme de (Brazilian poet) |
1890-1969 |
Almeida, Jose Americo de (Brazilian writer) |
1887-1980 |
Almeida, Manuel Antonio de (Brazilian writer) |
1831-1861 |
Almeida de Portugal, Leonor de (pseud. Alcipe; Portuguese poet) |
1750-1839 |
Almendros Cuyas, Vincent (Spanish cinematographer, director) |
1930-1992 |
Almon, John (English political writer) |
1737-1805 |
Almonde, Phillips van (Dutch admiral) |
1644-1711 |
Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno (Mexican general, politician) |
1804?-1869 |
Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love (Swedish writer) |
1793-1866 |
Alonso, Amado (Spanish linguist) |
1896-1952 |
Alonso, Damaso (Spanish poet, literary critic, scholar) |
1898-1990 |
Alonso, Mateo (Argentinean sculptor) |
1878-1955 |
Alos, Concha (Spanish writer, teacher) |
b.1922 |
Alp Arslan (Second sultan of Seljuq Turks 1063-1072) |
c.1030-1072/73 |
Alpert, Herbert "Herb" (American musician, composer, singer) |
b.1935 |
Alpher, Ralph Asher (American physicist, cosmologist) |
1921-2007 |
Alpini, Prospero (Italian botanist, physician) |
1553-1616/7 |
Alsberg, Carl Lucas (American biochemist) |
1877-1940 |
Alsop, Marin (American conductor, musician) |
b.1956 |
Alsop, Mary O'Hara (pseudonym Mary O'Hara; American writer) |
1885-1980 |
Alsop, Joseph Wright (American journalist) |
1910-1989 |
Alsop, Stewart Johonnot Oliver (American journalist) |
1914-1974 |
Alsop, Vincent (English Nonconformist clergyman) |
c.1630-1703 |
Alston, Charles Henry (American muralist, teacher) |
1907-1977 |
Altamira y Crevea, Rafael (Spanish jurist, historian) |
1866-1951 |
Altamirano, Ignacio Manual (Mexican writer, poet) |
1834-1893 |
Altan Khan (aka Anda; Mongol chief) |
d.1583 |
Altdorfer, Albrecht (German painter, architect) |
c.1480-1538 |
Alten, Karl August von (Hanoverian general) |
1764-1840 |
Altenstein, Karl (Prussian statesman) |
1770-1840 |
Alter, David (American physicist, physician) |
1807-1881 |
Alterman, Nathan (Polish-born Hebrew poet, columnist) |
1910-1970 |
Altgeld, John Peter (German-born American politician) |
1847-1902 |
Althaus, Johannes (aka Althusius; Dutch jurist) |
1557-1638 |
Althusser, Louis (French philosopher) |
1918-1990 |
Altichiero (Italian painter) |
c.1330-1390? |
Altman, Benjamin (American merchant, art collector) |
1840-1913 |
Altman, Robert Bernard (American film director, NORML advisor) |
1925-2006 |
Altman, Sidney (Canadian-born American biophysicist) |
b.1939 |
Altolaquirre, Manuel (Spanish poet) |
1905-1959 |
Aluko, Timothy Mofolorunso (Nigerian writer, civil engineer) |
1918-2010 |
Alvarado, Pedro de (Spanish conquistador) |
c.1485-1541 |
Alvarez, Alfred "A." (British writer, essayist, critic) |
b.1929 |
Alvarez, Juan (Mexican politician) |
1790-1867 |
Alvarez, Luis Walter (American physicist; invented synchrotron) |
1911-1988 |
Alvarez de Cienfuegos, Nicasio (Spanish poet) |
1764-1809 |
Alvarez de Toledo, Fernando (Spanish general) |
1507-1582 |
Alvarez Gardeazabal, Gustavo (Columbian writer) |
b.1945 |
Alvarez Gato, Juan (Spanish writer) |
1440/50-1509 |
Alvarez Quintero, Joaquin (Spanish dramatist; bro. of Serafin) |
1873-1944 |
Alvarez Quintero, Serafin (Spanish dramatist) |
1871-1938 |
Alvaro, Corrado (Italian writer, journalist) |
1895-1956 |
Alvear, Carlos Maria de (Argentinean revolutionary) |
1789-1852 |
Alvear, Maximo Marcelo Torcuato de (Argentinean diplomat) |
1868-1942 |
Alvensleben-Erxleben, Gustav von (Prussian general) |
1803-1881 |
Alves de Lima y Silva, Luis (Brazilian soldier, politician) |
1803-1880 |
Alwyn, William (born William Alwyn Smith; Eng. composer, cond.) |
1905-1985 |
Alyattes (King of Lydia c.619-c.560 BC) |
d.c.560 BC |
Alypius (Greek theorist, writer on music) |
fl. c.360 |
Alzheimer, Alois (German psychiatrist, neuropathologist) |
1864-1915 |
Alzon, Emmanuel-Marie-Joseph-Maurice Daude (Fr. ecclesiastic) |
1810-1880 |
Amacher, Maryanne (American composer, installation artist) |
1938-2009 |
Amadeo (or Omodeo), Giovanni Antonio (It. sculptor, architect) |
1447-1522 |
Amadi, Elechi (Nigerian writer, playwright) |
b.1934 |
Amado, Jorge (Brazilian writer, politician) |
1912-2001 |
Amador de los Rios, Jose (Spanish critic, historian) |
1818-1878 |
Amador Guerrero, Manuel (Panamanian politician) |
1833-1909 |
Amalaric (King of the Visigoths 507-531; son of Alaric II) |
502-531 |
Amalasuntha (Queen of Ostrogoths 526-534; dau. of Theodoric) |
498-535 |
Amalia, Anna, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (German princess) |
1739-1807 |
Amalric of Bena (French theologian, mystical philosopher) |
d.1206/07 |
Amalrik, Andrei Alekseyvich (Russian essayist, historian) |
1938-1980 |
Amanollah Khan (Ruler of Afghanistan 1919-1929) |
1892-1960 |
Amara, Roy (Am. engineer; pres. Institute for the Future) |
1925-2007 |
Amara Simha (Sanskrit grammarian, poet) |
c.4th-6th cent. |
Amar Das (Indian Sikh religious leader) |
1479-1574 |
Amarel, Saul (Greek-born Israeli-American computer scientist) |
1928-2002 |
Amasis Painter (Greek vase painter) |
fl. c.555-525 BC |
Amati, Andrea Italian violin-maker; founded Cremona school) |
c.1510-c.1578 |
Amati, Antonio (Italian violin-maker; son of Andrea) |
c.1540-1638 |
Amati, Girolamo (Italian violin-maker; son of Andrea) |
1561-1630 |
Amati, Girolamo (Italian violin-maker; son of Nicolo) |
1649-1740 |
Amati, Nicolo (It. violin-maker; son of G.; taught Stradivari) |
1596-1684 |
Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji (Indian lawyer, social worker) |
1893-1956 |
Ambiorix (Chief of the Eburones of Belgian Gauls) |
1st cent. BC |
Ambler, Eric Clifford (English writer, screenwriter) |
1909-1998 |
Ambroise, Georges d' (French prelate) |
1460-1510 |
Ambrogini, Angelo (aka Politian Poliziano; It. Humanist, poet) |
1454-1494 |
Ambros, August Wihelm (Bohemian musicologist, composer) |
1816-1876 |
Ambrose, Saint (aka Ambrosius; Roman prelate) |
339-397 |
Ambrose (or Ambroise) d'Evreux (Norman poet, chronicler) |
fl. c.1190 |
Ambrose of Camaldoli (Italian Humanist, religious) |
1386-1439 |
Amda Tseyon (Ruler of Ethiopia 1314-1344?) |
d.1344? |
Ameghino, Florentino (Argentine anthropologist, paleontologist) |
1854-1911 |
Amendola, Giovanni (Italian politician) |
1882-1926 |
Amerbach, Basilius (Swiss jurist,art collector; son of Bonifaz) |
1533-1591 |
Amerbach, Bonifaz (Swiss jurist, scholar; son of Johannes) |
1495-1562 |
Amerbach, Johannes (German printer in Basel) |
c.1445-1513 |
Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett (British politician) |
1873-1955 |
Ames, Fisher (American politician) |
1758-1808 |
Ames, Joseph (English bibliographer, antiquarian) |
1689-1759 |
Ames, Joseph Sweetman (American physicist) |
1864-1943 |
Ames, Oakes (American financier, politician) |
1804-1873 |
Ames, Oakes (American botanist; grandson of Oakes) |
1874-1950 |
Ames, Ted (American fisherman, conservationist, biochemist) |
b.1939? |
Ames, William (Guilielmus Amesius; English Puritan theologian) |
1576-1633 |
Ames, Winthrop (Am. theatrical producer; grandson of Oakes) |
1871-1937 |
Amfrye, Guillaume (Abbe de Chaulieu; French cleric, poet) |
1639-1720 |
Amherst, Jeffrey (English soldier; gov.-gen. of North America) |
1717-1797 |
Amherst, William Pitt (Earl Amherst of Arakan; Eng. diplomat) |
1773-1857 |
Amhurst, Nicholas (English poet, publicist) |
1697-1742 |
Amichai, Yehuda (German-born Israeli writer, poet) |
b.1924 |
Amici, Giovanni Battista (Italian astronomer, optician) |
1786-1863 |
Amiel, Henri Frederic (Swiss poet, philosopher) |
1821-1881 |
'Amili, al- (Iranian theologian, astronomer, writer) |
c.1546-c.1622 |
Amin Dada, Idi (Ugandan dictator 1971-1979; King of Scotland) |
1925-2003 |
Amin, Muhammad al- ('Abbasid caliph of Baghdad 809-813) |
787-813 |
Amiot (or Amyot), Jean-Joseph-Marie (French Jesuit) |
1718-1793 |
Amir Ali, Sayyid (Indian Muslim jurist, writer) |
1849-1928 |
Amir Khosrow (Indian poet, historian) |
1253-1325 |
Amis, Kingsley (English writer, poet, critic, teacher) |
b.1922 |
Amis, Martin (English writer, essayist, journalist) |
b.1949 |
Amman, Jost (Swiss painter, printmaker) |
1539-1591 |
Amman (or Ammann, Amen), Jacob (Swiss Monnonite bishop) |
