Kaahumanu (Hawaiian queen; wife of Kamehameha I) |
c.1772-1832 |
Kaalund, Hans Vilhelm (Danish poet) |
1818-1885 |
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich (Russian composer, educator) |
1904-1987 |
Ka'b ibn Zuhayr (Arab poet; son of Zuhayr) |
7th cent. |
Kabir (Indian mystic, poet) |
1440-1518 |
Kaburagi Kiyokata (orig Kenichi; Japanese painter) |
1878-1972 |
Kacic-Miosic, Andrija (Croatian poet) |
1704-1760 |
Kadanoff, Leo Philip (Am. theoretical physicist, educator) |
b.1937 |
Kadar, Janos (Hungarian Communist politician) |
1912-1989 |
Kadare, Ismail (Albanian writer, poet, journalist) |
b.1936 |
Kaden-Bandrowski, Juliusz (Polish writer) |
1885-1944 |
Kaduri, Yitzhak (Iraqi-born rabbi, mystic) |
c.1900-2006 |
Kafka, Franz (Czech-born Austrian writer) |
1883-1924 |
Kagame, Alexis (or Alegisi; Rwandan poet, historian, cleric) |
1912-1981 |
Kagan, Henri Boris (French chemist, educator) |
b.1930 |
Kagan, Robert Allen (American writer) |
b.1938 |
Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich (Russian politician) |
1893-1957? |
Kagawa Kageki (aka Keien; Japanese poet, literary scholar) |
1768-1843 |
Kagawa Toyohiko (Japanese social reformer) |
1888-1960 |
Kagawa (or Kagwa), Sir Apolo (Bugandan politician) |
d.1927 |
Kagel, Mauricio (Argentinian composer, teacher) |
1931-2008 |
Kahan, William Morton "Velvel" (Canadian computer scientist) |
b.1933 |
Kahane-Carmon, Amalia (Israeli writer) |
b.1926 |
Kahiga, Samuel (Kenyan writer) |
b.1946 |
Kahl, Milton Erwin "Milt" (Am. animator: Disney Nine Old Men) |
1909-1987 |
Kahlo y Calderon, Magdalena Carmen Frida (Mexican painter) |
1907-1954 |
Kahn, Gustave (French poet, literary theorist) |
1859-1936 |
Kahn, Louis Isadore (Estonian-born American architect) |
1901-1974 |
Kahn, Otto Hermann (German-born Am. banker, philanthropist) |
1867-1934 |
Kahn, Robert Elliot "Bob" (American computer scientist) |
b.1938 |
Kahneman, Daniel "Danny" (Israeli psychologist, academic) |
b.1934 |
Kahr, Gustav von (German politician) |
1862-1934 |
Kaibara Ekiken (born Atsunobu; Japanese philosopher) |
1630-1714 |
Kaidu (Grand khan of Mongolia, Rurkistan 1269-1301) |
d.1301 |
Kaifu Toshiki (Japanese prime minister 1989-1991) |
b.1931 |
Kaige, Chen (Chinese film director, actor) |
b.1952 |
Kaigetsudo Ando (aka Okazaki Genshichi; Japanese painter) |
1671-1743 |
Kaiho Yusho (Japanese painter) |
1533-1615 |
Kaikei (later Anamida; Japanese sculptor) |
fl. 1183-1236 |
Kains, Maurice Grenville (Canadian-born Am. farmer, writer) |
1868-1946 |
Kaiser, Georg (German playwright) |
1878-1945 |
Kaiser, Henry (American musician) |
b.1952 |
Kaiser, Henry John "Hurry-Up Henry" (American industrialist) |
1882-1967 |
Kajanus, Robert (Finnish composer, conductor) |
1856-1933 |
Kajikawa Kyujiro (aka Kijiro; Japanese lacquerware artist) |
d.c.1700 |
Kakinomoto Hitomaro (Japanese poet) |
fl. c.680-710 |
Kalakaua (King of Hawaii 1874-1891) |
1836-1891 |
Kalatozov, Mikhail (Russian actor, cinematographer, director) |
1903-1973 |
Kalb, Johann (Baron de Kalb; German general in Am. Revolution) |
1721-1780 |
Kalckreuth, Friedrich Adolf von (Prussian soldier) |
1737-1818 |
Kaledin, Aleksey Maksimovich (Russian soldier) |
1861-1918 |
Kalff, Willem (Dutch painter) |
1619-1693 |
Kalidasa (Indian dramatist, poet) |
5th cent. |
Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich (Russian polit.; head of Sov. state) |
1875-1946 |
Kalinnikov, Vasily Sergeyevich (Russian composer) |
1866-1901 |
Kalir, Eleazar (Palestinian Hebrew poet) |
4th?-8th? cent. |
Kallas, Aino Julia Maria née Krohn (Finnish writer) |
1878-1956 |
Kallay, Miklos (Hungarian politician) |
1887-1967 |
Kallay von Nagy-Kallo, Benjamin (Austro-Hungarian politician) |
1839-1903 |
Kallergis, Dimitrios (Greek army officer, politician) |
1803-1967 |
Kallio, Kyosti (Finnish politician; president 1937-1940) |
1873-1940 |
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel (Czech composer, violinist) |
1801-1866 |
Kalm, Pehr (Swedish botanist) |
1716-1779 |
Kalman (Konyves Kalman; Coloman; King of Hungary 1095-1116) |
c.1070-1116 |
Kalman, Tibor (Hungarian-born American artist) |
1949-1999 |
Kalnoky von Korospatak, Gusztav Siegmund (Austro-Hung. polit.) |
1832-1898 |
Kalomiris, Manolis (Greek composer, teacher) |
1883-1962 |
Kaltenborn, Hans von "H.V." (American news commentator) |
1878-1965 |
Kalvos, Andreas Ioannidis (Greek poet) |
1792-1869 |
Kalwitz, Seth (Sethus Calvisius; German composer, music writer) |
1556-1615 |
Kamban, Gudmundur Jonsson Hallgrimsson (Icelandic dram.,writer) |
1888-1945 |
Kamehameha I (Kamehameha Nui; king of Hawaii 1795-1819) |
1758?-1819 |
Kamehameha II (born Liholiho; king of Hawaii 1819-1824) |
1797-1824 |
Kamehameha III (born Kauikeaouli; king of Hawaii 1825-1854) |
1813-1854 |
Kamehameha VI (Alexander Liholiho; king of Hawaii 1854-1863) |
1834-1863 |
Kamehameha V (born Lot; king of Hawaii 1863-1872) |
1830-1872 |
Kamenev, Lev Borisovich (Russian Communist leader) |
1883-1936 |
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (Dutch physicist; d. superconductivity) |
1853-1926 |
Kamienski, Maciej (Polish composer) |
1734-1821 |
Kamil, Mustafa (Egyptian nationalist) |
1874-1908 |
Kaminska, Ida (Ukrainian-born Polish actor, theatrical prod.) |
1899-1980 |
Kaminski, Heinrich (German composer) |
1886-1946 |
Kammerer, Paul (Austrian biologist) |
1880-1926 |
Kammu (born Yamabe; Japanese emperor 781-806) |
737-806 |
Kamo Chomei (aka Kamo no Chomei; Japanese poet, critic, hermit) |
1155-1216 |
Kamo Mabuchi (Japanese scholar) |
1697-1769 |
Kamose (Egyptian king c.1575-c.1570 BC) |
d.c.1570 BC |
Kamoun, Farouk (Tunisian computer scientist, educator) |
b.1946 |
Kampan (Tamil poet) |
c.1180-1250 |
Kampfer, Engelbert (German physician, traveler) |
1651-1716 |
Kanagaki Robun (born Bunzo Nozaki; Japanese writer) |
1829-1874 |
Kanami (born Saburo-Kiyotsugu; Japanese poet) |
1334-1385 |
Kanaris, Konstantinos (Greek naval commander, politician) |
1790-1877 |
Kancheli, Giya (Georgian composer in Belgium) |
b.1935 |
Kandel, Eric Richard (Austrian psychiatrist, neuroscientist) |
b.1929 |
Kandinsky, Wasily (Russian painter; member of Blue Four) |
1866-1944 |
Kandler, Johann Joachim (German sculptor) |
1706-1775 |
Kane, Bob (born Robert Kahn; Am. comic book artist; Batman) |
1915-1998 |
Kane, Elisha Kent (American arctic explorer) |
1820-1857 |
Kane, John (orig. surname Cain; Scottish-born Am. painter) |
1860-1934 |
Kane, Paul (Irish-born Canadian painter) |
1810-1871 |
Kane, Rosie (Scottish politician, activist, writer) |
b.1961 |
Kane, Sheikh Hamidou (Senegalese writer, administrator) |
b.1928 |
Kang, Eyvind (American composer, musician) |
b.1972 |
K'ang-hsi (Sheng-tsu; Chinese emperor 1661-1722) |
1654-1722 |
K'ang Yu-wei (Chinese scholar, reformer) |
1858-1927 |
Kanik, Orhan Veli (Turkish poet, translator, editor) |
1914-1950 |
Kaniska (aka Kanishka; King of India 78?-103?) |
fl. 78?-103? |
Kann, Stan (American organist, vacuum cleaner collector) |
1924-2008 |
Kant, Immanuel (German philosopher) |
1724-1804 |
Kantemir, Antiokh Dmitriyevich (Russian diplomat, writer) |
1708-1744 |
Kantor, Frederic William (American inventor, physicist) |
b.1942 |
Kantor, MacKinlay (born Benjamin McKinlay Kantor; Am. writer) |
