Caamano, Jose Maria Placido (Ecuadorian politician) |
1838-1901 |
Cabanel, Alexandre (French painter) |
1823-1889 |
Cabanilles, Juan Bautista Jose (Spanish organist, composer) |
1644-1712 |
Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges (French physician, philosopher) |
1757-1808 |
Cabarrus, Francisco de (French-born Spanish financier) |
1752-1810 |
Cabasilas, Nicolas (Greek lay theologian; nephew of Nilus) |
c.1320-c.1390 |
Cabasilas, Nilus (Greek prelate, theologian) |
c.1298-c.1363 |
Cabell, James Branch (American writer, essayist) |
1879-1958 |
Cabet, Etienne (French Socialist) |
1788-1856 |
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez (Spanish explorer) |
c.1490-c.1560 |
Cabezon, Antonio de (Spanish composer) |
1510-1566 |
Cable, George Washington (American writer, reformer) |
1844-1925 |
Caboche, Simon (aka Simon le Coustellier; French merchant) |
15th cent. |
Cabot, John (American businessman, politician) |
1752-1823 |
Cabot, John (Giovanni Caboto; Venetian navigator, explorer) |
c.1450-c.1499 |
Cabot, Sebastian (English navigator, explorer; son of John) |
1476?-1557 |
Cabot, Richard Clarke (American physician) |
1868-1939 |
Cabral de Melo Neto, Joao (Brazilian poet, diplomat) |
b.1920 |
Cabral, Amilcar (Guinean politician) |
1921-1973 |
Cabral, Pedro Alvars (Portuguese navigator) |
1467/8-1520 |
Cabrera y Grino, Ramon (Spanish insurgent) |
1806-1877 |
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo (Cuban writer, critic) |
b.1929 |
Cabrera, Lydia (Cuban ethnologist, writer) |
1900-1991 |
Cabrilho, Joao Rodrigues (Portuguese explorer in Span. service) |
d.1543 |
Cabrini, Saint Frances Xavier (Italian-born American religious) |
1850-1917 |
Cabrol, Fernand (French religious) |
1855-1937 |
Caccini, Francesca (Italian composer, singer, lutenist, poet) |
1587-c.1640 |
Caccini, Giulio (aka Giulio Romano; Italian singer, composer) |
c.1545-1618 |
Caccini, Settimia (Italian composer, singer) |
1591-c.1638 |
Caceres, Andres Avelino (Peruvian general, politician) |
1833-1923 |
Cadalso y Vazquez, Jose de (Spanish writer) |
1741-1782 |
Ca'da Mosto (or Cadamosto), Alvise (Venetian navigator, expl.) |
1432-1488 |
Cadbury, George (English industrialist, reformer) |
1839-1922 |
Cadbury, Richard (English industrialist; brother of George) |
1836?-1899 |
Cade, John "Jack" (Irish-born British rebel) |
d.1450 |
Cadell, Francis (Scottish explorer) |
1822-1879 |
Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe (French founder of Detroit) |
1658-1730 |
Cadman, Charles Wakefield (American composer) |
1881-1946 |
Cadogan, William (1st Earl Cadogan; Irish-born Brit. soldier) |
1672-1726 |
Cadorna, Luigi (Italian soldier; son of Raffaele) |
1850-1928 |
Cadorna, Raffaele (Italian general) |
1815-1897 |
Cadoudal, Georges (French conspirator) |
1771-1804 |
Cadwaladr (Welsh prince; son of Gruffudd) |
d.1172 |
Cadwallon (Welsh king of Gwynedd c.625-633) |
d.633 |
Caecilius of Calacte (Greek rhetorician, critic) |
1st cent. |
Caecilius Statius (or Statius Caecilius; Roman comic poet) |
c.219-166 BC |
Caecina (full name Aulus Caecina Alienus; Roman general) |
d.79 |
Caedmon (English poet, monk, shepherd) |
fl. 658-680 |
Caelius (full name Marcus Caelius Rufus; Roman politician) |
82-48 BC |
Caelius Aurelianus (Roman physician of North Africa) |
5th cent. |
Caesar, Gaius (Roman noble; son of M. Vipsanius Agrippa) |
20 BC-AD 4 |
Caesar, Gaius Julius (Roman general, statesman) |
100-44 |
Caesar, Lucius Julius (Roman politician) |
d.87 BC |
Caesarius of Arles, Saint (Gallic prelate) |
c.470-542 |
Caesarius of Heisterbach (German religious) |
c.1170-c.1240 |
Caffarelli, Luis A. (Argentinian/American mathematician) |
b.1948 |
Caffaro di Caschifellone (Genoese soldier, chronicler) |
c.1080-1166 |
Caffieri, Filippo (or Philippe; French sculptor) |
1634-1716 |
Caffieri, Jacques (French sculptor; son of Filippo) |
1678-1755 |
Caffieri, Jean-Jacques (French sculptor; son of Jacques) |
1725-1792 |
Caffieri, Philippe (French sculptor; son of Jacques) |
1714-1774 |
Cage, John Milton Jr. (American composer, philosopher, writer) |
1912-1992 |
Cagliostro, Alessandro di (Giuseppe Balsamo; It. adventurer) |
1743-1795 |
Cagney, James Francis Jr. (American actor) |
1899-1986 |
Cagniard de la Tour, Charles (French engineer, physicist) |
1777-1859 |
Cagnola, Luigi (Italian architect) |
1762-1833 |
Cahan, Abraham (Lithuanian-born American journalist, writer) |
1860-1951 |
Cahill, Thaddeus (American inventor) |
1867-1934 |
Cahun, Claude (French artist, photographer, writer) |
1894-1954 |
Caillaux, Joseph-Marie-Auguste (French politician) |
1863-1944 |
Caillavet, Gaston Arman de (French journalist, playwright) |
1869-1915 |
Cailletet, Louis-Paul (French physicist) |
1832-1913 |
Caillie (or Caille), Rene-Auguste (French explorer) |
1799-1838 |
Caillois, Roger (French literary critic, philosopher) |
1913-1978 |
Cain, James Mallahan (American journalist, writer) |
1892-1977 |
Cain, Richard Harvey (American clergyman, politician) |
1825-1887 |
Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall (English writer) |
1853-1931 |
Caine, Uri (American musician, composer) |
b.1956 |
Caird, Edward (Scottish philosopher, theologian) |
1835-1908 |
Cairnes, John Elliott (Irish economist) |
1823-1875 |
Cairns, Hugh McCalmont (Irish-born British politician) |
1819-1885 |
Cairoli, Benedetto (Italian politician) |
1825-1889 |
Cairoli, Charlie (Italy-born British clown, impressionist) |
1910-1980 |
Caitanya (aka Gauranga; Visvambhara Misra; Indian Hindu mystic) |
1485-1533 |
Caius (aka Kees, Keys, Kay), John (Eng. physician, Humanist) |
1510-1573 |
Caix d'Hervelois, Louis de (French composer) |
c.1670-c.1760 |
Cajetan of Thiene, Saint (Gaetano de Thiene; Italian religious) |
1480-1547 |
Cajigal de la Vega, Francisco Antonio (Span. colonial governor) |
1695-1777 |
Cajori, Florian (Swiss-born American mathematician) |
1859-1930 |
Cakmak, Fevzi (Turkish soldier, politician) |
1876-1950 |
Cakste, Janis (Latvian politician) |
1859-1927 |
Calagione, Sam (American brewer: Dogfish Head Brewery) |
b.1969 |
Calamis (Greek sculptor) |
5th cent. BC |
Calamy, Edmund (English clergyman) |
1600-1666 |
Calamy, Edmund (English clergyman; grandson of Edmund) |
1671-1732 |
Calas, Jean (French merchant) |
1698-1762 |
Calasanz (or Calasanza), Saint Jose (Spanish cleric, educator) |
1556-1648 |
Calasso, Roberto (Italian editor, publisher, writer) |
b.1941 |
Calcar, Jan Stephen van (Flemish painter, woodcut artist) |
c.1499-1545? |
Caldara, Antonio (Italian composer) |
1670-1736 |
Caldara, Polidoro (aka Polidoro da Caravaggio; It. painter) |
c.1500-1543 |
Caldecott, Randolph (English artist, illustrator) |
1846-1886 |
Calder, Alexander (American sculptor; son of Alex. Stirling) |
1898-1976 |
Calder, Alexandre Milne (Scottish-born American sculptor) |
1846-1923 |
Calder, Alexander Stirling (American sculptor; son of A. Milne) |
1870-1945 |
Calderon, Alberto Pedro (Argentinian mathematician, academic) |
1920-1998 |
Calderon, Rodrigo (Conde de Oliva; Spanish courtier) |
1576?-1621 |
Calderon de la Barca, Pedro (Spanish dramatist, poet) |
1600-1681 |
Calderon Fournier, Rafael Angel (Costa Rican pres. 1990-1994) |
b.1949 |
Calderwood, David (Scottish clergyman) |
1575-1650 |
Caldwell, Erskine Preston (American writer) |
1903-1987 |
Caldwell, Janet Taylor (English-born American writer) |
1900-1985 |
Caldwell, Lynton Keith (American scholar, environmentalist) |
1913-2006 |
Caldwell-Moore, Sir Alfred Patrick (English amateur astronomer) |
b.1923 |
Cale, John Davies (Welsh musician, composer, singer) |
b.1942 |
Calenus, Quintus Fufius (Roman general) |
d.41 BC |
Calepino, Ambrogio (Italian lexicographer) |
c.1440-1510 |
Calhoun, John Caldwell (Am. politician, vice-pres. 1825-32) |
1782-1850 |
Caliari, Paolo "Paolo Veronese" (Italian painter) |
1528-1588 |
Caligula (orig. Gaius Caesar; Roman emperor 37-41) |
AD 12-41 |
Calinescu, Armand (Romanian politician) |
1893-1939 |
Calisher, Hortense (American writer) |
1911-2009 |
Calixtus I, Saint (Pope 217/8-222) |
d.222 |
Calixtus II (born Guido di Borgogne; Pope 1119-1124) |
d.1124 |
Calixtus III (born Alfonso de Borgia or Borja; Pope 1455-1458) |
1378-1458 |
Calixtus III (born Giovanni di Strumi; Antipope 1168-1178) |
12th cent. |
Calixtus (or Calixt), Georg (German Lutheran theologian) |
1586-1656 |
Calkins, Mary Whiton (American philosopher, psychologist) |
1863-1930 |
Callaghan, Leonard James (British prime minister 1976-1979) |
1912-2005 |
Callaghan, Morley Edward (Canadian writer) |
1903-1990 |
Callanan, Martin John (English artist, academic) |
b.1982 |
Callas, Maria (Maria Anna Sofia Kalogeropoulos; Am. singer) |
1923-1977 |
Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall (English painter) |
1779-1844 |
Callcott, John Wall (English musician, composer; bro. of A.W.) |
1766-1821 |
Calleja del Rey, Felix Maria (Spanish general) |
1755?-1828 |
Callenbach, Ernest (American writer, teacher) |
1929-2012 |
Callendar, Hugh Longbourne (English physicist) |
1863-1930 |
Calles, Plutarco Elias (Mexican soldier, president 1924-1928) |
1877-1945 |
Callias (Athenian soldier, diplomat) |
5th cent. BC |
Callicrates (or Kallikrates; Greek architect) |
5th cent. BC |
Callicratidas (Spartan admiral) |
d.406 BC |
Callieres, Francois de (French diplomat) |
1645-1717 |
Callieres, Louis-Hector (French soldier; brother of Francois) |
1648-1703 |
Callimachus (Greek sculptor) |
5th cent. BC |
Callimachus (Greek scholar, poet) |
c.305-c.240 BC |
Callinicus of Heliopolis (Syrian Jewish architect) |
7th cent. |
Callinus (Greek poet) |
7th cent. BC |
Callippus (or Calippus; Greek astronomer) |
4th cent. BC |
Callisthenes of Olynthus (Greek philosopher, historian) |
c.360-328 BC |
Callistratus (Athenian orator, general) |
d.355 BC |
Callistus I (Greek prelate) |
d.1363 |
Callot, Jacques (French painter, engraver) |
1592/3-1635 |
Calloway, Cabell III "Cab" (American bandleader, singer) |
1907-1994 |
Calmette, Albert-Leon-Charles (French bacteriologist) |
1863-1933 |
Calmette, Gaston (French editor; brother of Albert) |
1858-1914 |
Calomarde, Francisco Tadeo (Spanish politician) |
1773-1842 |
Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de (French politician) |
1734-1802 |
Calov, Abraham (orig. surname Kalau; German theologian) |
1612-1686 |
Calpurnia (Roman noblewoman; wife of Julius Caesar) |
1st cent. BC |
Calpurnius Siculus, Titus (Roman poet) |
1st cent. |
Calvaert (or Calvart), Denis (or Denys; Flemish painter) |
1540-1619 |
Calve, Emma (Rosa-Noemie-Emma Calvet de Roquer; French singer) |
1858-1942 |
Calverley, Charles Stuart (English poet, parodist) |
1831-1884 |
Calvert, Cecilius (English colonialist; son of George) |
1605-1675 |
Calvert, Charles (American politician; son of Cecilius) |
1637-1715 |
Calvert, George (English politician, colonialist in America) |
1580?-1632 |
Calvert, Leonard (English colonialist; son of George) |
1606-1647 |
Calvin, John (born Jean Cauvin; French theologian, reformer) |
1509-1564 |
Calvin, Melvin Ellis (American chemist) |
1911-1997 |
Calvino, Italo (Cuban-born Italian journalist, writer) |
1923-1985 |
Calvo, Carlos (Argentinean diplomat, jurist) |
1824-1906 |
Calvo Sotelo y Bustelo, Leopoldo (Spanish prime min. 1981-82) |
1926-2008 |
Calvus, Gaius Licinius Macer (Roman orator, poet) |
82-c.47 BC |
Calzabigi, Raniero Simone Francesco Maria de (Italian poet) |
1714-1795 |
Camargo, Marie-Anne de Cupis de (Belgian ballerina) |
1710-1770 |
Cambaceres, Jean-Jacques-Regis de (French jurist, statesman) |
1753-1824 |
Cambert, Robert (French composer) |
c.1627-1677 |
Cambiaso (or Cambiasi), Luca "Il Luchetto" (Genoese painter) |
1527-1585 |
Cambini, Giuseppe Maria Gioacchino (It. violinist, composer) |
1746-1825 |
Cambon, Jules-Martin (French diplomat; brother of Paul) |
1845-1935 |
Cambon, Pierre-Joseph (French financier, politician) |
1756-1820 |
Cambon, Pierre-Paul (French diplomat) |
1843-1924 |
Cambridge, Alexander Augustus Frederick William (Brit. soldier) |
1874-1957 |
Canbridge, Richard Owen (English poet) |
1717-1802 |
Cambronne, Pierre-Jacques-Etienne (French general) |
1770-1842 |
Cambyses I (Kambujia; King of Anshan c.600-559 BC) |
6th cent. BC |
Cambyses II (King of Persia 529-522 BC; son of Cyrus the Great) |
d.522 BC |
Camden, William (English antiquary, historian) |
1551-1623 |
Camel, Sir Gus (American Shriner, entertainer, camel) |
1977-2002 |
Camerarius (born Kammermeister), Joachim (Ger. class. scholar) |
1500-1574 |
Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob (German physician, botanist) |
1665-1721 |
Cameron, Duncan (Scottish-born Canadian fur trader) |
1764-1848 |
Cameron, James Donald (American politician; son of Simon) |
1833-1918 |
Cameron, John (Scottish theologian) |
c.1579-1625 |
Cameron, Julia Margaret (India-born British photographer) |
1815-1879 |
Cameron, Marjorie Elizabeth (Am. writer, painter, occultist) |
1922-1995 |
Cameron, Norman (India-born Scottish poet, copywriter) |
1905-1953 |
Cameron, Richard (Scottish Covenanter) |
1648-1680 |
Cameron, Simon (American financier, politician) |
1799-1889 |
Cameron, Verney Lovett (English explorer) |
1844-1894 |
Cameron of Lochiel, Sir Ewen (Scottish highland chieftain) |
1629-1719 |
Cameron of Lochiel, Donald Cameron (Scottish chieftain) |
1695?-1748 |
Camillo de Lellis, Saint (Italian religious) |
1550-1614 |
Camillus, Marcus Furius (Roman soldier, statesman) |
d.365 BC |
Cammaerts, Emile (Belgian poet, writer) |
1878-1953 |
Cammarano, Salvatore (Italian librettist) |
1801-1852 |
Camoes (aka Camoens), Luiz Vaz de (Portuguese poet) |
1524/5-1580 |
Camp, Walter Chauncey (American football coach) |
1859-1925 |
Campagna, Gerolamo (Venetian sculptor) |
1552?-1623 |
Campagnola, Domenico (Italian painter, printmaker) |
c.1484-c.1563 |
Campagnola, Giulio (Italian engraver, painter) |
c.1482-1514? |
Campan, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette née Genet (French educator) |
1752-1822 |
Campana, Dino (Italian poet, traveler) |
1885-1932 |
Campana, Giampietro (Italian antiquarian) |
1808-1880 |
Campanella, Tommaso (born Giovanni Domenico; It. philosopher) |
1568-1639 |
Campani, Giuseppe (Italian optician) |
1635-1715 |
Campanius, John (Swedish clergyman) |
1601-1683 |
Campanus of Novara (Campanus Novariensis; It. mathematician) |
d.1296 |
Campbell, Alexander (Irish-born Am. fdr. Disciples of Christ) |
1788-1866 |
Campbell, Sir Archibald (Scottish-born British soldier) |
1739-1791 |
Campbell, Sir Archibald (Scottish-born British army officer) |
1769-1843 |
Campbell, Colin née Macliver (Scottish-born Brit. army officer) |
1792-1863 |
Campbell, Donald Lewis (Am. chem. engineer; 1 of Four Horsemen) |
1904-2002 |
Campbell, Donald Malcolm (English racer; son of Sir Malcolm) |
1921-1967 |
Campbell, Douglas Houghton (American botanist) |
1859-1953 |
Campbell, George (Scottish theologian) |
1719-1796 |
Campbell, Ignatius Roy Dunnachie (South Africa-born Brit. poet) |
1901-1957 |
Campbell, John (Scottish-born American colonial journalist) |
1653-1728 |
Campbell, John (British general in America) |
1705-1782 |
Campbell, John (1st Baron Campbell; Scot.-born British jurist) |
1779-1861 |
Campbell, John Archibald (Am. Supreme Court justice 1853-1861) |
1811-1889 |
Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland (Canadian gov.-gen. 1878-83) |
1845-1914 |
Campbell, John Francis (Scot. folklorist, government official) |
1822-1885 |
Campbell, John Wood Jr. (Don A. Stuart; Am. editor, writer) |
1910-1971 |
Campbell, Joseph (???) |
1881-1944 |
Campbell, Joseph (American folklorist, mythologist) |
1904-1987 |
Campbell, Kim (born Avril Phaedra Campbell; Can. politician) |
b.1947 |
Campbell, Lewis (Scottish scholar) |
1830-1908 |
Campbell, Sir Malcolm (English automobile, boat racer) |
1885-1948 |
Campbell, Michael George "Mikey Dread" (Jamaican singer, prod.) |
1954-2008 |
Campbell, Neil (Scottish musician) |
b.1966 |
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick née Beatrice S. Tanner (English actor) |
1865-1940 |
Campbell, Reginald John (English clergyman) |
1867-1956 |
Campbell, Robert (Scottish-born Canadian trader, explorer) |
1808-1894 |
Campbell, Steven (Scottish painter) |
1953-2007 |
Campbell, Thomas (Irish-born American religious leader) |
1763-1854 |
Campbell, Thomas (Scottish-born British poet) |
1777-1844 |
Campbell, William Edward March "William March" (Am. writer) |
1893-1954 |
Campbell, William Ellsworth (Chung Ling Soo; Am. conjurer) |
1861-1918 |
Campbell, William Wallace (American astronomer) |
1862-1938 |
Campbell, William Wilfred (Canadian poet, civil servant) |
1861-1918 |
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry (Scottish-born Brit. politician) |
1836-1908 |
Campe, Joachim Heinrich (German educator) |
1746-1818 |
Campeggio, Lorenzo (Italian prelate) |
1474-1539 |
Campen, Jacob van (Dutch architect) |
1595-1657 |
Campenhout, Francois van (Belgian violinist, composer) |
1779-1848 |
Camper, Pieter (Dutch anatomist) |
1722-1789 |
Campero, Narciso (Bolivian soldier, politician; pres. 1880-84) |
1813-1896 |
Camphuysen, Dirk Rafaelszoon (Dutch painter, poet, theologian) |
1586-1627 |
Campi, Antonio (It. painter, architect; son of Galeazzo) |
1536-c.1591 |
Campi, Bernardino (Italian painter; nephew of Galeazzo) |
1522-c.1591 |
Campi, Galeazzo (Italian painter in Cremona) |
1477-1536 |
Campi, Giulio (Italian painter in Cremona; son of Galeazzo) |
1502-1572 |
Campi, Vincenzo (Italian painter in Cremona; son of Galeazzo) |
1536-1591 |
Campin, Robert (Flemish painter) |
c.1378-1444 |
Campion, Edmund (English Jesuit martyr) |
1540-1581 |
Campion, Jane (New Zealand film director, producer) |
b.1954 |
Campion (or Campian), Thomas (Eng. poet, composer, physician) |
1567-1620 |
Campistron, Jean Galbert de (French playwright) |
1656-1723 |
Campo, Estanislao (Argentinean poet, journalist) |
1834-1880 |
Campoamor y Campoosorio, Ramon de (Spanish poet) |
1817-1901 |
Campos Salles, Manuel Ferraz de (Braz. polit.; pres 1898-1902) |
1841-1913 |
Campos, Augusto de (Brazilian poet, literary critic) |
b.1931 |
Campos, Haroldo de (Brazilian poet, literary critic) |
b.1929 |
Campra, Andre (French composer, conductor) |
1660-1744 |
Camus, Albert (Algeria-born Fr. writer, essayist, playwright) |
1913-1960 |
Camus, Marcel (French film director, writer) |
1912-1982 |
Canal, Giovanni Antonio "Canaletto" (Venetian painter) |
1697-1768 |
Canalejas y Mendez, Jose (Spanish politician) |
1854-1912 |
Canalizo, Valentin (Mexican general) |
1794-1850 |
Canaris, Wilhelm Franz (German naval officer) |
1887-1945 |
Canby, Henry Seidel (American writer, editor) |
1878-1961 |
Candamo, Manuel (Peruvian journalist, politician) |
1842-1904 |
Candid, Pieter (orig. surname de Wit; Flemish painter) |
c.1548-1628 |
Candidas (or Chandidas; Bengali poet) |
14th-15th cent. |
Candler, Asa Griggs (American manufacturer: Coca Cola) |
1851-1929 |
Candler, Warren Akin (Am. clergyman, educator; brother of Asa) |
1857-1941 |
Candlish, Robert Smith (Scottish clergyman) |
1806-1873 |
Candolle, Alphonse-Louis de (Swiss botanist; son of Augustin) |
1806-1893 |
Candolle, Augustin-Pyrame de (Swiss bot.; coined "taxonomy") |
1778-1841 |
Candragupta (or Chandragupta; Indian emperor c.321-c.297 BC) |
d.c.297 BC |
Candra Gupta I (Indian king of Gupta dynasty 320-c.330) |
4th cent. |
Candra Gupta II (Indian emperor of Gupta dynasty c.380-c.415) |
4th-5th cent. |
Candrakirti (Indian Buddhist philosopher) |
fl. 600-650 |
Canetti, Elias (Bulgarian-born British writer, playwright) |
1905-1994 |
Canga Arguelles, Jose (Spanish politician) |
1770-1843 |
Caniff, Milton Arthur (American cartoonist) |
1907-1988 |
Canisius, Saint Peter (Dutch religious, theologian) |
1521-1597 |
Canitz, Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig von (Prussian diplomat, poet) |
1654-1699 |
Cankar, Ivan (Slovene writer, patriot) |
1876-1918 |
Cannabich, Johann Christian Innocenz Bonaventura (German comp.) |
1731-1798 |
Canning, Charles John (British colonial administrator in India) |
1812-1862 |
Canning, George (British politician 1827; father of Charles) |
1770-1827 |
Canning, Sir Samuel (English engineer) |
1823-1908 |
Canning, Sir Stratford (British diplomat) |
1786-1880 |
Cannizzaro, Stanislao (Italian chemist) |
1826-1910 |
Cannon, Annie Jump (American astronomer) |
1863-1941 |
Cannon, Bradford (Am. surgeon: reconstructive surgery pioneer) |
1907-2005 |
Cannon, Harriet Starr (American religious) |
1823-1896 |
Cannon, James (American clergyman) |
1864-1944 |
Cannon, James Patrick (American Communist & Trotskyist leader) |
1890-1974 |
Cannon, Joseph Gurney "Uncle Joe" (American politician) |
1836-1926 |
Cannon, Walter Bradford (American physiologist) |
1871-1945 |
Cano, Alonso (Spanish painter, sculptor, architect) |
1601-1667 |
Cano, Melchor (or Melchior; Spanish theologian) |
c.1509-1560 |
Canonicus (American Narragansett Indian leader) |
1565?-1647 |
Canova, Antonio (Italian sculptor) |
1757-1822 |
Canovas del Castillo, Antonio (Spanish politician, writer) |
1828-1897 |
Canrobert, Francois-Certain (French army officer) |
1809-1895 |
Cantelupe, Saint Thomas de (English prelate; nephew of Walter) |
c.1218-1282 |
Cantelupe (or Cantilupe), Walter de (English prelate) |
d.1266 |
Cantet, Laurent (French film director, screenwriter) |
b.1961 |
Canth, Ulrika Vilhelmina "Minna" née Johnson (Finnish writer) |
1844-1897 |
Canton, John (English physicist) |
1718-1772 |
Cantor, Eddie (born Edward Israel; American comedian) |
1892-1964 |
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (German mathematician) |
1845-1918 |
Cantor, Moritz Benedikt (German mathematician) |
1829-1920 |
Cantu, Cesare (Italian historian, writer, poet) |
1804?-1895 |
Canute of Denmark (Canute the Great; King of England, Denmark) |
994-1035 |
Cao (aka Cam), Diogo (Portuguese navigator) |
fl. 1480-1486 |
Cao Yu (or Ts'ao Yu; pseudonym of Wan Jiabao; Chinese dram.) |
1910-1996 |
Cao Zhan (or Ts'ao Chan, aka Cao Xueqin; Chinese writer) |
c.1715-1763 |
Capa, Cornell (b.Kornel Friedmann; Hung.-born Am. photographer) |
1918-2008 |
Capa, Robert (born Andrei Friedmann; Hung.-born Am. photo.) |
1913-1954 |
Capablanca, Jose Raul (Cuban chess master) |
1888-1942 |
Cape, Herbert Jonathan (English publisher) |
1879-1960 |
Capecchi, Mario Renato (Italian-born American geneticist) |
b.1937 |
Capek, Karel (Czech journalist, writer; coined word "robot") |
1890-1938 |
Capel, Arthur (Lord Capel of Hadham; English Royalist leader) |
1610?-1649 |
Capell, Edward (English scholar) |
1713-1781 |