c.1644-c.1730 |
Ammann, Othmar Herman (Swiss-born American civil engineer) |
1879-1965 |
Ammannati, Bartolommeo (Italian sculptor, architect) |
1511-1592 |
Ammers-Kuler, Johanna van (Dutch writer) |
1884-1966 |
Ammianus Marcellinus (Roman soldier, historian) |
c.330-395 |
Ammonius Hermiae (Greek philosopher) |
fl. c.550 |
Ammonius Saccas (Alexandrian philosopher) |
d.242? |
Ammons, Archie Randolph "A.R." (American writer, poet) |
1926-2001 |
Amner, John (English composer, organist, clergyman) |
1579-1641 |
Amontons, Guillaume (French physicist, instrument inventor) |
1663-1705 |
Amoroso Lima, Alceu (pseud. Tristao de Athayde; Braz. writer) |
1893-1983 |
Amory, Thomas (British writer) |
1691?-1788 |
Amos (Hebrew prophet) |
8th cent. BC |
Ampere, Andre-Marie (French physicist, mathematician) |
1775-1836 |
Ampere, Jean-Jacques-Antoine (French historian, philologist) |
1800-1864 |
Amram bar Sheshna (Jewish Talmudist) |
d.875? |
'Amr ibn al-'As (Arab general) |
d.633 |
'Amr ibn Kulthum (Pre-Islamic Arab poet) |
6th cent. |
Amrouche, Jean (Algerian poet) |
1906-1962 |
Amrouche, Marguerite Taos (Kabyle singer, writer) |
1913-1976 |
Amsdorf, Nikolaus von (German Protestant theologian) |
1483-1565 |
Amundsen, Roald (Norwegian polar explorer) |
1872-1928 |
Amyot, Jacques (French prelate, scholar) |
1513-1593 |
Amyraut, Moise (French Protestant theologian) |
1596-1664 |
Amyrtaeus of Sais (Egyptian king 404-399 BC) |
d.399 BC |
Anacharsis (Scythian prince, philosopher) |
6th? cent. BC |
Anacreon (Greek lyric poet) |
c.582-c.485 |
Anagnostakis, Manolis (Greek poet) |
b.1925 |
Anan ben David (Jewish religious leader on Persia) |
8th cent. |
Anand, Chetan (Indian film producer, screenwriter, director) |
1915-1997 |
Anand, Mulk Raj (Indian writer, essayist) |
1905-2004 |
Anantha Murthy, Udipi R. (Indian writer, educator) |
b.1932 |
Anastasia (Anastasiya Nikolayevna; Russian princess) |
1901-1918 |
Anastasius I (Emperor of Eastern Roman Empire 491-518) |
430?-518 |
Anastasius II (Emperor of Eastern Roman Empire 713-715) |
d.721 |
Anastasius (Anastasius Bibliothecarius; Roman scholar) |
c.810-c.878 |
Anastasius Sinaita, Saint (Palestinian monk) |
7th cent. |
Anatoli, Jacob (French Jewish philosopher) |
c.1194-1258 |
Anawrahta (or Aniruddha; King of Burma 1044-1077) |
d.1077 |
Anaxagoras (Greek philosopher) |
c.500-c.428 BC |
Anaximander (Greek astronomer, philosopher; asteroid) |
610-c.547 BC |
Anaximenes of Lampsacus (Greek rhetorician, historian) |
c.380-c.320 BC |
Anaximenes of Miletus (Greek philosopher) |
fl. c.545 BC |
Anaya, Rudolfo Alfonso (American writer, educator) |
b.1937 |
Anchieta, Jose de (Portuguese missionary, poet, dramatist) |
1534-1597 |
An Chung-shik (aka Shimjon, "Spirit Field"; Korean painter) |
1861-1919 |
Ancillon, Charles (French jurist, writer) |
1659-1715 |
Ancillon, David (French Protestant clergyman) |
1617-1692 |
Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich (Prussian politician) |
1767-1837 |
Anckarstrom, Jakob Johan (Swedish army officer) |
1762-1792 |
Anckarsvard, Carl Henrik (Swedish politician) |
1782-1865 |
Anders, Allison (American filmmaker) |
b.1954 |
Anders, Wladyslaw (Polish general) |
1892-1970 |
Andersen, Hans Christian (Danish writer, poet) |
1805-1875 |
Andersen, Tryggve (Norwegian writer) |
1866-1920 |
Anderson, Alexander (American engraver) |
1775-1870 |
Anderson, Carl David (American physicist) |
1905-1991 |
Anderson, Carl Thomas (American cartoonist; created "Henry") |
1865-1948 |
Anderson, Chris (English-born English-Am. editor, writer) |
b.1961 |
Anderson, Sir Edmund (English jurist) |
1530-1605 |
Anderson, Elizabeth née Garrett (English physician) |
1836-1917 |
Anderson, Elizabeth née Milbank (American philanthropist) |
1850-1921 |
Anderson, Fred (American musician, club owner) |
1929-2010 |
Anderson, Herbert L. (American physicist, educator) |
1914-1988 |
Anderson, Ivie (or Ivy; American singer, restaurateur) |
1905-1949 |
Anderson, James (Scottish economist) |
1739-1808 |
Anderson, Sir John (Viscount Waverley; British civil servant) |
1882-1958 |
Anderson, John August (American physicist, astronomer) |
1876-1959 |
Anderson, John Henry (Scottish magician) |
1814-1874 |
Anderson, John Roy "Jon" (English musician) |
b.1944 |
Anderson, Joseph Reid (American soldier, manufacturer) |
1813-1892 |
Anderson, Dame Judith (Australian actor) |
1898-1992 |
Anderson, Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel (British general) |
1891-1959 |
Anderson, Laura Phillips "Laurie" (American performance artist) |
b.1947 |
Anderson, Lewis Burr "Lew" (Am. musician, clown: Clarabell) |
1922-2006 |
Anderson, Lindsay Gordon (India-born British film director) |
1923-1994 |
Anderson, Margaret Caroline (Am. editor; fd. Little Review) |
1886?-1973 |
Anderson, Marian (American singer, UN delegate) |
1897-1993 |
Anderson, Mary (American actor) |
1859-1940 |
Anderson, Maxwell (American playwright) |
1888-1959 |
Anderson, Patrick John MacAllister (English-born Canadian poet) |
1915-1979 |
Anderson, Philip Warren (American physicist) |
b.1923 |
Anderson, Poul William (American writer) |
1926-2001 |
Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn (American writer, editor, diplomat) |
1846-1936 |
Anderson, Regina M. (American librarian, playwright, patron) |
1901-1993 |
Anderson, Richard Heron (American soldier) |
1821-1879 |
Anderson, Robert (Scottish editor) |
1750-1830 |
Anderson, Robert (American soldier) |
1805-1871 |
Anderson, Robert Woodruff (American playwright, writer) |
1917-2009 |
Anderson, Sherwood (American writer) |
1876-1941 |
Anderssen, Adolf (German chess player) |
1818-1879 |
Andersson, Daniel "Dan" (Swedish poet, writer) |
1888-1920 |
Andersson, Karell Johan (Swedish explorer) |
1827-1867 |
Andersson, Johan Gunnar (Swedish geologist, archaeologist) |
1874-1960 |
Ando Hiroshige (Japanese painter, wood-block artist) |
1787-1858 |
Ando Shoeki (Japanese philosopher) |
fl. c.1700 |
Andocides (Athenian politician, orator) |
c.440-391? BC |
Andrada e Silva, Jose Bonifacio de (Braz. statesman, geologist) |
1763?-1838 |
Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa (English physicist) |
1887-1971 |
Andrade Franco, Aluisio Jorge (Brazilian playwright) |
1922-1984 |
Andrade, Mario Raul de Morais (Brazilian poet, writer, critic) |
1893-1945 |
Andrade, Jose Oswald de Sousa (Brazilian poet, writer) |
1890-1954 |
Andragoras (Seleucid satrap of Parthia) |
d.c.238 BC |
Andrassy, Gyula (Hungarian statesman) |
1823-1890 |
Andrassy, Gyula (Hungarian statesman; son of Gyula) |
1860-1929 |
Andre, John (British soldier, spy) |
1750-1780 |
Andrea, Jakob (German Lutheran theologian, writer) |
1528-1590 |
Andrea da Barberino (Italian writer, balladeer) |
c.1370-c.1432 |
Andrea da Firenze (aka Andrea di Bonaiuti; Florentine painter) |
fl. c.1337-1377 |
Andrea d'Agnolo (aka Andrea del Sarto; Florentine artist) |
1486-1530 |
Andrea di Bartolo de Simone (Florentine painter) |
c.1421-1457 |
Andreani, Andrea (Italian wood engraver) |
fl.c.1580-c.1625 |
Andreasen, Nancy Coover (American psychiatrist) |
b.1938 |
Andreas-Salome, Lou née Salome (German writer) |
1861-1937 |
Andree, Karl Theodor (German geographer) |
1808-1875 |
Andree, Salomon August (Swedish engineer, explorer) |
1854-1897 |
Andreessen, Marc (American software engineer, entrepreneur) |
b.1971 |
Andreini, Francesco (Italian actor; husband of Isabella) |
1548-1624 |
Andreini, Giovambattista (Italian actor; son of Francesco) |
c.1578-c.1654 |
Andreini, Isabella née Canali (Italian actor) |
1562-1604 |
Andreis, Felix de (Italian missionary in America) |
1778-1820 |
Andre le Chapelain (Andrea Capellanus; French writer) |
12th cent. |
Andreotti, Giulio (Italian politician; prime minister) |
b.1919 |
Andrew of Caesarea (Greek prelate, theologian) |
6th-7th cent. |
Andrew of Carniola (aka Andrew of Kraina; Slavic? prelate) |
d.1484 |
Andrew of Crete, Saint (Greek prelate) |
c.660-740 |
Andrew of Lonjumel (or Longjumeau; French religious, diplomat) |
fl. 1238-1253 |
Andrew, E. Raymond (American physicist; MRI, NMR) |
1921-2001 |
Andrew, James Osgood (American Methodist Episcopal bishop) |
1794-1871 |