1904-1977 |
Kantorovich, Leonid Vitalyevich (Rus. mathematician, economist) |
1912-1986 |
Kantorowicz, Hermann (German jurist) |
1877-1940 |
Kao Ninga (Japanese painter) |
d.1345 |
Kao Ch'i-p'ei (Chinese painter) |
1672-1734 |
Kao Kang (Chinese Communist leader) |
c.1902-c.1955 |
Kapila (Indian philosopher) |
fl. 550? BC |
Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich (Russian physicist) |
1894-1984 |
Kaplan, Justin (American writer, biographer, book editor) |
b.1925 |
Kaplan, Viktor (Austrian inventor) |
1876-1934 |
Kaplinski, Jaan (Estonian poet) |
b.1941 |
Kapnist, Vasily Vasilyevich (Russian dramatist, poet) |
1757-1823 |
Kapodistrias, Ioannis Antonios (Greek politician) |
1776-1831 |
Kapor, Mitchell David (American businessman, philanthropist) |
b.1950 |
Kapp, Friedrich (German politician, writer) |
1824-1884 |
Kapp, Wolfgang (American-born German revolutionist; son of F.) |
1858-1922 |
Kaprow, Allan (Am. painter, assemblagist, performance artist) |
1927-2006 |
Kapsberger, Johann Hieronymus (German-Italian composer) |
c.1580-1651 |
Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius (Dutch astronomer) |
1851-1922 |
Kapuscinski, Ryszard (Polish journalist, poet) |
1932-2007 |
Karadorde (Karageorge; born Dorde Petrovic; Serbian hero) |
1762-1817 |
Karadzic, Vuk Stefanovic (Serbian folklorist, lexicographer) |
1787-1864 |
Karaiskakis, Georgios (Greek klepht) |
c.1780-1827 |
Karajan, Herbert von (Austrian conductor) |
1908-1989 |
Karakhan, Lev Mikhaylovich (Russian diplomat) |
1889-1937 |
Karamanlis, Konstantinos (Greek prime minister; president) |
1907-1998 |
Kara Mustafa Pasa, Merzifonlu (Turkish grand vizier 1676-1683) |
1634-1683 |
Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhaylovich (Russian historian, writer) |
1766-1826 |
Karanja, Sokoni Tacuma (born Lathan Johnson; Am. administrator) |
b.1940 |
Karaosmanoglu, Yakup Kadri (Turkish writer, translator) |
1889-1974 |
Karapanou, Margarita (Greek writer) |
b.1946 |
Karavelov, Lyuben Stoychev (Bulgarian writer) |
1834-1879 |
Karenga, Ron (b. Ronald McKinley Everett; Am. writer, activist) |
b.1941 |
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid (surname orig. Karg; German composer) |
1877-1933 |
Karina, Anna (b.Hanne Karin Blarke Bayer; Danish-b. Fr. actor) |
b.1940 |
Kariotakis (or Karyotakis), Kostas (Greek poet) |
1896-1928 |
Karkavitsas, Andreas (Greek writer, physician) |
1866-1922 |
Karle, Jerome (American physical chemist) |
b.1918 |
Karlfeldt, Erik Axel née Eriksson (Swedish poet) |
1864-1931 |
Karloff, Boris (born William Henry Pratt; Eng.-born Am. actor) |
1887-1969 |
Karlowicz, Mieczyslaw (Polish composer, conductor) |
1876-1909 |
Karm, Dun (pseudonym of Carmelo Psaila; Maltan poet, writer) |
1871-1961 |
Karman, Jozsef (Hungarian writer) |
1769-1795 |
Karman, Theodore von (Hungarian physicist, aeronautical eng.) |
1881-1963 |
Karn, Mick (b. Anthony Michaelides; Cyprus-born Eng. musician) |
1958-2011 |
Karo (or Caro, Qaro), Joseph ben Ephraim (Spanish Talmudist) |
1488-1575 |
Karoli, Michael (German musician, composer) |
1948-2001 |
Karolyi, Mihaly (Hungarian politician; president 1919-1920) |
1875-1955 |
Karp, Richard Manning (American computer scientist) |
b.1935 |
Karpinski, Franciszek (Polish poet) |
1741-1825 |
Karr, Jean-Baptiste-Alphonse (French journalist, writer) |
1808-1890 |
Karrer, Paul (Russian-born Swiss chemist) |
1889-1971 |
Karsavina, Tamara Platonovna (Russian-born British dancer) |
1885-1978 |
Kartini, Raden Adjeng (Javanese noblewoman) |
1879-1904 |
Karve, Maharishi Dhondo Keshav (Indian reformer) |
1858-1962 |
Kar-wai, Wong (Chinese film director in Hong Kong) |
b.1958 |
Karyotakis (or Kariotakis), Kostas (Greek poet, lawyer) |
1896-1928 |
Kasavubu, Joseph (Zairian politician; president 1960-1965) |
1910?-1969 |
Kaschnitz-Weinberg, Marie Luise von (German poet, writer) |
1901-1974 |
Kasperowicz, Henry John (Am. engineer: television electronics) |
1917-2002 |
Kasprowicz, Jan (Polish poet, journalist, scholar) |
1860-1926 |
Kassak, Lajos (Hungarian poet, writer) |
1887-1967 |
Kassem, Abdul Karim (Iraqi soldier, politician) |
1914-1963 |
Kastler, Alfred (German-born French physicist) |
1902-1984 |
Kastner, Erich (German satirist, poet, writer) |
1899-1974 |
Kastner, Georg Friedrich Eugen (German physicist; son of J.G.) |
1852-1882 |
Kastner, Johann Georg (German composer) |
1810-1867 |
Kastrioti, George "Skanderbeg" (National hero of Albania) |
1405-1468 |
Katay Don Sasorith (pseudonym William Rabbit; Laotian polit.) |
1904-1959 |
Katayev, Yevgeny Petrovich (pseud. Yevgeny Petrov; Rus. writer) |
1903-1942 |
Katayev, Valentin Petrovich (Russian writer, playwright) |
1897-1986 |
Katchor, Ben (American cartoonist) |
b.1951 |
Kateb Yacine (Algerian poet, writer, playwright) |
1929-1989 |
Kates, Robert W. (American geographer, scholar) |
b.1929 |
Katib Celebi (Turkish historian, geographer, scholar) |
1609-1657 |
Katkov, Mikhail Nikiforovich (Russian journalist) |
1818-1887 |
Kato Hiroyuki (Japanese educator, political theorist) |
1836-1916 |
Kato Kiyomasa (Japanese soldier) |
1562-1611 |
Kato Takaakira (aka Kato Komei; Japanese politician) |
1860-1926 |
Katona, Jozsef (Hungarian lawyer, playwright) |
1791-1830 |
Katsu Awa (aka Katsu Yasuyoshi, Kaishu; Japanese naval officer) |
1823-1899 |
Katsukawa Shunsho (aka Tsubo Shunsho; Japanese painter) |
1726-1792 |
Katsura Taro (Japanese soldier, politician) |
1847-1913 |
Katz, Alex (American painter, sculptor, printmaker) |
b.1927 |
Katz, Sir Bernard (German-born British biophysicist) |
1911-2003 |
Ka-Tzetnik 135633 (Yehiel De-Nur; Polish-born Israeli writer) |
1909-2001 |
Kauffman, Stuart Alan (American evolutionary biologist) |
b.1939 |
Kauffmann, Maria Anna Angelica (Swiss painter) |
1741-1807 |
Kauffmann, Nikolaus (Nicholas Mercator; German math., astron.) |
c.1619-1687 |
Kaufman, Andy (American actor, comedian) |
1949-1984 |
Kaufman, Denis (pseud. Dziga Vertov; Soviet film director) |
1895-1954 |
Kaufman, George Simon (American dramatist; Algonquin Wit) |
1889-1961 |
Kaufman, Robert Garnell "Bob" (Am. poet; co-fd. Beatitude) |
1925-1986 |
Kaufmann, Konstantin Petrovich (Russian general) |
1818-1882 |
Kaulbach, Friedrich (German painter; nephew of Wilhelm) |
1822-1903 |
Kaulbach, Friedrich August von (Ger. painter; son of Friedrich) |
1850-1920 |
Kaulbach, Hermann (German illustrator, painter; son of Wilhelm) |
1846-1909 |
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von (German painter, illustrator) |
1805-1874 |
Kaun, Hugo (German composer) |
1863-1932 |
Kaunda, Kenneth David "K.K." (Zambian statesman, President) |
b.1924 |
Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton von (Austrian statesman) |
1711-1794 |
Kaupert, Gustav (German sculptor) |
1819-1897 |
Kautilya (Indian philosopher, politician) |
fl. 300 BC |
Kautsky, Karl Johann (Czech-born German Marxist theorist) |
1854-1938 |
Kavafis, Konstantinos Petrou (Constantine Cavafy; Greek poet) |
1863-1933 |
Kavan, Anna (born Helen Woods; French-born British writer) |
1904-1968 |
Kavanagh, Patrick (Irish writer, poet) |
1905-1967 |
Kawabata Yasunari (Japanese writer, journalist) |
1899-1972 |