Capella, Martianus Minneus Felix (North African writer) |
4th-5th cent. |
Capelle, Eduard von (German naval officer) |
1855-1931 |
Capellen, Godert Alexander Gerard Philip van der (Dutch col.) |
1778-1848 |
Capello (or Cappello), Bianca (Italian noblewoman, adventuress) |
1542?-1587 |
Capgrave, John (English chronicler, hagiographer, theologian) |
1393-1464 |
Capito, Wolfgang Fabricius née Kopfel (German clergyman) |
1478-1541 |
Capmany Suris y de Monpalau, Antonio (Span. philologist, pol.) |
1742-1813 |
Capone, Alphonse "Scarface" (Italian-born American gangster) |
1899-1947 |
Capote, Truman (Truman Streckfus Persons; American writer) |
1924-1984 |
Capp, Al (born Alfred Gerald Caplin; American cartoonist) |
1909-1979 |
Cappel, Louis (Ludovicus Cappellus; Fr. Protestant clergyman) |
1585-1658 |
Capponi, Gino Marchese (Florentine statesman, scholar) |
1792-1876 |
Cappa, Edward (American classicist) |
1866-1950 |
Capra, Frank (Italian-born American film director) |
1897-1991 |
Capra, Fritjof (Austrian physicist, writer) |
b.1939 |
Caprara, Giovanni Battista (Italian ecclesiastical diplomat) |
1733-1810 |
Capreolus, Jean (French religious, scholar) |
c.1380-1444 |
Caprino, Ivo (Norwegian film director, writer: puppet films) |
1920-2001 |
Caprivi, Georg Leo von (German soldier, politician) |
1831-1899 |
Caproli (or Caprioli), Carlo (Carlo del Violini; It. composer) |
c.1615/20-1692/5 |
Caproni, Giorgio (Italian poet) |
1912-1990 |
Caproni, Giovanni Battista (Italian airplane builder) |
1886-1957 |
Capuana, Luigi (Italian writer, critic) |
1839-1915 |
Capus, Alfred (French journalist, playwright) |
1858-1922 |
Capuzzi, Giuseppe Antonio (Italian violinist, composer) |
1755-1818 |
Caracalla, Marcus Aurelius (born Bassianus; Roman emperor) |
188-217 |
Caracciola, Rudolf (German race driver) |
1901-1959 |
Caraccioli (or Caracciolo), Francesco (Neapolitan admiral) |
1752-1799 |
Caraccioli (or Caracciolo), Marino (Neapolitan diplomat) |
1468-1538 |
Carafa, Michele Enrico Francesco Vincenzo Aloisio (It. comp.) |
1787-1872 |
Caragiale, Ion Luca (Romanian playwright, writer) |
1852-1912 |
Caratacus (aka Caractacus; Caradoc, Caradog; Brit. chieftain) |
1st cent. |
Caratheodory, Constantin (Greek mathematician) |
1873-1950 |
Carausius, Marcus Aurelius (Roman general) |
d.293 |
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da (Italian Baroque painter) |
1573-1610 |
Caraway, Hattie Ophelia née Wyatt (American politician) |
1878-1950 |
Carberry, John Joseph (American cardinal) |
1904-1998 |
Carbo, Gaius Papirius (Romanian politician) |
d.119 BC |
Carbo, Gnaeus Papirius (Roman general) |
c.130-82 BC |
Carcopino-Tusoli, Francois (pseud. Francis Carco; French poet) |
1886-1958 |
Cardano, Geronimo (It. mathematician, physician, astrologer) |
1501-1576 |
Cardarelli, Vincenzo (b.Nazareno Cardarelli; It. poet,essayist) |
1887-1959 |
Cardenal Martinez, Ernesto (Nicaraguan priest, poet) |
b.1925 |
Cardenas, Lazaro (Mexican soldier, politician; pres. 1934-40) |
1895-1970 |
Cardew, Cornelius (English composer; founded Scratch Orchestra) |
1936-1981 |
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique (Braz. pres. 1995-2003, sociologist) |
b.1931 |
Cardoso, Manuel (Portuguese composer, organist) |
c.1566-1650 |
Cardozo (also Cardoso), Abraham Miguel (Shabbethaian prophet) |
c.1630-1706 |
Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (Am. Supreme Court justice 1932-1938) |
1870-1938 |
Carducci, Bartolommeo (Italian painter, sculptor, architect) |
1560-c.1610 |
Carducci, Giosue (early pseudonym Enotrio Romano; Italian poet) |
1835-1907 |
Carducci, Vincenzo (Italian painter; brother of Bartolommeo) |
1576-1638 |
Cardwell, Edward (Viscount Cardwell; English politician) |
1813-1885 |
Carew, George (Baron of Clopton; Earl of Totnes; Eng. soldier) |
1555-1629 |
Carew, Jan Rynveld (Guyanese writer, critic, poet, educator) |
b.1925 |
Carew, Richard (English poet, scholar, antiquary) |
1555-1620 |
Carew, Thomas (English poet, Cavalier song writer) |
1595?-1640? |
Carey, Ernestine née Gilbreth (American writer) |
1908-2006 |
Carey, George Leonard (Eng. archbishop of Canterbury 1991-2002) |
b.1935 |
Carey, James William (American journalism scholar, teacher) |
1934-2006 |
Carey, Henry (1st Baron Hunsdon; English soldier, diplomat) |
1524?-1596 |
Carey, Henry (English poet, playwright, composer) |
c.1687-1743 |
Carey, Henry Charles (American publisher; son of Mathew) |
1793-1879 |
Carey, James (Irish nationalist) |
1845-1883 |
Carey, Josie (born Josephine Vicari; Am. TV writer, performer) |
1931-2004 |
Carey, Mathew (Irish-born American publisher) |
1760-1839 |
Carey, Peter Philip (Australian writer) |
b.1943 |
Carey, Robert (English soldier; son of Henry 1524?-1596) |
1560?-1639 |
Carey, William (English Orientalist, missionary) |
1761-1834 |
Cargill, Donald (Scottish Covenanter) |
1619?-1681 |
Cargill, Oscar (American critic) |
1898-1972 |
Carias Andino, Tiburcio (Honduran gen., polit.; pres. 1933-49) |
1876-1969 |
Carinus, Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor 283-285) |
d.285 |
Carissimi, Giacomo (Italian composer: Roman School) |
1605/05-1674 |
Caritat, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de (Fr. math., philosopher) |
1743-1794 |
Carl, George (American vaudevillian comic, clown) |
1916-2000 |
Carleson, Lennart Axel Edvard (Swedish mathematician, educator) |
b.1928 |
Carleton, Sir Guy (Irish-born British general, administrator) |
1724-1808 |
Carleton, William (Irish writer) |
1794-1869 |
Carleton, William McKendree "Will" (American poet) |
1845-1912 |
Carli, Gian Rinaldo (Italian economist, antiquary) |
1720-1795 |
Carlile, Richard (English freethinker, reformer) |
1790-1843 |
Carlile, Wilson (English clergyman) |
1847-1942 |
Carlin, George Denis (American comedian, actor) |
1937-2008 |
Carlisle, John Griffin (American politician) |
1835-1910 |
Carlos, Wendy (born Walter Carlos; American musician, composer) |
b.1939 |
Carlos (or Carles, Careless), William (Eng. Royalist officer) |
d.1689 |
Carlos de Austria, Don (Spanish prince of Asturias) |
1545-1568 |
Carlota (Empress of Mexico 1864-1867) |
1840-1927 |
Carlson, Anton Julius (Swedish-born American physiologist) |
1875-1956 |
Carlson, Chester Floyd (American inventor; dev. xerography) |
1906-1968 |
Carlson, Evans Fordyce (American soldier) |
1896-1947 |
Carlsson, Arvid (Swedish physician, pharmacologist) |
b.1923 |
Carlton, Effie née Crockett (American actor, songwriter) |
1857-1940 |
Carlyle, Jane Baillie née Walsh (Scottish poet) |
1801-1866 |
Carlyle, Thomas (Scottish essayist, historian) |
1795-1881 |
Carman, William Bliss (Canadian poet, essayist, lecturer) |
1861-1929 |
Carmichael, Howard Hoagland "Hoagy" (American composer, singer) |
1899-1981 |
Carmichael Leonard (American psychologist) |
1898-1973 |
Carmona, Antonio Oscar de Fragoso (Port. gen.; pres. 1928-51) |
1869-1951 |
Carnap, Rudolf (German-born American philosopher) |
1891-1970 |
Carneades (Greek skeptic philosopher) |
214?-129? BC |
Carnegie, Andrew (Scottish-born American industrialist) |
1835-1919 |
Carnegie, Dale née Carnagey (American writer, speaker) |
1888-1955 |
Carera, Primo (Italian-born American boxer) |
1906-1967 |
Carmen, Jeanne Laverne (American model, pin-up girl, actor) |
1930-2007 |
Carnesecchi, Pietro (Italian Humanist) |
1508-1567 |
Carnicer y Batlle, Ramon (Spanish composer) |
1789-1855 |
Carnot, Lazare-Nicolas-Marguerite (Fr. soldier, administrator) |
1753-1823 |
Carnot, Marie-Francois-Sadi (French politician; pres. 1887-94) |
1837-1894 |
Carnot, Nicolas-Leonard-Sadi (French physicist, engineer) |
1796-1832 |
Caro, Annibale (Italian poet, translator, satirist) |
1507-1566 |
Caro, Heinrich (German industrial chemist) |
1834-1910 |
Caro, Miguel Antonio (Colombian polit., writer; pres. 1892-94) |
1843-1909 |
Caron, Antoine (French painter) |
c.1515-1593 |
Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector de (Span. admin. in America) |
c.1748-1807 |
Carossa, Hans (German poet, writer, physician) |
1878-1956 |
Carothers, Wallace Hume (American chemist) |
1896-1937 |
Caroto, Gian Francesco (Veronese painter) |
c.1480-1555 |
Carpaccio, Vittore (Venetian painter) |
c.1460-1525/6 |
Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste (aka Jules Carpeaux; French sculptor) |
1827-1875 |
Carpenter, Edward (English writer, lecturer) |
1844-1929 |
Carpenter, John Alden (American composer) |
1876-1951 |
Carpenter, Karen (American singer) |
1950-1983 |
Carpenter, Malcolm Scott (American astronaut, engineer) |
1925-2013 |
Carpenter, Mary (English educator, reformer) |
1807-1877 |
Carpenter, Richard (American singer) |
b.1945 |
Carpenter, William Benjamin (English physiologist) |
1813-1885 |
Carpentier y Valmont, Alejo (Cuban writer, musicologist) |
1904-1980 |
Carpentier, Georges (French pugilist) |
1894-1975 |
Carpi, Ugo da (Italian wood engraver; orig. term "chiaroscuro") |
c.1480-1520/32 |
Carpini, Giovanni da Pian del (Italian religious, traveler) |
c.1180-1252 |
Carpocrates (Greek religious) |
2nd cent. |
Carpzov, Benedikt (Saxon jurist) |
1595-1666 |
Carr, Emily (Canadian painter, writer, teacher) |
1871-1945 |
Carr, John Dickson (pseudonym Carr Dickson, etc.; Am. writer) |
1906-1977 |
Carr, Robert (Viscount Rochester; Scottish courtier) |
c.1590-1645 |
Carra, Carlo (Italian painter) |
1881-1966 |
Carracci, Agostino (It. painter, engraver; brother of Annibale) |
1557-1602 |
Carracci, Annibale (Italian painter; cousin of Lodovico) |
1560-1609 |
Carracci, Lodovico (Italian painter, teacher) |
1555-1619 |
Carranza, Bartolome de (Bartolome de Miranda; Spanish theol.) |
1503-1576 |
Carranza, Venustiano (Mexican revolutionist, politician) |
1859-1920 |
Carrara, Francesco (Italian ruler of Padua 1355-1388) |
d.1393 |
Carrara, Marsiglio (Italian political ruler) |
d.1338 |
Carras, Roger (American writer, broadcast journalist) |
1928-2001 |
Carrasquilla, Tomas (Colombian writer) |
1858-1940 |
Carrel, Alexis (French surgeon, biologist, eugenicist) |
1873-1944 |
Carreno de Miranda, Juan (Spanish painter) |
1614-1685 |
Carrera Andrade, Jorge (Ecuadorian poet, essayist) |
1903-1978 |
Carrera, Jose Miguel (Chilean revolutionist) |
1785-1821 |
Carrera, Rafael (Guatemalan revolutionist, politician) |
1814-1865 |
Carrere, John Merven (Brazilian-born American architect) |
1858-1911 |
Carrier, Jean-Baptiste (French revolutionist) |
1756-1794 |
Carrier, Roch (Canadian writer, playwright) |
b.1937 |
Carrier, Willis Haviland (American engineer, inventor) |
1876-1950 |
Carriera, Rosalba (Italian painter) |
1675-1757 |
Carrier-Belleuse, Albert-Ernest (French sculptor) |
1824-1887 |
Carriere, Eugene (French painter, lithographer) |
1849-1906 |
Carrillo, Braulio (Costa Rican politician, dictator) |
1800-1845 |
Carrillo, Julian Antonio (Mexican violinist, composer) |
1875-1965 |
Carrillo y Sotomayor, Luis (Spanish poet) |
1583?-1610 |
Carrington, Henry Beebee (American soldier) |
1824-1912 |
Carrington, Leonora (English painter, writer) |
b.1917 |
Carrington, Richard Christopher (English astronomer) |
1826-1875 |
Carrio de la Vandera, Alonso (Spanish colonial administrator) |
1715-1778? |
Carrogis, Louis (pseud. Louis Carmontelle; Fr. writer, painter) |
1717-1806 |
Carroll, Anna Ella (American political writer) |
1815-1893 |
Carroll, Brian "Buckethead" (American musician, composer) |
b.1969 |
Carroll, Charles (Charles Carroll of Carrollton; Am. patriot) |
1737-1832 |
Carroll, Earl (American theatrical producer) |
1893-1948 |
Carroll, James (English-born American physician) |
1854-1907 |
Carroll, James Dennis "Jim" (American poet, lyricist) |
1950-2009 |
Carroll, John (American prelate) |
1735-1815 |
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson; English writer) |
1832-1898 |
Carroll, Paul Vincent (Irish playwright) |
1900-1968 |
Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander Morris (Brit. sociologist, educ.) |
1886-1966 |
Carruth, Hayden (American poet, literary critic) |
1921-2008 |
Carson, Anne (Canadian poet, essayist, translator) |
b.1950 |
Carson, Christopher "Kit" (Am. trapper, scout, Indian agent) |
1809-1868 |
Carson, Edward Henry (Irish-born British jurist, politician) |
1854-1935 |
Carson, John William "Johnny" (American entertainer) |
1925-2005 |
Carson, Rachel Louise (American biologist, writer) |
1907-1964 |
Carstares (or Carstairs), William (Scottish clergyman) |
1649-1715 |
Carstens, Asmus Jakob (German painter, designer) |
1754-1798 |
Cartan, Elie Joseph (French mathematician) |
1869-1951 |
Cartan, Henri (French mathematician; co-fd. Bourbaki Group) |
1904-2008 |
Carte, Richard D'Oyly (English impresario) |
1844-1901 |
Carte, Thomas (English historian) |
1686-1754 |
Carter, Alvin Pleasant "A.P." (American musician) |
1891-1960 |
Carter, Angela Olive née Stalker (British writer, journalist) |
1940-1992 |
Carter, Bennett Lester "Benny" (American musician, arranger) |
1907-2003 |
Carter, Betty (born Lillie Mae Jones; American singer) |
1929-1998 |
Carter, Caroline Louise née Dudley (American actor) |
1862-1937 |
Carter, Eleanor Rosalynn née Smith (American first lady) |
b.1927 |
Carter, Elizabeth (English poet, translator; Bluestocking) |
1717-1806 |
Carter, Elliott Cook Jr. (American composer, teacher) |
1908-2012 |
Carter, Hodding (American journalist, writer) |
1907-1972 |
Carter, Howard (English archaeologist, Egyptologist) |
1873-1939 |
Carter, James (American musician) |
b.1969 |
Carter, James Earl Jr. (39th U.S. president, 1977-1981) |
b.1924 |
Carter, Janette (American musician) |
1923-2006 |
Carter, Maybelle née Addington (American musician) |
1909-1978 |
Carter, Regina (American musician, bandleader, teacher) |
b.1962 |
Carter, Ron (American musician) |
b.1937 |
Carter, Samuel Powhatan (American army & naval officer) |
1819-1891 |
Carter, William Alton "Billy" (American businessman) |
1937-1988 |
Carteret, Sir George (Brit. naval officer, colonial proprietor) |
c.1610-1680 |
Carteret, John (Earl Granville; English diplomat, politician) |
1690-1763 |
Carteret, Philip (English colonialist) |
1639-1682 |
Carteret, Philip (English navigator) |
d.1796 |
Cartier, Sir George Etienne (Canadian politician) |
1814-1873 |
Cartier, Jacques (French sailor, explorer in Canada) |
1491-1557 |
Cartier, Raymond-Marcel-Ernest (French journalist) |
1904-1975 |
Cartier-Bresson, Henri (French photographer) |
1908-2004 |
Cartimandua (British tribal ruler) |
1st cent. |
Cartland, Mary Barbara Hamilton (English writer) |
1901-2000 |
Carton de Wiart, Henri Victor (Belgian politician) |
1869-1951 |
Cartwright, Alexander Joy (American sportsman) |
1820-1892 |
Cartwright, Edmund (English clergyman, inventor; bro. of John) |
1743-1823 |
Cartwright, John "Major Cartwright" (Eng. politician, reformer) |
1740-1824 |
Cartwright, Nancy Delaney (American/English philosopher) |
b.1944 |
Cartwright, Peter (American clergyman) |
1785-1872 |
Cartwright, Sir Richard John (Canadian politician) |
1835-1912 |
Cartwright, Thomas (English Puritan clergyman) |
1535-1603 |
Cartwright, William (English poet, scholar, wit, dramatist) |
1611-1643 |
Carty, John Joseph (American electrical engineer) |
1861-1932 |
Carulli, Ferdinando (Italian composer for guitar, teacher) |
1770-1841 |
Carus, Carl Gustav (German physician, philosopher) |
1789-1869 |
Carus, Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor 282-283) |
223?-283 |
Carus, Paul (German-born American editor, philosopher) |
1852-1919 |
Caruso, Enrico (born Errico Caruso; Italian singer) |
1873-1921 |
Carvajal, Francisco de (Spanish soldier) |
1464-1548 |
Carvajal y Mendoza, Luisa de (Spanish missionary) |
1568-1614 |
Carvalho e Mello, Sebastiao Jose de (Portuguese politician) |
1699-1782 |
Carver, George Washington (American botanist, educator) |
c.1864-1943 |
Carver, John (Eng. Mayflower pilgrim, 1st Plymouth colony gov.) |
1576-1621 |
Carver, Jonathan (American explorer) |
1710-1780 |
Carver, Raymond Clevie Jr. (American writer, poet) |
1938-1988 |
Carver, Robert (Scottish composer) |
c.1490-1546? |
Cary, Alice (American poet, writer; sister of Phoebe) |
1820-1871 |
Cary, Arthur Joyce Lunel (N. Irish-born British writer) |
1888-1957 |
Cary, Edward (American journalist) |
1840-1917 |
Cary, Henry Francis (English clergyman, translator) |
1772-1844 |
Cary, Lucius (2nd Viscount Falkland; English Royalist) |
c.1610-1643 |
Cary, Phoebe (American poet; sister of Alice) |
1824-1871 |
Cary, Tristram Ogilvie (English-born Australian composer) |
1925-2008 |
Casa, Giovanni Della (Italian prelate, poet, playwright) |
1503-1556 |
Casal y de la Lastra, Julian del (Cuban poet) |
1863-1893 |
Casals, Pablo (Spanish violincellist, conductor, composer) |
1876-1973 |
Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Giacomo (Italian adventurer) |
1725-1798 |
Casanova, Francesco (It. painter, etcher; bro. of Giovanni G.) |
1727-1802 |
Casanova, Giovanni Battista (It. painter; bro. of Giovanni G.) |
1730-1795 |
Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo (Italian adventurer) |
1725-1798 |
Casaubon, Isaac (Swiss-born French theologian, scholar) |
1559-1614 |
Casca, Publius Servilius (Roman politician) |
d.42? BC |
Cascariolo, Vincenzo (Italian alchemist) |
1571-1624 |
Case, Leonard (American lawyer, philanthropist) |
1820-1880 |
Case, Shirley Jackson (Canadian-born Am. theologian, scholar) |
1872-1947 |
Casella, Alfredo (Italian pianist, composer) |
1883-1947 |
Casement, Sir Roger David (British consular agent, Irish rebel) |
1864-1916 |
Casey, Richard Gardiner (Baron Casey; Australian politician) |
1890-1976 |
Cash, Johnny (American musician) |
1932-2003 |
Cash, June Carter (Am. singer, songwriter, musician, actor) |
1929-2003 |
Cashin, Sir Michael Patrick (Canadian politician) |
1864-1926 |
Casimir I "Odnowiciel" (Polish king 1034-37, 1040-58) |
1016-1058 |
Casimir II "Sprawiedliwy" (Polish grand prince 1177-1194) |
1138-1194 |
Casimir III "Wielky" (Polish king 1333-1370) |
1310-1370 |
Casimir IV (aka Casimir Jagiellonczyk; Polish king 1447-1492) |
1427-1492 |
Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard (Dutch physicist) |
1909-2000 |
Casimir-Perier, Jean-Paul-Pierre (French president 1894-1895) |
1847-1907 |
Caslon, William (Englist typefounder) |
1692-1766 |
Caslon, William (Englist typefounder; son of William) |
1720-1778 |
Cass, Lewis (American politician) |
1782-1866 |
Cassady, Neal Leon (American Beat) |
1926-1968 |
Cassagnac, Paul Granier de (French journalist, politician) |
1843-1904 |
Cassagnes, Andre (Fr. electrical technician; inv.Etch A Sketch) |
1926-2013 |
Cassander (King of Macedonia 305-297 BC) |
c.358-297 BC |
Cassatt, Mary Stevenson (American painter in France) |
1844-1926 |
Cassegrain, N. (French inventor) |
17th cent. |
Cassel, Sir Ernest Joseph (German-born British financier) |
1852-1921 |
Cassel, Karl Gustav (Swedish economist) |
1866-1945 |
Cassell, John (English publisher) |
1817-1865 |
Casserio, Giulio (Julius Casserius; Italian anatomist) |
1552?-1616 |
Cassian, Saint John (Sythian monk, theologian) |
360-435 |
Cassin, Rene-Samuel (French jurist, statesman) |
1887-1976 |
Cassini, Cesar-Francois de Thury (French astronomer; son of J.) |
1714-1784 |
Cassini, Gian Domenico (Italian-born French astronomer) |
1625-1712 |
Cassini, Jacques (French astronomer; son of Gian) |
1677-1756 |
Cassini, Jacques-Dominique de (French astronomer; son of C.F.) |
1748-1845 |
Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Roman statesman, writer) |
c.490-c.585 |
Cassirer, Ernst (German philosopher) |
1874-1945 |
Cassius Dionysius (North African writer) |
1st cent. |
Cassius Longinus, Gaius (Roman general, conspirator) |
d.42 BC |
Cassius Longinus, Gaius (Roman jurist) |
1st cent. |
Cassius Longinus, Quintus (Roman politician) |
d.47 BC |
Cassius Parmensis, Gaius (Roman politician) |
d.31? BC |
Cassius Vecellinus, Spurius (Roman political & military leader) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Cassivelaunus (or Cassivellaunus; British prince) |
fl. 54 BC |
Cassola, Carlo (Italian writer, Resistance fighter) |
1917-1987 |
Castaldi, Pamfilo (Italian physician, printer) |
1398-1490? |
Castanos, Francisco Javier de (Duque de Bailen; Span. soldier) |
1756-1852 |
Castel, Charles-Irenee "Abbe de Saint-Pierre" (French reformer) |
1658-1743 |
Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio (Spanish politician, writer) |
1832-1899 |
Casteleyn, Matthijs de (Flemish poet, critic) |
c.1488-1550 |
Castelli, Benedetto (Italian astronomer) |
1578-1643 |
Castelli, Ignaz Franz (Austrian journalist, poet, dramatist) |
1781-1862 |
Castello, Dario (Italian composer: Venetian School) |
c.1560-c.1640 |
Castello, Giovanni Battista (Italian painter, architect) |
1509?-1569 |
Castelnau, Michel de (French soldier, diplomat) |
1520?-1592 |
Castelnau, Noel-Marie-Joseph-Edouard de Curieres de (Fr. gen.) |
1851-1944 |
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (Italian-born Am. composer, teacher) |
1895-1968 |
Castelo Branco, Camilo (Portuguese writer) |
1825-1890 |
Castelo Branco, Humberto de Alencar (Brazilian soldier, polit.) |
1900-1967 |
Castelvetro, Lodovico (Italian critic, philologist) |
c.1505-1571 |
Casti, Giovanni Battista (Italian poet, adventurer) |
1724-1803 |
Castiglione, Baldassare (Italian diplomat, writer) |
1478-1529 |
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto (Italian painter, etcher) |
c.1616-1670 |
Castiglioni, Niccolo (Italian composer, pianist, teacher) |
1932-1996 |
Castiglioni, Virginia Verasis di née Oldoini (Italian courtier) |
1835-1899 |
Castilho, Antonio Feliciano de (Portuguese poet) |
1800-1875 |
Castilla, Ramon (Chilean-born Peruvian general, politician) |
1797-1867 |
Castillejo, Cristobal de (Spanish poet) |
1490?-1550? |
Castillo, Michel-Xavier Janicot del (Spanish writer) |
b.1933 |
Castillo, Ramon S. (Argentinean politician; president 1942-43) |
1873-1944 |
Castillo Armas, Carlos (Guatemalan soldier, politician) |
1914-1957 |
Castillo Puche, Jose Luis (Spanish journalist, teacher, editor) |
1919-2004 |
Castillo Solorzano, Alonso de (Spanish writer) |
1584-1648? |
Castle, Irene née Foote (British dancer; wife of Vernon) |
1893-1969 |
Castle, Vernon Blythe (born Vernon Blythe; British dancer) |
1887-1918 |
Castle, William Ernest (American zoologist) |
1867-1962 |
Castren, Matthias Alexander (Finnish ethnologist, philologist) |
1813-1852 |
Castro, Cipriano (Venezuelan general, dictator) |
1858-1924 |
Castro, Eugenio de (Portuguese poet) |
1869-1944 |
Castro, Ines de (Spanish noblewoman) |
1320?-1355 |
Castro, Joao de (Portuguese naval commander) |