Andrew, John Albion (American politician) |
1818-1867 |
Andrewes, Lancelot (English prelate, scholar) |
1555-1626 |
Andrews, Benny (American painter, teacher) |
1930-2006 |
Andrews, Charles McLean (American historian) |
1863-1943 |
Andrews, Frank Maxwell (American army officer) |
1884-1943 |
Andrews, Roy Chapman (American naturalist, explorer, writer) |
1884-1960 |
Andrews, Stephen Pearl (American philosopher, reformer) |
1812-1886 |
Andrews, Thomas (Irish physicist, chemist) |
1813-1885 |
Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich (Russian writer) |
1871-1919 |
Andric, Ivo (Serbian writer, administrator) |
1892-1975 |
Andriessen, Louis (Dutch composer, pianist) |
b.1939 |
Andrieux, Francois-Guillaume-Jean-Stanislas (Fr. poet, dram.) |
1759-1833 |
Andriscus (Greek adventurer) |
2nd cent. BC |
Androclus (or Androcles; Roman slave, lion friend) |
1st cent. |
Andronicus I Comnenus (Eastern Roman Emperor 1183-1185) |
1118-1185 |
Andronicus II Palaeologus (Eastern Roman Emperor 1282-1328) |
1260-1332 |
Andronicus III Palaeologus (Eastern Roman Emperor 1328-1341) |
1296-1341 |
Andronicus of Cyrrhus (Andronicus Cyrrhestes; Greek astronomer) |
fl. c.100 BC |
Andronicus of Rhodes (Greek Peripatetic philosopher) |
1st cent. BC |
Andropov, Yuri Vladimirovich (Russian politician) |
1914-1984 |
Andros, Sir Edmund (British colonial governor in America) |
1637-1714 |
Androtion (Athenian orator) |
4th. cent. BC |
Andrzejewski, Jerzy (Polish writer, political dissident) |
1909-1983 |
Aneirin (or Aneurin; born Neirin; Welsh bard) |
6th cent. |
Anerio, Felice (Italian choirmaster, composer: Roman School) |
1560?-1614 |
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco (Italian composer; bro. of Felice) |
1567?-1630 |
Anethan, Jules Joseph d' (Belgian politician) |
1803-1888 |
Anezaki Masaharu (aka Anezaki Chofu; Japanese scholar) |
1873-1949 |
Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer Jr. (American biochemist) |
1916-1995 |
Anfossi, Pasquale (Italian composer) |
1727-1797 |
Angad (aka Lehna or Lahina; Second Sikh Guru) |
1504-1552 |
Angas, George Fife (English merchant, ship owner) |
1789-1879 |
Ang Chan (King of Cambodia 1516-1566) |
d.1566 |
Ang Chan II (King of Cambodia 1802-1835) |
1791-1835 |
Ang Duong (King of Cambodia 1841-1860) |
1796-1860 |
Angela Merici, Saint (Italian religious; fdr. Ursuline order) |
1474?-1540 |
Angelico, Fra (Guido di Pietro; Florentine painter) |
c.1400-1455 |
Angell, James Burrill (American educator, diplomat) |
1829-1916 |
Angell, James Rowland (American educator, psychologist) |
1869-1949 |
Angell, Sir Norman (Ralph Norman Angell Lane; English writer) |
1872-1967 |
Angell, Sir Ralph Norman née Lane (English lecturer, writer) |
1872-1967 |
Angelopoulos, Theodoros "Theo" (Greek film director) |
b.1935 |
Angelou, Maya Annie (born Marguerite Ann Johnson; Am. poet) |
1928-2014 |
Angennes, Catherine d' née de Vivonne de Savelli (Fr. hostess) |
1588-1665 |
Anger, Kenneth (born Kenneth Wilbur Anglemyer; Am. filmmaker) |
b.1927 |
Anger, Par Johan Valentin (Swedish diplomatic attache) |
1913-2002 |
Angerstein, John Julius (Russian-born British merchant) |
1735-1823 |
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (Italian historian) |
1457-1526 |
Angilbert, Saint (Frankish Latin poet, prelate) |
c.740-814 |
Angiolieri, Cecco (Italian poet) |
c.1260-c.1312 |
Angiolini, Gasparo (Italian choreographer, composer) |
1731-1803 |
Anglin, Margaret Mary (Canadian-born American actor) |
1876-1958 |
Ango (or Angot), Jean (French ship owner) |
c.1480-1551 |
Angstrom, Anders Jonas (Swedish astronomer, physicist) |
1814-1874 |
Angstrom, Knut Johan (Swedish physicist; son of Anders) |
1857-1910 |
Anguier, Francois (French sculptor) |
c.1604-1669 |
Anguier, Michel-Andre (French sculptor; brother of Francois) |
c.1613-1686 |
Anguisciola (or Anguissola), Sofonisba (It. portrait painter) |
1527-1625 |
Anhava, Tuomas (Finnish poet, translator) |
b.1927 |
Aniello, Tomasso (aka Masaniello; Neapolitan insurrectionist) |
1620-1647 |
Anikulapo-Kuti, Fela (Nigerian musician) |
1938-1997 |
Animuccia, Giovanni (Italian composer) |
c.1500-1571 |
Ankhesenamen (born Ankhesenpaaten; Queen of Egypt 1362-c.1351) |
14th cent. BC |
An Lu-shan (born K'ang; imp. name Hsiung Wu; Chinese general) |
703-757 |
Anna Comnena (Byzantine writer; daughter of Alexius I Comnenus) |
1083-1148? |
Anna Ivanovna (Russian empress 1730-1740) |
1693-1740 |
Anna Leopoldovna (Russian regent 1740-1741) |
1718-1746 |
Annan, Kofi Atta (Ghanan diplomat; UN Sec. General 1997-2007) |
b.1938 |
Anne (Queen of Great Britain & Ireland 1702-1714) |
1665-1714 |
Annensky, Innokentii Fedorovich (Russian poet, translator) |
1855-1909 |
Anniceris (Greek philosopher) |
4th-3rd cent. BC |
Anning, Mary (English naturalist) |
1799-1847 |
Anno (or Hanno), Saint (German prelate) |
c.1010-1075 |
Anouilh, Jean-Marie-Lucien-Pierre (French dramatist) |
1910-1987 |
Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham-Hyacinthe (French scholar) |
1731-1805 |
Anguiano, Raul (Mexican painter, muralist, engraver, teacher) |
1915-2006 |
Anquoe, Jack V. (Kiowan-born Am. powwow performer, firefighter) |
1933-2006 |
Anschutz-Kaempfe, Hermann (German engineer; inv. gyrocompass) |
1872-1931 |
Ansegis (or Ansegisus), Saint (Abbot of Fontanelle 823) |
c.770-833/34 |
Anselm of Canterbury, Saint (Italian Scholastic philosopher) |
1033/34-1109 |
Anselm of Laon (Anselme de Laon; French theologian) |
d.1117 |
Anselm II of Lucca, Saint (Italian ecclesiastic) |
1036-1086 |
Anselme (born Pierre de Guibours; French friar, genealogist) |
1625-1694 |
Ansermet, Ernest (Swiss orchestral conductor) |
1883-1969 |
Ansgar, Saint (aka Anschaire; Frankish prelate, missionary) |
801?-865 |
Ansky (or Anski), S. (Solomon Zanvel Rappoport; Russian writer) |
1863-1920 |
Anslinger, Harry J. (American administrator, drug warrior) |
1893-1975 |
Anson, George (Baron Anson; English admiral) |
1697-1762 |
Anson, Sir William Reynell (3rd Baronet Anson; English jurist) |
1843-1914 |
Anster, John Martin (Irish lawyer, writer) |
1793-1867 |
Anstey, Christopher (English poet) |
1724-1805 |
Antalcidas (Spartan naval commander, diplomat) |
4th cent. BC |
'Antarah ibn Shaddad al-'Absi (Arab warrior, poet) |
6th cent. |
Antelami, Benedetto (Italian sculptor, architect) |
c.1150-1230 |
Antenor (Athenian sculptor) |
fl. c.540-500 BC |
Antheil, George (born Georg Johann Carl; American composer) |
1900-1959 |
Anthemius (Roman emperor 467-472) |
d.472 |
Arthemius of Tralles (Lydian mathematician, architect) |
6th cent. |
Anthimus of Iberia (Romanian prelate, writer) |
d.1716 |
Anthony (or Antony) or Egypt, Saint (First Christian monk) |
c.250-355 |
Anthony of Kiev (aka Anthony of Pechersky; Russian religious) |
d.1073 |
Anthony of Novgorod (born Dobrynia Jadrejkovic; Rus. prelate) |
13th cent. |
Anthony (or Antony) of Padua, Saint (Portuguese religious) |
1195-1231 |
Anthony of Tagrit (Syrian theologian) |
9th cent. |
Anthony, Katharine Susan (American biographer) |
1877-1965 |
Anthony, Michael (West Indian writer, editor, diplomat) |
b.1932 |
Anthony, Susan Brownell (American reformer) |
1820-1906 |
Anthony Melissa (Byzantine monk, writer) |
11th cent. |
Antigonus of Carystus (Greek sculptor, writer) |
3rd cent. BC |
Antimachus of Colophon (or of Claros; Greek poet) |
fl. c.400 BC |
Antin, David (American poet, art critic, translator) |
b.1932 |
Antin, Mary (Russian-born American writer) |
1881-1949 |
Antinous (Roman courtier) |
c.110-130 |
Antiochus of Ascalon (Greek philosopher) |
1st cent. BC |
Antiochus of Syracuse (Greek historian) |
5th cent. BC |
Antipater (Macedonian general) |
c.397-c.319 BC |
Antiphanes (Greek playwright) |
c.388-c.311 BC |
Antiphon (Athenian orator) |
c.480-411 BC |
Antisthenes (Athenian philosopher) |
c.445-c.365 |
Antoine, Andre (French actor, theater manager) |
1858-1943 |
Antoine, Jacques-Denis (French architect) |
1733-1801 |
Antokolski, Mark Matveyevich (Russian sculptor) |
1843-1902 |
Antoku (Japanese emperor 1180-1185) |
1178-1185 |
Antommarchi, Francesco (Corsican physician) |
1780-1838 |
Antonelli, Giacomo (Italian prelate) |
1806-1876 |