Kawahigashi Hekigoto (born Kawahigashi Heigoro; Japanese poet) |
1873-1937 |
Kawai Gyokudo (born Kawai Yoshisaburo; Japanese painter) |
1873-1957 |
Kawai Kanjiro (Japanese potter) |
1890-1963 |
Kawajiri, Yoshiaki (Japanese animation writer, director) |
b.1950 |
Kawakami Hajime (Japanese economist) |
1879-1946 |
Kawakami Otojiro (Japanese actor, playwright) |
1864-1911 |
Kawanabe Gyosai (Shojo Gyosai; Japanese painter, caricaturist) |
1831-1889 |
Kawatake Mokuami (b. Yoshimura Shinshichi; Japanese dramatist) |
1816-1893 |
Kay, Alan Curtis (American computer scientist, musician) |
b.1940 |
Kaye, Milton (born Milton Jay Katz; Am. musician, arranger) |
1909-2006 |
Kayenbergh, Marie-Emile-Albert (psd. Albert Giraud; Belg. poet) |
1860-1929 |
Kaye-Smith, Emily Sheila (English writer) |
1887-1956 |
Kayser, Heinrich Gustav Johannes (German physicist) |
1853-1940 |
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James Phillips (English physician) |
1804-1877 |
Kazakov, Yury Pavlovich (Soviet writer, musician) |
b.1927 |
Kazan, Elia (born Elia Kazanjoglou; Am. stage & film director) |
1909-2003 |
Kazantzakis, Nikos (Greek writer, poet, translator) |
1885-1957 |
Kazhdan, Dmitri Aleksandrovich "David" (Rus.-b. Israeli math.) |
b.1946 |
Kazin, Alfred (American teacher, editor, literary critic) |
1915-1998 |
Kazinczy, Ferenc (Hungarian writer, linguistic reformer) |
1759-1831 |
Kean, Charles John (English actor, director; son of Edmund) |
1811-1868 |
Kean, Edmund (English actor) |
1789-1833 |
Keane, Glen (Am. animator, writer, illustrator; son of Bil) |
b.1954 |
Keane, Mary Nesta née Skrine "Molly" (Irish writer, playwright) |
1904-1996 |
Keane, Thelma née Carne "Thel" (Australian-born American mommy) |
1926-2008 |
Keane, William Aloysius "Bil" (Am. cartoonist; spouse of Thel) |
1922-2011 |
Kearny, Philip (American army officer; nephew of Stephen) |
1814-1862 |
Kearny, Stephen Watts (American army officer; uncle of Stephen) |
1794-1848 |
Keating, Charles Humphrey Jr. (American businessman, financier) |
b.1923 |
Keating, Paul John (Australian prime minister 1991-1996) |
b.1944 |
Keaton, Joseph Francis "Buster" (American film comedian) |
1895-1966 |
Keats, John (English poet) |
1795-1821 |
Keble, John (English clergyman, poet) |
1792-1866 |
Keck, Charles (American sculptor) |
1875-1951 |
Keel, John Alva (b. Alva John Kiehle; Am. writer, journalist) |
1930-2009 |
Keeler, James Edward (American astronomer) |
1857-1900 |
Keely, John Ernst Worrell (American perpetual-motion fraud) |
1827-1898 |
Keen, William Williams (American brain surgery pioneer) |
1837-1932 |
Keene, Charles Samuel (English artist) |
1823-1891 |
Keene, Constance (American musician, teacher) |
1921-2005 |
Keene, Laura (born Mary Moss; English-born American actor) |
c.1826-1873 |
Keeshan, Robert James (American actor: Captain Kangaroo) |
1927-2004 |
Kefauver, Carey Estes (American politician) |
1903-1963 |
Keifer, Joseph Warren (American lawyer, soldier, politician) |
1836-1932 |
Keigwin, Richard (English naval commander) |
d.1690 |
Keiiti Aki (aka Kei Aki; Japanese seismologist) |
1930-2005 |
Keiser, Reinhard (German composer) |
1674-1739 |
Keita, Modibo (Mali politician; president 1960-1968) |
1915-1977 |
Keitel, Wilhelm (German field marshal) |
1882-1946 |
Keith, Sir Arthur (Scottish anthropologist) |
1866-1955 |
Keith, Benjamin Franklin (American theatrical manager) |
1846-1914 |
Keith, James Francis Edward (Scottish soldier) |
1696-1758 |
Keith, William (Scottish-born American painter) |
1839-1911 |
Keizan (Josai Daishi; Taiso; Japanese priest) |
1267-1325 |
Kekkonen, Urho Kaleva (Finnish politician; president 1956-1981) |
1900-1986 |
Kekule von Stradonitz, Friedrich August (German chemist) |
1829-1896 |
Kellar, Harry (orig. surname Keller; American magician) |
1849-1922 |
Keller, Evelyn Fox (American physicist, writer, teacher) |
b.1936 |
Keller, Ferdinand (Swiss archaeologist) |
1800-1881 |
Keller, Gottfried (Swiss writer, poet) |
1819-1890 |
Keller, Helen Adams (American writer, lecturer) |
1880-1968 |
Keller, Joseph B. (American mathematician) |
b.1923 |
Kellermann, Bernard (German journalist, writer) |
1879-1951 |
Kellermann, Francois-Christophe (French soldier) |
1735-1820 |
Kellermann, Francois-Etienne (French general; son of F.-C.) |
1770-1835 |
Kelley, Alton (American artist, businessman) |
1940-2008 |
Kelley, Florence (American reformer) |
1859-1932 |
Kelley, Oliver Hudson (American agricultural organizer) |
1826-1913 |
Kellgren, Johan Henrik (Swedish poet, dramatist, editor) |
1751-1795 |
Kellogg, Frank Billings (American lawyer, politician, diplomat) |
1856-1937 |
Kellogg, John Harvey (Am. physician; inv. grain cereal flakes) |
1852-1943 |
Kellogg, Marjorie (American writer, playwright, social worker) |
1922-2005 |
Kellogg, Will Keith (American cereal industrialist; bro: John) |
1860-1951 |
Kelly, Alvin Anthony "Shipwreck Kelly" (American stunt man) |
1893-1952 |
Kelly, Edward "Ned" (Australian outlaw) |
1855-1880 |
Kelly, Emmet Leo (American hobo clown) |
1898-1979 |
Kelly, Emmet Leo (American hobo clown) |
1923-2006 |
Kelly, George (American actor, playwright, director) |
1887-1974 |
Kelly, George "Machine Gun Kelly" (American gangster) |
1895-1954 |
Kelly, Howard Atwood (American physician, gynecologist) |
1858-1943 |
Kelly, Hugh (Irish playwright, critic, writer, journalist) |
1739-1777 |
Kelly, Walter Crawford (American cartoonist, illustrator) |
1913-1973 |
Kelly, William (American inventor) |
1811-1888 |
Kelly, Wynton (Jamaican-born American musician) |
1931-1971 |
Kelly-Bootle, Stan (Anglo-Irish computer science writer) |
b.1929 |
Kelsey, Henry (English explorer) |
d.1729 |
Kelvin, Lord William Thomson (Scottish math., physicist) |
1824-1907 |
Kemal, Mehmed Namik (Turkish writer, journalist, patriot) |
1840-1888 |
Kemal Ataturk (born Mustafa Kemal; Turkish president 1923-38) |
1881-1938 |
Kemalpasazade (aka Ibn Kemal; Turkish scholar, poet, historian) |
c.1468-1534 |
Kemble, Charles (English actor, manager; son of Roger) |
1775-1854 |
Kemble, Elizabeth (English actor; daughter of Roger) |
1761-1836 |
Kemble, Frances Anne "Fanny" (English actor; dau. of Charles) |
1809-1893 |
Kemble, George Stephen (English actor, manager; son of Roger) |
1758-1822 |
Kemble, Gouverneur (American cannon manufacturer) |
1786-1875 |
Kemble, John Philip (English actor, manager; son of Roger) |
1757-1823 |
Kemble, Roger (English traveling actor) |
1721-1802 |
Kemeny, John George (Hungarian-born American educator, math.) |
1926-1992 |
Kemeny, Zsigmond (Hungarian writer, journalist) |
1814-1875 |
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter (American economist) |
1875-1945 |
Kemp (or Kempe), John (English prelate) |
c.1380-1454 |
Kemp, William (English comedian, dancer) |
fl. 1600 |
Kempe, Margery née Brunham (English mystic) |
c.1373-c.1440 |
Kempe (aka Kemp), William (English actor, dancer) |
fl.1600 |
Kempeneer, Pieter de (Flemish painter, tapestry designer) |
1503-1580 |
Ken (or Kenn), Thomas (English prelate, hymn writer) |
1637-1711 |
Kendal, Dame Madge née Margaret Shafto Robertson (Eng. actor) |
1849-1935 |
Kendall, Amos (American politician, businessman) |
1789-1869 |
Kendall, Edward Calvin (Am. biochemist; discovered Cortisone) |