1500-1548 |
Castro, Jose Maria (Costa Rican politician; president 1847-49) |
1818-1893 |
Castro, Rosalia de (Spanish poet, writer) |
1837-1885 |
Castro Alves, Antonio de (Brazilian poet) |
1847-1871 |
Castro Ruz, Fidel (Cuban dictator) |
b.1927 |
Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de (Spanish dramatist) |
1569-1631 |
Castro y Quesada, Americo (Spanish philologist, cultural hist.) |
1885-1972 |
Castruccio Castracani (Italian soldier, Ghibelline leader) |
1281-1328 |
Caswell, Richard (American Revolutionary officer) |
1729-1789 |
Cat, Christopher (English tavern keeper: Kit-cat Club) |
fl. 1703-1733 |
Catalani, Alfredo (Italian composer) |
1854-1893 |
Catan, Daniel (Mexican composer, writer) |
b.1949 |
Catargiu, Lazar (Romanian politician) |
1823-1899 |
Catena, Vincenzo di Biagio (Venetian painter) |
c.1470-1531 |
Catesby, Mark (English naturalist, traveler) |
1679?-1749 |
Catesby, Robert (English conspirator) |
1573-1605 |
Catharina, Amalia (German poet, composer) |
1640-1697 |
Cathcart, Charles Murray (English soldier; son of Sir William) |
1783-1859 |
Cathcart, George (English soldier; son of Sir William) |
1794-1854 |
Cathcart, Sir William Schaw (English soldier, diplomat) |
1755-1843 |
Cathelineau, Jacques (French Royalist) |
1759-1793 |
Cather, Willa Sibert (American writer) |
1873-1947 |
Catherine, Saint (born Caterina del Ricci; Italian religious) |
1522-1590 |
Catherine I (born Marta Skowronska; Russian empress 1725-27) |
1684-1727 |
Catherine II "the Great" (Russian empress 1762-96) |
1729-1796 |
Catherine of Alexandria, Saint (Egyptian religious) |
4th cent. |
Catherine of Aragon (1st Queen of Henry VIII of England) |
1485-1536 |
Catherine of Bologna, Saint (Caterina Vigri; It. religious) |
1413-1463 |
Catherine of Braganza (Queen of Charles II of England) |
1638-1705 |
Catherine of Genoa, Saint (born Caterina Fieschi; It. mystic) |
1447-1510 |
Catherine of Siena, Saint (Caterina Benincasa; It. religious) |
1347-1380 |
Catherine of Sweden, Saint (Katarina Ulfsdotter; Swed. relig.) |
1331/2-1381 |
Catherine of Valois (Queen of Henry V of England) |
1401-1437 |
Catherine de Medicis (Queen of Henry II of France) |
1519-1589 |
Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catalina; Roman polit., conspirator) |
c.108-62 BC |
Catinat, Nicolas (French soldier) |
1637-1712 |
Catlin, George (American artist, writer) |
1796-1872 |
Cato, Dionysius (Roman writer) |
3rd-4th cent. |
Cato, Marcus Porcius "the Elder" (Roman politician, orator) |
234-149 BC |
Cato, Marcus Porcius "the Younger" (Roman politician) |
95-46 BC |
Cato, Publius Valerius (Roman scholar, poet) |
1st cent. BC |
Catron, John (American jurist; Supreme Court justice 1837-1865) |
1786-1865 |
Catroux, Georges (French general) |
1877-1969 |
Cats, Jakob (Dutch poet, official) |
1577-1660 |
Catt, Carrie Clinton Chapman née Lane (American reformer) |
1859-1947 |
Cattaneo, Carlo (Italian writer) |
1801-1869 |
Cattell, James McKeen (American psychologist) |
1860-1944 |
Catton, Charles Bruce (American journalist, historian, editor) |
1899-1978 |
Catullus, Gaius Valerius (Roman lyric poet) |
c.84-c.54 BC |
Catulus, Gaius Lutatius (Roman naval commander) |
3rd cent. BC |
Cauchon, Pierre (French prelate; judge at trial of Joan of Arc) |
1371-1442 |
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (French mathematician) |
1789-1857 |
Cauchy, Eugene-Francois (French jurist; brother of Augustin) |
1802-1877 |
Caulaincourt, Armand-Augustin-Louis de (Fr. soldier, diplomat) |
1773-1827 |
Caulfield, Patrick (English painter, printmaker) |
1936-2005 |
Caullery, Maurice-Jules-Gaston-Corneille (French biologist) |
1868-1958 |
Caumont La Force, Antonin-Nompar de (French soldier) |
1633-1723 |
Caunt, Benjamin (British pugilist) |
1815-1861 |
Caupolican (aka Quepolican; Indian leader) |
d.1558 |
Caus (or Cauls, Caulx, Caux), Salomon de (French engineer) |
1576-1626 |
Cavafy, Constantine Peter (Greek poet, civil servant) |
1863-1933 |
Cavaignac, Eleonore-Louis-Godefroy (Fr. journalist, politician) |
1801-1845 |
Cavaignac, Jean-Baptiste (French lawyer, revolutionist) |
1762-1829 |
Cavaignac, Louis-Eugene (French army commander; son of Jean) |
1802-1857 |
Cavaille-Coll, Aristide (French organ builder) |
1811-1899 |
Cavalcanti, Guido (Florentine poet) |
c.1255-1300 |
Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista (Italian art historian, critic) |
1820-1897 |
Cavalier, Jean (French insurgent) |
1681-1740 |
Cavalieri, Emilio de' (aka Emilio del Cavaliere; It. composer) |
c.1550-1602 |
Cavalieri, Francesco Bonaventura (Italian mathematician) |
1598-1647 |
Cavallero, Ugo (Italian general) |
1880-1943 |
Cavalli, Francesco (Italian composer, singer, organist) |
1602-1676 |
Cavallini, Pietro (Italian painter, mosaicist) |
c.1250-c.1330 |
Cavallotti, Felice Carlo Emmanuele (Italian politician, writer) |
1842-1898 |
Cavandoli, Osvaldo "Cava" (It. cartoonist, director, producer) |
1920-2007 |
Cave, Edward (English printer) |
1691-1754 |
Cave, George (1st Viscount Cave; English jurist) |
1856-1928 |
Cave, Nicholas Edward "Nick" (Australian musician, songwriter) |
b.1957 |
Cavell, Edith Louisa (English nurse, humanitarian) |
1865-1915 |
Cavell, Stanley Louis (American philosopher) |
b.1926 |
Cavendish, George (English courtier, writer) |
1500-1561/2 |
Cavendish, Henry (English physicist, chemist) |
1731-1810 |
Cavendish, Margaret (English noblewoman; duchess of Newcastle) |
1624?-1674 |
Cavendish, Spencer Compton (English statesman) |
1833-1908 |
Cavendish (or Candish), Thomas (English navigator) |
c.1560-1592 |
Cavendish, Sir William (English statesman) |
1505?-1557 |
Cavendish, William (English statesman) |
1640-1707 |
Caventou, Joseph-Bienaime (French chemist) |
1795-1877 |
Cawdrey, Robert (English lexicographer) |
1580-1604 |
Caxias, Duque de (Luiz Alves de Lima e Silva; Braz. statesman) |
1803-1880 |
Caxton, William (English printer; first printer in England) |
c.1422-1491 |
Cayley, Arthur (English mathematician) |
1821-1895 |
Cayley, Sir George (English scientist) |
1773-1857 |
Caymmi, Dorival (Brazilian singer, songwriter) |
1914-2008 |
Cayrol, Jean-Raphael-Marie-Noel (French poet, writer, essayist) |
1911-2005 |
Cazalis, Henri (pseudonym Jean Caselli; French physician, poet) |
1840-1909 |
Cazin, Jean-Charles (French painter, ceramic artist) |
1841-1901 |
Cazotte, Jacques (French writer) |
1719-1792 |
Ceadda (or Chad), Saint (British prelate; bishop of Mercia) |
d.672 |
Ceausescu, Nicolae (Romanian president 1974-1989) |
1918-1989 |
Ceawlin (King of West Saxons 560-592; son of King Cynric) |
d.593 |
Cebes (Greek philosopher) |
5th cent. BC |
Cecchetti, Enrico (Italian dancer, teacher) |
1850-1928 |
Cecchi, Emilio (Italian essayist, critic) |
1884-1966 |
Cecere, Carlo (Italian composer) |
1706-1761 |
Cech, Svatopluk (Czech poet, writer) |
1846-1908 |
Cech, Thomas Robert (American biochemist) |
b.1947 |
Cecil, Edgar Algernon Robert (English statesman) |
1864-1958 |
Cecil, Lord Edward Christian David Gascoyne (Eng. biographer) |
1902-1986 |
Cecil, Robert (English statesman) |
1563-1612 |
Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne- (English statesman) |
1830-1903 |
Cecil, William (English statesman) |
1520-1598 |
Cecilia, Saint (Roman Christian martyr; patron saint of music) |
2nd/3rd cent. |
Cedd (or Cedda), Saint (English prelate; brother of St. Ceadda) |
d.664 |
Cedrinus, George (Byzantine historian) |
11th cent. |
Cela Trulock, Camilo Jose (Spanish writer, publisher) |
1916-2002 |
Celakovsky, Frantisek Ladislav (Bohemian poet) |
1799-1852 |
Celan, Paul (pseudonym of Paul Antschel; Romanian poet) |
1920-1970 |
Celestine I, Saint (Pope 422-432) |
d.432 |
Celestine II (orig. Guido di Citta di Castello; Pope 1143-44) |
d.1144 |
Celestine III (orig. Giacinto Bobo-Orsini; Pope 1191-98) |
c.1106-1198 |
Celestine IV (orig. Goffredo Castiglioni; Pope 1241) |
d.1241 |
Celestine V, Saint (orig. Pietro da Morrone; Pope 1294) |
c.1209-1296 |
Celestius (Roman theologian) |
5th cent. |
Celine, Louise-Ferdinand Destouches (French writer) |
1894-1961 |
Celis, Pierre (Belgian brewer: Hoegaarden, Brouwerij Celis) |
1925-2011 |
Cellini, Benvenuto (Italian goldsmith, sculptor) |
1500-1571 |
Celmins, Vija (Latvian-born American artist) |
b.1938 |
Celoron de Blainville, Pierre-Joseph de (Can.-born Fr. expl.) |
1693-1759 |
Celsius, Anders (Swedish astronomer) |
1701-1744 |
Celsus (Roman or Alexandrian philosopher) |
2nd cent. |
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius (Roman writer) |
1st cent. |
Cem (aka Jem; Ottoman prince; son of Sultan Mehmed II) |
1459-1495 |
Cemal Pasa, Ahmed (Turkish army officer) |
1872-1922 |
Cen Shen (or Ts'en Shen; aka Cen Jiazhou; Chinese poet) |
d.770 |
Cenci, Beatrice (Roman woman executed for parricide) |
1577-1599 |
Cennini, Cennino (orig. Cennino di Drea; Florentine painter) |
c.1370-c.1440 |
Censorinus (Roman scholar) |
3rd cent. |
Centlivre, Susanna née Freeman or Rawkins (Eng. dram., actor) |
1667?-1723 |
Cenwulf (aka Coenwulf; Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia 796-821) |
d.821 |
Ceolnoth (Anglo-Saxon prelate; Archbishop of Canterbury) |
d.870 |
Cephisodotus (Greek sculptor) |
fl. c.400 BC |
Cephisodotus (Greek sculptor; grandson of Cephisodotus) |
4th cent. BC |
Ceplecha, Zdenek (Czech-born solar physicist; asteroid) |
b.1925 |
Ceracchi, Giuseppe (Italian sculptor) |
1751-1802 |
Ceravolo, Joseph (American poet, civil engineer) |
1934-1988 |
Cerchi, Vieri dei (Florentine noble) |
fl. 1300 |
Cerdic (Saxon leader) |
d.534 |
Cerealis, Petillus (Roman general) |
1st cent. |
Cererols, Joan (Catalan Benedictine monk, musician) |
1618-1680 |
Cerezo, Mateo (Spanish painter) |
c.1626-1666 |
Cerf, Bennett Alfred (American publisher, editor) |
1898-1971 |
Cerf, Vinton Gray "Vint" (American computer scientist) |
B.1943 |
Cerinthus (Egyptian? heretic; founded Cerinthian sect) |
fl. c.100 |
Cermak, Anton Joseph (Bohemian-born American businessman) |
1873-1933 |
Cernuda y Bidon, Luis (Span. poet, critic; Generation of 1927) |
1902-1963 |
Cerrito, Francesca "Fanny" (Italian dancer) |
1817-1909 |
Cerulli, Vincenzo (Italian astronomer; asteroid, crater) |
1859-1927 |
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (Spanish writer, playwright) |
1547-1616 |
Cervera y Topete, Pascual (Spanish admiral) |
1839-1909 |
Cesaire, Aime-Fernand-David (Martinican poet, playwright) |
1913-2008 |
Cesalpino, Andrea (Italian physiologist, botanist) |
1519-1603 |
Cesari, Giuseppe "Cavaliere d'Arpino" (Italian painter) |
c.1568-1640 |
Cesarini, Giuliano "Cardinal Julian" (It. prelate, diplomat) |
1398-1444 |
Cesarotti, Melchiorre (It. poet, essayist, translator, critic) |
1730-1808 |
Cesis, Sulpitia (Italian composer, lutenist) |
fl.1619 |
Cesnola, Luigi Palma di (It.-born Am. army officer, archaeol.) |
1832-1904 |
Cespedes, Carlos Manuel de (Cuban revolutionist) |
1819-1874 |
Cespedes, Pablo de (Spanish painter, writer) |
1538-1608 |
Cespedes y Meneses, Gonzalo de (Spanish writer) |
1585?-1638 |
Cespedes y Quesada, Carlos Manuel de (Cuban lawyer, diplomat) |
1871-1939 |
Cesti, Antonio (orig. Pietro; Italian composer, singer) |
1623-1669 |
Cestius, Gaius (Roman praetor, tribune of the people) |
1st cent. BC |
Cetewayo (aka Cetshwayo; Zulu king 1873-1879) |
c.1826-1884 |
Cethegus, Marcus Cornelius (Roman general, politician) |
d.196 BC |
Cetina, Gutierre de (Spanish soldier, poet) |
1520?-1557? |
Ceulen, Ludolph van (Dutch mathematician) |
1540-1610 |
Ceva, Giovanni (Italian mathematician) |
1647?-1734 |
Ceva, Tomasso (Italian mathematician; brother of Giovanni) |
1648-1737 |
Cevdet Pasa, Ahmed (Turkish politician, historian) |
1822-1895 |
Cezanne, Paul (French painter) |
1839-1906 |
Chaadayev (or Chaadaev), Pyotr Yakovlevich (Russian writer) |
c.1794-1856 |
Chabot, Philippe de (French soldier) |
1480-1543 |
Chabrias (Greek mercenary general) |
d.c.357 BC |
Chabrier, Alexis-Emmanuel (French composer) |
1841-1894 |
Chabrol, Claude (French film director, writer) |
b.1930 |
Chacel, Rosa (Spanish writer, essayist, poet) |
1898-1994 |
Chacon, Lazaro (Guatemalan soldier, politician; pres. 1926-30) |
1873-1931 |
Chacornac, Jean (French astronomer; asteroid) |
1823-1873 |
Chadbourne, Eugene (American musician, writer) |
b.1954 |
Chadwick, Sir Edwin (English reformer) |
1800-1890 |
Chadwick, George Whitefield (American conductor, composer) |
1854-1931 |
Chadwick, Hector Munro (English philologist, historian) |
1870-1947 |
Chadwick, Henry (English-born American sportswriter) |
1824-1908 |
Chadwick, Sir James (Eng. physicist; discovered neutron 1932) |
1891-1974 |
Chaerea, Gaius Cassius (Roman soldier, conspirator) |
d.41 |
Chaeremon (Athenian dramatist) |
4th cent. BC |
Chaeremon (Alexandrian Stoic philosopher, scholar) |
1st cent. |
Chafee, Zechariah (American lawyer, educator) |
1885-1957 |
Chaffee, Adna Romanza (American army officer) |
1842-1914 |
Chaffee, Adna Romanza (American army officer; son of Adna) |
1884-1941 |
Chaffee, Roger Bruce (American astronaut; died in Apollo 1) |
1935-1967 |
Chagall, Marc (b. Moishe Shagal; Belarusian painter in France) |
1887-1985 |
Chagas, Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano (Brazilian bacteriologist) |
1879-1934 |
Chagatai (aka Tsagadai; Mongol prince; son of Genghis Khan) |
d.1241 |
Chaille-Long, Charles (American army officer, explorer) |
1842-1917 |
Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (German-born British biochemist) |
1906-1979 |
Chajang Yulsa (Korean Buddhist monk) |
7th cent. |
Chalcondyles (or Chalcocondylas), Demetrius (Byzantine scholar) |
1423-1511 |
Chalgrin, Jean-Francois-Therese (French architect) |
1739-1811 |
Chaliapin, Fyodor Ivanovich (Russian basso singer) |
1873-1938 |
Chalidze, Valery Nikolayevich (Russian-b. Am. rights activist) |
b.1938 |
Chalkhill, John (English poet) |
c.1595-1642 |
Challe, Maurice-Prosper-Felix (French air force officer) |
1905-1979 |
Challis, James (English astronomer) |
1803-1882 |
Challoner, Richard (English prelate) |
1691-1781 |
Chalmers, Alexander (Scottish journalist, biographer) |
1759-1834 |
Chalmers, James (Scottish missionary; eaten by cannibals) |
1841-1901 |
Chalmers, Thomas (Scottish theologian, preacher) |
1780-1847 |
Chamberlain, Arthur Neville (British politician; son of Joseph) |
1869-1940 |
Chamberlain, Charles Joseph (American botanist) |
1863-1943 |
Chamberlain, George Agnew (Brazil-born American writer) |
1879-1966 |
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (British publicist) |
1855-1927 |
Chamberlain, John Angus (American sculptor) |
b.1927 |
Chamberlain, Joseph (British politician, reformer) |
1836-1914 |
Chamberlain, Sir Joseph Austen (British polit.; son of Joseph) |
1863-1937 |
Chamberlain, Sir Neville Bowles (British army officer) |
1820-1902 |
Chamberlain, Owen (American physicist, humanist, activist) |
1920-2006 |
Chamberland, Charles-Edouard (French bacteriologist) |
1851-1908 |
Chamberlayne, William (English physician, poet) |
1619-1689 |
Chamberlen, Hugh the Elder (Eng. midwife; grandnephew of Peter) |
1630-1720 |
Chamberlen, Peter the Elder (English midwife) |
1560-1631 |
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder (American geologist) |
1843-1928 |
Chambers, Sir Edmund Kerchever (English scholar) |
1866-1954 |
Chambers, Ephraim (English encyclopedist, translator) |
c.1680-1740 |
Chambers, Jay David Whittaker (American journalist) |
1901-1961 |
Chambers, John Graham (English sportsman) |
1843-1883 |
Chambers, Paul Laurence Dunbar Jr. (American musician) |
1935-1969 |
Chambers, Raymond Wilson (English scholar) |
1874-1942 |
Chambers, Robert (Scottish publisher, writer) |
1802-1871 |
Chambers, Robert William (American artist, writer) |
1865-1933 |
Chambers, Sir William (British architect) |
1726-1796 |
Chambers, William (Scottish publisher; brother of Robert) |
1802-1871 |
Chambonnieres, Jacques Champion de (French musician, dancer) |
c.1602-1672 |
Chamfort, Sebastian-Roch Nicolas (French playwright, wit) |
1741-1794 |
Chamillart, Michel (French politician) |
1652-1721 |
Chaminade, Cecile Louise Stephanie (French composer, pianist) |
1857-1944 |
Chamisso, Adelbert von (French-born German writer, naturalist) |
1781-1838 |
Chamorro, Violeta Barrios de (Nicaraguan president 1990-1997) |
b.1929 |
Chamorro Vargas, Emiliano (Nicaraguan general, politician) |
1871-1966 |
Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompere de (Fr. politician, diplomat) |
1756-1834 |
Champaigne (or Champagne), Philippe de (Belgian painter) |
1602-1674 |
Championnet, Jean-Antoine-Etienne (French general) |
1762-1800 |
Champlain, Samuel de (French explorer; founded Quebec) |
c.1567-1635 |
Champmesle, Marie née Desmares (French actor) |
1642-1698 |
Champollion, Jacques-Joseph (French archaeologist) |
1778-1867 |
Champollion, Jean-Francois (Fr. Egyptologist; bro. of Jacques) |
1790-1832 |
Chancellor, Richard (English navigator) |
d.1556 |
Chandakumara (aka Tiantha Koumane; Laotian ruler) |
d.c.1869 |
Chandler, Alfred DuPont Jr. (Am. economic historian, writer) |
1918-2007 |
Chandler, Raymond Thornton (Am. writer; created Philip Marlowe) |
1888-1959 |
Chandler, Richard (English antiquary) |
1738-1810 |
Chandler, Seth Carlo (American astronomer) |
1846-1913 |
Chandos, Sir John (English soldier) |
d.1370 |
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan (Indian-born American physicist) |
1910-1995 |
Chanel, Gabrielle "Coco" (French dress designer) |
1883-1971 |
Chaney, Alonso Chaney "Lon" (American actor) |
1883-1930 |
Chaney, Lon Jr. (orig Creighton Chaney; American actor) |
1907-1973 |
Chaney, Norman (American actor; Our Gang: "Chubby") |
1918-1936 |
Chang & Eng (Siam-born American Siamese twins) |
1811-1874 |
Changarnier, Nicolas-Anne-Theodule (French soldier) |
1793-1877 |
Chang Ch'ien (Chinese explorer) |
d.114 BC |
Chang Chien (Chinese industrialist, reformer) |
1853-1926 |
Chang Chih-tung (Chinese scholar, reformer) |
1837-1909 |
Chang Chu-cheng (Chinese official) |
d.1582 |
Ch'ang -ch'un (Chinese monk, alchemist, traveler) |
1148-1227 |
Changeux, Jean-Pierre (French neuroscientist, educator) |
b.1936 |
Chang Heng (Chinese scholar, poet) |
78-139 |
Chang Hsien-chung "the Yellow Tiger" (Chinese rebel) |
c.1605-1647 |
Chang Hsueh-liang (Chinese general; son of Chang Tso-lin) |
1898-2001 |
Chang Hsueh-liang (aka Zhang Xianliang; Chinese writer) |
b.1936 |
Chang Ling (Chang Tao-ling; Chinese religious leader) |
34?-156? |
Chang Ping-lin (Chinese scholar, politician) |
1868-1936 |
Chang Sung-ob (aka Owon; Korean painter) |
1843-1897 |
Chang Tsai (aka Chang Heng-ch'u; Chinese philosopher) |
1020-1077 |
Chang Tso-lin (Chinese warlord) |
1873-1928 |
Chang Tzu-p'ing (Chinese writer; co-fd. Creation Society) |
1893-1947? |
Channing, Edward Perkins (Am. historian; grandson of Walter) |
1856-1931 |
Channing, Walter (American obstetrician; brother of William) |
1786-1876 |
Channing, William Ellery (American clergyman) |
1780-1842 |
Chantal, Saint Jeanne-Francoise de née Fremyot (Fr. religious) |
1572-1641 |
Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt (English sculptor) |
1781-1841 |
Chanute, Octave (Fr.-born Am. civil engineer, aviation pioneer) |
1832-1910 |
Chanzy, Antoine-Eugene-Alfred (French soldier) |
1823-1883 |
Chao Anou (aka Chao Anu, Chao Anouvong; Laotian ruler) |
1767-1835 |
Chao Chen (Chinese emperor 1022-1063; son of Heng) |
1010-1063 |
Chao Chi (Chinese emperor 100-1125; son of the elder Hsu) |
1082-1135 |
Chao Ch'i (Chinese emperor 1265-1274; nephew of Yun) |
1240-1274 |
Chao Heng (Chinese emperor 997-1022; son of Kuei) |
968-1022 |
Chao Hsien (Chinese emperor 1275-1276; son of Ch'i) |
1270-1276? |
Chao Hsu (Chinese emperor 1068-1085; son of Shu) |
1048-1085 |
Chao Hsu (Chinese emperor 1086-1100; son of Hsu) |
1077-1100 |
Chao Huan (Chinese emperor 1125-1126; son of Chi) |
1100-1160 |
Chao-hui (Chinese general) |
1708-1764 |
Chao Jukua (Chinese official) |
12th cent. |
Chao Kao (Chinese official, conspirator) |
d.207 BC |
Chao Kou (Chinese emperor 1127-1162; son of Chi) |
1107-1187 |
Chao K'uang-yin (Chinese emperor 960-976; founded Sung dynasty) |
927-976 |
Chao Kuei (Chinese emperor 976-997; brother of K'uang-yin) |
939-997 |
Chao K'uo (Chinese emperor 1195-1224; son of Tun) |
1168-1224 |
Chao Meng-fu (literary name Tzu-ang; Chinese painter, callig.) |
1254-1322 |
Chao Nan (aka Chao Nanthasen; Laotian ruler; son of Ong Boun) |
d.1795 |
Chao Ping (Chinese emperor 1279; brother of Hsien, Shih) |
1271-1279 |
Chao Shen (Chinese emperor 1163-1189; adopted son of Kou) |
1127-1194 |
Chao Shih (Chinese emperor 1276-1278; brother of Hsien) |
1268-1278 |
Chao Shu (Chinese emperor 1064-1067; great-grandson of Kuei) |
1032-1067 |
Chao Tun (Chinese emperor 1190-1194; son of Shen) |
1147-1200 |
Chao Yun (Chinese emperor 1225-1264; adopted son of K'uo) |
1205-1264 |
Chapais, Sir Joseph Amable Thomas (Canadian lawyer, politician) |
1858-1946 |
Chapelain, Jean (French poet, literary critic) |
1595-1674 |
Chapelan, Maurice (French journalist, writer) |
1906-1992 |
Chapin, Roy Dikeman (American industrialist) |
1880-1936 |
Chapi y Lorente, Ruperto (Spanish composer) |
1851-1909 |
Chaplin, Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" (Eng. comedian, actor) |
1889-1977 |
Chaplin, Ralph Hosea (Am. commercial artist, poet, activist) |
1887-1961 |
Chaplin, Sidney "Sid" (British writer) |
1916-1986 |
Chapman, Frank Michler (American ornithologist) |
1864-1945 |
Chapman, George (English poet, dramatist, translator) |
1559?-1634 |
Chapman, Graham (English actor, comedian) |
1941-1989 |
Chapman, John "Johnny Appleseed" (American pioneer) |
1774-1845 |
Chapman, John Gadsby (American painter, etcher) |
1808-1889 |
Chapman, John Jay (American poet, dramatist, critic) |
1862-1933 |
Chapman, Nathaniel (American physician) |
1780-1853 |
Chapman, Robert (English educator, editor) |
b.1920 |
Chapman, Robert William (English academic, editor) |
1881-1960 |
Chapman, Stephen James (American columnist) |
b.1954 |
Chapone, Hester née Mulso (English essayist) |
1727-1801 |
Chappe, Claude (French engineer) |
1763-1805 |
Chappe, Ignace-Urbain-Jean (French engineer; brother of Claude) |
1760-1829 |
Chappell, William (English antiquary) |
1809-1888 |
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine (French chemist) |
1756-1832 |
Chapu, Henri-Michel-Antoine (French sculptor) |
1833-1891 |
Char, Rene (French poet, activist) |
1907-1988 |
Charbonneau, Jean (French-Canadian poet) |
1875-1960 |