Antonello da Messina (Sicilian painter) |
c.1430-1479 |
Antonescu, Ion (Romanian general, dictator 1940-1944) |
1882-1946 |
Antoni, Janine (Bahamian artist) |
b.1964 |
Antoninus, Saint (Italian prelate, theologian) |
1389-1459 |
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius (Caracalla; Roman emperor 211-217) |
188-217 |
Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor 138-161) |
86-161 |
Antonio Fernandes de Oliveiro, Mario (Angolan scholar, writer) |
b.1934 |
Antonio, Nicolas (Spanish bibliographer) |
1617-1684 |
Antonioni, Michaelangelo (It. director, screenwriter, editor) |
1912-2007 |
Antonius, Marcus (Roman orator) |
143-87 BC |
Antonius, Marcus (Mark Antony; Roman orator, triumvir, soldier) |
82/81-30 BC |
Antony Khrapovitshy (born A.P. Krhapovitsky; Russian prelate) |
1863-1936 |
Antschel, Paul (pseudonym Paul Celan; Romanian-born Ger. poet) |
1920-1970 |
Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (Fr. geographer, cartog.) |
1697-1782 |
Anyidoho, Kofi (Ghanaian poet) |
b.1948 |
Anyte (Greek poet) |
3rd cent. BC |
Anytus (Athenian politician) |
5th-4th cent. BC |
Anza, Juan Bautista de (Mexican-born Spanish explorer) |
1735-1788? |
Anzaldua, Gloria Evangelina (Am. writer, cultural theorist) |
1942-2004 |
Anzengruber, Ludwig (Viennese playwright, writer) |
1839-1889 |
Anzilotti, Dionisio (Italian jurist) |
1869-1950 |
Apafi (or Apaffy), Michael (Prince of Transylvania 1661-1690) |
1632-1690 |
A-pao-chi (Mongol leader) |
d.926 |
Apelles (Greek painter) |
4th cent. BC |
Apellicon of Teos (Athenian bibliophile) |
d.c.84 BC |
Apgar, Virginia (American physician) |
1909-1974 |
Aphraates (Syriac: Afrahat; Syrian Christian ascetic, writer) |
4th cent. |
Apicius, Marcus Gavius (Roman epicure) |
1st cent. |
Apion (Greek grammarian) |
1st cent. |
Apollinaire, Guillaume (Italy-born Polish/French poet) |
1880-1918 |
Apollinaris of Laodicea (Syrian prelate, theologian) |
c.310-c.390 |
Apollinaris the Apologist (Phrygian prelate) |
2nd cent. |
Apollinaris Sidonius, Gaius Sollius (Roman prelate, writer) |
c.430-487/88 |
Apollodorus (Sciagraphos, "Shadow Painter"; Athenian painter) |
5th cent. BC |
Apollodorus (Athenian grammarian) |
fl. 140 BC |
Apollodorus of Carystus (Greek playwright) |
3rd cent. BC |
Apollodorus of Damascus (Greek architect) |
2nd cent. |
Apollonius (aka Apollonius Molon; Greek rhetorician) |
1st cent. BC |
Apollonius (surnamed Dyscolus; Alexandrian scholar) |
2nd cent. |
Apollonius of Perga (Greek mathematician) |
c.262-c.190 BC |
Apollonius of Rhodes (Apollonius Rhodius; Greek epic poet) |
3rd cent. BC |
Apollonius of Tralles (Greek sculptor) |
2nd cent. BC |
Apollonius of Tyana (Greek Neo-Pythagorean philosopher) |
1st cent. |
Apollonius the Athenian (Greek sculptor) |
1st cent. BC |
Appel, Karel Christian (Dutch painter; co-founded CoBrA) |
1921-2006 |
Appel, Kenneth Ira (Am. math.; co-solved four-color theorem) |
1932-2013 |
Appelfeld, Aharon (or Aron; Bukovinan-born Israeli writer) |
b.1932 |
Appert, Nicolas-Francois (French chef, inventor) |
c.1750-1841 |
Appia, Adolphe (Swiss stage designer) |
1862-1928 |
Appiani, Andrea (Italian painter) |
1754-1817 |
Appianos (or Appian; Greek historian) |
2nd cent. |
Apple, Billy (born Barrie Bates; New Zealand artist) |
b.1935 |
Apple, Max Isaac (American writer) |
b.1941 |
Applebroog, Ida (American artist) |
b.1929 |
Appleby, John Francis (American inventor) |
1840-1917 |
Applegate, Jesse (American pioneer, surveyor) |
1811-1888 |
Appleton, Daniel (American publisher) |
1785-1849 |
Appleton, Sir Edward Victor (English physicist) |
1892-1965 |
Appleton, William Henry (American publisher; son of Daniel) |
1814-1899 |
Apponyi, Albert (Hungarian politician; son of Gyorgy) |
1846-1933 |
Apponyi, Gyorgy (Hungarian politician) |
1808-1899 |
Apraksin (or Apraxin), Fyodor Matveyevich (Russian admiral) |
1661-1728 |
Apraksin, Stepan Fyodorovich (Rus. general; nephew of Fyodor) |
1702-1760 |
Apries (aka Ouaphris; Egyptian king 589-570 BC) |
d.567 BC |
Apuleius, Lucius (North African philosopher, rhetorician) |
c.124-170? |
Aqa Mirak (aka Agha Mirak; Persian painter) |
16th cent. |
Aqa Reza (Persian painter, calligrapher) |
16th-17th cent. |
'Aqqad, 'Abbas Mahmud al- (Egyptian journalist, poet, critic) |
1889-1964 |
Aquaviva (or Acquaviva), Claudio (Italian ecclesiastic) |
1543-1615 |
Aquila (Aquila of Pontus; Jewish translator of Old Testament) |
2nd cent. |
Aquino, Maria Corazon Sumulong (Filipino president 1986-1992) |
1933-2009 |
Arafat, Yasir (Mohammed Abed Ar'ouf Arafat; Palestinian leader) |
1929-2004 |
Arago, Dominique-Francois-Jean (French physicist) |
1786-1853 |
Aragon, Louis (b.Louis Andrieux; French writer, poet, essayist) |
1897-1982 |
Arai Hakuseki (Japanese politician, historian, philosopher) |
1657-1725 |
Arakcheyev, Aleksey Andreyevich (Russian soldier, statesman) |
1769-1834 |
Araki Sadao (Japanese general) |
1877-1966 |
Aram, Eugene (English schoolmaster, philologist, murderer) |
1704-1759 |
Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio (Argentinean soldier, politician) |
1903-1970 |
Aranha, Oswaldo (Brazilian lawyer, diplomat) |
1894-1960 |
Arany, Janos (Hungarian poet) |
1817-1882 |
Aranyi, Jelly Eva d' (Hungarian violinist) |
1895-1966 |
Arason, Jon (Icelandic prelate, poet) |
1484-1550 |
Arator (Ligurian Christian poet) |
6th cent. |
Aratus of Sicyon (Greek general, statesman) |
271-213 BC |
Aratus of Soli (Greek physician, poet) |
c.315-c.245 BC |
Arbel, Chaya (German-born Israeli composer, agriculturist) |
b.1921 |
Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo (Guatemalan soldier, politician) |
1913-1971 |
Arber, Agnes née Robertson (English botanist) |
1879-1960 |
Arber, Edward (English scholar) |
1836-1912 |
Arber, Werner (Swiss molecular biologist) |
b.1929 |
Arbogast (Frankish general in Roman army) |
d.394 |
Arbois de Jubainville, Marie-Henri d' (French historian) |
1827-1910 |
Arbuthnot, John (Scottish physician, writer) |
1667-1735 |
Arcadelt, Jacques (or Jacob; Dutch or Flemish composer) |
c.1505-1568 |
Arcadius (Eastern Roman Emperor 383-408; son of Theodosius I) |
c.377-408 |
Arce, Manuel Jose d' (Salvadorean soldier, politician) |
d.1847 |
Arcesi, John Anthony (American singer, producer, songwriter) |
1917-1983 |
Arcesilaus (or Arcesilas; Athenian philosopher) |
316/15-c.241 BC |
Arch, Joseph (English reformer, politician) |
1826-1919 |
Archbold, John Dustin (American businessman) |
1848-1916 |
Archelaus (King of Macedonia 413-399 BC) |
d.399 BC |
Archelaus (Greek philosopher) |
5th cent. BC |
Archelaus (Cappadocian general) |
1st cent. BC |
Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von (German historian, editor) |
1743-1812 |
Archer, Frederick (English jockey) |
1857-1886 |
Archer, Frederick Scott (English photographer, sculptor) |
1813-1857 |
Archer, Thomas (English architect) |
c.1668-1743 |
Archer, William (Scottish dramatic critic, playwright) |
1856-1924 |
Archermus (Greek sculptor of Chios) |
6th cent. BC |
Archias (Greek colonizer from Corinth) |
8th cent. BC |
Archias (Aulus Licinius Arcchias; Greek poet) |
c.120-61? BC |
Archibald, George William (Canadian ornithologist) |
b.1946 |
Archilochus (Greek lyric poet) |
7th cent. BC |
Archimedes (Greek mathematician, inventor) |
c.287-212 BC |
Archipenko, Aleksandr Porfiryevich (Russian-born Am. sculptor) |
1887-1964 |
Archytas of Tarentum (Greek Pythagorean philosopher, scientist) |
fl. 400-350 BC |
Arcimboldo (or Arcimboldi), Giuseppe (Milanese painter) |
c.1530-1593 |
Arciniegas, German (Colombian historian, essayist, diplomat) |
1900-1999 |
Arcon, Jean-Claude-Eleonore Le Michaud (Fr. military engineer) |
1733-1800 |
Arctinus of Miletus (Greek cyclic poet) |
8th cent. BC |
Arculf (Frankish prelate, traveler) |
7th cent. |
Arden, Elizabeth (born FN Graham; Can.-born Am. businesswoman) |
1884-1966 |
Arden, John (English playwright) |
b.1930 |
Arderne, Sir John (English surgeon) |
1307-1392 |
Ardigo, Roberto (Italian positivist philosopher) |
1828-1920 |
Ardrey, Robert (American writer) |
1908-1980 |
Arduin (or Harduin; Lombard prince, king 1002-1014) |
d.1015 |
Arduino, Giovanni (Italian geologist) |