1886-1972 |
Kendall, George Wilkins (American journalist) |
1809-1867 |
Kendall, Henry Way (American physicist, activist) |
1926-1999 |
Kendall, Thomas Henry (Australian poet) |
1839-1882 |
Kendrew, Sir John Cowdery (Eng. biochemist, crystallographer) |
1917-1997 |
Keneally, Thomas Michael (Australian writer) |
b.1935 |
Keng Ching-chung (Chinese general) |
d.1682 |
Kennan, George Frost (American historian, diplomat, scholar) |
1904-2005 |
Kennedy, Anthony McLeod (American Supreme Court justice 1987-) |
b.1936 |
Kennedy, Florynce Rae (American lawyer, civil-rights activist) |
1916-2000 |
Kennedy, Jay Malcolm (American comics editor) |
1956-2007 |
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (35th U.S. president, 1961-1963) |
1917-1963 |
Kennedy, John Leo (English-born Canadian poet, critic) |
1907-2000 |
Kennedy, John Pendleton "Mark Littleton" (Am. writer, polit.) |
1795-1870 |
Kennedy, Joseph Charles (pseudonym X.J. Kennedy; Am. writer) |
b.1929 |
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick (American businessman, diplomat) |
1888-1969 |
Kennedy, Joseph William (Am. chemist; co-discovered plutonium) |
1916-1957 |
Kennedy, Margaret (English writer) |
1896-1967 |
Kennedy, Robert Francis (American politician; Attorney General) |
1925-1968 |
Kennedy, Walter (Scottish poet) |
c.1460-c.1508 |
Kennedy, William Joseph (Am. writer, journalist, screenwriter) |
b.1928 |
Kennelly, Arthur Edwin (India-born Am. electrical engineer) |
1861-1939 |
Kennelly, Brendan (Irish poet) |
b.1936 |
Kenner, William Hugh (Canadian literary critc) |
b.1923 |
Kenney, Richard L. (American poet, educator) |
b.1948 |
Kenny, Elizabeth "Sister Kenny" (Australian nurse) |
1880-1952 |
Kensett, John Frederick (American painter) |
1816-1872 |
Kent, Frances Elizabeth "Corita" (American artist, educator) |
1918-1986 |
Kent, James (American jurist) |
1763-1847 |
Kent, Ralph Kwiatowski (American artist: "Disney Legend") |
1939-2007 |
Kent, Rockwell (American painter, wood engraver, lithographer) |
1882-1971 |
Kent, William (English artist, architect) |
c.1686-1748 |
Kentigern (or Mungo), Saint (Celtic ecclesiastic) |
d.c.612 |
Kenton, Stanley Newcomb "Stan" (American pianist, singer) |
1911-1979 |
Kentridge, William (South African artist, animator) |
b.1955 |
Kenyatta, Jomo (born Kamau; Kenyan politician) |
c.1894-1978 |
Kenyon, John Samuel (American phonetician) |
1874-1959 |
Keokuk (American Sauk Indian chief) |
1788-1848? |
Kepler, Johannes (German astronomer, mathematician; asteroid) |
1571-1630 |
Keppel, Augustus (1st Viscount; British admiral) |
1725-1786 |
Keppler, Joseph (Austrian-born American cartoonist) |
1838-1894 |
Ker, William Paton (Scottish-born British scholar) |
1855-1923 |
Kerensky, Aleksandr Fyodorovich (Russian revolutionary leader) |
1881-1970 |
Kerenyi, Karoly (Hungarian philologist) |
1897-1973 |
Kerguelen-Tremarec, Yves-Joseph de (French navigator) |
1734-1797 |
Kerle, Jacobus de (Flemish composer) |
1531?-1591 |
Kerll, Johann Kaspar von (German organist, composer) |
1627-1693 |
Kermauner, Taras (Slovene literary historian, philosopher) |
1930-2008 |
Kermode, John Frank (English critic, cultural historian) |
1919-2010 |
Kern, Jerome David (American composer) |
1885-1945 |
Kern, Johann Conrad (Swiss politician) |
1808-1888 |
Kern, Richard (American filmmaker, writer, photographer) |
b.1954 |
Kerner, Justinus Andreas Christian (German poet, physician) |
1786-1862 |
Kerouac, Jean-Louis "Jack" (American writer, poet) |
1922-1969 |
Kerr, Frank John (England-born Austral. astronomer, physicist) |
1918-2000 |
Kerr, Jean (born Bridget Jean Collins; American writer) |
1922-2003 |
Kerr, John (Scottish physicist) |
1824-1907 |
Kerr, Sir John Graham (English zoologist) |
1869-1957 |
Kerr, Michael Crawford (American politician) |
1827-1876 |
Kerr, Robert "Bob", "Pops" (English musician, businessman) |
b.1943 |
Kertanagara (King of Tumapel in Java, 1268-1292) |
d.1292 |
Kertesz, Andre (Hungarian-born American photojournalist) |
1894-1985 |
Kertesz Imre (Hungarian writer, translator) |
b.1929 |
Kesey, Ken Elton (American writer, Merry Prankster) |
1935-2001 |
Keshub Chunder Sen (Indian reformer) |
1838-1884 |
Kessel, Joseph (Argentinian-born French journalist, writer) |
1898-1979 |
Kessel, Maurice (pseudonym Maurice Druon; French writer) |
1918-2009 |
Kesselring, Albert (aka Albrecht; German field marshal) |
1885-1960 |
Kestutis (Grand duke of Lithuania 1381-1382) |
c.1300-1382 |
Ket (aka Kett), Robert (English rebel) |
d.1549 |
Ketch, John "Jack" (English executioner) |
d.1686 |
Ketcham, Henry "Hank" King (Am. cartoonist: Dennis the Menace) |
1920-2001 |
Ketelbey, Albert William (English composer, conductor, pianist) |
1875-1959 |
Ketteler, Wilhelm Emmanuel von (German ecclesiastic) |
1811-1877 |
Kettering, Charles Franklin (American electrical engineer) |
1876-1958 |
Ketterle, Wolfgang (German physicist, academic) |
b.1957 |
Keussler, Gerhard von (German composer, conductor) |
1874-1949 |
Kevin, Saint (Caemgen; Coemgenus; Irish religious) |
d.618 |
Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia (Swedish educationalist, writer) |
1849-1926 |
Key, Francis Scott (American lawyer, poet) |
1779-1843 |
Key, Valdimer Orlando Jr. (American political scientist) |
1908-1963 |
Keyes, Frances Parkinson née Wheeler (American writer) |
1885-1970 |
Keyes, Roger John Brownlow (India-born British naval commander) |
1872-1945 |
Keynes, John Maynard (English economist; son of John Neville) |
1883-1946 |
Keynes, John Neville (English educator) |
1852-1949 |
Keys, Ancel Benjamin (Am. physiologist; inv. K ration diet) |
1904-2004 |
Keyser, Hendrik de (Dutch architect, sculptor) |
1565-1621 |
Keyser, Thomas (Dutch painter, architect; son of Hendrik) |
1596-1667 |
Keyserling, Hermann Alexander (German social philosopher) |
1880-1946 |
Kezilahabi, Euphrase (Tanzanian writer,poet, scholar) |
b.1944 |
Kgositsile, Keorapetse William (South African poet, journalist) |
b.1938 |
Khachaturian, Aram Ilich (Armenian-born Russian composer) |
1903-1978 |
Khachiyan, Leonid G. (Russian-born American computer scientist) |
1952-2005 |
Khai Dinh (born Nguyen Bun Dao; Vietnamese emperor 1916-1925) |
d.1925 |
Khalid ibn 'Abd al-Aziz ibn 'Abd ar-Rahman (Saudi Arabian king) |
1913-1982 |
Khalifa, Rashad (Egyptian-born Am. biochemist, religious) |
1935-1990 |
Khalil ibn Ahmad, al- (Arab philologist) |
c.718-786/91 |
Khamenei, Hojatolislam Sayyed Ali (Iranian religious leader) |
b.1939 |
Khan, Ali Akbar (Bangladeshi musician) |
b.1922 |
Khan, Chaka (born Yvette Marie Stevens; Am. singer, songwriter) |
b.1953 |
Khan, Inamullah (Burmese-born Pakistani Muslim activist) |
1912-1997 |
Khansa, al- (Arab poet) |
d. after 630 |
Khaqani (early pen name Haqa'iqi; Persian poet) |
c.1106-c.1185 |
Kharms, Daniil Ivanovich (b.Yuvachev; Russian poet, playwright) |
1905-1942 |
Khatibi, Abdelkebir (Moroccan educator, literary critic,writer) |
b.1938 |
Khatr-Eddine, Mohammed (Moroccan poet, writer) |
b.1941 |
Khaury, Herbert "Tiny Tim" (American singer, musician) |
1932-1996 |
Khayr ad-Din (born Khidr; Barbary pirate, Ottoman admiral) |
d.1546 |
Khaz'al Khan (Persian ruler) |
1861-1936 |
Khedoori, Toba (Australian artist) |
b.1964 |