Charbonneau, Robert (French-Canadian writer, literary critic) |
1911-1967 |
Charcot, Jean-Baptiste-Etienne-Auguste (French explorer) |
1867-1936 |
Charcot, Jean-Martin (Fr. neurologist; father of Jean-Baptiste) |
1825-1893 |
Chardin, Jean (later Sir John; French traveler) |
1643-1713 |
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Simeon (French painter) |
1699-1779 |
Chardonnet, Louis-Marie-Hilaire Bernigaud de (French chemist) |
1839-1924 |
Chares (Athenian general) |
4th cent. BC |
Chares (Greek sculptor) |
4th cent. BC |
Charette de la Contrie, Francois-Athanase (French Royalist) |
1763-1796 |
Chargaff, Erwin (Austrian-born American biochemist) |
1905-2002 |
Charibert (or Caribert; Frankish king; son of Chlotar I) |
d.567 |
Charidemus (Greek mercenary) |
d.333 BC |
Chariton (Greek writer) |
1st/2nd cent. |
Charlemagne (Frankish king 768-814; first Holy Roman emperor) |
742-814 |
Charles, Ezzard Mack (American boxer) |
1921-1975 |
Charles, Jacques-Alexandre-Cesar (Fr. physicist, chemist, inv.) |
1746-1823 |
Charles, Ray (born Ray Charles Robinson; American musician) |
1930-2004 |
Charles, Robert Henry (Irish-born British clergyman, scholar) |
1855-1931 |
Charles, Thomas (Welsh preacher) |
1755-1814 |
Charles Martel (Martellus; Frankish ruler) |
c.688-741 |
Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint (French artist) |
1792-1845 |
Charlevoix, Pierre-Francois-Xavier de (French traveler) |
1682-1761 |
Charlier, Jean "Jean de Gerson" (French theologian) |
1363-1429 |
Charlois, Auguste Honore (French astronomer; asteroid) |
1864-1910 |
Charlot, Andre Eugene Maurice (Fr.-born Brit. theatrical mgr.) |
1882-1956 |
Charmides (Greek philosopher, politician) |
450?-404 BC |
Charnay, Claude-Joseph-Desire (French archaeologist) |
1828-1915 |
Charnock, Job (English merchant) |
d.1693 |
Charonton (aka Charrenton), Enguerrand (French painter) |
fl. 1444-1466 |
Charpak, Georges (Polish-born French physicist) |
1924-2010 |
Charpentier, Gustave (French composer) |
1860-1956 |
Charpentier, Johann von (German geologist) |
1786-1855 |
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (French organist, composer) |
1634?-1704 |
Charriere, Isabelle Agnes Elizabeth de (Du.-born Swiss writer) |
1740-1805 |
Charron, Pierre (French theologian, philosopher) |
1541-1603 |
Charteris, Leslie (born Leslie Charles Bowyer Yin; Eng. writer) |
1907-1993 |
Chartier, Alain (French writer, diplomat) |
c.1385-1433? |
Chartier, Emile-Auguste (pseudonym Alain; French philosopher) |
1868-1951 |
Chase, Cornelius Crane "Chevy" (American comedian, writer) |
b.1943 |
Chase, Mary née Coyle (American playwright) |
1907-1981 |
Chase, Mary Ellen (American educator, writer) |
1887-1973 |
Chase, Philander (American clergyman) |
1775-1852 |
Chase, Salmon Portland (American Supreme Court chief justice) |
1808-1873 |
Chase, Samuel (American Supreme Court justice 1796-1811) |
1741-1811 |
Chase, Stuart (American consumer rights advocate, writer) |
1888-1985 |
Chase, William Merritt (American painter) |
1849-1916 |
Chasles, Michel (French mathematician) |
1793-1880 |
Chasles, Victor-Euphemien-Philarete (French scholar, writer) |
1798-1873 |
Chasse, David Hendrik (Dutch general) |
1765-1849 |
Chasseboeuf, Constantin-Francois (French scholar, politician) |
1757-1820 |
Chasseloup-Laubat, Francois de (Fr. soldier, military engineer) |
1754-1833 |
Chasseloup-Laubat, Justin-Prosper (Fr. polit.; son of Francois) |
1805-1873 |
Chassepot, Antoine-Alphonse (French inventor) |
1833-1905 |
Chasseriau, Theodore (Dominican Republic-born French painter) |
1819-1856 |
Chastelard, Pierre (or Piraud) de Boscozel de (French poet) |
1540-1564 |
Chastellain, Georges (Flemish-born Burgundian chronicler, poet) |
c.1405/15-1475 |
Chateaubriand, Francois-Auguste-Rene de (Fr. writer, statesman) |
1768-1848 |
Chateaubriant, Alphonse de (French writer) |
1877-1951 |
Chateaurenault, Francois-Louis Rousselet de (Fr. naval officer) |
1637-1716 |
Chateillon, Sebastien (Sebastianus Castellio; Fr. theologian) |
1515-1563 |
Chatel, Jean (French fanatic) |
1575?-1594 |
Chatelet, Gabrielle-Emile du (French mathematician, physicist) |
1706-1749 |
Chatham, Rhys (American composer, musician) |
b.1952 |
Chatrian, Alexandre (French writer; wrote with Emile Erckmann) |
1826-1890 |
Chatt, Joseph (English research chemist) |
1914-1994 |
Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra (Indian writer) |
1838-1894 |
Chatterji, Sarat Chandra (Bengali writer) |
1876-1938 |
Chatterton, Thomas (English poet) |
1752-1770 |
Chatwin, Charles Bruce (British travel writer, photographer) |
1940-1989 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey (English poet, public servant) |
c.1342-1400 |
Chaucer, Thomas (English politician; putative son of Geoffrey) |
1367?-1434 |
Chaudet, Denis-Antoine (French sculptor, painter) |
1763-1810 |
Chaudhuri, Nirad Chondro (Indian writer) |
1897-1999 |
Chaumeix, Jean-Henri-Andre (French journalist) |
1874-1955 |
Chaumette, Pierre-Gaspard (French revolutionary) |
1763-1794 |
Chauncey, Isaac (American naval officer) |
1772-1840 |
Chauncy, Charles (English-born American clergyman, educator) |
1592-1672 |
Chauncy, Charles (Am. clergyman; great-grandson of Charles) |
1705-1787 |
Chausson, Amedee-Ernest (French composer) |
1855-1899 |
Chautemps, Camille (French politician) |
1885-1963 |
Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier (Canadian politician, writer) |
1820-1890 |
Chauveau-Lagarde, Claude-Francois (French lawyer) |
1756-1841 |
Chauvel, Jean (French diplomat) |
1897-1979 |
Chauvin, Nicolas (Fr. soldier - legendary?; eponym: chauvinism) |
fl. 1815 |
Chauvin, Yves (French chemist) |
b.1930 |
Chavez y Ramirez, Carlos Antonio de Padua (Mexican conductor) |
1899-1978 |
Chavez, Jorge "Geo" (French-born Peruvian aviator) |
1887-1910 |
Chavis, Wilson Anthony "Boozoo" (American musician, bandleader) |
1930-2001 |
Chayefsky, Sidney "Paddy" (American playwright, screenwriter) |
1923-1981 |
Chaykovsky, Nikolay Vasilyevich (Russian Socialist) |
1850-1926 |
Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich (Russian mathematician; asteroid) |
1821-1894 |
Checker, Chubby (Ernest Evans; American musician) |
b.1941 |
Chedid, Andree (Egyptian-born French writer) |
b.1920 |
Cheever, John (American writer) |
1912-1982 |
Chehab, Fuad (Lebanese soldier, politician) |
1902-1973 |
Cheke, Sir John (English classical scholar) |
1514-1557 |
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich (Russian playwright, writer) |
1860-1904 |
Chelard, Hippolyte-Andre-Jean-Baptiste (French composer) |
1789-1861 |
Chelcicky, Peter (Czech theologian, political writer) |
c.1390-c.1460 |
Chemnitz (or Kemnitz), Martin (German theologian) |
1522-1586 |
Chemnitz, Bogislaw Philipp von (Ger. hist.; grandson of Martin) |
1605-1678 |
Ch'en Ch'eng (Chinese soldier, politician) |
1897-1965 |
Ch'en Chiung-ming (Chinese military leader) |
1878-1933 |
Chenedolle, Charles-Julien Lioult de (French poet) |
1769-1833 |
Cheney, Charles Edward (American clergyman) |
1836-1916 |
Cheney, Richard Bruce "Dick" (American businessman, politician) |
b.1941 |
Cheney, Sheldon Warren (American critic) |
1886-1980 |
Cheng (Shih Huang Ti; Chinese emperor 221-210 BC) |
c.259-210 BC |
Cheng Chento (or Zheng Zhenduo; Chinese literary historian) |
1898-1958 |
Ch'eng I (Chinese philosopher; brother of Ch'eng Hao) |
1033-1107 |
Cheng Ch'eng-kung (aka Koxinga; Chinese pirate leader) |
1624-1662 |
Cheng Chento (Chinese literary historian) |
1898-1958 |
Cheng Ch'iao (Chinese historian) |
1108-1166 |
Cheng Chih-lung (Chinese pirate; father of Cheng Ch'eng-kung) |
1604-1661 |
Ch'eng Hao (Chinese philosopher; brother of Ch'eng I) |
1032-1085 |
Cheng Ho (orig. Ma San-pao; Chinese admiral) |
c.1371-c.1433 |
Ch'en Hung-shou (Chinese artist) |
1598-1652 |
Ch'en I (Chinese soldier, politician) |
1901-1972 |
Chenier, Andre-Marie de (French poet, political journalist) |
1762-1794 |
Chenier, Marie-Joseph-Blaise (French politician, poet) |
1764-1811 |
Chennault, Claire Lee (American aviator) |
1890-1958 |
Ch'en Tu-hsiu (Chinese scholar, Communist leader) |
1879-1942 |
Cher (Cherilyn Sarkisian LaPier; American musician) |
b.1946 |
Cherbuliez, Charles Victor (pseudonym G. Valbert; Swiss writer) |
1829-1899 |
Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich (Russian physicist) |
1904-1990 |
Cheret, Jules (French painter, lithographer) |
1836-1932 |
Chern, Shiing-Shen (Chinese-born Am. mathematician; asteroid) |
1911-2004 |
Chernenko, Konstantin Ustinovich (Russian Soviet politician) |
1911-1985 |
Chernov, Viktor Mikhaylovich (Rus. journalist, polit. leader) |
1876-1952 |
Chernyayev, Mikhail Grigoryevich (Russian general) |
1828-1898 |
Chernykh, Lyudmila Ivanovna (Russian astronomer; asteroid) |
b.1935 |
Chernykh, Nikolai Stepanovich (Russian astronomer; asteroid) |
1931-2004 |
Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Gavrilovich (Russian writer, politician) |
1829-1889 |
Cherry, Addie (American vaudevillian) |
1864-1942 |
Cherry, Donald Eugene "Don" (American musician, composer) |
1936-1995 |
Cherry, Effie (American vaudevillian) |
1869-1944 |
Cherry, Lizzie (American vaudevillian) |
1863-1936 |
Cherry, Jessie (American vaudevillian) |
1872-1903 |
Chersiphron (Cretan architect) |
6th cent. BC |
Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore (It. composer) |
1760-1842 |
Cheruel, Pierre-Adolphe (French historian) |
1809-1891 |
Cheselden, William (English surgeon) |
1688-1752 |
Chesney, Charles Cornwallis (Brit. soldier; nephew of Francis) |
1826-1876 |
Chesney, Francis Rawdon (Irish-born British soldier, explorer) |
1789-1872 |
Chesney, Sir George Tomkyns (British soldier; bro. of Charles) |
1830-1895 |
Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller (American writer) |
1823-1886 |
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell (American writer) |
1858-1932 |
Chessman, Caryl Whittier (American criminal) |
1921-1960 |
Chester, George Randolph (American writer) |
1869-1924 |
Chesterfield, Lord (Philip Dormer Stanhope; English politician) |
1694-1773 |
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (English journalist, writer) |
1874-1936 |
Chettle, Henry (English dramatist, writer) |
c.1560-c.1607 |
Chevalier, Albert (English entertainer) |
1861-1923 |
Chevalier, Guillaume-Sulpice (French lithographer, painter) |
1804-1866 |
Chevalier, Jules (French clergyman, writer) |
1824-1907 |
Chevalier, Maurice-Auguste (French entertainer) |
1888-1972 |
Chevalier, Michel (French economist) |
1806-1879 |
Chevalier, Ulysse (French clergyman, scholar) |
1841-1923 |
Chevalley, Claude (French math.; co-founded Bourbaki Group) |
1909-1984 |
Cheverus, Jean-Louis Lefebvre de (French prelate) |
1768-1836 |
Cheves, Langdon (American banker) |
1776-1857 |
Chevreul, Michel-Eugene (French chemist) |
1786-1889 |
Chevrolet, Louis (Swiss-born American automobile manufacturer) |
1879-1941 |
Cheyne, Thomas Kelly (English scholar) |
1841-1915 |
Cheyney, Reginald Evelyn Peter Southouse- (English writer) |
1896-1951 |
Chezy, Antoine de (French engineer, mathematician) |
1718-1798 |
Chiabrera, Gabriello (Italian poet) |
1552-1638 |
Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Chung-cheng; Chinese gen., politician) |
1887-1975 |
Chiari, Giuseppe Bartolomeo (Italian painter) |
1654-1727 |
Chiarini, Giuseppe (Italian critic, poet, translator) |
1833-1908 |
Chia Ssu-tao (Chinese politician) |
d.1279 |
Chicago, Judy (orig. Judy Cohen; American artist) |
b.1939 |
Chichele (or Chicheley), Henry (English prelate, diplomat) |
c.1362-1443 |
Chicherin, Georgi Vasilievich (Russian diplomat) |
1872-1936 |
Chichester, Arthur (English administrator in Ireland) |
1563-1625 |
Chichester, Sir Francis Charles (English adventurer) |
1901-1972 |
Chifley, Joseph Benedict (Australian politician) |
1885-1951 |
Chigi, Agostino (Italian banker, patron of the arts) |
1465?-1520 |
Chih-i (Chinese Buddhist monk) |
538-597 |
Ch'i Ju-shan (or Qi Rushan; Chinese playwright, scholar) |
1876-1962 |
Chikamatsu Monzaemon (orig. Sugimori Nobumori; Japanese dram.) |
1653-1725 |
Child, Charles Manning (American zoologist) |
1869-1954 |
Child, Francis James (American philologist, ballad authority) |
1825-1896 |
Child, Sir John (English colonialist in India) |
d.1690 |
Child, Sir Josiah (English merchant, economist; bro. of John) |
1630-1699 |
Child, Julia née McWilliams (American cook, cookbook author) |
1912-2004 |
Child, Lydia Maria née Francis (American reformer, writer) |
1802-1880 |
Childe, Vere Gordon (Australian archaeologist, historian) |
1892-1957 |
Childers, Erskine Hamilton (English politician; son of Robert) |
1905-1974 |
Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley (British politician) |
1827-1896 |
Childers, Robert Erskine (British writer, politician) |
1870-1922 |
Childress, Alice (American writer, playwright, actor) |
1916-1994 |
Chilembwe, John (Nyasaland nationalist) |
d.1915 |
Chillida Juantegui, Eduardo (Spanish sculptor, football player) |
1924-2002 |
Chillingworth, William (English theologian, controversialist) |
1602-1644 |
Chilon (or Cheilon or Chilo; Sparton ephor c.550 BC) |
6th cent. BC |
Ch'in Chiu-shao (literary name Tao-ku; Chinese mathematician) |
c.1202-c.1261 |
Ching Hao (aka Hung-ku-tzu; Chinese painter, essayist) |
fl. 910-950 |
Ch'in Kuei (Chinese politician) |
1090-1155 |
Chion, Michel (French composer, music theorist, teacher) |
b.1947 |
Ch'i Pai-shih (aka Ch'i Huang; Chinese painter) |
1863-1957 |
Chippendale, Thomas (English cabinetmaker, furniture designer) |
1718-1779 |
Chippendale, Thomas (English cabinetmaker; son of Thomas) |
c.1749-1822 |
Chipperfield, James Francis (English menagerie proprietor) |
1846-1917 |
Chipperfield, James William (English clown, circus proprietor) |
1824-1913 |
Chipperfield, Richard Sr. (English circus proprietor) |
1875-1959 |
Chirac, Jacques-Rene (French politician) |
b.1932 |
Chirico, Giorgio De (Greek-born Italian painter) |
1888-1978 |
Chirikov, Aleksey (Russian explorer) |
1703-1748 |
Chisholm, Hugh (English journalist, editor) |
1866-1924 |
Chisholm, Jesse (American frontiersman) |
1806?-1868? |
Chisholm, Shirley Anita St. Hill (American politician) |
1924-2005 |
Chisum, John Simpson (American frontiersman) |
1824-1884 |
Chitrasena (aka Mahendravarman; Cambodian soldier, ruler) |
6th-7th cent. |
Chitrik, Yehuda (Russia-born Lubavitcher scholar) |
1899-2006 |
Chi-tsang (Chinese Buddhist monk) |
549-623 |
Ch'iu Ying (Chinese painter) |
16th cent. |
Ch'i-ying (Chinese official) |
d.1858 |
Chkheidze, Nikolay Semyonovich (Georgian revolutionist) |
1864-1926 |
Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich (German physicist) |
1756-1827 |
Chlodomer (Frankish prince; son of Clovis) |
d.524 |
Chlopicki, Grzegorz Jozef (Polish general) |
1771-1854 |
Cho Sok-chin (aka Sarino; Korean painter) |
1853-1920 |
Choate, Joseph Hodges (American lawyer, diplomat) |
1832-1917 |
Choate, Rufus (American lawyer) |
1799-1859 |
Chocano, Jose Santos (Peruvian poet, revolutionary) |
1875-1934 |
Chodkiewicz, Jan Karol (Ruthenian soldier) |
1560-1621 |
Chodowiecki, Daniel Nikolaus (German painter, etcher, illus.) |
1726-1801 |
Ch'oe Che-u (Korean religious leader) |
1824-1864 |
Ch'oe Kyong (aka Kunjae; Korean painter) |
15th cent. |
Ch'oe Si-hyong (Korean religious leader) |
1826-1899 |
Choerilus (Athenian playwright) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Choerilus of Samos (Greek epic poet) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Choiseul, Cesar de (Duc de Choiseul; French soldier) |
1598-1675 |
Choiseul, Etienne-Francois de (French politician) |
1719-1785 |
Cholmondeley, Hugh (3rd Baron Delamere; British colonialist) |
1870-1931 |
Chomet, Sylvain (French animator, film director) |
b.1963 |
Chomsky, Noam Avram (American linguist, activist) |
b.1928 |
Chong Son (aka Kyomja; Korean painter) |
1676-1759 |
Chong, Tommy (Canadian comedian) |
b.1938 |
Chong Yak-jong (aka Augustine Chong; Korean religious leader) |
1760-1801 |
Choniates, Michael (Byzantine Humanist, prelate) |
c.1140-c.1222 |
Choniates, Nicetas (Byzantine official, historian, theologian) |
c.1140-1213 |
Chopin, Frederic-Francois (Polish composer, pianist) |
1810-1849 |
Chopin, Henri (French poet, musician) |
1922-2008 |
Chopin, Katherine "Kate" née O'Flaherty (American writer) |
1851-1904 |
Chopinel (or Clopinel), Jean (aka Jean de Meun; French poet) |
c.1240-1305? |
Choquette, Robert Guy (Am.-born French-Canadian poet, writer) |
1905-1991 |
Choricius of Gaza (Greek Sophist, rhetorician) |
6th cent. |
Choromanski, Michal (Russian-born Polish writer, playwright) |
1904-1972 |
Chouart des Groseilliers, Medard (French explorer) |
1625-1698 |
Chou En-lai (Chinese revolutionary, politician) |
1898-1976 |
Chou Fang (Chinese painter) |
8th cent. |
Chou Hsin (Chinese emperor) |
c.1154-c.1122 BC |
Chou Kung (the Duke of Chou; Chinese writer, statesman) |
12th cent. BC |
Choulos, Vasilios Basil (American trial lawyer) |
1927-2003 |
Chou Shu-jen (pseudonym Lu Hsun; Chinese writer) |
1881-1936 |
Chouteau, Auguste Pierre (American fur trader; son of Jean) |
1786-1838 |
Chouteau, Jean Pierre (American pioneer; brother of Rene) |
1758-1849 |
Chouteau, Pierre (American fur trader; son of Jean) |
1789-1865 |
Chouteau, Rene Auguste (American fur trader, pioneer) |
1749-1829 |
Chou Tun-i (aka Chou Lien-hsi; Chinese philosopher) |
1017-1073 |
Chraibi, Driss (Moroccan writer, dramatist, radio producer) |
b.1926 |
Chrestien, Florent (French satirist, poet, translator) |
1541-1596 |
Chretien de Troyes (French poet) |
fl.1165-1180 |
Christgau, Robert "Xgau" (American essayist, music journalist) |
b.1942 |
Christian "der tolle Christian" (German soldier) |
1599-1626 |
Christian, Barbara (Caribbean-born American educator, critic) |
b.1943 |
Christian, Charles Henry "Charlie" (American musician) |
1916-1942 |
Christian, Fletcher (English naval mutineer) |
fl. 1789 |
Christian, Jodie (American musician) |
b.1932 |
Christian, William (British soldier) |
1608-1663 |
Christiansen, Henning (Danish composer, artist, educator) |
b.1932 |
Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Australia astronomer) |
1913-2007 |
Christie, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa née Miller (English writer) |
1890-1976 |
Christie, James (English auctioneer) |
1730-1803 |
Christie, James (English auctioneer; antiquary; son of James) |
1773-1831 |
Christie, Samuel Hunter (English mathematician; son of James) |
1784-1865 |
Christie, Sir William Henry Mahoney (English astronomer) |
1845-1922 |
Christine de Pisan (or de Pizan; French poet, writer) |
1364-c.1430 |
Christmas Moller, Guido Leo John (Danish politician) |
1894-1948 |
Christo (Christo Javacheff; Bulgarian-born American artist) |
b.1935 |
Christodoulou, Demetrios (Greek mathematician, physicist) |
b.1951 |
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (Swiss mathematician) |
1829-1900 |
Christophe, Henri (Haitian revolutionist, ruler) |
1767-1820 |
Christopher of Oldenburg (Danish noble, soldier) |
c.1504-1566 |
Christopher, Warren Minor (American lawyer, diplomat) |
b.1925 |
Christopherson, Peter Martin (English musician, video director) |
1955-2012 |
Christus (or Cristus), Petrus (Flemish painter) |
c.1420-1472/3 |
Christy, Edwin Pearce (American actor, singer) |
1815-1862 |
Christy, Howard Chandler (American illustrator, painter) |
1873-1952 |
Christy, Robert Frederick (Canadian-born Am. astrophysicist) |
1916-2012 |
Chrodegang (or Rotgang), Saint (Frankish prelate) |
d.766 |
Chrysander, Karl Franz Friedrich (German music scholar) |
1826-1901 |
Chrysippus (Greek Stoic philosopher) |
c.280-c.206 BC |
Chrysler, Walter Percy (American automobile manufacturer) |
1875-1940 |
Chrysoloras, Manuel (Greek scholar, translator) |
c.1353-1415 |
Chrysostom, Saint John (Syrian prelate) |
c.347-407 |
Chtcheglov, Ivan Vladimirovitch (France-b. Rus. pol. theorist) |
1933-1998 |
Chu, Steven (American physicist, academic) |
b.1948 |
Chuang-tzu (Chinese philosopher, teacher) |
c.369-c.286 BC |
Chubak, Sadeq-i (or Sadiq; Iranian writer, dramatist) |
1916-1998 |
Chubb, Thomas (English deist) |
1679-1747 |
Chubbuck, Christine "Chris" (American journalist) |
1944-1974 |
Chu Chan-chi (Chinese emperor 1425-1435; son of Chu Kao-chih) |
1398-1435 |
Chu Ch'ang-lo (Chinese emperor 1620; son of Chu I-chun) |
1582-1620 |
Chu Ch'i-chen (Chin. emp. 1435-49,1457-64; son of Chu Chan-chi) |
1427-1464 |
Chu Chien-shen (Chinese emperor 1464-87; son of Chu Ch'i-chen) |
1447-1487 |
Ch'u Ch'iu-pai (aka Sung Yang; Chinese politician, writer) |
1899-1935 |
Chu Ch'i-yu (Chinese emperor 1449-1457; son of Chu Chan-chi) |
1428-1457 |
Chudnovsky, David Volfovich (Ukrainian mathematician) |
b.1947? |
Chudnovsky, Gregory Volfovich (Ukrainian mathematician) |
b.1953? |
Chu Hou-chao (Chinese emperor 1505-1521; son of Chu Yu-t'ang) |
1491-1521 |
Chu Hou-tsung (Chinese emperor 1521-66; cousin of Chu Hou-chao) |
1507-1566 |
Chu Hsi (literary name Yuan Hui; Chinese philosopher) |
1130-1200 |
Chu I-chun (Chinese emperor 1572-1620; son of Chu Tsai-kou) |
1563-1620 |
Chuikov, Vasily Ivanovich (Russian soldier) |
1900-1982 |
Chukovskaya, Lidia Korneyevna (Finnish-born Russian writer) |
1907-1996 |
Chu-jan (Chinese painter) |
10th cent. |
Chu Kao-chih (Chinese emperor 1424-1425; son of Chu Ti) |
1378-1425 |
Chu Ki-chol (Korean clergyman) |
1897-1944 |
Chu-ko Liang (Chinese soldier) |
181-234 |
Chukovskaya, Lidia Korneyevna (Finish-born Russian writer) |
1907-1996 |
Chukovsky, Korney Ivanovich (Russian literary critic, writer) |
1882-1969 |
Chumnus, Nicephorus (Byzantine politician, scholar) |
1250-1327 |
Chun, Ellery Joe Quain (American merchant; des. Aloha shirt) |
1909-2000 |
Chun Doo-Hwan (South Korean general, president 1980-1988) |
b.1931 |
Chuquet, Nicolas (French mathematician) |
c.1445-c.1500 |
Church, Benjamin (American physician, spy) |
1734-1778 |
Church, Frederick Edwin (American painter) |
1826-1900 |
Church, Sir Richard (Irish-born British soldier) |
1784-1873 |
Church, Richard Thomas (English writer) |
1893-1972 |
Church, Richard William (British clergyman) |
1815-1890 |
Church, William (American inventor) |
1778?-1863 |
Churchill, Caryl (British playwright) |
b.1938 |
Churchill, Charles (English poet, satirist) |
1731-1764 |
Churchill, John (English military commander) |
1650-1722 |
Churchill, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer (British writer) |
1911-1968 |
Churchill, Randolph Henry Spencer (British politician) |
1849-1895 |
Churchill, Winston (American writer) |