1714-1795 |
Arenas, Reinaldo (Cuban writer, journalist, editor) |
1943-1990 |
Arend, Sylvain Julien Victor (Belgian astronomer) |
1902-1992 |
Arendt, Hannah (German-born American political scientist) |
1906-1975 |
Arene, Paul-Auguste (French writer, Provencal poet) |
1843-1896 |
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich (Russian composer) |
1861-1906 |
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (Greek physician, writer) |
2nd cent. |
Aretino, Pietro (Italian poet, writer, dramatist) |
1492-1556 |
Arevalo Martinez, Rafael (Guatemalan writer) |
1884-1975 |
Arfe, Antonio de (Span. silversmith, goldsmith; son of Enrique) |
fl. 1566 |
Arfe, Enrique de (Spanish silversmith, goldsmith) |
fl. 1500-1543 |
Arfe y Villafane, Juan de (Spanish goldsmith; son of Antonio) |
1535-1603 |
Argall, Sir Samuel (English mariner, adventurer) |
c.1572-c.1626 |
Argand, Aime (Swiss physicist; inv. Argand lighthouse lamp) |
1755-1803 |
Argand, Emile (Swiss geologist) |
1879-1940 |
Argand, Jean Robert (Swiss mathematician) |
1768-1822 |
Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August (Prussian astronomer) |
1799-1875 |
Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d' (French writer) |
1703-1771 |
Argensola, Bartolome Leonardo de (Span. poet; bro. of Lupercio) |
1562-1631 |
Argensola, Lupercio Leonardo de (Spanish poet) |
1559-1613 |
Arghezi, Tudor (Ion N. Theodorescu; Romanian poet, writer) |
1880-1967 |
Arguedas, Alcides (Bolivian writer, sociologist, diplomat) |
1879-1946 |
Arguedas, Jose Maria (Peruvian writer, poet, ethnologist) |
1911-1969 |
Arguello, Luis Antonio (Californian politician; gov. 1822-25) |
1784-1830 |
Argyropoulos, Johannes (or John; Byzantine Humanist scholar) |
1415-1487 |
Ariaramnes (aka Ariyaramna; King of Persia c.640-c.615 BC) |
7th cent. BC |
Arias Madrid, Harmodio (Panamanian politician) |
1886-1962 |
Arias Davila, Pedro (Spanish soldier, administrator) |
1440?-1531 |
Arias de Saavedra, Hernando "Hernandarias" (Spanish colonist) |
c.1561-c.1634 |
Arias Montano, Benito (Spanish theologian, linguist) |
1527-1598 |
Arias Sanchez, Oscar (Costa Rican president 1986-1990) |
b.1940 |
Aribau, Buenaventura Carles (Spanish economist, writer) |
1798-1862 |
Ariberto da Antimiano (aka Heribert of Antimiano; It. prelate) |
d.1045 |
Arigboge (aka Arikboge, Aribox; Mongol leader) |
d.1266 |
Arigoni, Duilio (Swiss chemist, educator) |
b.1928 |
Arion (semilegendary Greek poet, musician of Lesbos) |
7th cent. BC |
Ariosti, Attilio (Italian composer, organist) |
1666-1729 |
Ariosto, Ludovico (Italian poet) |
1474-1533 |
Ariovistus (Germanic tribal chief) |
fl. 71-58 BC |
Arishima Takeo (Japanese writer) |
1878-1923 |
Arista, Mariano (Mexican general, politician) |
1802-1855 |
Aristagoras (Tyrant of Miletus) |
d.497 BC |
Aristarchus of Samos (Greek astronomer, math.; asteroid) |
fl. c.270 BC |
Aristarchus of Samothrace (Greek grammarian, critic) |
c.217-145 BC |
Aristides (or Aristeides) the Just (Athenian statesman) |
c.530-c.468 BC |
Aristides (or Aristeides; Greek Christian apologist) |
2nd cent. |
Aristides (or Aristeides) of Miletus (Greek writer) |
c.150-100 BC |
Aristides (or Aristeides), Publius Aelius (Greek rhetorician) |
c.120-c.180 |
Aristides (or Aristeides), Quintilianus (Greek writer) |
2nd/3rd cent. |
Aristillus (Greek philosopher) |
c.200 BC |
Aristippus (Greek philosopher) |
c.435-366 BC |
Aristobulus (Greek historian) |
4th cent. BC |
Aristobulus of Paneas (Jewish Hellenistic philosopher) |
2nd cent. BC |
Aristomenes (semilegendary Messenian hero) |
7th cent. BC |
Ariston (or Aristo) of Chios (Greek philosopher) |
3rd cent. BC |
Aristophanes (Athenian playwright) |
c.450-c.388 BC |
Aristophanes of Byzantium (Greek scholar) |
c.257-180 BC |
Aristotle (Greek philosopher) |
384-322 BC |
Aristoxenus (Greek Peripatetic philosopher) |
4th cent. BC |
Ari Thorgilsson the Learned (Icelandic priest, historian) |
c.1067-1148 |
Arius (Greek ecclesiastic at Alexandria) |
c.250-336 |
Ariyoshi Sawako (Japanese writer, playwright) |
1931-1984 |
Arjun (or Arjun Mal; Indian religious) |
1563-1606 |
Arkell, William Joscelyn (English paleontologist) |
1904-1958 |
Arkoff, Samuel Zachary "Sam" (American film producer) |
1918-2001 |
Arkwright, Sir Richard (English inventor, manufacturer) |
1732-1792 |
Arland, Marcel (French writer) |
1899-1986 |
Arlandes, Francois d' (French soldier, aeronaut) |
1742-1809 |
Arlen, Harold (born Hyman Arluck; American composer) |
1905-1986 |
Arlen, Michael (Dikran Kouyoumdjian; Bulg.-born British writer) |
1895-1956 |
Arliss, George (born Augustus George Andrews; English actor) |
1868-1946 |
Arlt, Paul Theodore (American artist, political cartoonist) |
1914?-2005 |
Arlt, Roberto (Argentinian writer, dramatist, journalist) |
1900-1942 |
Armah, Ayi Kwei (Ghanaian writer, scriptwriter, translator) |
b.1939 |
Arman (b.Armand Pierre Fernandez; French-born Fr./Am. sculptor) |
1928-2005 |
Armansperg, Joseph Ludwig von (German politician) |
1787-1853 |
Armatrading, Joan Anita Barbara (W.Indian-born Eng. songwriter) |
b.1950 |
Armendariz, Jose de (Marques de Castelfuerte; Spanish soldier) |
d.1736 |
Armfelt, Gustaf Mauritz (Swedish statesman, general) |
1757-1814 |
Armin (or Hermann; German tribal leader, national hero) |
18? BC-AD 19 |
Armin, Robert (English actor, playwright) |
c.1563-1615 |
Arminius, Jacobus (Dutch theologian) |
1560-1609 |
Armistead, George (American army officer) |
1780-1818 |
Armistead, Lewis Addison (American army officer) |
1817-1863 |
Armitage, Edward (English painter) |
1817-1896 |
Armleder, John (Swiss Fluxus & Neo-geo artist) |
b.1948 |
Armour, John Douglas (Canadian judge) |
1830-1903 |
Armour, Philip Danforth (American industrialist) |
1832-1901 |
Armstead, Henry Hugh (English sculptor) |
1828-1905 |
Armstrong, Archibald "Archie" (Scottish court jester) |
d.1672 |
Armstrong, Edward (English historian, lecturer) |
1846-1928 |
Armstrong, Edwin Howard (Am. electrical engineer, inventor) |
1890-1954 |
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (American journalist) |
1893-1973 |
Armstrong, Henry Edward (English organic chemist) |
1848-1937 |
Armstrong, Henry Worthington "Harry" (American composer) |
1879-1951 |
Armstrong, John (or Johnnie; Scottish freebooter) |
d.1528 |
Armstrong, John (Scottish physician, poet) |
1709-1779 |
Armstrong, John (American army officer, explorer) |
1755-1816 |
Armstrong, John (American army officer, politician) |
1758-1842 |
Armstrong, Louis Daniel "Satchmo" (American musician) |
1900-1971 |
Armstrong, Neil Alden (American astronaut) |
1930-2012 |
Armstrong, Paul (American playwright) |
1869-1915 |
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman (American educator) |
1839-1893 |
Armstrong, William George (English inventor, industrialist) |
1810-1900 |
Armstrong-Jones, Antony Charles Robert (English photographer) |
b.1930 |
Arnau de Villanova (Catalan physician, astrologer, alchemist) |
c.1235-1312 |
Arnaud, Henri (French Waldensian pastor, soldier) |
1641-1721 |
Arnauld, Antoine (French lawyer) |
1560-1619 |
Arnauld, Antoine (Fr. lawyer, philos., Jansenist theologian) |
1612-1694 |
Arnauld, Henri (French lawyer) |
1597-1692 |
Arnauld, Jacquelin-Marie-Angelique (French abbess) |
1591-1661 |
Arnauld, Jeanne-Catherine-Agnes (French Jansenist nun, abbess) |
1593-1672 |
Arnauld, Simon (French diplomat; son of Robert) |
1618-1699 |
Arnauld d'Andilly, Angelique (French abbess, writer) |
1624-1684 |
Arnauld d'Andilly, Robert (French lawyer, theological writer) |
1588-1674 |
Arnaut (or Arnaud) Daniel (Provencal poet, troubadour) |
fl. 1180-1200 |
Arnaut de Mareuil (Perigordian troubadour) |
fl. 1170-1200 |
Arnd (or Arndt), Johann (German Lutheran theologian) |
1555-1621 |
Arndt, Ernst Moritz (German patriot, writer) |
1769-1860 |
Arne, Thomas Augustine (English composer) |
1710-1778 |
Arneth, Alfred von (Austrian historian) |
1819-1897 |
Arnheim, Rudolf Julius (German-born Am. psychol., philosopher) |
1904-2007 |
Arnett, Peter Gregg (New Zealand journalist) |
b.1934 |
Arniches y Barrera, Carlos (Spanish dramatist) |
1866-1943 |
Arnim, Achim von (German poet, dramatist, folklorist) |