Kheraskov, Mikhail Matveyevich (Russian poet, playwright) |
1733-1807 |
Khevenhuller, Ludwig Andreas (Austrian soldier) |
1683-1744 |
Khlebnikov, Velemir Vladimirovich (Russian poet) |
1885-1922 |
Khlesl (or Klesel), Melchior (Austrian cardinal, statesman) |
1552-1630 |
Khmelnytsky, Bohdan (orig. surname Zinovy; Cossack leader) |
c.1595-1657 |
Khodasevich, Vladislav Felitsianovich (Russian poet, critic) |
1886-1939 |
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla Mussaui (Iranian religious leader) |
1900-1989 |
Khomyakov, Aleksey Stepanovich (Russian poet, lay theologian) |
1804-1860 |
Khorana, Har Gobind (Indian-born American biochemist) |
1922-2011 |
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich (Soviet politician) |
1894-1971 |
Khuang Aphaiwong (or Apaiwong; Thai politician) |
1902-1968 |
Khuen-Hedervary, Karoly (Hungarian politician) |
1849-1918 |
Khufu (Cheops; Egyptian king; built Great Pyramid) |
26th cent. BC |
Khuri, Bishara al- (Lebanese politician) |
1890-1964 |
Khwandamir, Ghiyas ad-Din Muhammad (Persian historian) |
c.1475-1534/7 |
Khwarizmi, al- (Persian-born Islamic mathematician, astronomer) |
c.780-c.850 |
Kiarostami, Abbas (Iranian film director, screenwriter) |
b.1940 |
Kibi Mabi (or Makibi; Japanese diplomat) |
693-775 |
Kichizan Mincho (aka Cho Densu; Japanese painter) |
1352-1431 |
Kickham, Charles Joseph (Irish poet, writer) |
1826-1882 |
Kidd, William "Captain Kidd" (Scottish-born British pirate) |
c.1645-1701 |
Kidde, Harald Henrik Sager (Danish writer) |
1878-1918 |
Kidder, Alfred Vincent (American archaeologist) |
1885-1963 |
Kiderlen-Wachter, Alfred von (German diplomat) |
1852-1912 |
Kidinnu (or Kidenas, Cidenas; Babylonian astronomer, math.) |
fl. c.379 BC |
Kido Koin (aka Kido Tayayoshi; orig. Katsura; Japanese polit.) |
1833-1877 |
Kidston, Robert (English paleobotanist) |
1852-1924 |
Kiefer, Anselm (German painter, sculptor) |
b.1945 |
Kieffer, Susan Elizabeth Werner (American geologist) |
b.1942 |
Kiel Sun-chu (Korean clergyman) |
1869-1935 |
Kielland, Alexander Lange (Norwegian writer, playwright) |
1849-1906 |
Kiely, Benedict (Irish writer, historian, critic) |
1919-2007 |
Kienholz, Edward (American installation artist) |
1927-1994 |
Kieran, John Francis (American journalist) |
1892-1981 |
Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye (Danish philosopher) |
1813-1855 |
Kiesinger, Kurt Georg (West German chancellor 1966-1969) |
1904-1988 |
Kiesler, Frederick John (Austrian-born Am. architect, sculptor) |
1896-1965 |
Kikuchi Kan (aka Kikuchi Hiroshi; Japanese writer, publisher) |
1888-1948 |
Kilar, Wojciech (Polish composer) |
b.1932 |
Kilburn, Tom (English engineer) |
1921-2001 |
Kilby, Jack St. Clair (Am. engineer; inv. integrated circuit) |
1923-2005 |
Kilgour, Frederick Gridley (Am. librarian, scholar; fd. OCLC) |
1914-2006 |
Kilham, Alexander (English clergyman) |
1762-1798 |
Kilian, Saint (Irish bishop) |
c.640-c.689 |
Killian, James Rhyne Jr. (American educator) |
1904-1988 |
Killigrew, Anne (English poet, painter; niece of Thomas) |
1660-1685 |
Killigrew, Thomas (English playwright, playhouse manager) |
1612-1683 |
Kilmer, Alfred Joyce (American poet) |
1886-1918 |
Kilmer, Aline née Murray (American poet) |
1888-1941 |
Kilpi, Volter Adalbert (Finnish writer, social critic) |
1874-1939 |
Kilvert, Robert Francis (English clergyman, diarist) |
1840-1879 |
Kim, Andrew (born Kim Dae-gon; Korean priest) |
1821-1846 |
Kim, Earl (American composer, teacher, political activist) |
1920-1998 |
Kim, Jim Yong (South Korean-born American physician) |
b.1959 |
Kimball, Ward Walrath (American animator: Disney Nine Old Men) |
1914-2002 |
Kimbangu, Simon (Congolese religious leader) |
1889?-1951 |
Kim Chong-hi (aka Ch'u-sa; Wan-dang; Korean calligrapher) |
1786-1856 |
Kim Dae-jung (South Korean president 1998-2003) |
b.1925 |
Kimhi, David (French Hebrew grammarian; son of Jeseph) |
c.1160-c.1235 |
Kimhi, Joseph (French Hebrew grammarian, biblical scholar) |
1105?-1170? |
Kimhi, Moses (French Hebrew grammarian; son of Joseph) |
d.c.1190 |
Kim Hong-do (aka Tanwon; Korean painter) |
b.1745? |
Kim Il Sung (born Kim Song Ju; N. Korean premier; president) |
1912-1994 |
Kimitake Hiraoka (pseudonym Mishima Yukio; Japanese writer) |
1825-1970 |
Kimmei (Japanese emperor 539-571) |
509-571 |
Kimmel, Husband Edward (American naval officer) |
1882-1968 |
Kinau, Johann (pseudonym Gorch Fock; German writer) |
1880-1916 |
Kincaid, Jamaica (Antiguan writer) |
b.1949 |
Kinck, Hans Ernst (Norwegian writer, dramatist, essayist) |
1865-1926 |
Kind, Johann Friedrich (German writer, dramatist) |
1768-1843 |
Kindi, al- (Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Kindi; Arab philosopher) |
d.c.870 |
King, Clarence (American geologist, mining engineer) |
1842-1901 |
King, Edward (English poet) |
1612-1637 |
King, Ernest Joseph (American admiral, naval strategist) |
1878-1956 |
King, Frank O. (American cartoonist) |
1883-1969 |
King, Franklin Hiram (American agricultural scientist) |
1848-1911 |
King, Gregory (English genealogist, herald, engraver) |
1648-1712 |
King, Henry (English prelate, poet) |
1592-1669 |
King, James (American singer, teacher) |
1925-2005 |
King, Louise Howland (American painter; wife of Kenyon Cox) |
1865-1945 |
King, Martin Luther Jr. (American clergyman, reformer) |
1929-1968 |
King, Richard (American rancher) |
1825-1885 |
King, Riley B. "B.B." (American singer, songwriter, musician) |
1925-2015 |
King, Rufus (American politician, diplomat) |
1755-1827 |
King, Stephen Edwin (American writer) |
b.1947 |
King Tubby (born Osbourne Ruddock; Jamaican reggae producer) |
1941-1989 |
King, William (English poet, wit, writer) |
1663-1712 |
King, William Lyon Mackenzie (Canadian prime minister) |
1874-1950 |
King, William Rufus de Vane (American vice-president 1853) |
1786-1853 |
King-Hall, William Stephen Richard (Eng. writer, commentator) |
1893-1966 |
Kingi, Wiremu (aka Te Rangitake, William King; Maori chief) |
c.1795-1882 |
Kingo, Thomas Hansen (Danish poet, prelate) |
1634-1703 |
Kingsford, Anna née Bonus (English religious writer) |
1846-1888 |
Kingsford-Smith, Sir Charles Edward (Australian aviator) |
1897-1935 |
Kingsley, Charles (English Anglican clergyman, writer) |
1819-1875 |
Kingsley, George Henry (English physician; brother of Charles) |
1827-1892 |
Kingsley, Henry (English writer; brother of Charles) |
1830-1876 |
Kingsolver, Barbara (American writer, political activist) |
b.1955 |
Kingston, Maxine Ting Ting Hong (American writer) |
b.1940 |
Kingston, William Henry Giles (English writer) |
1814-1880 |
Kinkade, Kathleen "Kat" Kinkade (Am. co-fd. Twin Oaks commune) |
1930-2008 |
Kinkaid, Thomas Cassin (American naval officer) |
1888-1972 |
Kinkel, Gottfried (German poet, art historian) |
1815-1882 |
Kinnell, Galway (American poet, translator, writer) |
b.1927 |
Kinnersley, Ebenezer (English-born Am. educator, scientist) |
1711-1778 |
Kino, Eusebio Francisco (Italian-born Spanish missionary) |
1645-1711 |
Kino Tsurayuki (Japanese politician, man of letters) |
d.c.945 |
Kinoshita Junji (Japanese playwright, scholar, translator) |
1914-2006 |
Kinsella, Thomas (Irish poet, teacher) |
b.1928 |