1871-1947 |
Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (British statesman) |
1874-1965 |
Churchland, Patricia Smith (Canadian-born Can./Am. philosopher) |
b.1943 |
Churchyard, Thomas (English soldier of fortune, writer) |
c.1520-1604 |
Churriguera, Alberto (Spanish architect; brother of Jose) |
1676-1750 |
Churriguera, Joaquin (Spanish architect; brother of Jose) |
1674-1720 |
Churriguera, Jose Benito (Spanish architect) |
1665-1725 |
Chu Shih-chieh (literary name Han-ch'ing; Chinese math.) |
c.1280-1303 |
Chu Shun-Shui (Chinese official, historian) |
1600-1682 |
Chusid, Irwin (Am. landmark preservationist, journalist, DJ) |
b.1951 |
Chu Ta (orig. Pa-ta Shan-jen; Chinese painter) |
c.1625-c.1705 |
Chu Teh (Chinese soldier) |
1886-1976 |
Chu Ti (Chinese emperor 1402-1424; son of Chu Yuan-chang) |
1360-1424 |
Chu Tsai-kou (Chinese emperor 1566-1572; son of Chu Hou-tsung) |
1537-1572 |
Chu Wen (Chinese emperor 907-914; founded Later Liang dynasty) |
854-914 |
Ch'u Yuan (Chinese poet) |
c.343-c.289 BC |
Chu Yuan-chang (Chinese emperor 1368-1398; fd. Ming dynasty) |
1328-1398 |
Chu Yu-chiao (Chinese emperor 1620-1627; son of Chu Ch'ang-lo) |
1605-1627 |
Chu Yu-chien (Chinese emperor 1627-44; brother of Chu Yu-chiao) |
1611-1644 |
Chu Yu-chien (Chinese ruler) |
1602-1646 |
Chu Yun-wen (Chin. emp. 1398-1402; grandson of Chu Yuan-chang) |
1377-1440? |
Chu Yu-t'ang (Chinese emperor 1487-1505; son of Chu Chien-shen) |
1470-1505 |
Chyba, Christopher F. (American astrobiologist) |
b.1959 |
Cialdini, Enrico (Duca di Gaeta; Italian soldier, diplomat) |
1811-1892 |
Ciamician, Giacomo Luigi (Italian chemist) |
1857-1922 |
Ciampi, Vincenzo Legrenzio (Italian composer) |
1719?-1762 |
Ciano, Galeazzo (Conte di Cortellazzo; Italian politician) |
1903-1944 |
Ciaran, Saint "Ciaran the Younger" (Irish religious) |
c.516-c.549 |
Ciardi, John Anthony (American poet, critic, translator) |
1916-1986 |
Cibber (or Cibert), Caius Gabriel (Danish sculptor) |
1630-1700 |
Cibber, Colley (English actor, dramatist; poet laureate 1730) |
1671-1757 |
Cibber, Theophilus (English actor, playwright; son of Colley) |
1703-1758 |
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Roman orator, statesman, philosopher) |
106-43 BC |
Cicero, Quintus Tullius (Roman general; brother of Marcus) |
c.102-43 BC |
Cicognara, Leopoldo (Italian art historian, diplomat) |
1767-1834 |
Cid, El (Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar; Spanish soldier, hero) |
c.1043-1099 |
Ciechanover, Aaron J. (Israeli biologist) |
b.1947 |
Cierva Codorniu, Juan de la (Spanish aeronautical engineer) |
1896-1936 |
Cieza de Leon, Pedro de (Spanish soldier, historian) |
1518-1560 |
Cifra, Antonio (Italian composer: Roman School) |
1584-1629 |
Cignani, Carlo (Italian painter) |
1628-1719 |
Cigoli, Lodovico Cardi da (Italian painter, architect) |
1559-1613 |
Cilea, Francesco (Italian composer) |
1866-1950 |
Ciller, Tansu Penbe (Turkish prime minister 1993-1996) |
b.1946 |
Cilli, Ulrich II von (Austrian noble) |
c.1406-1456 |
Cima, Giovanni Battista "Cima da Conegliano" (Venetian painter) |
c.1459-1517/8 |
Cima, Giovanni Paolo (Italian composer, organist) |
1570-1622 |
Cimabue, Giovanni (orig.Bencivieni di Pepo; Florentine painter) |
c.1251-1302 |
Cimarosa, Domenico (Neapolitan composer) |
1749-1801 |
Cimon (Athenian general, statesman) |
c.510-c.451 BC |
Cimon of Cleonae (Greek painter) |
fl. c.525-500 BC |
Cincinnatus, Lucius Quinctius (Roman general, statesman) |
b.c.519 BC |
Cineas (Greek politician) |
3rd cent. BC |
Cinna, Gaius Helvius (Roman poet) |
d.44 BC |
Cinna, Lucius Cornelius (Roman general, politician) |
d.84 BC |
Cinnamus, Joannes (Byzantine historian) |
12th cent. |
Cinquevalli, Paul (born Paul Kestner?; Polish juggler) |
1859-1918 |
Cione, Andrea di "Orcagna" (Florentine painter, sculptor) |
c.1308-c.1368 |
Cione, Jacopo di (Florentine painter; brother of Andrea) |
d.1398? |
Cione, Nardo (Florentine painter; brother of Andrea) |
d.1365/6 |
Cioran, Emile Michel (Romanian-born French philosopher) |
1911-1995 |
Cipriani, Giovanni Battista (Italian painter, engraver) |
1727-1785 |
Cisneros, Antonio (Peruvian poet, translator, essayist, techer) |
b.1942 |
Cisneros, Henry Gabriel (American politician) |
b.1947 |
Cisneros, Sandra (American writer, poet) |
b.1954 |
Cissey, Ernest-Louis-Octave Courtot de (French soldier, polit.) |
1810-1882 |
Citroen, Andre-Gustave (French automobile manufacturer) |
1878-1935 |
Civiale, Jean (French surgeon) |
1792-1867 |
Civilis, Gaius Julius (Germanic chieftain) |
1st cent. |
Civitali, Matteo (Italian sculptor, architect) |
1436-1501 |
Cixous, Helene (French writer, playwright, essayist) |
b.1937 |
Louis C.K. (b.Louis Szekely; Mexican-American comedian, writer) |
b.1967 |
Cladel, Leon-Alpinien (French writer) |
1835-1892 |
Claes, Ernest Andre Jozef (Flemish writer) |
1885-1968 |
Claesz van Haarlem, Pieter (Dutch painter) |
1597/8-1661 |
Claiborne, Anne Elisabeth Jane "Liz" (Belgian-born Am.designer) |
1929-2007 |
Claiborne, William Charles Coles (American politician) |
1775-1817 |
Clair, Rene (born Rene Chomette; French film writer, director) |
1898-1981 |
Clairaut, Alexis-Claude (French mathematician) |
1713-1765 |
Clairon, Mlle. (born Claire Leris de la Tude; French actor) |
1723-1803 |
Clampett, Robert Emerson "Bob" (Am. animator, producer, dir.) |
1913-1984 |
Clampitt, Amy (American poet, writer) |
1920-1994 |
Clanny, William Reid (Irish-born British physician, inventor) |
1776-1850 |
Clanvowe, Sir Thomas (English courtier, poet) |
fl. 1400 |
Claparede, Edouard (Swiss psychologist) |
1873-1940 |
Clapeyron, Emile (French engineer) |
1799-1864 |
Clapp, Cornelia (American zoologist) |
1849-1934 |
Clapperton, Hugh (Scottish explorer in Africa) |
1788-1827 |
Clare of Assisi, Saint (Italian religious) |
1194-1253 |
Clare, John (English poet) |
1793-1864 |
Claretie, Jules (born Arsene-Arnaud; French writer) |
1840-1913 |
Claret, Saint Antonio Maria (Spanish prelate) |
1807-1870 |
Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria (Italian composer) |
1677-1754 |
Clark, Abraham (American politician) |
1726-1794 |
Clark, Alvan (American lens maker, astronomer) |
1804-1887 |
Clark, Alvan Graham (Am. lens maker, astronomer; son of Alvan) |
1832-1897 |
Clark, Bennett Champ (Am. lawyer, politician; son of Champ) |
1890-1954 |
Clark, Carl Cyrus (Philippines-born American scientist) |
1924-2006 |
Clark, Charles Edgar (American naval officer) |
1843-1922 |
Clark, Charles Joseph Conrad "Joe" (Canadian prime minister) |
b.1939 |
Clark, Richard Wagstaff "Dick" (American music business figure) |
b.1929 |
Clark, Francis Edward (Canadian-born American clergyman) |
1851-1927 |
Clark, George Rogers (Am. Revolutionary soldier, frontiersman) |
1752-1818 |
Clark, James (Scottish-born British automobile racer) |
1936-1968 |
Clark, James Beauchamp "Champ" (American politician) |
1850-1921 |
Clark, John Bates (American economist) |
1847-1938 |
Clark, John Pepper "J.P. Clark Bekederemo" (Nigerian poet) |
b.1935 |
Clark, Kenneth Bancroft (American educator, psychologist) |
1914-2005 |
Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie (British art historian) |
1903-1983 |
Clark, Les (American animator, director: Disney Nine Old Men) |
1907-1979 |
Clark, Mark Wayne (American general) |
1896-1984 |
Clark, Thomas Dionysius (Am. historian; hist.laureate for life) |
1903-2005 |
Clark, Thomas Campbell (Am. Supreme Court justice 1949-1967) |
1899-1977 |
Clark, Walter Houston (Am. psychologist, religious scholar) |
1902-1994 |
Clark, Walter van Tilburg (American writer) |
1909-1971 |
Clark, Sir Wilfrid Edward Le Gros (Brit. anatomist, anthropol.) |
1895-1971 |
Clark, William (Am. soldier, explorer with Meriwether Lewis) |
1770-1838 |
Clark, William George (English scholar) |
1821-1878 |
Clark, William Ramsey (American Attorney General 1967-1969) |
b.1927 |
Clark, William Smith (American educator) |
1826-1888 |
Clarke, Alexander Ross (English geodesist) |
1828-1914 |
Clarke, Sir Andrew (British colonial administrator, engineer) |
1824-1902 |
Clarke, Arthur Charles (English astrophysicist, writer) |
1917-2008 |
Clarke, Austin (Irish poet, writer, playwright) |
1896-1974 |
Clarke, Austin Chesterfield (Barbadian-Canadian writer) |
b.1934 |
Clarke, Charles Cowden (English critic, scholar; wife: Mary V.) |
1787-1877 |
Clarke, Edward Daniel (English mineralogist, traveler) |
1769-1822 |
Clarke, Ellis Emmanuel Innocent (Trinidad & Tobago politician) |
1917-2010 |
Clarke, Edmund Melson Jr. (American computer scientist) |
b.1945 |
Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth (American chemist) |
1847-1931 |
Clarke, Helen Archibald (American editor, writer) |
1860-1926 |
Clarke, Henri-Jacques-Guillaume (French soldier) |
1765-1818 |
Clarke, James Freeman (American clergyman) |
1810-1888 |
Clarke, Jeremiah (English organist, composer) |
c.1674-1707 |
Clarke, John (English-born American clergyman, physician) |
1609-1676 |
Clarke, John Hessin (American Supreme Court justice 1916-1922) |
1857-1945 |
Clarke, John Mason (American paleontologist) |
1857-1925 |
Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop (English-born Australian writer) |
1846-1881 |
Clarke, Martha "Marty" (Am. choreographer, theater director) |
b.1944 |
Clarke, Mary Anne née Thompson (English courtier) |
c.1776-1852 |
Clarke, Mary Victoria née Novello (Eng. Shakespearean scholar) |
1809-1898 |
Clarke, Samuel (English philosopher) |
1675-1729 |
Clarke, Stanley M. (American bassist) |
b.1951 |
Clarke, William Branwhite (English clergyman, geologist) |
1798-1878 |
Clarkson, Thomas (English abolitionist) |
1760-1846 |
Clash, Kevin (American puppeteer) |
b.1960 |
Claster, Bert (Am. TV & stage producer; cr. Romper Room, 1953) |
1910-1984 |
Claster, Nancy (Am. TV host, teacher; cr. Romper Room, 1953) |
1915-1997 |
Clauberg, Johann (German philosopher) |
1622-1665 |
Claude, Albert (Belgian physiologist) |
1899-1983 |
Claude, Georges (French chemist, physicist) |
1870-1960 |
Claudel, Paul-Louis-Charles-Marie (Fr. diplomat, poet, dram.) |
1868-1955 |
Claude Lorrain (pseudonym of Claude Gellee; French painter) |
1600-1682 |
Claudian (Claudius Claudianus; Egyptian-born Latin poet) |
c.370-c.404 |
Claudius I (Roman emperor 41-54; son of Nero Claudius Drusus) |
10 BC-AD 54 |
Claudius II (Marcus Aurelius Claudius; Roman emperor 268-270) |
214-270 |
Claudius, Matthias (pseudonym Asmus; German poet, editor) |
1740-1815 |
Claus, Carl Ernst (aka Karl Karlovich Klaus; Russian chemist) |
1796-1864 |
Clausewitz, Carl von (Prus. army officer, military strategist) |
1780-1831 |
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel (German mathematical physicist) |
1822-1888 |
Claussen, Sophus Niels Christen (Danish poet, translator) |
1865-1931 |
Clauzel (or Clausel), Bertrand (French soldier) |
1772-1842 |
Clavell, James du Maresq (Australian-born American writer) |
1924-1994 |
Clavijo y Fajardo, Jose (Spanish naturalist, man of letters) |
1730-1806 |
Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de (Spanish diplomat) |
d.1412 |
Clavius, Christoph (German astronomer, mathematician) |
1537-1612 |
Clay, Cassius Marcellus (American abolitionist, politician) |
1810-1903 |
Clay, Henry (American politician, orator) |
1777-1852 |
Clay, Lucius DuBignon (Am. army officer; led Berlin airlift) |
1897-1978 |
Claypool, Leslie Edward (American musician) |
b.1963 |
Clayton, Henry De Lamar (American politician) |
1857-1929 |
Clayton, John Middleton (American politician) |
1796-1856 |
Claytor, Helen née Wilkins nee Jackson (Am.civil rights leader) |
1907-2005 |
Cleanthes (Greek Stoic philosopher) |
331/30-232/31 BC |
Clearchus (Spartan soldier) |
5th cent. BC |
Cleaveland, Moses (American pioneer; founded Cleveland Ohio) |
1754-1806 |
Cleaver, Leroy "Eldridge" (American writer, Black Panther) |
b.1935 |
Clebsch, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred (German mathematician) |
1833-1872 |
Cleburne, Patrick Ronayne (Irish-born American army officer) |
1828-1864 |
Cleese, John Marwood (English actor, comedian, writer) |
b.1939 |
Cleisthenes of Athens (Athenian statesman; son of Megacles) |
c.570-508? BC |
Cleisthenes of Sicyon (Greek tyrant of Sicyon c.600-c.570 BC) |
6th cent. BC |
Cleitias (aka Clitias; Athenian potter, vase painter) |
fl. c.580-550 BC |
Cleitomachus (aka Clitomachus; Greek philosopher) |
187/6-110/109 BC |
Cleitus (aka Clitus; Macedonian general) |
d.329 BC |
Cleland, John (English writer, journalist, playwright) |
1709-1789 |
Clemenceau, Georges (Fr. polit.; prime min. 1906-09, 1917-20) |
1841-1929 |
Clemens, Jacobus (aka Clemens non Papa; Flemish composer) |
c.1510-c.1556 |
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (pseudonym Mark Twain; Am. writer) |
1835-1910 |
Clement of Alexandria, Saint (Alexandrian educator) |
c.150-211/15 |
Clement, Jacques (French assassin of Henry III of France) |
1564-1589 |
Clemente, Roberto Walker (American baseball player) |
1934-1972 |
Clementi, Muzio (Italian composer, pianist in England) |
1752-1832 |
Clementis, Vladimir (Slovak politician) |
1902-1952 |
Clemo, Jack (born Reginald John Clemo; English poet, writer) |
1916-1994 |
Clemson, Thomas Green (American mining engineer) |
1807-1888 |
Cleobulus (Greek sage) |
6th cent. BC |
Cleombrotus I (King of Sparta 380-371 BC) |
d.371 BC |
Cleomenes I (King of Sparta c.521-490 BC; son of Anaxandridas) |
d.490 BC |
Cleomenes II (King of Sparta 370-309 BC; son of Cleombrotus I) |
d.309 BC |
Cleomenes III (King of Sparta 235-222 BC; son of Leonidas II) |
d.c.219 BC |
Cleon (Athenian politician) |
d.422 BC |
Cleophon (Athenian politician) |
d.404 BC |
Cleophrades Painter (prob. name Epiktetos; Greek vase painter) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Clerambault, Louis-Nicholas (French organist, composer) |
1676-1749 |
Clerk, Sir Dugald (Scottish engineer) |
1854-1932 |
Clermont-Ganneau, Charles (French archaeologist) |
1846-1923 |
Cleve (or Cleef), Joos van (Flemish painter) |
c.1480-1540 |
Cleve, Per Teodor (Swedish chemist) |
1840-1905 |
Cleveland, Horace William Shaler (American landscape architect) |
1814-1900 |
Cleveland (or Cleiveland), John (English poet, satirist) |
1613-1658 |
Cleveland, Stephen Grover (22nd, 24th pres., 1885-89, 1893-97) |
1837-1908 |
Cleyre, Voltairine de (American anarchist) |
1866-1912 |
Cliburn, Harvey Lavan Jr. "Van" (American pianist) |
b.1934 |
Cliff, Michelle (Jamaican-American writer, poet) |
b.1946 |
Clifford, John (English clergyman) |
1836-1923 |
Clifford, Nathan (American Supreme Court justice 1858-1881) |
1803-1881 |
Clifford, William Kingdon (English mathematician, philosopher) |
1845-1879 |
Clifton, Thelma Lucille Sayles (American poet, writer) |
b.1936 |
Cline, Nels (American musician) |
b.1956 |
Clinton, DeWitt (American politician; nephew of George Clinton) |
1769-1828 |
Clinton, George (American politician; vice-president 1805-1812) |
1739-1812 |
Clinton, Sir Henry (English soldier) |
1738-1795 |
Clinton, Sir Henry (English soldier; son of Sir Henry) |
1771-1829 |
Clinton, Hillary Diane née Rodham (American first lady) |
b.1947 |
Clinton, James (American soldier; brother of George) |
1733-1812 |
Clinton, Sir William Henry (English general; son of Sir Henry) |
1769-1846 |
Clinton, William Jefferson Blythe (42nd U.S. pres., 1993-2001) |
b.1946 |
Clisson, Olivier de (French soldier) |
c.1332-1407 |
Clitherow, Saint Margaret née Middleton (English religious) |
1556-1586 |
Clive, Kitty (orig. Catherine Raftor; British actor) |
1711-1785 |
Clive, Robert (British soldier, colonialist) |
1725-1774 |
Clodius, Publius (surnamed Pulcher; Roman politician) |
c.93-52 BC |
Cloete, Edward Fairly Stuart Graham (South African writer) |
1897-1976 |
Clokey, Arthur Charles née Farrington (Am. animator: Gumby) |
1921-2010 |
Cloos, Hans (German geologist) |
1885-1951 |
Close, Maxwell Henry (Irish geologist) |
1822-1903 |
Closterman, John (Johann Baptist; German-born British painter) |
1656-1713 |
Clotilda, Saint (aka Chrotechildis; Frankish queen) |
c.470-545 |
Cloud, Saint (aka Clodoald or Chlodovald; Frankish religious) |
c.522-c.560 |
Clouet, Francois (Flemish-French painter; son of Jean) |
1515/20-1572 |
Clouet, Jean (or Janet or Jehannet; Flemish-French painter) |
c.1485-c.1540 |
Clough, Anne Jemima (English educator; sister of Arthur) |
1820-1892 |
Clough, Arthur Hugh (English poet, lecturer) |
1819-1861 |
Clouzot, Henri-Georges (French film director, screenwriter) |
1907-1977 |
Clovio, Giulio (Croatian-born Italian miniaturist) |
1498-1578 |
Clovis (aka Chlodwig; King of Salian Franks 481-511) |
c.466-511 |
Cluett, Sanford Lockwood (American engineer) |
1874-1968 |
Clurman, Harold (American theatrical director, critic) |
1901-1980 |
Cluver, Philipp (Cluverius; German antiquarian, geographer) |
1580-1622 |
Clymer, George (American politician) |
1739-1813 |
Clynes, John Robert (English labor leader, politician) |
1869-1949 |
Coase, Ronald Harry (English-born American economist) |
b.1910 |
Coates, Florence Van Leer née Earle (American poet) |
1850-1927 |
Coates, Gloria (American composer) |
b.1938 |
Coates, Joseph Gordon (New Zealand politician) |
1878-1943 |
Cobb, Henry Ives (American architect) |
1859-1931 |
Cobb, Howell (American politician) |
1815-1868 |
Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury (American journalist, humorist, writer) |
1876-1944 |
Cobb, Joe Frank (American actor: Our Gang) |
1916-2002 |
Cobb, John (English cabinetmaker) |
c.1710-1778 |
Cobb, John Rhodes (Scottish automobile & boat racer) |
1899-1952 |
Cobb, Tyrus Raymond "Ty" (American baseball player) |
1886-1961 |
Cobbe, Frances Power (British philanthropist, writer) |
1822-1904 |
Cobbett, William "Peter Porcupine" (Eng. journalist, essayist) |
1763-1835 |
Cobden, Richard (English politician, economist) |
1804-1865 |
Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James (English bookbinder, printer) |
1840-1922 |
Cobenzl, Johann Ludwig Joseph (Austrian diplomat) |
1753-1809 |
Cobenzl, Johann Philipp von (Austrian politician) |
1741-1810 |
Cobergher, Wenceslas (Flemish architect, painter. engraver) |
1557/61-1634 |
Coburn, Alvin Langdon (American-born British photographer) |
1882-1966 |
Cocceji, Heinrich von (German jurist) |
1644-1719 |
Cocceji, Samuel (German jurist; son of Heinrich) |
1679-1755 |
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas "the Father" (French engraver) |
1688-1754 |
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas "the Son", "the Younger" (Fr. engraver) |
1715-1790 |
Cochise (American Chiricahua Apache Indian chief) |
1812?-1874 |
Cochran, Sir Charles Blake (Eng. theatrical manager, producer) |
1872-1951 |
Cochran, Jacqueline (American aviator) |
1910?-1980 |
Cochrane, Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis (British admiral) |
1758-1832 |
Cochrane, Thomas (British naval commander; nephew of Alexander) |
1775-1860 |
Cockburn, Alexander Claud (Anglo-Irish journalist) |
b.1941 |
Cockburn, Sir Alexander James Edmund (British jurist) |
1802-1880 |
Cockburn, Alicia (or Alison) née Rutherford (Scottish poet) |
1713-1794 |
Cockburn, Francis Claud (China-born British journalist) |
1904-1981 |
Cockburn, Sir George (British naval officer) |
1772-1853 |
Cockburn, Henry Thomas "Lord Cockburn" (Scottish judge) |
1779-1854 |
Cockburn, Patrick (Irish journalist) |
b.1950 |
Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas (British physicist) |
1897-1967 |
Cocke, John (American computer scientist: RISC architecture) |
1925-2002 |
Cocker, Edward (English engraver, teacher) |
1631-1675 |
Cocker, John Robert "Joe" (English singer, musician) |
1944-2014 |
Cockeram, Henry (English lexicographer) |
fl. 1650 |
Cockerell, Charles Robert (English architect) |
1788-1863 |
Cockerill, John (English manufacturer; son of William) |
1790-1840 |
Cockerill, William (English inventor, manufacturer) |
1759-1832 |
Cocteau, Jean (French poet, writer, playwright, artist) |
1889-1963 |
Codd, Edgar Frank "Ted" (Eng. math.; dev. Rel. Database Model) |
1923-2003 |
Coddington, William (English-born American colonist) |
1601-1678 |
Codona, Alfredo (Mexican aerialist) |
1893-1937 |
Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea (Romanian political leader) |
1899-1938 |
Codrescu, Andre (Romanian-born American poet, writer) |
b.1946 |
Codrington, Sir Edward (Brit. naval officer; father of William) |
1770-1851 |
Codrington, Robert Henry (British clergyman, anthropologist) |
1830-1922 |
Codrington, Sir William John (British army commander) |
1804-1884 |
Coducci, Mauro (Venetian architect) |
1440-1504 |
Cody, John Patrick (American prelate) |
1907-1982 |
Cody, William Frederick "Buffalo Bill" (Am. scout, showman) |
1846-1917 |
Coeffier-Ruze, Antoine (French soldier, diplomat) |
1581-1632 |
Coeffier-Ruze d'Effiat, Henri (French courtier) |
1620-1642 |
Coehlo Neto, Enrique Maximiano (Brazilian writer) |
1864-1934 |
Coehoorn, Menno van (Dutch soldier, military engineer) |
1641-1704 |
Coelho Pereira, Duarte (Portuguese soldier) |
1485?-1554 |
Coello, Claudio (Spanish painter) |
c.1635-1693 |
Coen, Ethan (American screenwriter, producer) |
b.1957 |
Coen, Jan Pieterszoon (Dutch colonial governor) |
1587-1629 |
Coen, Joel Daniel (American screenwriter, director) |
b.1954 |
Coetzee, John Michael "J.M." (S.African-born Australian writer) |
b.1940 |
Coeur, Jacques (French merchant) |
c.1395-1456 |
Coffin, Henry Sloane (American clergyman) |
1877-1954 |
Coffin, Howard Earle (American engineer) |
1873-1937 |
Coffin, Levi (American abolitionist) |
1798-1877 |
Coffin, Lorenzo S. (American reformer) |
1823-1915 |
Coffin, Robert Peter Tristram (American poet, writer, lecturer) |
1892-1955 |
Coffin, William Sloan Jr. (American chaplin, activist) |
1924-2006 |
Coggan, Frederick Donald (British archbishop of Canterbury) |
1909-2000 |
Coghill, George Ellett (American anatomist) |
1872-1941 |
Coghlan, Rose (English-born American actor) |
1853-1932 |
Cogidubnus (or Cogidumnus; British prince) |
1st cent. |
Cognacq, Theodore-Ernest (French merchant) |
1839-1928 |
Cogswell, Joseph Green (American librarian, bibliographer) |
1786-1871 |
Cohan, George Michael (American actor, playwright, producer) |
1878-1942 |
Cohen, Albert (Greek-born Swiss writer, journalist, diplomat) |
1895-1981 |
Cohen, Ernst Julius (Dutch chemist) |
1869-1944 |
Cohen, Hermann (German philosopher) |
1842-1918 |
Cohen, Ira (American poet, publisher, photographer, filmmaker) |
b.1935 |
Cohen, Joel E. (American mathematical biologist) |
b.1944 |