1781-1831 |
Arnim, Bettina von (Elisabeth K.L.M. Brentano; German writer) |
1785-1859 |
Arnim (or Arnheim), Hans George von (German diplomat, general) |
1581-1641 |
Arnim, Harry Karl Eduard von (German diplomat) |
1824-1881 |
Arnobius the Elder (Christian apologist in northern Africa) |
4th cent. |
Arnobius the Younger (Christian writer in Gaul) |
5th cent. |
Arnold of Brescia (Arnaldo da Brescia; It. religious reformer) |
c.1100-1155 |
Arnold, Benedict (American Revolutionary general, traitor) |
1741-1801 |
Arnold, Sir Edwin (English poet, journalist) |
1832-1904 |
Arnold, Henry Harley (American airman, general) |
1886-1950 |
Arnold, Sir Malcolm Henry (English composer) |
1921-2006 |
Arnold, Matthew (English poet, critic; son of Thomas) |
1822-1888 |
Arnold, Richard Edward "Eddy" (American musician, singer) |
1918-2008 |
Arnold, Samuel (English organist, composer) |
1740-1802 |
Arnold, Thomas (English educator) |
1795-1842 |
Arnold, Thurman Wesley (American lawyer) |
1891-1969 |
Arnold, Vladimir Igorevich (Russian mathematician, planet) |
b.1937 |
Arnoldson, Klas Pontus (Swedish writer, politician, pacifist) |
1844-1916 |
Arnolfo di Cambio (Florentine sculptor, architect) |
c.1245-1302 |
Arnon, Ruth (Israeli biochemist, educator) |
b.1933 |
Arnstein, Karl (Bohemian-born Am. airship designer, builder) |
1887-1974 |
Arnulf (King of Germany 887-899, Holy Roman emperor 896) |
c.850-899 |
Arnulf (Frankish prelate) |
c.580-641 |
Arnulf of Rohea (Latin patriarch of Jerusalem 1099, 1112-1118) |
d.1118 |
Aronhold, Siegfried Heinrich (German mathematician) |
1819-1884 |
Arosemena, Florencio Harmodio (Panamanian politician) |
1872-1945 |
Arosemena, Juan Demostenes (Panamanian politician; bro. of F.) |
1879-1939 |
Arp, Jean (or Hans; French artist, poet) |
1887-1966 |
Arpad (National hero of Hungary) |
d.907 |
Arrabal, Fernando (Spanish-born French playwright, writer) |
b.1932 |
Arrau, Claudio (Chilean-born American pianist) |
1903-1991 |
Arreola, Juan Jose (Mexican writer, dramatist) |
1918-2001 |
Arrest, Heinrich Louis d' (German astronomer) |
1822-1875 |
Arrhenius, Svante August (Swedish physicist, chemist) |
1859-1927 |
Arriaga, Juan Crisostomo Jacobo Antonio (Spanish composer) |
1806-1826 |
Arriaga, Manuel Jose de (Portuguese politician) |
1842-1917 |
Arrian (Flavius Arrianus; Greek historian) |
2nd cent. |
Arriaza y Superviela, Juan Bautista de (Spanish poet) |
1770-1837 |
Arrighi, Ludovico degli (Italian calligrapher, printer) |
fl. 1522 |
Arrivi, Francisco (Puerto Rican dramatist) |
1915-2007 |
Arrol, Sir William (Scottish bridge builder) |
1839-1913 |
Arrow, Kenneth Joseph "Ken" (American economist) |
b.1921 |
Arrowsmith, Aaron (English geographer, cartographer) |
1750-1823 |
Arrowsmith, John (English cartographer; nephew of Aaron) |
1790-1873 |
Arroyo del Rio, Carlos Alberto (Ecuadorian politician) |
1893-1969 |
Arsaces (Founder of Parthian state) |
3rd cent. BC |
Arsenius the Great (aka Arsenius of Rome; Roman religious) |
c.354-c.455 |
Arsenius Autorianus (born George; Patriarch of Constantinople) |
c.1200-1273 |
Arsonval, Jacques-Arsene d' (French biophysicist) |
1851-1940 |
Artabazus (Persian general) |
5th cent. BC |
Artabazus (Persian general) |
4th cent. BC |
Artaphernes (aka Artaphrenes; Persian general) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Artaud, Antonin (French dramatist, actor, poet) |
1896-1948 |
Artaxerxes I (Macrocheir; Longimanus; Persian king 465-425 BC) |
d.425 BC |
Artaxerxes II (Mnemon; Persian king 404-359/58 BC) |
d.359/58 BC |
Artaxerxes III (born Ochus; Persian king 359/58-338 BC) |
d.338 BC |
Artaxias (or Artashes; Armenian ruler) |
2nd cent. BC |
Artedi, Peter (Swedish naturalist) |
1705-1735 |
Artemidorus of Ephesus (Greek geographer) |
fl. 100 BC |
Artemidorus Daldianus (Greek soothsayer) |
2nd cent. |
Artevelde, Jacob van (Flemish statesman) |
c.1295-1345 |
Artevelde, Philip (Flemish statesman; son of Jacob) |
1340-1382 |
Arthur, Chester Alan (21st U.S. president, 1881-1885) |
1829-1886 |
Arthur, Sir George (English colonialist) |
1784-1854 |
Arthur, Joseph Charles (American botanist) |
1850-1942 |
Arthur, Julia (born Ida Lewis; Canadian-born American actor) |
1869-1950 |
Arthur, Timothy Shay (American writer) |
1809-1885 |
Artigas, Jose Gervasio (Uruguayan general) |
1764-1850 |
Artin, Emil (Austrian mathematician) |
1898-1962 |
Artot, Alexandre Joseph (Belgian musician; son of Maurice) |
1815-1845 |
Artot, Jean-Desire (Belgian musician; son of Maurice) |
1803-1887 |
Artot, Marguerite-Josephine-Desiree (Belg. singer; dau. of JD) |
1835-1907 |
Artot, Maurice Montagney (Belgian musician, composer) |
1772-1829 |
Artot de Padilla, Lola (Belgian singer; daughter of Marguerite) |
1876-1933 |
Artsybashev (or Artzybasheff), Mikhail Petrovich (Rus. writer) |
1878-1927 |
Artusi, Giovanni Maria (Italian composer, musical theorist) |
c.1545-1613 |
Artzybasheff, Boris (Russian-born American illustrator, writer) |
1899-1965 |
Arundel, Thomas (English prelate) |
1353-1414 |
Arundell, Lady Blanche (English noblewoman) |
1583-1649 |
Arung Singkang (born La Ma'dukelleng; Buginese leader) |
c.1700-1765 |
Aruqtai (Mongol leader) |
15th cent. |
Aryabhata I (Indian mathematician, astronomer) |
476-c.550 |
Aryadeva (Indian Buddhist philosopher) |
170-270 |
Arz von Straussenburg, Arthur (Austro-Hungarian general) |
1857-1935 |
Asachi, Gheorghe (Romanian writer) |
1788?-1869? |
Asam, Cosmas Damian (Bavarian artist; son of Hans) |
1686-1739 |
Asam, Egid Quirin (Bavarian artist; son of Hans) |
1692-1750 |
Asam, Hans George (Bavarian artist) |
1649-1711 |
Asanga (Indian Buddhist philosopher) |
4th-5th cent. |
Asano Soichiro (Japanese businessman) |
1848-1930 |
Asawa, Ruth (American sculptor) |
b.1926 |
Asbjornsen, Peter Christen (Nor. writer, naturalist,folklorist) |
1812-1885 |
Asbury, Francis (English-born American Methodist prelate) |
1745-1816 |
Asbury, Herbert (American journalist, writer) |
1891-1963 |
Ascari, Alberto (Italian racing driver) |
1918-1955 |
Ascasubi, Hilario (Spanish-born Argentinean poet) |
1807-1875 |
Asch, Sholem (Polish-born American writer, playwright) |
1880-1957 |
Ascham, Roger (English writer, Humanist scholar) |
1515-1568 |
Aschoff, Karl Albert Ludwig (German pathologist) |
1866-1942 |
Asclepiades of Bithynia (Greek physician) |
2nd-1st cent. BC |
Asclepiades of Samos (Greek poet, epigrammatist) |
3rd cent. BC |
Ascoli, Graziadio Isaia (Italian philologist) |
1829-1907 |
Asconius Pedianus, Quintus (Roman scholar) |
9 BC-AD 76 |
Aselli (or Asellio), Gasparo (Italian physician, anatomist) |
1581-1625 |
Asena, Duygu (Turkish writer, activist) |
1946-2006 |
Asgrimsson, Eysteinn (Icelandic monk, poet) |
c.1310-1361 |
A'sha, Maymun ibn Qays al- (Arab poet) |
570?-c.625 |
Ash'ari, Abu al-Hassan al- (Muslim Arab theologian) |
873/74-935/36 |
Ashbee, Charles Robert (English architect, designer) |
1863-1942 |
Ashbery, John Lawrence (American poet, critic, writer) |
b.1927 |
Ashburner, Charles Edward (Indian-born Am. engineer, admin.) |
1870-1932 |
Ashcroft, John David (American bureaucrat, politician) |
b.1942 |
Ashcroft, Dame Peggy (British actor) |
1907-1991 |
Ashe, John (American Revolutionary commander) |
1720?-1781 |
Asher ben Jehiel (aka Rosh; German Talmudist) |
c.1250-1327 |
Ashford, Bailey Kelly (American surgeon) |
1873-1934 |
Ashford, Margaret Mary "Daisy" (English writer) |
1881-1972 |
Ashford, Nickolas (American songwriter, producer) |
1941-2011 |
Ashi (Hebrew scholar of Babylon) |
c.352-c.427 |
Ashikaga Tadayoshi (Japanese warrior; brother of Takauji) |
1306-1352 |
Ashikaga Takauji (Japanese warrior, shogun) |
1305-1358 |
Ashikaga Yoshiaki (Japanese shogun) |
1537-1597 |
Ashikaga Yoshimasa (Japanese shogun) |
1435-1490 |
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (Japanese shogun; grandson of Takauji) |
1358-1408 |
Ashley, Robert (American composer, music director) |
1930-2014 |
Ashley, William Henry (American fur trader, explorer) |
c.1778-1838 |
Ashley, William James (English economist) |
1860-1927 |
Ashmead, Isaac (American printer) |
1790-1870 |
Ashmun, Jehudi (American colonial agent) |
1794-1828 |