Kinsey, Alfred Charles (American zoologist, sexologist) |
1894-1956 |
Kinugasa, Teinosuke (Japanese film director) |
1896-1982 |
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard (India-born English writer, poet) |
1865-1936 |
Kippes, Otto (German priest, amateur astronomer; asteroid) |
1905-1994 |
Kipphardt, Heinar (German dramatist, physician) |
1922-1982 |
Kipping, Frederic Stanley (English chemist) |
1863-1949 |
Kirby, Jack (born Jacob Kurtzberg; American comic book artist) |
1917-1994 |
Kirby, Rollin (American political cartoonist) |
1875-1952 |
Kirby, William (English-born Canadian writer) |
1817-1906 |
Kirbye, George (English composer) |
c.1565-1634 |
Kirby-Smith, Edmund née Smith (American Confederate general) |
1824-1893 |
Kircher, Athanasius (German Jesuit, scholar) |
1601-1680 |
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (Prussian-born German physicist) |
1824-1887 |
Kirchin, Basil (English musician, composer) |
1927-2005 |
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (pseud. L. de Marsalle; German painter) |
1880-1938 |
Kirchschlaeger, Rudolf (Austrian president 1974-1986) |
1915-2000 |
Kirchwey, Freda (American editor, publisher) |
1893-1976 |
Kirdorf, Emil (German industrialist) |
1847-1938 |
Kireyevsky (or Kireevsky), Ivan Vasilyevich (Rus. philosopher) |
1806-1856 |
Kirk, Alan Goodrich (American naval officer, diplomat) |
1888-1963 |
Kirk, Sir John (Scottish naturalist, colonial administrator) |
1832-1922 |
Kirk, Norman Eric (New Zealand politician; prime min. 1972-74) |
1923-1974 |
Kirk, Paul Leland (American chemist, forensic scientist) |
1902-1970 |
Kirk, Rahsaan Roland (born Ronald Theodore Kirk; Am. musician) |
1936-1977 |
Kirkcaldy of Grange, Sir William (Scottish soldier, politician) |
d.1573 |
Kirke, Edward "E.K." (English clergyman) |
1553-1613 |
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda née Stansbury (American writer) |
1801-1864 |
Kirkland, Joseph (American lawyer, writer; son of Caroline) |
1830-1894 |
Kirkland, John Thornton (American educator; son of Samuel) |
1770-1840 |
Kirkland, Samuel (American clergyman) |
1741-1808 |
Kirkman, Jacob (Alsatian-born British harpsichord maker) |
1710-1792 |
Kirkwood, Daniel (American astronomer; Kirkwood gaps; asteroid) |
1814-1895 |
Kirkwood, James (Am. librettist, actor, writer, playwright) |
1924-1989 |
Kirlian, Semyon Davidovich (Russian inventor, researcher) |
1898-1978 |
Kirlian, Valentina Khrisanovna (Russian teacher, journalist) |
d.1972 |
Kirnberger, Johann Philipp (German musician, composer) |
1721-1783 |
Kirov, Sergey Mironovich née Kostrikov (Soviet politician) |
1886-1934 |
Kirst, Hans Hellmut (German writer) |
1914-1989 |
Kirstein, Lincoln (American dance authority, writer) |
1907-1996 |
Kirwan, Richard (Irish chemist) |
1733-1812 |
Kis, Danilo (Serbian poet, writer, playwright, literary critic) |
1935-1989 |
Kiselyov, Pavel Dmitriyevich (Russian general, politician) |
1788-1872 |
Kisfaludy, Karoly (Hungarian poet, dram.; brother of Sandor) |
1788-1830 |
Kisfaludy, Sandor (Hungarian writer; brother of Karoly) |
1772-1844 |
Kiss, August (German sculptor) |
1802-1865 |
Kissinger, Henry Alfred (Heinz Alfred Kissinger; Am. diplomat) |
b.1923 |
Kistiakowsky, George Bogdan (Ukrainian-born American chemist) |
1900-1982 |
Kitabatake Chikafusa (Japanese warrior, politician, writer) |
1292-1354 |
Kitagawa Utamaro (aka Utamaro; Japanese artist) |
1753-1806 |
Kitahara Hakushu (born Kitahara Ryukichi; Japanese poet) |
1885-1942 |
Kitasato Shibasaburo (Japanese bacteriologist) |
1852-1931 |
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (Irish-born British field marshal) |
1850-1916 |
Ki Tsurayuki (Japanese court noble, man of letters) |
868-c.945 |
Kitt, Eartha Mae née Keith (American actor, singer) |
1927-2008 |
Kittel, Rudolf (German scholar) |
1853-1929 |
Kittredge, George Lyman "Kitty" (American educator) |
1860-1941 |
Kiyotsugu Hirayama (Japanese astronomer; asteroid, crater) |
1874-1943 |
Kizer, Carolyn Ashley (American poet, lecturer, teacher) |
b.1925 |
Kjeldahl, Johan Gustav Christoffer Thorsager (Danish chemist) |
1849-1900 |
Kjellen, Johan Rudolf (Swedish political scientist) |
1864-1922 |
Kjerulf, Halfdan (Norwegian composer) |
1815-1868 |
Klaczko, Julian (Polish political commentator, literary critic) |
1825-1906 |
Klafsky, Katharina (Hungarian soprano) |
1855-1896 |
Klainerman, Sergiu (Romanian-born American? mathematician) |
b.1950 |
Klaj, Johann Clajus (German poet) |
1616-1656 |
Klami, Uuno (Finnish composer) |
1900-1961 |
Klapka, Gyorgy (Hungarian soldier, nationalist) |
1820-1892 |
Klaproth, Heinrich Julius (German Orientalist; son of Martin) |
1783-1835 |
Klaproth, Martin Heinrich (German chemist) |
1743-1817 |
Klass, Philip Julian (American journalist, UFO investigator) |
1919-2005 |
Klauber, Adolph (American theatrical producer) |
1869-1933 |
Klaw, Marc (American theatrical manager) |
1858-1936 |
Kleber, Jean-Baptiste (French soldier) |
1753-1800 |
Klebs, Edwin (German pathologist) |
1834-1913 |
Klee, Gerald D'Arcy (American psychiatrist: LSD research) |
1927-2013 |
Klee, Paul (Swiss painter) |
1879-1940 |
Kleene, Stephen Cole (American logician, mathematician) |
1909-1994 |
Kleiber, Carlos (German conductor) |
1930-2004 |
Kleiber, Erich (Austrian conductor, composer) |
1890-1956 |
Klein, Abraham Moses (Canadian lawyer, poet) |
1909-1972 |
Klein, Bernhard Joseph (German composer) |
1793-1832 |
Klein, Christian Felix (German mathematician) |
1849-1925 |
Klein, Lawrence Robert "Larry" (American economist) |
b.1920 |
Klein, Melanie née Reizes (Austrian-born British psychoanalyst) |
1882-1960 |
Kleinberg, Jon Michael (American computer scientist, teacher) |
b.1971 |
Kleinrock, Leonard (American computer scientist, educator) |
b.1934 |
Kleist, Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von (German dramatist, poet) |
1777-1811 |
Kleist, Ewald Christian von (German poet, soldier) |
1715-1759 |
Kleist, Ewald Georg von (German ecclesiastic, scientist) |
1700-1748 |
Kleist, Paul Ludwig Ewald von (German general) |
1881-1954 |
Klemm, Gustav Friedrich (German anthropologist) |
1802-1867 |
Klemperer, Otto (German conductor) |
1885-1973 |
Klenau, Paul August von (Danish composer, conductor) |
1883-1946 |
Klengel, Paul (German violinist, pianist, composer) |
1854-1935 |
Klenze, Franz Karl Leo von (German architect) |
1784-1864 |
Kleps, Arthur John "Chief BooHoo" (American writer) |
1928-1999 |
Klerk, Michel de (Dutch architect; leader of Amsterdam school) |
1884-1923 |
Klestil, Thomas (Austrian diplomat, president 1992-2004) |
1932-2004 |
Klic (or Klietsch), Karl (Bohemian artist, printer) |
1841-1926 |
Kliegel, Anton T. (German-born American businessman) |
1872-1927 |
Kliegel, John H. (German-born American businessman) |
1869-1959 |
Klima, Ivan (Czech writer, playwright) |
b.1931 |
Klimt, Gustav (Austrian painter) |
1862-1918 |
Kline, Franz Joseph (American action painter) |
1910-1962 |
Klinger, Frederick Maximilian von (German dramatist, writer) |
1752-1831 |
Klinger, Max (German engraver, painter, sculptor) |
1857-1920 |
Klint, Kaare (Danish furniture designer) |
1888-1954 |
Klintberg, Bengt Knut Erik af (Swedish ethnologist) |
b.1938 |