Cohen, Leonard (Canadian poet, writer, songwriter, singer) |
b.1934 |
Cohen, Morris Raphael (Russian-born Am. philosopher, educator) |
1880-1947 |
Cohen, Octavus Roy (American writer) |
1891-1959 |
Cohen, Paul Joseph (American mathematician, educator) |
1934-2007 |
Cohen, Samuel Theodore (American physicist, activist) |
1921-2010 |
Cohen, Selma Jeanne (American historian, editor, teacher) |
1920-2005 |
Cohen, Dr. Sidney (American psychiatrist) |
1911-1987 |
Cohen, Stanley (American biochemist) |
b.1922 |
Cohen, Stanley Norman (American geneticist) |
b.1935 |
Cohen, Stephen Frand (American political scientist, historian) |
b.1938 |
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude (Algeria-born French physicist) |
b.1933 |
Cohl, Emile (Emile Eugene Jean Louis Courtet; Fr. caricaturist) |
1857-1938 |
Cohn, Edwin Joseph (American chemist) |
1892-1953 |
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius (German botanist) |
1828-1898 |
Cohn, Roy Marcus (American lawyer) |
1927-1986 |
Cohnheim, Julius Friedrich (German pathologist) |
1839-1884 |
Cohran, Kelan Phil (American musician; invented Frankophone) |
b.1927 |
Coindre, Andre (French religious) |
1787-1826 |
Coiter (or Coyter, Koyter), Volcher (Dutch anatomist) |
1534-1590? |
Coke, Sir Edward "Lord Coke" (English jurist) |
1552-1634 |
Coke, Thomas (Welsh-born British clergyman) |
1747-1814 |
Coke, Thomas William (English agriculturist) |
1752-1842 |
Colbert, Charles (French politician; brother of Jean-Baptiste) |
1625-1696 |
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste (French politician, financier) |
1619-1683 |
Colbert, Stephen Tyrone (American comedian, satirist) |
b.1964 |
Colborne, Sir John (1st Baron Seaton; British general) |
1778-1863 |
Colbran, Isabella (Spanish singer, composer) |
1785-1845 |
Colburn, Irving Wightman (American inventor, manufacturer) |
1861-1917 |
Colby, Frank Moore (American encyclopedia editor, essayist) |
1865-1925 |
Colden, Cadwallader (Irish-born American colonialist) |
1688-1776 |
Cole, Fay-Cooper (American anthropologist) |
1881-1961 |
Cole, George Douglas Howard (English economist) |
1889-1959 |
Cole, Sir Henry (pseudonym Felix Summerly; English art critic) |
1808-1882 |
Cole, Nat King (born Nathaniel Adams Coles; American musician) |
1919-1965 |
Cole, Thomas (Englist-born American painter) |
1801-1848 |
Cole, Timothy (English-born American wood engraver) |
1852-1931 |
Colegate, Isabel Diana (married name Briggs; British writer) |
b.1931 |
Coleman, Bessie (American aviator) |
1893-1926 |
Coleman, Ornette (American musician, composer) |
1930-2015 |
Colenso, John William (British prelate) |
1814-1883 |
Colepeper, John (1st Baron Colepeper; English Royalist leader) |
d.1660 |
Colepeper (or Culpeper), Thomas (English col. gov. of Virginia) |
1635-1689 |
Coleridge, David Hartley (Eng. poet, writer; son of Samuel) |
1796-1849 |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (English poet, critic, philosopher) |
1772-1834 |
Coleridge, Sara (English translator, writer, editor) |
1802-1852 |
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (English composer) |
1875-1912 |
Coles, Robert (American writer, child psychiatrist, academic) |
b.1929 |
Colet, John (English scholar, theologian) |
1466/7-1519 |
Colet, Louise née Revoil (French poet, writer) |
1810-1876 |
Colette, Saint (Flemish religious) |
1381-1447 |
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle (French writer) |
1873-1954 |
Colfax, Schuyler (American politician; vice-president 1869-73) |
1823-1885 |
Colgate, William (English-born American manufacturer) |
1783-1857 |
Coligny, Gaspard II de (French admiral, religious leader) |
1519-1572 |
Coligny, Odet de (French prelate; brother of Gaspard II) |
1517-1571 |
Colijn, Hendrikus (Dutch politician) |
1869-1944 |
Colin (or Colins, Colyns), Alexander (Flemish sculptor) |
1527/9-1612 |
Colines, Simon de (French printer) |
1480-1546 |
Colin Muset (French trouvere, vielle player, jongleur) |
fl.13th cent. |
Collasse (or Colasse), Pascal (French composer) |
c.1649-1709 |
Colle, Charles (French playwright, songwriter) |
1709-1783 |
Colle, Raffaello dal (aka Raffaellino; Tuscan painter) |
c.1495-1566 |
Colleoni (or Coleoni), Bartolomeo (Italian soldier) |
1400-1475 |
Colles, Henry Cope (English music critic) |
1879-1943 |
Collett, Camilla (b. Jacobine Camilla Wergeland; Norw. writer) |
1813-1895 |
Colletta, Pietro (Neapolitan general, historian) |
1775-1831 |
Collier, Arthur (English philosopher) |
1680-1732 |
Collier, Constance (orig. Laura Constance Hardie; Eng. actor) |
1880-1955 |
Collier, Jeremy (English clergyman) |
1650-1726 |
Collier, John (American sociologist) |
1884-1968 |
Collier, John Payne (English critic) |
1789-1883 |
Collier, Peter Fenelon (Irish-born American publisher) |
1849-1909 |
Collin, Heinrich, Josef von (Austrian poet, playwright) |
1771-1811 |
Collin d'Harleville, Jean-Francois (French playwright) |
1755-1806 |
Collings, Jesse (English politician) |
1831-1920 |
Collingwood, Cuthbert (English naval commander) |
1748-1810 |
Collingwood, Robin George (English historian, philosopher) |
1889-1943 |
Collins, Anthony (English deist) |
1676-1729 |
Collins, Edward Knight (American ship owner) |
1802-1878 |
Collins, Edward Trowbridge (American baseball player) |
1887-1951 |
Collins, James J. "Jim" (American biomedical engineer, teacher) |
b.1965 |
Collins, Michael (Irish nationalist, revolutionary) |
1890-1922 |
Collins, Michael (Italian-born American astronaut) |
b.1930 |
Collins, Nicolas (American composer, educator) |
b.1954 |
Collins, William (English poet) |
1721-1759 |
Collins, William (English painter) |
1788-1847 |
Collins, William Earl "Bootsy" (American musician, singer) |
b.1951 |
Collins, William "Wilkie" (English writer) |
1824-1889 |
Collip, James Bertram (Canadian biochemist) |
1892-1965 |
Collison, Wilson (American playwright, writer) |
1893-1941 |
Collitz, Hermann (German-born American linguist) |
1855-1935 |
Collor de Mello, Fernando Affonso (Brazilian pres. 1990-1992) |
b.1949 |
Collot d'Herbois, Jean-Marie (French revolutionist) |
1749-1796 |
Colluthus (or Coluthus) of Lycopolis (Greek poet) |
fl. c.500 |
Colman, Saint (Irish monk) |
c.605-676 |
Colman, George "the Elder" (English dramatist, theater manager) |
1732-1794 |
Colman, George "the Younger" (Eng. dramatist, theater manager) |
1762-1836 |
Colman, Norman Jay (American agriculturist) |
1827-1911 |
Colman, Samuel (American painter) |
1832-1920 |
Coloma, Luis (Spanish writer) |
1851-1915 |
Colomb, Phillip Howard (Scot.-born Brit. naval officer, hist.) |
1831-1899 |
Colombe (or Colomb), Michel (French sculptor) |
c.1430-c.1512 |
Colombiere, Claude de la (French religious) |
1641-1682 |
Colombo, (Mateo?) Realdo (Italian anatomist) |
1516?-1559? |
Colonna, Francesco (Italian writer, Dominican monk) |
1432?-1527? |
Colonna, Giovanni Paolo (Italian composer) |
1637-1695 |
Colonna, Vittoria (Italian poet; friend of Michelangelo) |
1492-1547 |
Colonne, Edouard (orig. Judas; French violinist, conductor) |
1838-1910 |
Colpi, Henri (Swiss-born French film editor & director, actor) |
1921-2006 |
Colquhoun, Patrick (Scottish merchant, reformer) |
1745-1820 |
Colson, Charles Wendell "Chuck" (Am. lawyer, writer, activist) |
b.1931 |
Colson, Jean-Claude-Gilles (pseud. Bellecour; Fr. actor, dram.) |
1725-1778 |
Colt, Samuel (American gun inventor) |
1814-1862 |
Colter, John (American explorer) |
c.1775-1813 |
Colton, Charles Caleb (British writer) |
1780-1832 |
Coltrane, John William (American musician) |
1926-1967 |
Coltrane, Turiya Alice née McLeod (American musician, composer) |
1937-2007 |
Colum, Padraic (Irish-born American poet, playwright) |
1881-1972 |
Columba, Saint (aka Colum, Columcille; Irish missionary) |
c.521-597 |
Columban (or Columbanus), Saint (Irish missionary) |
c.543-615 |
Columbus, Christopher (Italian-born Spanish explorer) |
1451-1506 |
Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus (Roman writer) |
1st cent. |
Colvin, Sir Sidney (English critic) |
1845-1927 |
Comas Sola, Josep "Pepito" (Spanish astronomer; asteroids) |
1868-1937 |
Combe, Andrew (Scottish physiologist, phrenologist) |
1797-1847 |
Combe, George (Scottish phrenologist; brother of Andrew) |
1788-1858 |
Combe, William "Count Combe" (English adventurer, writer) |
1741-1823 |
Comer, Gary Campbell (Am. businessman; founded Lands' End) |
1927-2006 |
Combes, Justin-Louis-Emile (French politician) |
1835-1921 |
Comelade, Pascal (French composer, musician) |
b.1955 |
Comenius, John Amos (Jan Amos Komensky; Czech theologian) |
1592-1670 |
Comes, Joan Baptista (Spanish composer) |
1568-1643 |
Comfort, Alexander (British physician, writer, poet) |
1920-2000 |
Comiskey, Charles Albert "the Old Roman" (Am. baseball exec.) |
1859-1931 |
Comisso, Giovanni (Italian writer, letter writer, bookseller) |
1895-1969 |
Commager, Henry Steele (American historian) |
1902-1998 |
Commodianus (Christian Latin poet) |
3rd/5th cent. |
Commodus, Lucius Aelius Aurelius (Roman emperor 180-192) |
161-192 |
Commoner, Barry (American biologist, educator) |
b.1917 |
Commons, John Rogers (American economist) |
1862-1945 |
Commynes (or Comines, Commines), Philippe de (Fr. politician) |
c.1447-1511 |
Comonfort, Ignacio (Mexican politician) |
1812-1863 |
Compagni, Dino (Florentine historian) |
c.1255-1324 |
Comparetti, Domenico (Italian philologist) |
1835-1927 |
Compere, Loyset (French composer) |
c.1445-1518 |
Compton, Arthur Holly (American physicist, educator) |
1892-1962 |
Compton, Henry (English prelate; brother of Spencer) |
1632-1713 |
Compton, Karl Taylor (American physicist; brother of Arthur) |
1887-1954 |
Compton, Spencer (2nd Earl of Northampton; English Royalist) |
1601-1643 |
Compton, Spencer (Earl of Wilmington; English politician) |
1673?-1743 |
Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy (English writer) |
1884-1969 |
Comstock, Anna née Botsford (Am. naturalist, wood engraver) |
1854-1930 |
Comstock, Anthony (American reformer; source of "comstockery") |
1844-1915 |
Comstock, Henry Tompkins Paige (Canadian-born Am. prospector) |
1820-1870 |
Comstock, John Henry (American entomologist) |
1849-1931 |
Comte, Isidore-Auguste-Marie-Francois-Xavier (Fr. philosopher) |
1798-1857 |
Conant, James Bryant (American educator, chemist) |
1893-1978 |
Conca, Sebastiano (Italian painter) |
c.1680-1764 |
Concini, Concino (Marquis D'Ancre; Italian adventurer) |
d.1617 |
Conde, Louis II (Prince de Conde; French general) |
1621-1686 |
Conde, Maryse (born Maryse Boucolon; Guadeloupean writer) |
b.1937 |
Condell, Henry (English actor) |
d.1627 |
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de (French philosopher) |
1715-1780 |
Condon, Edward Uhler (American physicist, administrator) |
1902-1974 |
Condon, John Michael "Jackie" (American actor: Our Gang) |
1918-1977 |
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine (French philosopher, politician) |
1743-1794 |
Confalonieri, Federico (Italian patriot) |
1785-1846 |
Confrey, Edward Elzear "Zez" (American composer, pianist) |
1895-1971 |
Confucius (aka K'ung Ch'iu; Chinese philosopher) |
551-479 BC |
Congreve, Richard (English philosopher) |
1818-1899 |
Congreve, William (English dramatist, man of letters) |
1670-1729 |
Congreve, Sir William (2nd Baronet; English artillerist) |
1772-1828 |
Coningham, Sir Arthur (Australian-born British airman) |
1895-1948 |
Coninxloo, Gillis van (Flemish painter) |
1544-1607 |
Conklin, Edwin Grant (American biologist) |
1863-1952 |
Conkling, Roscoe (American politician) |
1829-1888 |
Conn Cetchathach (Irish king) |
2nd cent. |
Connell, Evan Shelby (American writer, poet) |
b.1924 |
Connelly, Cornelia Augusta née Peacock (American religious) |
1809-1879 |
Connelly, Marcus Cook "Marc" (American playwright, journalist) |
1890-1980 |
Conner, Bruce (American filmmaker, artist) |
b.1933 |
Conner, David (American naval officer) |
1792-1856 |
Connes, Alain (French mathematician, teacher) |
b.1947 |
Connes, Elva Ruby "Mrs. Elva Miller" (American singer) |
1907-1997 |
Connolly, Cyril Vernon (English critic, essayist, writer) |
1903-1974 |
Connolly, James (Seamas O Conghaile; Irish labor leader) |
1868-1916 |
Connolly, Maureen Catherine "Little Mo" (Am. tennis player) |
1934-1969 |
Connors, Loren MazzaCane (American musician, composer) |
b.1949 |
Conon (Athenian admiral) |
d.c.390 BC |
Conon (Pope 686-687) |
d.687 |
Conon de Bethune (French midieval poet, nobleman) |
c.1150-c.1220 |
Conon of Samos (Greek astronomer, mathematician) |
fl. c.245 BC |
Conquest, George Robert Ackworth (English poet, Sovietologist) |
b.1917 |
Conrad (Marquis of Montferrat; Italian crusader) |
1146-1192 |
Conrad, Anthony S. "Tony" (Am. musician, composer, filmmaker) |
b.1940 |
Conrad, Frank (American electrical engineer, inventor) |
1874-1941 |
Conrad, Joseph (Polish-born British writer) |
1857-1924 |
Conrad, Paul Francis (American political cartoonist) |
1924-2010 |
Conrad, Peter (Australian academic, writer, teacher) |
b.1948 |
Conradi, Hermann (German writer) |
1862-1890 |
Conrad von Hotzendorf, Franz Xaver Josef (Austrian soldier) |
1852-1925 |
Conrart, Valentin (French man of letters, grammarian) |
1603-1675 |
Conroy, John Wesley "Jack" (pseudonym Tim Brennan; Am. writer) |
1899-1990 |
Consagra, Pietro (Italian sculptor) |
1920-2005 |
Consalvi, Ercole (Italian prelate, diplomat) |
1757-1824 |
Conscience, Hendrik (Flemish writer) |
1812-1883 |
Considerant, Victor-Prosper (French reformer) |
1809-1893 |
Constable, Archibald (Scottish publisher) |
1774-1827 |
Constable, Henry (English poet) |
1562-1613 |
Constable, John (English painter) |
1776-1837 |
Constans I (orig. Flavius Julius Constans; Roman emp. 337-350) |
c.323-350 |
Constans II Pogonatus (Byzantine emperor 641-668) |
630-668 |
Constant de Rebecque, Henri-Benjamin (Swiss-born French writer) |
1767-1830 |
Constantine I "the Great" (Roman emperor 306-337) |
d.337 |
Constantine II (Roman emperor 337-340; son of Constantine I) |
317-340 |
Constantine the African (Constantinus Africanus; Latin scholar) |
c.1020-1087 |
Constantine, Learie Nicholas (Trinidadian sportsman, polit.) |
1901-1971 |
Constantine-Silvanus (Syrian religious) |
d.c.684 |
Constantius I (Roman emperor 305-306) |
d.306 |
Constantius II (Flavius Julius Constantius; Roman emp. 337-361) |
317-361 |
Constantius III (Roman emperor 421) |
d.421 |
Contades, Louis-Georges-Erasme de (French soldier) |
1704-1795 |
Contarini, Gasparo (Venetian prelate, diplomat) |
1483-1542 |
Conte, Nicolas-Jacques (French chemist) |
1755-1805 |
Conti, Niccolo de' (Venetian traveler, writer) |
c.1395-1469 |
Conti, Nina (English actor, comedian, ventriloquist) |
b.1974 |
Contucci, Andrea "Andrea Sansovino" (It. sculptor, architect) |
c.1467-1529 |
Converse, Charles Crozat (American composer) |
1832-1918 |
Converse, Frederick Shepherd (American composer) |
1871-1940 |
Conway, Henry Seymour (English soldier, politician) |
1721-1795 |
Conway, James Francis Jr. (American businessman: Mister Softee) |
1927-2006 |
Conway, Moncure Daniel (Am. clergyman, writer, abolitionist) |
1832-1907 |
Conway, Thomas (Irish soldier of fortune) |
1735-1800? |
Conwell, Russell Herman (American clergyman) |
1843-1925 |
Conybeare, William Daniel (English geologist, paleontologist) |
1787-1857 |
Cooder, Ryland Peter "Ry" (American musician, singer, composer) |
b.1947 |
Cook, Arthur James (English labor leader) |
1885-1931 |
Cook, Frederick Albert (American physician, explorer) |
1865-1940 |
Cook, George Cram (American writer, playwright, poet) |
1873-1924 |
Cook, James (English mariner, explorer; discovered Australia) |
1728-1779 |
Cook, Sir Joseph (English-born Australian politician) |
1860-1947 |
Cook, Stanley Arthur (English Orientalist) |
1873-1949 |
Cook, Stephen Arthur (American computer scientist: NP-complete) |
b.1939 |
Cook, Thomas (English tourist agent) |
1808-1892 |
Cook, Will Marion (American musician, composer) |
1869-1944 |
Cooke, Alfred Alistair (British-born Am. essayist, journalist) |
1908-2004 |
Cooke, Benjamin (English composer, organist, teacher) |
1734-1793 |
Cooke, Henry (English composer. choirmaster) |
c.1616-1672 |
Cooke, Jay (American banker) |
1821-1905 |
Cooke, John Esten (American writer) |
1830-1886 |
Cooke, Josiah Parsons (American chemist) |
1827-1894 |
Cooke, Rose née Terry (American writer) |
1827-1892 |
Cooke, Terence James (American cardinal; archbishop of NYC) |
1921-1983 |
Cooke, Thomas (English poet, journalist, pamphleteer) |
1703-1756 |
Cooke, Sir William Fothergill (English electrical engineer) |
1806-1879 |
Cookworthy, William (English potter) |
1705-1780 |
Coolbrith, Ina Donna (orig. Josephine Donna Smith; Am. poet) |
1841-1928 |
Cooley, Charles Horton (American sociologist) |
1864-1929 |
Cooley, Thomas McIntyre (American jurist) |
1824-1898 |
Coolidge, Clark (American poet; Language poet) |
b.1939 |
Coolidge, John Calvin (30th U.S. president, 1923-1929) |
1872-1933 |
Coolidge, William Augustus Brevoort (Am. mountaineer, hist.) |
1850-1926 |
Coolidge, William David (American physical chemist) |
1873-1975 |
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish (Indian scholar) |
1877-1947 |
Coon, Carleton Stevens (American anthropologist) |
1904-1981 |
Cooper, Alexander (Eng. miniature painter; brother of Samuel) |
d.1660 |
Cooper, Alfred Duff (1st Viscount Norwich; English politician) |
1890-1954 |
Cooper, Alice (Vincent Damon Furnier; American musician) |
b.1948 |
Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1st Earl of Shaftesbury; Eng. polit.) |
1621-1683 |
Cooper, Anthony Ashley (Eng. philosopher; grandson of Anthony) |
1671-1713 |
Cooper, Anthony Ashley (English politician, reformer) |
1801-1885 |
Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (English surgeon) |
1768-1841 |
Cooper, Courtney Ryley (Am. clown, circus manager, journalist) |
1886-1940 |
Cooper, Gary (orig. Frank James; American actor) |
1901-1961 |
Cooper, Giles Stannus (Irish-born British dramatist) |
1918-1966 |
Cooper, James Fenimore (Am. writer; fd. Bread and Cheese Club) |
1789-1851 |
Cooper, Jerome Douglas (American musician) |
1946-2015 |
Cooper, John Dean "Jeff" (Am. gun expert, educator, writer) |
1920-2006 |
Cooper, John Jr. "Jackie" (American actor, director; Our Gang) |
b.1922 |
Cooper, John Montgomery (American ethnologist, sociologist) |
1881-1949 |
Cooper, Leon N (middle name is letter; American physicist) |
b.1930 |
Cooper, Leroy Gordon Jr. (American astronaut) |
1927-2004 |
Cooper, Lindsay (Eng. musician, composer, political activist) |
1951-2013 |
Cooper, Merian C. (American writer, motion-picture producer) |
1895-1973 |
Cooper, Peter (American manufacturer, philanthropist, inventor) |
1791-1883 |
Cooper, Samuel (English miniature painter) |
1609-1672 |
Cooper, Susan (English writer, screenwriter, playwright) |
b.1935 |
Cooper (or Couper), Thomas (English prelate) |
c.1517-1594 |
Cooper, Thomas (English-born Am. chemist, controversialist) |
1759-1839 |
Cooper, Thomas (English Chartist, poet) |
1805-1892 |
Coornhert, Dirck Volckertszoon (Dutch poet, translator) |
1522-1590 |
Coote, Sir Eyre (Irish-born British soldier) |
1726-1783 |
Coote, Richard (British colonial administrator) |
1636-1701 |
Coover, Robert Lowell (American writer, playwright, poet) |
b.1932 |
Cope, Charles West (English historical & genre painter) |
1811-1890 |
Cope, Edward Drinker (American paleontologist) |
1840-1897 |
Cope, Julian (Welsh musician, writer) |
b.1957 |
Cope, Robert Knox "Jack" (South African writer, journalist) |
1913-1991 |
Copeau, Jacques (French actor, theater director) |
1879-1949 |
Copeland, Ian (Syria-born American music promoter) |
1949-2006 |
Copernicus, Nicolaus (Kopernik Mikolaj; Polish astronomer) |
1473-1543 |
Copland, Aaron (American composer, pianist, teacher) |
1900-1990 |
Copland, Robert (English printer, translator) |
fl. 1508-1547 |
Copley, Sir Godfrey (English philanthropist) |
d.1709 |
Copley, John Singleton (American painter) |
1738-1815 |
Copp, James III "Jim" (American musician, comedian) |
1913-1999 |
Coppard, Alfred Edgar (English writer, poet) |
1878-1957 |
Coppee, Francis-Joachim-Edouard "Francois" (French writer) |
1842-1908 |
Coppola, Francis Ford (American filmmaker, director) |
b.1939 |
Coppola, Sofia Carmina (American filmmaker, director) |
b.1971 |
Coquelin, Benoit-Constant "Coquelin Aine" (French actor) |
1841-1909 |
Coquelin, Ernest-Alexandre-Honore (French comedian) |
1848-1909 |
Cora, Thomas Henry "Tom" (American musician, composer) |
1953-1998 |
Coralli, Jean (French ballet dancer, choreographer) |
1779-1854 |
Coram, Thomas (English philanthropist) |
c.1668-1751 |
Corax of Syracuse (Greek rhetorician) |
5th cent. BC |
Corbato, Fernando Jose "Corby" (American computer scientist) |
b.1926 |
Corbet, Richard (English prelate, poet) |
1582-1635 |
Corbett, James John "Gentleman Jim" (Am. professional boxer) |
1866-1933 |
Corbett, Sir Julian Stafford (English naval historian) |
1854-1922 |
Corbett, William (English composer, violinist) |
1680-1748 |
Corbiere, Edouard-Joachim "Tristan" (French poet) |
1845-1875 |
Corbin, Margaret née Cochran (American Revolutionary heroine) |
1751-1800 |
Corbulo, Gnaeus Domitius (Roman general) |
d.67 |
Corbusier, Le (Swiss-born French architect) |
1887-1965 |
Corcoran, William Wilson (American financier, philanthropist) |
1798-1888 |
Cord, Errett Lobban (American automobile manufacturer) |
1894-1974 |
Corday d'Armont, Marie-Anne-Charlotte (French patriot) |
1768-1793 |
Cordemoy, Louis-Gerard de (French historian, philosopher) |
c.1620-1684 |
Corden, Henry (Canadian-born American voice actor) |
1920-2005 |
Cordovero, Moses ben Jacob (aka Remak; Galilean rabbi) |
1522-1570 |
Corea, Armando Anthony "Chick" (American pianist, keyboardist) |
b.1941 |
Corelli, Arcangelo (Italian violinist, composer) |
1653-1713 |
Corey, Elias James (born William James Corey; Am. biochemist) |
b.1928 |
Cori, Carl Ferdinand (Czech-born Am. biochem.; husb. of Gerty) |
1896-1984 |
Cori, Gerty Theresa née Radnitz (Czech-born Am. biochemist) |
1896-1957 |
Corinna (or Korinna; Greek poet) |
5th? cent. BC |
Corinth, Lovis (German painter) |
1858-1925 |
Corio, Ann (American burlesque ecdysiast, actor) |
1914-1999 |
Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius (Roman hero) |
6th-5th cent. BC |
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave de (French mathematician) |
1792-1843 |
Corippus, Flavius Cresconius (Roman poet, panegyrist) |
6th cent. |
Corkine, William (English composer, musician) |
fl.1610-1617 |