Ashmole, Elias (English antiquarian) |
1617-1692 |
Ashton, Winifred (pseud. Clemence Dane; English writer, dram.) |
1888-1965 |
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia Constance (New Zealand writer, teacher) |
1908-1984 |
Ashurbanipal (aka Assurbanipal; Assyrian king 668-627 BC) |
7th cent. BC |
Ashurnasirpal I (Assyrian king 1052-1032 BC) |
11th cent. BC |
Ashurnasirpal II (Assyrian king 883-859 BC) |
9th cent. BC |
Ashur-uballit I (Assyrian king c.1365-1330 BC) |
14th cent. BC |
Ashur-uballit II (Assyrian king 611-609 BC) |
7th cent. BC |
Ashwell, Lena Margaret née Pocock (Eng. actor, theatrical mgr.) |
1872-1957 |
Ashworth, Frederick L. "Dick" (American naval officer) |
1912-2005 |
Asik Pasa (in full Alaeddin Ali Asik Pasa; Turkish poet) |
c.1272-1333 |
Asikpasazade (aka Asiki; Turkish historian) |
1400-1484? |
Asimov, Isaac (Russian-born American writer, biochemist) |
1920-1992 |
Askew, Anne (English Protestant martyr) |
1521-1546 |
Asnyk, Adam (pseudonym Ely; Polish poet, dramatist) |
1838-1897 |
Asoka (King of India c.265-238 or c.273-232 BC) |
d.238/232 BC |
Aspar, Flavius Ardaburius (Roman general) |
d.471 |
Aspasia (Greek adventuress, consort of Pericles) |
470?-410 BC |
Aspasia the Younger (Milto; Greek beauty) |
5th-4th cent. BC |
Aspdin, Joseph (English bricklayer, stonemason) |
1799-1855 |
Aspenstrom, Karl Werner (Swedish poet, essayist) |
1918-1997 |
Aspinwall, William Henry (American merchant) |
1807-1875 |
Asplund, Erik Gunnar (Swedish architect) |
1885-1940 |
Asquith, Herbert Henry (English politician) |
1852-1928 |
Asquith, Margot née Tennant (English socialite) |
1864-1945 |
Assandra, Caterina (Italian composer, Benedictine nun) |
c.1590-1632? |
Assange, Julian Paul (Australian internet activist: Wikileaks) |
b.1971 |
Assemani, Joseph Aloysius (Syrian Orientalist; nephew of J.S.) |
1710-1782 |
Assemani, Joseph Simonius (Syrian Maronite Orientalist) |
1687-1768 |
Assemani, Stephen Evodius (Syrian Orientalist, writer) |
1707-1782 |
Asser (Welsh monk) |
d.c.909 |
Asser, Tobias Michael Carel (Dutch jurist) |
1838-1913 |
Assollant, Jean-Baptiste-Alfred (French writer) |
1827-1886 |
Astaire, Fred (American dancer, actor) |
1899-1987 |
Astbury, John (Astbury of Shelton; English potter) |
1688-1743 |
Astbury, William Thomas (English physical biochemist) |
1898-1961 |
Astell, Mary (English writer) |
1668-1731 |
Astle, Thomas (English antiquary, paleographer) |
1735-1803 |
Astley, Sir Jacob (Baron Astley; English Royalist general) |
1579-1652 |
Astley, Philip (English equestrian) |
1742-1814 |
Astley, Thea Beatrice May (Australian writer, poet) |
b.1925 |
Aston, Francis William (English chemist, physicist) |
1877-1945 |
Astor, John Jacob (German-born American fur trader, financier) |
1763-1848 |
Astor, Nancy Witcher (British pol.; first woman in Parliament) |
1879-1964 |
Astor, William Backhouse (American administrator; son of John) |
1792-1875 |
Astor, William Waldorf (Am.-born British financier, journalist) |
1848-1919 |
Astruc, Alexandre (French film critic, film director) |
b.1923 |
Astruc, Jean (French physician) |
1684-1766 |
Asturias Rosales, Miguel Angel (Guat. poet, writer, diplomat) |
1899-1974 |
Asvaghosa (Indian philosopher, poet) |
80?-150? |
Asvalayana (Indian theologian) |
fl. 400 BC |
Atahuallpa (or Atahualpa, Atabalipa; Inca king of Peru) |
c.1502-1533 |
Atanasoff, John Vincent (American mathematician, physicist) |
1903-1995 |
'Atasi, Hashim al- (Syrian politician) |
1875-1960 |
Ataturk, Kemal (born Mustafa; Turkish soldier, statesman) |
1881-1938 |
Ataulphus (aka Atawulf or Ataulf; King of the Visigoths) |
d.415 |
Atchison, David Rice (American politician) |
1807-1886 |
Atget, Jean-Eugene-Auguste (French photographer) |
1856-1927 |
Athalaric (King of Ostrogoths in Italy 526-534) |
516-534 |
Athanagild (King of Visigoths in Spain 554-567) |
d.567 |
Athanaric (Chief of Visigoths in Dacia c.364-376) |
d.381 |
Athanasius, Saint (Greek theologian, prelate in Egypt) |
c.293-373 |
Athanasius I (Byzantine prelate) |
1230-1310 |
Athanasius the Athonite, Saint (born Abraham; Byzantine monk) |
c.920-c.1000 |
Athavale, Pandurang Shastri Vaijnath (Indian philosopher) |
1920-2003 |
Athenaeus (Greek grammarian of Naucratis, Egypt) |
fl. c.200 |
Athenagoras (Greek Christian apologist) |
2nd cent. |
Athenagoras I (Byzantine prelate) |
1886-1972 |
Athenas, Georges (French writer, with Aime Merlo) |
1877-1955 |
Athenodorus of Cleitor (Greek sculptor) |
fl. c.405 BC |
Athenodorus of Rhodes (Greek sculptor) |
2nd? cent. BC |
Athenodorus Cananites (Greek Stoic philosopher) |
c.74 BC-AD c.7 |
Athenodorus Cordylio (Greek Stoic philosopher) |
1st cent. BC |
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin née Horn (American writer) |
1857-1948 |
Atisa (aka Dipankara; Indian religious) |
982-1054 |
Atiyah, Sir Michael Francis (English mathematician, educator) |
b.1929 |
Atkinson, Eleanor née Stackhouse (American writer) |
1863-1942 |
Atkinson, Sir Harry Albert (Eng.-born New Zealand politician) |
1831-1892 |
Atkinson, Henry (American soldier) |
1782-1842 |
Atlas, Charles (Angelo Siciliano; It.-born Am. phys. culturist) |
1894-1972 |
Atsuko Tanaka (Japanese artist; member of Gutai) |
1932-2005 |
Attaignant (or Attaingnant), Pierre (French printer, publisher) |
c.1480-1552 |
Attalus I (surnamed Soter; King of Pergamum 241-197 BC) |
269-197 BC |
Attalus II (surnamed Philadelphus; King of Pergamum 159-138 BC) |
220-138 BC |
Attalus III (Philometor Euergetes; King of Pergamum 138-133 BC) |
c.170-133 BC |
Attalus, Flavius Priscus (Emperor of Rome 409-410, 414) |
d.416? |
'Attar, Farid od-Din Mohammad ebn Ebrahim (Persian poet) |
c.1142-c.1220 |
Attaway, William (American writer) |
1911-1986 |
Attenborough, Sir Richard Samuel (British actor, director) |
b.1923 |
Atterberg, Kurt Magnus (Swedish composer, cellist, critic) |
1887-1974 |
Atterbom, Per Daniel Amadeus (Swedish poet, philosopher, hist.) |
1790-1855 |
Atterbury, Francis (English ecclesiastic, controversialist) |
1663-1732 |
Atteridge, Harold Richard (American playwright, librettist) |
1886-1938 |
Atticus, Titus Pomponius (Roman man of letters) |
109-32 BC |
Attila (King of the Huns 434-453) |
406?-453 |
Attlee, Clement Richard (English politician) |
1883-1967 |
Attucks, Crispus (American patriot) |
1723?-1770 |
Attwood, Thomas (English musician, composer) |
1765-1838 |
Attwood, Thomas (English economist, reformer) |
1783-1856 |
Atwater, Wilbur Olin (American agricultural chemist) |
1844-1907 |
Atwood, George (English mathematician) |
1746-1807 |
Atwood, Margaret Eleanor (Canadian poet, writer, critic) |
b.1939 |
Atwood, Wallace Walter (American geologist, geographer) |
1872-1949 |
Aub, Max (French-born Spanish writer, dramatist) |
1903-1972 |
Aubanel, Theodore (French Provencal poet) |
1829-1886 |
Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit (French musician, composer) |
1782-1871 |
Aubert de Gaspe, Philippe (Canadian writer) |
1786-1871 |
Aubert, Jacques (French violinist, composer) |
1689-1753 |
Aubigne, Theodore-Agrippa d' (Fr. Huguenot commander, writer) |
1552-1630 |
Aubrey, John (English antiquary, writer) |
1626-1697 |
Aubusson, Pierre d' (French soldier) |
1423-1503 |
Auchincloss, Louis Stanton (American writer, critic) |
1917-2010 |
Auchinleck, Sir Claude John Eyre (English soldier) |
1884-1981 |
Auchmuty, Sir Samuel (American-born British general) |
1756-1822 |
Auden, Wystan Hugh (English-born American poet) |
1907-1973 |
Audiberti, Jacques (French poet, playwright, writer) |
1899-1965 |
Audiffret-Pasquier, Edme-Armand-Gaston d' (French politician) |
1823-1905 |
Audley (or Audeley), Sir James (English knight) |
1316?-1386 |
Audley, Thomas (Baron Audley of Walden; Eng. lord chancellor) |
1488-1544 |
Audran, Benoit I (French engraver) |
1661-1721 |
Audran, Benoit II (French engraver; son of Benoit I) |
1698-1772 |
Audran, Charles (French engraver; brother of Claude) |
1594-1674 |
Audran, Claude I (French engraver; brother of Charles) |
1597-1677 |
Audran, Claude II (French painter; nephew of Charles & Claude) |
1639-1684 |
Audran, Claude III (French painter, tapestry designer, curator) |
1658-1734 |