Klipsch, Paul Wilbur (Am. businessman; fd. Klipsch & Assoc.) |
1904-2002 |
Klitzing, Klaus von (German physicist) |
b.1943 |
Klonowic, Sebastian Fabian (Latin surname Acernus; Polish poet) |
c.1545-1602 |
Kloos, Willem Johan Theodoor (Dutch poet, critic) |
1859-1938 |
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (German poet, dramatist) |
1724-1803 |
Klotz (or Kloz), Georg (Bavarian violinmaker; son of Mathias) |
1687-1737 |
Klotz (or Kloz), Johann Carl (Bav. violinmaker; son of Mathias) |
1709-c.1770 |
Klotz (or Kloz), Mathias (Bavarian violinmaker) |
1653-1743 |
Klotz (or Kloz), Sebastian (Bav. violinmaker; son of Mathias) |
1696-c.1760 |
Klucevsek, Guy (American musician, composer) |
b.1947 |
Kluck, Heinrich Rudolph Alexander von (German general) |
1846-1934 |
Kluckhohn, Clyde Kay Maben (American anthropologist) |
1905-1960 |
Klug, Aaron (Lithuanian-born South African molecular biologist) |
b.1926 |
Kluge, Hans Gunther von (German field marshal) |
1882-1944 |
Klughardt, August Friedrich Martin (German composer) |
1847-1902 |
Klüver, Heinrich (German-born American psychologist) |
1897-1979 |
Klyuchevsky, Vasily Osipovich (Russian historian) |
1841-1911 |
Klyuev, Nikolay Alekseevich (Russian poet) |
1894-1937 |
Knapp, Seaman Asahel (American agriculturist) |
1833-1911 |
Knebel, Karl Ludwig von (German poet, translator) |
1744-1834 |
Kneller, Sir Godfrey (German-born British painter) |
1646/9-1723 |
Knerr, Richard (American inventor; co-founded Wham-O in 1948) |
1925-2008 |
Kneser, Adolf (German mathematician) |
1862-1930 |
Kniaznin, Franciszek Dionizy (Polish poet, playwright) |
1750-1807 |
Knickerbocker, Harmen Jansen (Dutch colonist in New Amsterdam) |
1650?-1716? |
Knigge, Adolf Franz Friedrich von (German writer) |
1752-1796 |
Knight, Charles (English publisher) |
1791-1873 |
Knight, Etheridge (American poet, teacher) |
1931-1991 |
Knight, Gowin (English scientist, librarian) |
1713-1772 |
Knight, John Shively (American newspaper publisher) |
1894-1981 |
Knight, Sarah née Kemble (American businesswoman, diarist) |
1666-1727 |
Knighton, Henry (English ecclesiastic, chronicler) |
d.c.1396 |
Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von (German architect, painter) |
1699-1753 |
Knoll, Erwin (Austrian-born American magazine editor) |
1931-1994 |
Knolles, Richard (English historian) |
1550?-1610 |
Knopf, Adolph (American geologist) |
1882-1966 |
Knopf, Alfred A. (American publisher) |
1892-1984 |
Knorr, Ludwig (German chemist) |
1859-1921 |
Knowles, Alison (American Fluxus artist) |
b.1933 |
Knowles, James Sheridan (Irish-born British playwright) |
1784-1862 |
Knowles, John (American writer) |
b.1926 |
Knowles, William Standish (American chemist) |
b.1917 |
Knowlton, Charles (American physician) |
1800-1850 |
Knowlton, Frank Hall (American paleobotanist) |
1860-1926 |
Knox, Edmund George Valpy (pseudonym Evoe; English humorist) |
1881-1971 |
Knox, Henry (American Revolutionary officer) |
1750-1806 |
Knox, John (Scottish Calvinist religious reformer) |
1513-1572 |
Knox, Philander Chase (American politician) |
1853-1921 |
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott (British prelate, writer) |
1888-1957 |
Knox, William Franklin "Frank" (Am. newspaper publisher,polit.) |
1874-1944 |
Knudsen, Gunnar (Norwegian industrialist, politician) |
1848-1928 |
Knudsen, Martin (Danish physicist, oceanographer) |
1871-1949 |
Knudsen, William Signius (Danish-born American industrialist) |
1879-1948 |
Knuth, Donald Ervin (American computer scientist, educator) |
b.1938 |
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von (Prussian soldier) |
1716-1800 |
Koami Michikiyo (Japanese lacquerware artist; son of Michinaga) |
1433-1500 |
Koami Michinaga (Japanese lacquerware artist) |
1410-1478 |
Koami Nagashige (Japanese lacquerware artist) |
1599-1651 |
Kobak, Annette (English writer, broadcaster) |
b.1943 |
Kobayashi Hideo (Japanese critic) |
1902-1983 |
Kobayashi Issa (aka Kobayashi Yataro; Japanese poet) |
1763-1827 |
Kobayashi Kiyochika (Japanese print designer) |
1847-1915 |
Kobayashi Kokei (born Kobayashi Shigeru; Japanese painter) |
1883-1957 |
Kobayashi Takiji (Japanese writer) |
1903-1933 |
Kobori Enshu (Japanese master of the tea ceremony, poet) |
1579-1647 |
Koch, Charles de Ganahl (Am. businessman: Koch Industries) |
b.1935 |
Koch, Charles James "Jim" (Am. brewer: Boston Beer Company) |
b.1949 |
Koch, David Hamilton (American businessman: Koch Industries) |
b.1940 |
Koch, Fred Chase (Am. chemical engineer; fd. Koch Industries) |
1900–1967 |
Koch, Frederick Henry (American educator, theater founder) |
1877-1944 |
Koch, Frederick Robinson (Am. collector, philanthropist) |
b.1933 |
Koch, Heinrich Hermann Robert (German bacteriologist) |
1843-1910 |
Koch, Johannes (Johannes Cocceius; German theologian) |
1603-1669 |
Koch, Kenneth (American poet, teacher, playwright, essayist) |
1925-2002 |
Koch, Martin (Swedish writer) |
1882-1940 |
Koch, Rudolf (German calligrapher, type designer, teacher) |
1876-1934 |
Koch, William Ingraham (Am. businessman, sailor, collector) |
b.1940 |
Kochanowski, Jan (Polish poet) |
1530-1584 |
Kochel, Ludwig Alois Ferdinand von (Austrian bot.,musicologist) |
1800-1877 |
Kocher, Emil Theodor (Swiss surgeon, scientist) |
1841-1917 |
Kochowski, Wespazjan (Polish poet, historian) |
1633-1700 |
Kock, Charles-Paul de (French writer, bank clerk) |
1793-1871 |
Kocu Bey (or Koci Bey; Albanian-born Turkish politician) |
d.c.1650 |
Koda Rohan (born Koda Shigeyuki; Japanese writer) |
1867-1947 |
Kodaira Kunihiko (Japanese mathematician, cryptographer) |
1915-1997 |
Kodaly, Zoltan (Hung. composer, ethnomusicologist, educator) |
1882-1967 |
Koechlin, Charles-Louis-Eugene (French composer) |
1867-1950 |
Koenig, Marie-Pierre-Joseph-Francois (French soldier) |
1898-1970 |
Koerber, Ernest von (Austrian politician) |
1850-1919 |
Koestler, Arthur (Hungarian-born British writer, journalist) |
1905-1983 |
Koffka, Kurt (German psychologist) |
1886-1941 |
Kofoid, Charles Atwood (American zoologist) |
1865-1947 |
Kogalniceanu, Mihail (Romanian politician, historian) |
1817-1891 |
Kogawa, Joy (Canadian poet, writer) |
b.1935 |
Koh Hui-dong (Korean painter, politician) |
1886-1965 |
Kohl, Helmut (Ger. chancellor of W.Ger. 1982-90; Ger. 1990-98) |
b.1930 |
Kohler, Foy David (American diplomat) |
1908-1990 |
Kohler, Georges Jean Franz (German immunologist) |
1946-1995 |
Kohler, Josef (German jurist, writer) |
1849-1919 |
Kohler, Kaufmann (Bavarian-born American rabbi, educator) |
1843-1926 |
Kohler, Wolfgang (German psychologist) |
1887-1967 |
Kohlhase, Hans (German merchant, brigand) |
d.1540 |
Kohlrausch, Friedrich Wilhelm Georg (German physicist) |
1840-1910 |
Kohlrausch, Rudolf Hermann Arndt (German physicist) |
1809-1858 |
Kohn, Walter (Austrian-born American physicist, teacher) |
b.1923 |
Kohoutek, Lubos (Czech astronomer; asteroid) |
b.1935 |
Ko Hung (Pao-p'u-tzu; Chinese Taoist alchemist) |
283?-343 |
Kohut, Alexander (Hungarian-born American rabbi) |
1842-1894 |
Koiso Kuniaki (Japanese general; prime minister 1944-1945) |
1880-1950 |
Kojong (born Yi T'ae Wang; Korean emperor) |
d.1907 |
Kok III, Adam (Grigua ruler in South Africa) |
1811-1875 |