Corliss, George Henry (American inventor; dev. steam engine) |
1817-1888 |
Cormack, Allan MacLeod (South African-born American physicist) |
1924-1998 |
Corman, Roger William (American film producer, director) |
b.1926 |
Corn, Alfred Dewitt (American poet, teacher) |
b.1943 |
Corneille, Pierre (French playwright, poet) |
1606-1684 |
Corneille, Thomas (French playwright, writer; bro. of Pierre) |
1625-1709 |
Cornejo, Mariano Harlan (Peruvian statesman, jurist) |
1863-1942 |
Cornelia (Roman matron; mother of Gracchi) |
2nd cent. BC |
Cornelia (Roman matron; wife of Julius Caesar) |
d.67? BC |
Cornelisz, Cornelis "Cornelisz van Haarlem" (Dutch painter) |
1562-1638 |
Cornelisz, Jakob "Cornelisz van Amsterdam" (Dutch painter) |
c.1470-1533 |
Cornelius, Saint (Pope 251-253) |
d.253 |
Cornelius, Carl August Peter (German composer; nephew of Peter) |
1824-1874 |
Cornelius, Hans (German philosopher) |
1863-1947 |
Cornelius, Peter von (German painter) |
1783-1867 |
Cornell, Eric Allin (American physicist) |
b.1961 |
Cornell, Ezra (American financier, philanthropist) |
1807-1874 |
Cornell, Joseph (American sculptor, filmmaker) |
1903-1972 |
Cornell, Katharine (American actor) |
1893-1974 |
Corner, Philip Lionel "Phil" (American composer, musician) |
b.1933 |
Cornford, Frances Crofts née Darwin (English poet) |
1886-1960 |
Cornford, Francis Macdonald (English philosopher) |
1874-1943 |
Cornforth, John Warcup (Australian-born British chemist) |
1917-2013 |
Corning, Erastus (American businessman) |
1794-1872 |
Corning, James Leonard (American neurologist) |
1855-1923 |
Cornog, Robert Alden (American physicist, engineer) |
1912-1998 |
Cornplanter (John O'Bail or O'Beel; Am. Seneca Indian leader) |
c.1732-1836 |
Cornu, Marie-Alfred (French physicist) |
1841-1902 |
Cornu, Paul (French engineer) |
1881-1944 |
Cornutus, Lucius Annaeus (Roman Stoic philosopher) |
fl. 54-68 |
Cornwallis, Charles (English soldier, statesman) |
1738-1805 |
Cornwallis, Sir William (English naval officer) |
1744-1819 |
Cornwell, Dean (American illustrator, painter) |
1892-1960 |
Cornyshe (or Cornysshe), William (English actor, dram., comp.) |
d.1523 |
Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de (Spanish explorer) |
c.1510-1554 |
Coronado, Juan Vasquez de (Spanish conquistador) |
1525?-1565 |
Coronel, Maria Fernandez (Spanish religious, mystic) |
1602-1665 |
Coronelli, Marco Vincenzo (Venetian religious, geographer) |
1650-1718 |
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille (French painter) |
1796-1875 |
Correa da Serra, Jose Francisco (Portuguese scholar, botanist) |
1750-1823 |
Correa de Arauxo, Francisco (Spanish organist, composer) |
1584-1654 |
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (Italian painter) |
1494-1534 |
Correia, Manuel (Portuguese composer, singer) |
c.1600-1653 |
Correns, Karl Erich (German botanist) |
1864-1933 |
Corrigan, Mairead (Irish peace activist) |
b.1944 |
Corry, Montagu William Lowry (English political leader) |
1838-1903 |
Corse, John Murray (American army officer) |
1835-1893 |
Corsi, Jacopo (Florentine noble, amateur musician) |
1561-1602 |
Corso, Gregory Nunzio (born Nunzio Corso; American poet) |
1930-2001 |
Corson, Dale Raymond (Am. physicist, educator, textbook writer) |
b.1914 |
Corson, Juliet (American educator) |
1841-1897 |
Cort, Cornelis (Dutch engraver, painter) |
1533-1578 |
Cort, Henry (English ironmaster) |
1740-1800 |
Cortazar, Julio "Julio Denis" (Belgian-born Argentinean writer) |
1914-1984 |
Cortelyou, George Bruce (American politician) |
1862-1940 |
Corte-Real, Gaspar (Portuguese navigator) |
1450?-1501? |
Corte-Real, Jeronimo (Azores-born? Portuguese epic poet) |
c.1530-1588 |
Cortes, Hernan (or Hernando; Spanish conquistador) |
1485-1547 |
Cortes Castro, Leon (Costa Rican politician; president 1936-40) |
1882-1946 |
Cortez, Carlos (American poet, graphic artist, photographer) |
1923-2005 |
Cortez, Jayne (American poet) |
b.1936 |
Corti, Alfonso Giacomo Gaspare (Italian anatomist) |
1822-1876 |
Corti, Luigi (Italian diplomat) |
1823-1888 |
Cortissoz, Ellen Mackay née Hutchinson (American poet, editor) |
1846?-1933 |
Cortissoz, Royal (American art critic; husband of Ellen) |
1869-1948 |
Cortot, Alfred Denis (Swiss musician, conductor, teacher) |
1877-1962 |
Cort van der Linden, Pieter Wilhelm Adriaan (Dutch statesman) |
1856-1935 |
Coruncanius, Tiberius (Roman official) |
d.c.243 BC |
Corvisart des Marets, Jean-Nicolas (French physician) |
1755-1821 |
Corwin, Edward Samuel (American political scientist) |
1878-1963 |
Corwin, Thomas (American politician) |
1794-1865 |
Cory, William Johnson (English schoolmaster, lyric poet) |
1823-1892 |
Coryate (or Coryat), Thomas (English traveler) |
1577?-1617 |
Coryell, John Russell (American writer) |
1851-1924 |
Coryell, Larry (American musician) |
b.1943 |
Cosa, Juan de la (Spanish navigator, geographer) |
1460?-1510 |
Cosell, Howard (Howard William Cohen; American sportscaster) |
b.1920 |
Cosenz, Enrico (Italian soldier) |
1812-1898 |
Cosgrave, Liam (aka Liam MacCosgair; Irish prime minister) |
b.1920 |
Cosgrave, William Thomas (Irish pres. 1922-32; father of Liam) |
1880-1965 |
Cosic, Dobrica (Serbian writer, essayist, politician) |
b.1921 |
Cosin, John (English clergyman) |
1594-1672 |
Cosmas, Saint (Christian martyr; brother of Saint Damian) |
3rd cent. |
Cosmas (surnamed Indicopleustes; Greek traveler of Alexandria) |
6th cent. |
Cosmas of Prague (Bohemian chronicler) |
1045?-1125 |
Cossa, Francesco del (Italian painter) |
1436-1478 |
Cossa, Pietro (Italian playwright) |
1830-1881 |
Cosse, Artus de (Comte de Secondigny; French soldier) |
1512-1582 |
Cosse, Charles I de (Comte de Brissac; French soldier) |
1505?-1563 |
Cossutius (Roman architect) |
2nd cent. BC |
Costa, Claudio Manuel da (Brazilian poet) |
1729-1789 |
Costa, Ippolito (Italian painter; son of Lorenzo) |
1506-1561 |
Costa, Isaac da (Dutch writer, poet, lecturer) |
1798-1860 |
Costa, Lorenzo (Italian painter) |
c.1460-1535 |
Costa, Lorenzo the Younger (Italian painter; son of Lorenzo) |
1537-1583 |
Costa, Sir Michael Andrew Agnus (It.-born British cond., comp.) |
1808-1884 |
Costa, Uriel da (orig. Gabriel da; Portuguese freethinker) |
c.1585-1640 |
Costa Alegre, Caetano da (Portuguese African poet) |
1864-1890 |
Costa Cabral, Antonio Bernardo da (Portuguese politician) |
1803-1889 |
Costa e Silva, Artur da (Brazilian general) |
1902-1969 |
Costa-Gavras, Constantin (Greek-born French filmmaker) |
b.1933 |
Costain, Thomas Bertram (Canadian-born Am. writer, journalist) |
1885-1965 |
Costanzo, Angelo di (Signore di Cantalupo; It. poet, hist.) |
1507-1591 |
Costa y Martinez, Joaquin (Spanish jurist, historian) |
1846-1911 |
Costello, Elvis (Declan Patrick McManus; English musician) |
b.1954 |
Costello, John Aloysius (Irish prime minister 1948-51, 1954-57) |
1891-1976 |
Costello, Lou (born Louis Francis Cristillo; American comedian) |
1906-1959 |
Costello, Louisa Stuart (Irish miniature painter) |
1799-1870 |
Coster, Charles Theodore Henri de (Belgian writer) |
1827-1879 |
Coster (or Koster), Laurens Janszoon (Dutch town official) |
c.1370-1440? |
Coster (or Koster), Samuel (Dutch physician, playwright) |
1579-1665? |
Costes, Dieudonne (French aviator) |
1892-1973 |
Costin, Miron (Moldavian poet, chronicler) |
1633-1691 |
Costin, Nicolae (Moldavian folklorist; son of Miron) |
c.1660-1712 |
Cosway, Richard (English miniature painter) |
1742-1821 |
Cota de Maguaque, Rodrigo (Spanish poet) |
d.1495? |
Cotes, Roger (English mathematician, philosopher) |
1682-1716 |
Cotgrave, Randle (English lexicographer) |
d.1634? |
Cotin, Charles (French abbe, poetaster) |
1604-1682 |
Cotman, John Sell (English landscape painter, etcher) |
1782-1842 |
Cotsworth, Moses Bruines (English calendar reform advocate) |
1859-1943 |
Cotta, Heinrich von (German forester) |
1763-1844 |
Cotta, Johann Friedrich (German pub.; great-grandson of J.G.) |
1764-1832 |
Cotta, Johann Georg (German publisher) |
1632-1692 |
Cotta, Johann Georg (German publisher; son of Johann Friedrich) |
1796-1863 |
Cotte, Charles (French architect) |
d.1662 |
Cotte, Jules-Robert (French architect; son of Robert) |
1683-1767 |
Cotte, Robert (French architect; son of Charles) |
1656-1735 |
Cottet, Charles (French landscape painter, etcher) |
1863-1925 |
Cottington, Francis (Baron Cottington; English diplomat) |
c.1579-1652 |
Cottius (Ligurian chieftain) |
1st cent. |
Cottle, Joseph (English bookseller, poet) |
1770-1853 |
Cottolengo, Saint Giuseppe Benedetto (Italian religious) |
1786-1842 |
Cotton, Aime-Auguste (French physicist) |
1869-1951 |
Cotton, Sir Arthur Thomas (English engineer) |
1803-1899 |
Cotton, Charles (English poet, writer, translator) |
1630-1687 |
Cotton, Frank Albert (American research chemist, teacher) |
1930-2007 |
Cotton, George Edward Lynch (English educator) |
1813-1866 |
Cotton, John (English Puritan clergyman) |
1585-1652 |
Cotton, Sir John (Eng. antiquary; great-grandson of Sir Robert) |
1679-1731 |
Cotton, Nathaniel (English physician, poet) |
1705-1788 |
Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce (English antiquary) |
1571-1631 |
Cotton, Sir Stapleton (Welsh-born English soldier) |
1773-1865 |
Cotton, Sir Thomas (English antiquary; son of Sir Robert) |
1594-1662 |
Cottrell, Frederick Gardner (American physical chemist) |
1877-1948 |
Cotugno, Domenico (Cotunnius; Italian anatomist, physician) |
1736-1822 |
Coty, Francois (Corsican-born French perfume industrialist) |
1874-1934 |
Coty, Rene-Jules-Gustave (French politician; president 1954-59) |
1882-1962 |
Coubertin, Pierre de (French educator, sportsman) |
1863-1937 |
Coucy, Chatelain de (French trouvere) |
12th-13th cent. |
Couder, Louis-Charles-Auguste (French painter) |
1790-1873 |
Coue, Emile (French psychotherapist) |
1857-1926 |
Coues, Elliot (American ornithologist) |
1842-1899 |
Coughlin, Charles Edward (Canadian-born American clergyman) |
1891-1979 |
Coulevain, Augustine-Favre de (Pierre de Coulevain; Fr. writer) |
1838-1913 |
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin de (French physicist) |
1736-1806 |
Coulter, Ernest Kent (American lawyer, humanitarian) |
1871?-1952 |
Coulter, John Merle (China-born American botanist) |
1851-1928 |
Coulton, George Gordon (English historian) |
1858-1947 |
Counts, Clayton (American writer, composer, musician) |
1973-2007? |
Coup, William Cameron (American circus manager) |
1837-1895 |
Couper, Archibald Scott (Scottish chemist) |
1831-1892 |
Couperin, Armand-Louis (French organist; son of Nicolas) |
1727-1789 |
Couperin, Charles (French organist; brother of Louis) |
1638-1679 |
Couperin, Francois "le Grand" (French composer; son of Charles) |
1668-1733 |
Couperin, Gervais-Francois (French organist; son of Armand) |
1759-1826 |
Couperin, Louis (French organist, harpsichordist, composer) |
1626?-1661 |
Couperin, Nicolas (French organist; nephew of Louis) |
1680-1748 |
Couperus, Louis Marie Anne (Dutch writer) |
1863-1923 |
Courant, Richard (Polish-born Am. mathematician) |
1888-1972 |
Courayer, Pierre-Francois le (French theologian) |
1681-1776 |
Courbet, Amedee-Anatole-Prosper (French naval officer) |
1827-1885 |
Courbet, Jean Desire Gustave (French painter) |
1819-1877 |
Courci, John de (Anglo-Norman conqueror of Ulster 1177) |
d.1219? |
Courcillon, Philippe de (Marquis de Dangeau; French courtier) |
1638-1720 |
Courier, Paul-Louis (French writer) |
1772-1825 |
Cournand, Andre Frederic (French-born American physiologist) |
1895-1988 |
Cournos, John (Russian-born Am. writer, translator, editor) |
1881-1966 |
Cournot, Antoine-Augustin (French economist, mathematician) |
1801-1877 |
Court, Antoine (French clergyman) |
1695-1760 |
Court de Gebelin, Antoine (Fr. scholar; son of Antoine Court) |
1725-1784 |
Courtauld, Samuel (English silk manufacturer) |
1793-1881 |
Courtenay, Henry (English courtier, diplomat) |
1496?-1538 |
Courtenay, Peter (English prelate; grand-nephew of Richard) |
d.1492 |
Courtenay, Richard (English prelate) |
d.1415 |
Courtenay, William (English prelate) |
1342?-1396 |
Courthope, William John (English critic, literary historian) |
1842-1917 |
Courtney, Charles Edward (American athlete, coach) |
1849-1920 |
Courtney, Leonard Henry (English journalist, politician) |
1832-1918 |
Courtney, William Leonard (India-born Eng. philosopher, jour.) |
1850-1928 |
Courtois, Bernard (French chemist) |
1777-1838 |
Courtois, Guillaume (French painter; brother of Jacques) |
1628-1679 |
Courtois, Jacques "Le Bourguignon" (French painter) |
1621-1676 |
Cousin, Jean (French painter) |
1490-1560 |
Cousin, Jean (French painter; son of Jean) |
1522-1594 |
Cousin, Victor (French philosopher) |
1792-1867 |
Cousin-Montauban, Charles-Guillaume-Marie (French general) |
1796-1878 |
Cousins, Norman (American editor, essayist) |
1912-1990 |
Cousins, Samuel (English mezzotint engraver) |
1801-1887 |
Coussemaker, Charles-Edmond-Henri de (French scholar, jurist) |
1805-1876 |
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves (French marine explorer, oceanographer) |
1910-1997 |
Coustou, Guillaume (French sculptor; brother of Nicholas) |
1677-1746 |
Coustou, Guillaume II (French sculptor; son of Guillaume) |
1716-1777 |
Coustou, Nicholas (French sculptor) |
1658-1733 |
Coutances, Walter de (English prelate, diplomat, administrator) |
d.1207 |
Coutard, Henri (French radiologist) |
1876-1950 |
Coutard, Raoul (French cinematographer, screenwriter, director) |
b.1924 |
Couthon, Georges (French revolutionist) |
1755-1794 |
Coutinho, Afranio (Brazilian journalist, essayist, lit. critic) |
1911-2000 |
Coutts, Thomas (English banker) |
1735-1822 |
Couture, Thomas (French painter) |
1815-1879 |
Couzens, James Joseph (Canadian-born Am. industrialist, polit.) |
1872-1936 |
Covarrubias, Miguel (Mexican artist) |
1904-1957 |
Coventry, Sir John (English Royalist; nephew of William) |
d.1682 |
Coventry, Thomas (1st Baron Coventry; English judge) |
1578-1640 |
Coventry, William (English political leader; son of Thomas) |
1628?-1686 |
Coverdale, Miles (English Bible translator) |
1488?-1569 |
Covilha (or Covilhao), Pero da (Portuguese explorer) |
c.1460-1526? |
Cowan, Clyde Lorrain Jr. (American physicist, educator) |
1919-1974 |
Coward, Sir Noel Peirce (English actor, playwright, composer) |
1899-1973 |
Cowell, Edward Byles (English Sanskrit scholar) |
1826-1903 |
Cowell, Henry Dixon (Am. composer, music theorist, pianist) |
1897-1965 |
Cowell, John (English jurist) |
1554-1611 |
Cowen, Elise Nada (American poet) |
1933-1962 |
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen (Jamaica-born Eng. composer, cond.) |
1852-1935 |
Cowen, Joseph (English orator, journalist) |
1831-1900 |
Cowen, Joshua Lionel (orig. surname Cohen; American inventor) |
1877-1965 |
Cowen, Sir Zelman (Australian governor-general 1977-1982) |
b.1919 |
Cowl (or Cowles), Jane (b. Grace Bailey; Am. actor, playwright) |
1883-1950 |
Cowles, Alfred Hutchinson (American engineer, metallurgist) |
1858-1929 |
Cowles, Eugene H. (American metallurgist; brother of Alfred) |
1855-1892 |
Cowles, Henry Chandler (American botanist) |
1869-1939 |
Cowley, Abraham (English poet, essayist) |
1618-1667 |
Cowley, Hannah née Parkhouse (English dramatist) |
1743-1809 |
Cowley, Malcolm (American literary critic, editor, historian) |
1898-1989 |
Cowper, Spencer (English jurist; brother of William 1665?-1723) |
1669-1728 |
Cowper, William (1st Earl Cowper; English judge) |
1665?-1723 |
Cowper, William (English surgeon, anatomist) |
1666-1709 |
Cowper, William (English poet, translator) |
1731-1800 |
Cox, David (English landscape painter) |
1783-1859 |
Cox, David (English painter; son of David) |
1809-1885 |
Cox, George William (India-born English historical writer) |
1827-1902 |
Cox, Harvey Gallagher (American theologian) |
b.1929 |
Cox, Jacob Dolson (American lawyer, army officer) |
1828-1900 |
Cox, James Middleton (American newspaper publisher, politician) |
1870-1957 |
Cox, Kenyon (American painter, writer) |
1856-1919 |
Cox, Palmer (Canadian-born American illustrator, writer) |
1840-1924 |
Cox, Sir Percy Zachariah (English soldier, administrator) |
1864-1937 |
Cox, Richard (English prelate, Reformation promoter) |
1500?-1581 |
Coxe, Henry Octavius (English librarian, paleographer) |
1811-1881 |
Coxey, Jacob Sechler (American businessman, politician) |
1854-1951 |
Coxhill, Lowen "Lol" (English musician) |
1932-2012 |
Coxie (or Coxcie), Michiel van (Flemish painter) |
1499-1592 |
Coxwell, Henry Tracey (English aeronaut, surgeon-dentist) |
1819-1900 |
Coyote, Peter (born Robert Peter Cohon; American actor, writer) |
b.1941 |
Coypel, Antoine (French painter; son of Noel) |
1661-1722 |
Coypel, Charles-Antoine (French painter; son of Antoine) |
1694-1752 |
Coypel, Noel (French painter) |
1628-1707 |
Coypel, Noel-Nicolas (French painter; son of Noel) |
1690-1734 |
Coysevox, Antoine (French sculptor) |
1640-1720 |
Cozens, Alexander (Russian-born English painter) |
c.1717-1786 |
Cozens, John Robert (English artist, painter; son of Alexander) |
1752-1797 |
Cozzens, Frederick Swartwout (American humorist) |
1818-1869 |
Cozzens, James Gould (American writer) |
1903-1978 |
Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita (Italian Benedictine nun, composer) |
1602-1678 |
Crabbe, George (English poet, surgeon) |
1754-1832 |
Crabeth, Dirck Pietersz (Dutch stained-glass painter) |
1501-1577 |
Crabeth, Wouter Pietersz (Dutch stained-glass painter) |
1509-c.1590 |
Crabtree, Lotta (orig. Charlotte; American actor) |
1847-1924 |
Cradock, Sir Christopher George Francis M. (Brit. nav. officer) |
1862-1914 |
Crafts, James Mason (American chemist) |
1839-1917 |
Craggs, James (English politician) |
1657-1721 |
Craig, Edward Gordon (English actor, stage designer, producer) |
1872-1966 |
Craig, James (Scottish architect) |
1744-1795 |
Craig, James (1st Viscount Craigavon; Irish statesman) |
1871-1940 |
Craig, Sir James Henry (Gibraltar-born English soldier) |
1748-1812 |
Craig, John (Scottish reformer) |
1512?-1600 |
Craig, Malin (American army officer) |
1875-1945 |
Craig, Sir Thomas (Scottish jurist) |
1538?-1608 |
Craig, William James (Irish-born British scholar) |
1843-1906 |
Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa née Richards (English writer, dram.) |
1867-1906 |
Craigie, Sir William Alexander (British philologist, lexicog.) |
1867-1957 |
Craik, Dinah Maria née Mulock (English writer) |
1826-1887 |
Craik, George Lillie (Scottish man of letters) |
1798-1866 |
Craik, Sir Henry (Scottish educator, politician) |
1846-1927 |
Craik, James (Scottish-born American physician) |
1730-1814 |
Cram, Donald James (American chemist, teacher) |
1919-2001 |
Cram, Ralph Adams (American architect, writer) |
1863-1942 |
Cramer, Franz (German violinist; brother of Johann Baptist) |
1772-1848 |
Cramer, Gabriel (Swiss mathematician) |
1704-1752 |
Cramer, Johann Andreas (German Protestant theologian, poet) |
1723-1788 |
Cramer, Johann Baptist (German-born English pianist, composer) |
1771-1858 |
Cramer, Karl Friedrich (German scholar; son of Johann Andreas) |
1752-1807 |
Cramp, Charles Henry (American naval architect; son of William) |
1828-1913 |
Cramp, William (American shipbuilder) |
1807-1879 |
Crampel, Paul (French explorer in French Congo) |
1864-1891 |
Crampton, Thomas Russell (English engineer) |
1816-1888 |
Cranach, Lucas (German painter, engraver, woodcut designer) |
1472-1553 |
Cranach, Lucas "the Younger" (German painter; son of Lucas) |
1515-1586 |
Crandall, Prudence (American schoolteacher) |
1803-1890 |
Crane, Charles Richard (American industrialist, diplomat) |
1858-1939 |
Crane, Harold Hart (American poet) |
1899-1932 |
Crane, Hewitt D. (American computer engineer, winemaker) |
1927-2008 |
Crane, Richard (American businessman, diplomat; son of Charles) |
1882-1938 |
Crane, Ronald Salmon (American literary critic, teacher) |
1886-1967 |
Crane, Stephen Townley (American writer, journalist, poet) |
1871-1900 |
Crane, Walter (English painter, illustrator) |
1845-1915 |
Cranfield, Lionel (1st Earl of Middlesex; English financier) |
1575-1645 |
Cranford, Ronald Eugene (American neurologist, bioethicist) |
1940-2006 |
Cranko, John (South African choreographer) |
1927-1973 |
Cranmer, Thomas (English reformer; archbishop of Canterbury) |
1489-1556 |
Cranston, Alan MacGregor (American politician) |
1914-2000 |
Crantor (Greek philosopher; first commentator on Plato) |
4th cent. BC |
Crapper, Thomas (English inventor) |
1837-1910 |
Crapsey, Adelaide (American poet; daughter of Algernon) |
1878-1914 |
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney (American Episcopal clergyman) |
1847-1927 |
Cras, Jean (French composer, career naval officer) |
1879-1932 |
Crase, Douglas (American poet, essayist, critic) |
b.1944 |
Crashaw, Richard (English poet) |
1612-1649 |
Crassus, Lucius Licinius (Roman orator, politician) |
140-91 BC |
Crassus, Marcus Licinius (Roman financier, politician) |
115?-53 BC |
Crassus Dives Mucianus, Publius Licinius (Roman politician) |
c.180-130 BC |
Crater, Joseph Force (American jurist) |
1889-1937? |
Craterus (Macedonian general under Alexander the Great) |
370?-321 BC |
Crates (Athenian comedist) |
fl. 470-450 BC |
Crates of Athens (Greek Academic philosopher) |
3rd cent. BC |
Crates of Mallus (Greek Stoic philosopher, scholar) |
2nd cent. BC |
Crates of Tarsus (Greek Academic philosopher) |
2nd cent. BC |
Crates of Thebes (Greek cynic philosopher) |
4th cent. BC |
Crateuas (or Cratevas; Greek physician) |
1st cent. BC |
Cratinus (Greek playwright) |
d.c.420 BC |
Cratippus (Greek historian) |
4th cent. BC |
Cratippus of Mytilene (Greek Peripatetic philosopher in Athens) |
1st cent. BC |
Cratylus (Greek philosopher) |
5th-4th cent. BC |
Craufurd, Quintin (Scottish writer) |
1743-1819 |
Crauk, Gustave-Adolphe-Desire (French sculptor) |
1827-1905 |
Cravan, Arthur (b.Fabian Avenarius Lloyd; Swiss pugilist, poet) |
1887-1918? |
Craveirinha, Jose (ps. of Jose G. Vetrinha)(Mozambican writer) |
b.1922 |
Craven, John Francis "Frank" (American actor, playwright) |
1875?-1945 |
Craven, Pauline (French writer) |
1808-1891 |
Craven, William (Earl of Craven; English soldier, Royalist) |
1606-1897 |
Crawford, Francis Marion (Italian-born American writer) |
1854-1909 |
Crawford, Isabella Valancy (Irish-born Canadian poet) |
1850-1887 |
Crawford, Joan (orig. Lucille Lesueur; American actor) |
1908-1973 |
Crawford, Thomas (American sculptor; father of Francis Marion) |
1814-1857 |
Crawford, William Harris (American lawyer) |