Audran, Gerard II (French engraver; nephew of Claude II) |
1640-1703 |
Audran, Edmond (French composer) |
1842-1901 |
Audubon, John James (Haitian-born Am. ornithologist, artist) |
1785-1851 |
Auenbrugger von Auenbrugg, Leopold (Austrian physician) |
1722-1809 |
Auer, Carl (Freiherr von Welsbach; Austrian chemist) |
1858-1929 |
Auer, Leopold (Hungarian violinist, teacher) |
1845-1930 |
Auerbach, Berthold (born Moses Baruch Auerbacher; Ger. writer) |
1812-1882 |
Auerbach, Erich (German educator, scholar) |
1892-1957 |
Auersperg, Anton Alexander von (Austrian poet, politician) |
1806-1876 |
Auersperg, Carlos (Austrian statesman) |
1814-1890 |
Auersperg, Johann Weikhart (Austrian diplomat, politician) |
1615-1677 |
Auffenberg, Joseph von (German dramatist) |
1798-1857 |
Auffenberg von Komarow, Moritz (Austro-Hungarian general) |
1852-1928 |
Augereau, Pierre-Francois-Charles (French soldier) |
1757-1816 |
Augier, Guillaume-Victor-Emile (French poet, dramatist) |
1820-1889 |
August, Bille (Danish film & television director) |
b.1948 |
Augustine, Saint (Early Christian church father, philosopher) |
354-430 |
Augustine, Saint (English prelate, missionary) |
d.604 |
Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; First Roman emperor 27 BC-AD 14) |
63 BC-AD 14 |
Aukrust, Olav (Norwegian poet, teacher) |
1883-1929 |
Aulard, Francois-Alphonse (French historian) |
1849-1928 |
Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville (Fr. writer) |
1650/51-1705 |
Aumann, Robert John (Israeli mathematician) |
b.1930 |
Aungerville (or Aungervyle), Richard (English bibliophile) |
1281-1345 |
Aung San (Burmese nationalist hero) |
1914?-1947 |
Aung San Suu Kyi (Burmese dissident, 1991 Nobel Peace Prize) |
b.1945 |
Aurelian (Lusius Domitius Aurelianus; Roman emperor 270-275) |
c.215-275 |
Auric, Georges (French composer; member of Les Six) |
1899-1983 |
Auriol, Vincent (French politician) |
1884-1966 |
Aurispa, Giovanni (Sicilian scholar, Humanist) |
1369?-1459 |
Aurobindo, Sri (born Sri Aurobindo Ghose; Indian seer, poet) |
1872-1950 |
Auserre Apopi I (Hyksos king of Egypt c.1607-c.1566 BC) |
17-16th cent. BC |
Auslander, Joseph (American poet) |
1897-1965 |
Ausonius, Decimus Maximus (Latin poet, rhetorician of Gaul) |
c.310-c.395 |
Austen, Jane (English writer) |
1775-1817 |
Auster, Paul (American writer, essayist, translator, poet) |
b.1947 |
Austin, Alfred (English poet laureate 1896) |
1835-1913 |
Austin, Charles Beard (American historian) |
1874-1948 |
Austin, Frederic (English singer, composer) |
1872-1952 |
Austin, Gene (born Eugene Lucas; American musician) |
1900-1972 |
Austin, Herbert (1st Baron Austin; Eng. motorcar manufacturer) |
1866-1941 |
Austin, James H. (American neurologist) |
b.1925 |
Austin, John (English jurist; husband of Sarah) |
1790-1859 |
Austin, John Langshaw (English philosopher) |
1911-1960 |
Austin, Larry (American composer, teacher, editor) |
b.1930 |
Austin, Mary née Hunter (American writer, essayist) |
1868-1934 |
Austin, Sarah née Taylor (English translator; wife of John) |
1793-1867 |
Austin, Stephen Fuller (American colonizer in Texas) |
1793-1836 |
Autcharius (Frankish noble) |
8th cent. |
Autolycus (Greek astronomer, mathematician) |
fl. c.310 BC |
Autran, Joseph (French poet, dramatist) |
1813-1877 |
Autry, Orvon Gene (American musician, singer) |
1907-1998 |
Auwers, Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von (German astronomer) |
1838-1915 |
Auxentius (Cappadocian prelate, theologian) |
d.374? |
Avakumovic, Jovan (Serbian statesman) |
1841-1928 |
Avalos, Fernando Francesco de (Spanish soldier) |
1490-1525 |
Avellaneda, Alonso Fernandez de (Spanish writer) |
17th cent. |
Avellaneda, Nicolas (Argentinean politician) |
1836-1885 |
Avempace (aka Ibn Bajjah; Spanish Arab philosopher) |
c.1095-1138 |
Avenarius, Ferdinand (Ger. poet, writer on art; bro. of Rich.) |
1856-1923 |
Avenarius, Richard Heinrich Ludwig (German philosopher) |
1843-1896 |
Avenel, Georges d' (French economist, historian) |
1855-1939 |
Avenol, Joseph Louis Anne (French diplomat) |
1879-1952 |
Averescu, Alexandru (Romanian general, politician) |
1859-1938 |
Averlino, Antonio di Pietro (Florentine architect, sculptor) |
c.1400-c.1469 |
Averroes (Ibn-Rushd; Spanish-Arab philosopher, physician) |
1126-1198 |
Avery, Byllye Yvonne (American healthcare activist) |
b.1937 |
Avery, Frederick Bean "Tex", "Fred" (Am. animator, cartoonist) |
1908-1980 |
Avery, Milton Clark (American painter) |
1885-1965 |
Avery, Oswald Rheodore (Canadian-born American bacteriologist) |
1877-1955 |
Avery, Samuel Putnam (American artist, patron) |
1822-1904 |
Avianus (or Avianius), Flavius (Latin writer) |
fl. 4th cent. |
Avicenna (Persian philosopher, physician) |
c.980-c.1037 |
Avidius Cassius, Gaius (Roman soldier) |
d. 175 |
Avienus, Rufus Festus (Roman poet) |
4th cent. |
Avila Camacho, Manuel (Mexican soldier, pol., pres. 1940-1946) |
1897-1955 |
Avila y Zuniga, Luis de (Spanish historian) |
1500-1573 |
Avison, Charles (English composer, organist, music director) |
1709-1770 |
Avison, Margaret (Canadian social worker, poet) |
1918-2007 |
Avitus, Marcus Maecilius (Roman emperor of the West 455-456) |
d.456 |
Avogadro, Amedeo (Italian chemist, physicist) |
1776-1856 |
Avram, Henriette Regina née Davidson (Am.systems analyst; MARC) |
1919-2006 |
Avvakum Petrovich (Russian clergyman) |
1620/21-1682 |
Awdelay (or Awdeley), John (English printer) |
fl. 1559-1577 |
Awhad ad-Din 'Ali (pseudonym Anvari; Persian poet) |
c.1126-c.1189 |
Awil-Marduk (aka Evil-Merodach; King of Babylonia 561-560 BC) |
d.560 BC |
Awoonor, Kofi Nyidevu (Ghanaian poet, writer, critic, diplomat) |
b.1935 |
Axayacatl (or Axayacatzin; Aztec emperor 1469-1481) |
15th cent. |
Axel, Richard (American neuroscientist) |
b.1946 |
Axelrod, Julius "Julie" (American neuroscientist) |
1912-2004 |
Ay (King of Egypt c.1352-1348 BC) |
14th cent. BC |
Ayala, Eusebio (Paraguayan politician) |
1875-1942 |
Ayala Garcia-Duarte, Francisco (Spanish writer, scholar) |
1906-2009 |
Ayala, Juan Manuel de (Spanish explorer) |
18th cent. |
Aybak, 'Izz ad-Din Abu al-Mansur (Sultan of Egypt 1250-1257) |
d.1257 |
Ayckbourn, Alan (English playwright) |
b.1939 |
Aydelotte, Frank (American educator) |
1880-1956 |
Ayer, Sir Alfred Jules (English philosopher) |
1910-1989 |
Ayer, Francis Wayland (American advertiser) |
1848-1923 |
Ayers, Kevin (English songwriter, musician) |
b.1944 |
Ayers, Nigel (English multimedia artist) |
b.1957 |
Aying (or A-ying; pseudonym of Qian Xingcun; Chinese critic) |
1900-1977 |
Aykroyd, Daniel Edward "Dan" (Canadian-born American actor) |
b.1952 |
Ayler, Albert (American musician, singer, composer) |
1936-1970 |
Ayllon, Lucas Vazquez (or Vasquez) de (Spanish explorer) |
c.1475-1526 |
Aylmer, John (English prelate) |
1521-1594 |
Aylwin Azocar, Patricio (Chilean president 1990-1994) |
b.1918 |
Ayme, Marcel Andre (French writer, essayist, playwright) |
1902-1967 |
Ayrer, Jakob (German dramatist) |
1543-1605 |
Ayres, Anne (English-born American religious) |
1816-1896 |
Ayrton, Hertha née Marks (English physicist; wife of William) |
1854-1923 |
Ayrton, William Edward (English electrical engineer, inventor) |
1847-1908 |
Ayscue, Sir George (British admiral) |
d.1671 |
Ayton (or Aytoun), Sir Robert (Scottish poet) |
1570-1638 |
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (Scottish poet, parodist) |
1813-1865 |
Ayub Khan (Amir of Afghanistan 1880-1881) |
1855-1914 |
Ayub Khan, Mohammad (Pakistani politician) |
1907-1974 |
Azad, Abdus Samad (Bangladeshi politician, revolutionary) |
1922-2005 |
Azais, Pierre-Hyacinthe (French philosopher) |
1766-1845 |
Azana y Diaz, Manuel (Spanish politician, president 1936-1939) |
1880-1940 |
Azariah, Vedanayakam Samuel (Indian prelate) |
1874-1945 |
Azevedo, Aluizio (Brazilian writer) |
1857-1913 |
Azhari, Isma'il al- (Sudanese politician) |
1900-1969 |
Azuela, Mariano (Mexican writer, army doctor) |
1873-1952 |
Azzai, Simon Ben (Jewish scholar) |
2nd cent. AD |
Aziz, Tariq (born Mikhail Yuhanna; Iraqi foreign minister) |
b.1936 |
Azzone (aka Azzo dei Porci; Azolinus Porcius; Italian jurist) |
c.1150-1230 |