1772-1834 |
Crawfurd, John (Scottish Orientalist) |
1783-1868 |
Crayer, Caspar (or Gaspard) de (Flemish painter) |
1584-1669 |
Crazy Horse (aka Ta-sunko-witko, Tashunca-Uitco; Sioux chief) |
1842?-1877 |
Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd (English historian) |
1812-1878 |
Crebillon (pen name of Prosper Jolyot; French tragic poet) |
1674-1762 |
Crebillon, Claude-Prosper Jolyot "Crebillon fils" (Fr. writer) |
1707-1777 |
Crede, Karl Siegmund Franz (German gynecologist) |
1819-1892 |
Credi, Lorenzo di (Florentine painter) |
1459-1537 |
Creech, Thomas (English classical scholar) |
1659-1700 |
Creech, William (Scottish publisher) |
1745-1815 |
Creel, George Edward (American journalist) |
1876-1953 |
Creeley, Robert White (American poet, writer, essayist) |
1926-2005 |
Creevey, Thomas (English diarist) |
1768-1838 |
Creighton, Edward (American businessman; brother of John) |
1820-1874 |
Creighton, James Edwin (Canadian-born American educator) |
1861-1924 |
Creighton, John Andrew (Am. businessman; brother of Edward) |
1831-1907 |
Creighton, Mandell (English prelate, historian) |
1843-1901 |
Crell (or Krell), Nikolaus (Saxon statesman) |
1551?-1601 |
Crelle, August Leopold (German civil engineer, mathematician) |
1780-1855 |
Cremazie, Claude-Joseph-Olivier "Octave" (French-Canadian poet) |
1827-1879 |
Cremer, Jacobus Jan (Dutch writer) |
1827-1880 |
Cremer, Sir William Randal (English politician, pacifist) |
1838-1908 |
Cremieux, Isaac-Moise-Adolphe (French lawyer, politician) |
1796-1880 |
Cremona, Antonio Luigi (Gaudenzio Giuseppe; Italian math.) |
1830-1903 |
Crequi, Francois de Bonne de "Marechal de Crequi" (Fr. soldier) |
1624?-1687 |
Crerar, Henry Duncan Graham (Canadian soldier) |
1888-1965 |
Crerar, John (American businessman, philanthropist) |
1827-1889 |
Crescas, Hasdai ben Abraham (Spanish philosopher, Talmudist) |
1340-1410 |
Crescentini, Girolamo (Italian mezzo-soprano castrato, teacher) |
1766-1846 |
Crescenzi, Pietro de (Italian writer on agriculture) |
1230?-1310? |
Crescimbeni, Giovanni Mario (Italian poet, literary historian) |
1663-1728 |
Cresilas (Greek sculptor) |
5th cent. BC |
Crespi, Daniele (Italian painter; nephew of Giovanni) |
c.1595-1630 |
Crespi, Giovanni Battista "il Ceragno" (Italian painter) |
1575?-1632 |
Crespi, Giuseppe Maria "lo Spagnolo" (Italian painter) |
1665-1747 |
Crespi, Juan (Spanish missionary, explorer) |
1721-1782 |
Crespo, Joaquin (Venezuelan soldier, political leader) |
1845-1898 |
Cressent, Charles (French cabinetmaker) |
1685-1768 |
Cresswell, Sir Cresswell (English judge) |
1794-1863 |
Cressy, Hugh Paulinus de (English ecclesiastical historian) |
1605?-1674 |
Creston, Paul (born Giuseppe Guttoveggio; American composer) |
1906-1985 |
Creswell, John Angel James (American politician) |
1828-1891 |
Cret, Paul Philippe (French-born American architect) |
1876-1945 |
Creutz, Gustav Philip (Swedish diplomat, poet) |
1731-1785 |
Creuzer, Georg Friedrich (German classical philologist) |
1771-1858 |
Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume-Jean de (French-born Am. writer) |
1735-1813 |
Crevel, Rene (French writer) |
1900-1935 |
Crewe-Milnes, Robert Offley Ashburton (Eng. polit., diplomat) |
1858-1945 |
Crews, Frederick Campbell (American literary critic) |
b.1933 |
Crews, Harry Eugene (American writer, journalist) |
b.1935 |
Crews, Laura Hope (American actor) |
1879-1942 |
Cribb, Tom (English pugilist) |
1781-1848 |
Crichlow, Ernest (American painter, drawer) |
1914-2005 |
Crichton, James "the Admirable Crichton" (Scottish prodigy) |
1560-1582 |
Crichton, John Michael (Am. writer, film producer, physician) |
1942-2008 |
Crichton, Robert (American writer, editor, chicken farmer) |
1925-1993 |
Crick, Francis Harry Compton (English biologist, geneticist) |
1916-2004 |
Crile, George Washington (American surgeon) |
1864-1943 |
Crillon, Louis Balbis de Berton de (French soldier) |
1543-1615 |
Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton de (French soldier) |
1718-1796 |
Crippen, Hawley Harvey (American murderer) |
1862-1910 |
Cripps, Charles Alfred (English lawyer, statesman) |
1852-1941 |
Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford (English lawyer, diplomat) |
1889-1952 |
Crisp, Charles Frederick (American lawyer) |
1845-1896 |
Crisp, Quentin (English writer) |
1908-1999 |
Crisp, Samuel (English writer) |
1707-1783 |
Crispell, Marilyn (American pianist) |
b.1947 |
Crispi, Francesco (It. politician; premier 1887-91, 1893-96) |
1819-1901 |
Crispin, Saint (Christian martyr; brother of Crispinian) |
3rd cent. |
Crispinian, Saint (Christian martyr; brother of Crispin) |
3rd cent. |
Crispus, Flavius Julius (Roman soldier) |
d.326 |
Crist, Ray Henry (American chemist, teacher) |
1900-2005 |
Cristea, Miron (Romanian prelate; premier 1939) |
1868-1939 |
Cristiani, Alfredo (El Salvadoran president 1989-1994) |
b.1947 |
Cristiani, Quirino (It.-born Argentinian animation director) |
1896-1984 |
Cristofori, Bartolomeo di Francesco (Italian instrument maker) |
1655-1731 |
Cristoforo Fini, Tommaso di "Masolino" (Florentine painter) |
1383-c.1440/47 |
Critias (Athenian orator, politician) |
c.480-403 BC |
Crito (Athenian citizen; disciple of Socrates) |
5th cent. BC |
Critobulos of Imbros (Byzantine historian) |
15th cent. |
Critolaus (Greek Peripatetic philosopher) |
2nd cent. BC |
Crittenden, George Bibb (American soldier; son of John) |
1812-1880 |
Crittenden, John Jordan (American politician) |
1787-1863 |
Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas (American soldier; son of John) |
1819-1893 |
Crittenden, Thomas Theodore (Am. army officer; nephew of John) |
1832-1909 |
Crittenton, Charles Nelson (Am. businessman, philanthropist) |
1833-1909 |
Crivelli, Carlo (Venetian painter) |
1430?-1494? |
Croce, Benedetto (It. philosopher, statesman, critic, hist.) |
1866-1952 |
Croce, Giovanni "Chiozzotto" (Italian composer) |
c.1557-1609 |
Crocker, Betty (American fictional homemaker: General Mills) |
b.1936 |
Crocker, Charles (American financier) |
1822-1888 |
Crocker, Deborah (American astronomer) |
b.1957 |
Crocker, Francis Bacon (American electrical engineer) |
1861-1921 |
Crocker, William (American botanist) |
1876-1950 |
Crockett, David "Davy" (American frontiersman, politician) |
1786-1836 |
Crockett, Samuel Rutherford (Scottish writer; Kailyard School) |
1859-1914 |
Croesus (King of Lydia c.560-546 BC) |
d.c.546 BC |
Croft, Sir Herbert (English scholar, linguist) |
1751-1816 |
Croft, William (English composer) |
1678-1727 |
Crofton, Sir Walter Frederick (Irish penologist) |
1815-1897 |
Crofts, Freeman Wills (Irish civil engineer, writer) |
1879-1957 |
Croghan, George (Irish-born American trader, Indian agent) |
c.1720-1782 |
Croisset, Francis de (Belgian-born French playwright) |
1877-1937 |
Croix, Charles Joseph de (Austrian field marshal) |
1733-1798 |
Croker, John Wilson (Irish-born British politician, essayist) |
1780-1857 |
Croker, Richard "Boss Croker" (Irish-born American politician) |
1841-1922 |
Croker, Thomas Crofton (Irish antiquary, clerk) |
1798-1854 |
Croll, James (Scottish geologist, climatologist) |
1821-1890 |
Croly, David Goodman (Irish-born American journalist) |
1829-1889 |
Croly, George (Irish writer, Anglican clergyman) |
1780-1860 |
Croly, Herbert David (Am. editor, writer; fd. The New Republic) |
1869-1930 |
Croly, Jane née Cunningham (English-born American editor) |
1829-1901 |
Crome, John "Old Crome" (English painter) |
1768-1821 |
Crome, John Bernay "Young Crome" (English painter; son of John) |
1794-1842 |
Crommelynck, Fernand (Belgian playwright, actor) |
1885-1970 |
Crompton, George (Eng.-born Am. manufacturer; son of William) |
1829-1886 |
Crompton, Samuel (English inventor of spinning mule 1779) |
1753-1827 |
Crompton, William (English-born Am. inventor, manufacturer) |
1806-1891 |
Cromwell, Henry (English ruler of Ireland; son of Oliver) |
1628-1674 |
Cromwell, Oliver (English soldier, statesman) |
1599-1658 |
Cromwell, Richard (English politician; son of Oliver) |
1626-1712 |
Cromwell, Thomas (Earl of Essex; English statesman) |
1485?-1540 |
Cronin, Archibald Joseph (Scot.-born Brit. physician, writer) |
1896-1981 |
Cronin, James Watson (American physicist, academic) |
b.1931 |
Cronje, Piet Arnoldus (Boer leader) |
c.1835-1911 |
Cronkite, Walter Leland Jr. (American journalist) |
1916-2009 |
Cronon, William (American environmental historian) |
b.1954 |
Cronstedt, Axel Fredrik (Swedish mineralogist, chemist) |
1722-1765 |
Crook, George (American army officer) |
1829-1890 |
Crookes, Sir William (English physicist, chemist) |
1832-1919 |
Cros, Emile-Hortensius-Charles (French inventor, poet) |
1842-1888 |
Crosby, Frances Jane "Fanny" (American hymn writer) |
1820-1915 |
Crosby, Harry Lillis "Bing" (American singer, actor) |
1904-1977 |
Crosby, Henry Grew "Harry" (American poet; est.Black Sun Press) |
1898-1929 |
Crosland, Charles Anthony Raven (English politician) |
1918-1977 |
Crosley, Powel (American manufacturer) |
1886-1961 |
Cross, Charles Frederick (English industrial chemist) |
1855-1935 |
Cross, Charles Whitman (American geologist) |
1854-1949 |
Cross, Hardy (American engineer) |
1885-1959 |
Cross, Richard Assheton (English political leader) |
1823-1914 |
Cross, Wilbur Lucius (American educator, politician) |
1862-1948 |
Crotch, William (English composer) |
1775-1847 |
Crothers, Benjamin Sherman "Scatman" (American actor, singer) |
1910-1986 |
Crothers, Rachel (American playwright) |
1878-1958 |
Crotti, Jean (French painter) |
1878-1958 |
Crouch, Frederick Nicholls (English musician, composer) |
1808-1896 |
Crouch, Stanley (American critic, writer) |
b.1954 |
Crousaz, Jean Pierre de (Swiss philosopher, theologian) |
1663-1750 |
Crouse, Russel (American journalist, dramatist) |
1893-1966 |
Crowder, Enoch Herbert (American army officer) |
1859-1932 |
Crowe, Catherine née Stevens (English writer) |
1800?-1876 |
Crowe, Eyre (English artist; brother of Sir Joseph) |
1824-1910 |
Crowe, Sir Eyre Alexander Barby Wichart (English diplomat) |
1864-1925 |
Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer (English journalist, art critic) |
1825-1896 |
Crowell,Luther Childs (American inventor) |
1840-1903 |
Crowfoot (Sahpo Muxika; Canadian Blackfoot Indian leader) |
c.1836-1890 |
Crowley, Edward Aleister (English occultist) |
1875-1947 |
Crowley, Robert (English printer, reformer) |
1518-1588 |
Crowne, John (Canadian-born British dramatist) |
1640?-1703? |
Crowninshield, Francis Welch (American editor) |
1872-1947 |
Crowther, Samuel Adjai (African missionary) |
1809?-1891 |
Crozet, Claude (French-born American military engineer) |
1790-1864 |
Crozier, William (American army officer) |
1855-1942 |
Cruce, Emeric (French writer) |
c.1590-1648 |
Cruciger, Caspar (German Protestant theologian) |
1504-1548 |
Cruden, Alexander (Scottish bookseller in London) |
1701-1770 |
Cruger, Johann (German composer, teacher, cantor) |
1598-1662 |
Cruikshank, George (English caricaturist, illustrator) |
1792-1878 |
Cruikshank, Isaac Robert (Eng. caricaturist, miniature painter) |
1789-1856 |
Crumb, George (American teacher, composer) |
b.1929 |
Crumb, Robert (American cartoonist) |
b.1943 |
Crumley, James (American writer) |
b.1939 |
Cruse, Harold Wright (Am. social critic, teacher, playwright) |
1916-2005 |
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik (Finnish composer in Sweden) |
1775-1838 |
Crutzen, Paul Jozef (Dutch atmospheric chemist) |
b.1933 |
Cruveilhier, Jean (French anatomist) |
1791-1874 |
Cruz, Juana Ines de la (b.Juana Ines de Asbaje; Mex. nun, poet) |
1651-1695 |
Cruz, Ramon de la (Spanish dramatist) |
1731-1794 |
Cruz e Sousa, Joao da (aka "Cisne Negro"; Brazilian poet) |
1861-1898 |
Cruz Goyeneche, Luis de la (Chilean politician) |
1768-1828? |
Crystal, Billy (American comedian, actor) |
b.1947 |
Csokonai Vitez, Mihaly (Hungarian poet) |
1773-1805 |
Csoori, Sandor (Hungarian poet, essayist, screenwriter) |
b.1930 |
Ctesias (Greek physician, historian) |
5th cent. BC |
Ctesibius of Alexandria (Greek physicist, inventor) |
2nd cent. BC |
Ctesiphon (Athenian citizen) |
4th cent. BC |
Cua, Paulus (orig. Huynh Tinh Cua; Vietnamese scholar) |
1834-1907 |
Cuatrecasas, Pedro (Spanish-born American biochemist) |
b.1936 |
Cuauhtemoc (aka Guatimozin; Aztec emperor) |
c.1495-1522 |
Cudahy, Michael (Irish-born American meat packer) |
1841-1910 |
Cudworth, Ralph (English philosopher) |
1617-1688 |
Cuervo, Rufino Jose (Colombian philologist, writer) |
1844-1911 |
Cuestas, Juan Lindolfo (Uruguayan pol. leader; pres. 1897-1903) |
1837-1905 |
Cueva, Alfonso de la (Spanish diplomat) |
1572-1655 |
Cueva, Beltran de la (Spanish nobleman) |
1440?-1492 |
Cueva, Juan de la (Spanish dramatist, poet) |
1543?-1610 |
Cueva de Garoza, Juan de la (Spanish dramatist, poet) |
1543?-1610 |
Cugnot, Nicolas-Joseph (French engineer) |
1725-1804 |
Cui, Cesar Antonovich (Russian military engineer, composer) |
1835-1918 |
Cujas (or Cujaus), Jacques (French jurist, scholar) |
1522-1590 |
Cukor, George Dewey (American film director) |
1899-1983 |
Culbertson, Ely (Romanian-born Am. contract bridge authority) |
1891-1955 |
Culhane, James "Shamus" (Am. animator, film director, producer) |
1908-1996 |
Cullen, Countee Porter (Am. poet, writer, critic, dramatist) |
1903-1946 |
Cullen, Paul (Irish prelate; first Irish cardinal 1866) |
1803-1878 |
Cullen, William (English chemist) |
1710-1790 |
Cullum, George Washington (American army officer) |
1809-1892 |
Culmann, Carl (German engineer) |
1821-1881 |
Culpeper, John (English-born Am. colonial political leader) |
17th cent. |
Culverwel, Nathaniel (English philosopher, clergyman) |
1618?-1651? |
Cumali, Necati (Turkish writer, translator, poet) |
b.1921 |
Cumberland, Richard (English philosopher, theologian) |
1631-1718 |
Cumberland, Richard (Eng. dramatist; great-grandson of Richard) |
1732-1811 |
Cummings, Bruce Frederick (W.N.P. Barbellion; English diarist) |
1889-1919 |
Cummings, Edward Estlin "e.e. cummings" (Am. poet, painter) |
1894-1962 |
Cummings, Homer Stille (American lawyer, politician) |
1870-1956 |
Cummings, Jonathan (American religious leader) |
fl. c.1850-1860 |
Cummins, Albert Baird (American lawyer, politician) |
1850-1926 |
Cummins, George David (American clergyman) |
1822-1876 |
Cummins, Maria Susanna (American writer) |
1827-1866 |
Cumont, Franz-Valery-Marie (Belgian archaeologist, historian) |
1868-1947 |
Cunard, Sir Samuel (Canadian-born British ship owner) |
1787-1865 |
Cunedda Wledig (British chieftain) |
fl. c.450 |
Cunha, Euclides Rodrigues Pimenta da (Brazilian writer) |
1866-1909 |
Cunha, Tristao da (Portuguese navigator, explorer) |
1460-1540 |
Cunibert, Saint (Frankish prelate) |
c.590-c.663 |
Cunitz, Maria (Silesian astronomer) |
1610-1664 |
Cunningham, Alexander (Scottish promoter of Reformation) |
d.1574 |
Cunningham, Sir Alexander (Scottish soldier; son of Allan) |
1814-1893 |
Cunningham, Allan (Scottish poet, man of letters) |
1784-1842 |
Cunningham, Andrew Browne (British admiral) |
1883-1963 |
Cunningham, Francis (Scottish soldier; son of Allan) |
1820-1875 |
Cunningham, Imogen (American photographer) |
1883-1976 |
Cunningham, James Vincent (American poet, literary critic) |
1911-1985 |
Cunningham, Joseph Davey (Scottish soldier; son of Allan) |
1812-1851 |
Cunningham, Merce Philip (American dancer, choreographer) |
1919-2009 |
Cunningham, Peter (Scottish writer; son of Allan) |
1816-1869 |
Cunningham, William (Scottish churchman, theologian) |
1805-1861 |
Cunningham, William (Scottish-born British economist) |
1849-1919 |
Cunninghame Graham, Robert Bontine (Scottish writer) |
1852-1936 |
Cuno, Wilhelm Carl Josef (German statesman, businessman) |
1876-1933 |
Cunobelinus (or Cymbeline; British king) |
d.c.42 |
Cuoco (or Coco), Vincenzo (Italian historian) |
1770-1823 |
Cuong De (Vietnamese prince) |
1882-1951 |
Cuppy, William Jacob "Will" (American critic, humorist) |
1884-1949 |
Curci, Carlo Maria (Italian prelate, writer) |
1810-1891 |
Curel, Francois de (French playwright, writer) |
1854-1928 |
Cureton, William (English Syriac scholar) |
1808-1864 |
Curie, Eve (French-born Am. writer; daughter of Marie & Pierre) |
1904-2007 |
Curie, Irene (French physicist; daughter of Marie & Pierre) |
1897-1956 |
Curie, Manya Sklodowska "Marie" (Polish physical chemist) |
1867-1934 |
Curie, Pierre (French chemist, physicist) |
1859-1906 |
Curio, Gaius Scribonius (Roman politician, soldier) |
d.53 BC |
Curio, Gaius Scribonius (Roman politician; son of Gaius) |
d.49 BC |
Curl, Robert Floyd Jr. (American chemist, academic) |
b.1933 |
Curley, James Michael (American politician) |
1874-1958 |
Curll, Edmund (English bookseller) |
1675-1747 |
Curme, George Oliver (American philologist, grammarian) |
1860-1948 |
Curnow, Thomas Allen Munro (New Zealand poet, critic, editor) |
1911-2001 |
Curran, Alvin (American composer, educator) |
b.1938 |
Curran, John Philpot (Irish lawyer, politician) |
1750-1817 |
Currie, Sir Arthur William (Canadian soldier, educator) |
1875-1933 |
Currie, Sir Donald (Scottish ship owner) |
1825-1909 |
Currie, James (Scottish physician, editor) |
1756-1805 |
Currier, Nathaniel (Am. lithographer; partner with James Ives) |
1813-1888 |
Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe (American educator) |
1825-1903 |
Curry, John Steuart (American painter) |
1897-1946 |
Curtin, Jane Therese (American comedian, actor) |
b.1947 |
Curtin, John Joseph (Australian politician; prime min. 1941-45) |
1885-1945 |
Curtis, Benjamin Robbins (Am. Supreme Court justice 1851-1857) |
1809-1987 |
Curtis, Charles (American politician; vice-pres. 1929-33) |
1860-1936 |
Curtis, Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar (American publisher) |
1850-1933 |
Curtis, Edward Sheriff (American photographer) |
1868-1952 |
Curtis, George Ticknor (American lawyer; brother of Benjamin) |
1812-1894 |
Curtis, George William (American editor, essayist, reformer) |
1824-1892 |
Curtis, Heber Doust (American astrophysicist) |
1872-1942 |
Curtis, Lionel George (English administrator, political writer) |
1872-1955 |
Curtis, Mary Louise (Am. founder Curtis Inst. of Music 1924) |
1876-1970 |
Curtiss, Glenn Hammond (American inventor, aviator) |
1878-1930 |
Curtius, Ernst (German archaeologist, historian) |
1814-1896 |
Curtius, Ernst Robert (German historian of literature) |
1886-1956 |
Curtius, Georg (German philologist; brother of Ernst 1814-1896) |
1820-1885 |
Curtius, Julius (German politician) |
1877-1948 |
Curtius, Theodore (German chemist) |
1857-1928 |
Curtius Rufus, Quintus (Roman historian) |
1st cent. |
Curwen, John (English music educator) |
1816-1880 |
Curwen, John Spencer (English music educator; son of John) |
1847-1916 |
Curwood, James Oliver (American writer) |
1878-1927 |
Curzon, George Nathaniel (English politician) |
1859-1925 |
Cusanus, Nicholas (Nicholas of Cusa; German cardinal, humanist) |
1401-1464 |
Cushing, Caleb (American lawyer, diplomat) |
1800-1879 |
Cushing, Harvey Williams (American surgeon) |
1869-1939 |
Cushing, Luther Stearns (American jurist) |
1803-1856 |
Cushing, Richard James (American Roman Catholic prelate) |
1895-1970 |
Cushing, William (American Supreme Court justice 1789-1810) |
1732-1810 |
Cushman, William Barker (American naval officer) |
1842-1874 |
Cushman, Allerton Seward (Italian-born American chemist) |
1867-1930 |
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders (American actor) |
1816-1876 |
Cushman, Joseph Augustine (American paleontologist) |
1881-1949 |
Cust, Sir Edward (English military historian) |
1794-1878 |
Cust, Henry John Cockayne (Eng. journalist; nephew of Robert) |
1861-1917 |
Cust, Sir Lionel Henry (English art critic; cousin of Henry) |
1859-1929 |
Cust, Robert Needham (English Orientalist, Africanist) |
1821-1909 |
Custer, George Armstrong (American army officer) |
1839-1876 |
Custine, Adam-Philippe de (French army officer) |
1740-1793 |
Custis, George Washington Parke (American playwright) |
1781-1857 |
Cuthbert, Saint (English monk) |
635?-687 |
Cutler, Chris (English musician, composer, lyricist, theorist) |
b.1947 |
Cutler, Ivor (Scottish poet, playwright, composer, comedian) |
1923-2006 |
Cutler, Manasseh (American clergyman, botanist, pioneer) |
1742-1823 |
Cutter, Charles Ammi (American librarian) |
1837-1903 |
Cutts, John (Baron Cutts of Gowran; English soldier) |
1661-1707 |
Cuvier, Georges (orig. Jean-Leopold-Nicolas; French naturalist) |
1769-1832 |
Cuvillies, Francois de (French architect) |
1695-1768 |
Cuvillies, Francois "the Younger" (French architect) |
1731-1777 |
Cuyp (or Cuijp), Aelbert Jacobsz (Dutch landscape painter) |
1620-1691 |
Cuyp (or Cuijp), Benjamin Gerritsz (Dutch landscape painter) |
1612-1652 |
Cuyp (or Cuijp), Jacob Gerritsz (Dutch painter) |
1594-1651? |
Cuypers, Petrus Josephus Hubertus (Dutch architect) |
1827-1921 |
Cuza, Alexandru Ion (Prince of Romania) |
1820-1873 |
Cyaxares (Uvakhshtra; King of Media 625-585 BC) |
d.585 BC |
Cygnaus, Uno (Finnish clergyman, educator) |
1810-1888 |
Cylon (Athenian statesman) |
7th cent. BC |
Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr (Welsh poet) |
fl. 1155-1200 |
Cynegils (King of West Saxons) |
d.643 |
Cynewulf (or Cynwulf; Anglo-Saxon poet) |
9th cent. |
Cynewulf (King of West Saxons 757-786) |
d.786 |
Cyon, Elie de (Russian physiologist) |
1843-1912 |
Cyprian, Saint (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus; Christian martyr) |
3rd cent. |
Cypselus (Greek ruler; tyrant of Corinth c.657-627 BC) |
7th cent. BC |
Cyrankiewicz, Jozef (Polish prime minister 1947-52, 1954-70) |
1911-1989 |
Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (French poet, soldier) |
1619-1655 |
Cyriacus of Ancona (Italian Humanist, antiquarian) |
1391-1452 |
Cyril of Alexandria, Saint (Christian ecclesiastic) |
c.375-444 |
Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint (Christian ecclesiastic) |
315?-386? |
Cyril, Saint (Christian missionary; brother of St. Methodius) |
c.827-869 |
Cyrille, Andrew Charles (American musician, bandleader) |
b.1939 |
Cysat, Johann Baptist (Swiss astronomer) |
1586-1657 |
Czechowicz, Jozef (Polish poet) |
1903-1939 |
Czermak, Johann Nepomuk (Bohemian physiologist) |
1828-1873 |
Czernin von und zu Chudenitz, Ottokar (Austro-Hungarian polit.) |
1872-1932 |
Czerny, Carl (born Karl; Austrian pianist, composer, teacher) |
1791-1857 |
Czolgosz, Leon F. (Am. anarchist; assassin of pres. McKinley) |
1873-1901 |
Czukay, Holger (German musician) |
b.1938 |