Kokhba, Bar (aka Simon bar Kokhba; Jewish leader in Palestine) |
d.135 |
Kokkonen, Joonas (Finnish composer, teacher) |
1921-1996 |
Koko (born Hanabi-Ko; American western lowland gorilla) |
b.1971 |
Kokoschka, Oskar (Austrian painter, dramatist) |
1886-1980 |
Kolakowski, Leszek (Polish philosopher, historian of ideas) |
1927-2009 |
Kolb, Lawrence C. (Am. psychiatrist, administrator, researcher) |
1911-2006 |
Kolbe, Adolph Wilhelm Hermann (German organic chemist) |
1818-1884 |
Kolbe, Maximilian Maria (Polish religious) |
1894-1941 |
Kolchak, Aleksandr Vasilyevich (Russian admiral, counterrev.) |
1873-1920 |
Kolcsey, Ferenc (Hungarian poet, critic, orator) |
1790-1838 |
Kold, Kristen Mikkelsen (Danish educator) |
1816-1870 |
Koldewey, Robert (German archaeologist) |
1855-1925 |
Kollar, Jan (Slovak poet, clergyman) |
1793-1852 |
Kollataj, Hugo (Polish priest, politician) |
1750-1812 |
Koller, Carl (Bohemian-born American ophthalmologist) |
1857-1944 |
Koller, Daphne (Israeli-born American? computer scientist) |
b.1968? |
Koller, Hans (Austrian musician) |
1921-2003 |
Kolliker, Rudolf Albert von (Swiss anatomist, histologist) |
1817-1905 |
Kollontay, Aleksandra Mikhaylovna (Soviet commissar, diplomat) |
1872-1952 |
Kollwitz, Kathe née Schmidt (German painter, lithographer) |
1867-1945 |
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich (Russian physicist, math.) |
1903-1987 |
Kolodny, Annette (American literary critic) |
b.1941 |
Kolokotronis, Theodoros (Greek soldier) |
1770-1843 |
Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky, Franz Anton von (Bohemian politician) |
1778-1861 |
Kolreuter (or Koelreuter), Josef Gottlieb (German botanist) |
1733-1806 |
Koltsov, Aleksey Vasilyevich (Russian poet) |
1808-1842 |
Komarov, Vladimir Mikhaylovich (Soviet astronaut) |
1927-1967 |
Komei (Japanese emperor 1846-1867) |
1821-1867 |
Komensky, Jan Amos (Czech theologian, educator) |
1592-1670 |
Komisarjevsky, Theodore (It.-born British theatrical producer) |
1882-1954 |
Komissarzhevskaya, Vera Fyodorovna (Russian actor, producer) |
1864-1910 |
Komparu Zempo (aka Hachiro Motoyasu; Japanese dramatist) |
1454-c.1520 |
Komparu Zenchiku (born Shichiro Ujinobu; Japanese actor, dram.) |
1405-c.1470 |
Komura Jutaro (Japanese diplomat) |
1855-1911 |
Kon, Satoshi (Japanese anime film director, screenwriter) |
b.1963 |
Konarski, Stanislaw (Polish priest, writer) |
1700-1773 |
Kondilis, Georgios (Greek general, politician) |
1879-1936 |
Kondo, Yoshifumi (Japanese animator, director) |
1950-1998 |
Konev, Ivan Stepanovich (Soviet general) |
1897-1973 |
Koniecpolski, Stanislaw (Polish soldier) |
1591-1646 |
Konig, Friedrich (German printer, inventor) |
1774-1833 |
Koninck (or Koning, Coningh), Philips de (Dutch painter) |
1619-1688 |
Konishi Yukinaga (Japanese general) |
d.1600 |
Konitz, Lee (American musician) |
b.1927 |
Konoe Fumimaro (Japanese politician, prince) |
1891-1946 |
Konopinski, Emil John (American physicist, educator) |
1911-1990 |
Konopnicka, Marja née Wasilowska (Polish poet, writer) |
1842-1910 |
Konrad von Marburg (German priest, papal inquisitor) |
c.1180-1233 |
Konrad von Megenberg (German writer) |
1309?-1374 |
Konrad von Wurzburg (Middle High German poet) |
c.1225-1287 |
Konrad, Gyorgy (Hungarian writer) |
b.1933 |
Kontsevich, Maxim Lvovich (Russian mathematician, educator) |
b.1964 |
Konwicki, Tadeusz (Polish writer, screenwriter, film director) |
b.1926 |
Koo, Vi Kyuin Wellington (born Ku Wei-chun; Chinese statesman) |
1888-1985 |
Kook, Abraham Isaac (Latvian-born Palestinian rabbi) |
1865-1935 |
Koopmans, Tjalling Charles (Dutch-born American economist) |
1910-1985 |
Kopell, Nancy Jane (American mathematician, academic) |
b.1942 |
Kopernik, Mikolaj (Nicolaus Copernicus; Polish astronomer) |
1473-1543 |
Kopisch, August (German painter, poet) |
1799-1853 |
Kopit, Arthur Lee (American playwright, teacher) |
b.1937 |
Koplik, Henry (American pediatrician) |
1858-1927 |
Kopp, Hermann Franz Moritz (German chemist) |
1817-1892 |
Koppen, Wladimir Peter (Russian-born German meteorologist) |
1846-1940 |
Koppers, Wilhelm (German anthropologist, priest) |
1886-1961 |
Kopping, Karl (German engraver, glass designer) |
1848-1914 |
Koprulu, Mehmed Fuad (Turkish scholar, historian, politician) |
1890-1966 |
Kops, Bernard (English playwright, writer) |
b.1926 |
Korais, Adamantios (Greek man of letters) |
1748-1833 |
Korda, Sir Alexander (Hungarian-born British film producer) |
1893-1956 |
Korematsu, Fred Toyosaburu (American civil rights activist) |
1919-2005 |
Koresh, David (born Vernon Wayne Howell; Am. Branch Davidian) |
1959-1993 |
Korfanty, Wojciech (Polish politician) |
1873-1939 |
Korman, Mary (American actor: Our Gang) |
1915-1973 |
Korn, Arthur (German physicist; telephotography pioneer) |
1870-1945 |
Kornaros, Vitzentzos (Cretan poet) |
17th cent. |
Kornberg, Arthur (American biochemist) |
1918-2007 |
Kornberg, Roger David (American biochemist, academic) |
b.1947 |
Kornbluth, Cyril M. (American writer) |
1923-1958 |
Korner, Christian Gottfried (German jurist, literary critic) |
1756-1831 |
Korner, Karl Theodor (German poet, dramatist, patriot) |
1791-1813 |
Korner, Theodor (Austrian soldier, politician) |
1873-1957 |
Korner, Wilhelm (German organic chemist) |
1839-1925 |
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (Austrian-born Am. composer, cond.) |
1897-1957 |
Kornilov, Lavr Georgyevich (Russian general, counterrev.) |
1870-1918 |
Kornman, Mary (American actor: Our Gang "Mary") |
1915-1973 |
Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich (Russian writer, journalist) |
1853-1921 |
Korolyov, Sergey Pavlovich (Soviet aeronautical engineer) |
1906-1966 |
Korosec, Anton (Slovene priest, politician) |
1872-1940 |
Kortum, Karl Arnold (German physician, satirist) |
1745-1824 |
Korwin-Piotrowska, Maria (psd. Gabriela Zapolska; Pol. writer) |
1857-1921 |
Korzybski, Alfred Habdank Skarbek (Polish-born Am. logician) |
1879-1950 |
Kosach-Kvitka, Larisa Petrovna (Lesya Ukrainka; Ukrainian poet) |
1871-1913 |
Kosaka, Kitaro (Japanese animator, film director) |
b.1962 |
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Andrzei Bonawentura (Polish patriot) |
1746-1817 |
Kose Kanaoka (Japanese painter) |
802?-897? |
Koshiba Masatoshi (Japanese physicist, academic) |
b.1926 |
Kosinski, Jerzy Nikodem (Polish-born American writer) |
1933-1991 |
Kosola, Iisakki Vihtori (Finnish polit.; fnd. Lapua Movement) |
1884-1936 |
Kossel, Karl Martin Leonhard Albrecht (German biochemist) |
1853-1927 |
Kossel, Walther Ludwig Julius Paschen Heinrich (Ger. physicist) |
1888-1956 |
Kossiakoff, Alexander (Russian-born American chemist) |
1914-2005 |
Kossuth, Lajos (Hungarian patriot, statesman, revolutionary) |
1802-1894 |
Kostelanetz, Richard Cory (Am. writer, artist, critic, editor) |
b.1940 |
Kosugi, Takehisa (Japanese Fluxus composer, violinist) |
b.1938 |
Kosygin, Aleksey Nikolayevich (Soviet politician) |
1904-1980 |
Kosztolanyi, Dezso (Hungarian poet, writer, critic) |
1885-1936 |
Kotlyarevsky (or Kotliarevsky), Ivan (Ukrainian writer) |
1769-1838 |
Kotoku Shusui (Japanese journalist, Socialist, anarchist) |
1871-1911 |
Kotsyubinsky, Mikhaylo Mikhaylovich (Ukrainian writer) |
1864-1913 |
Kottke, Jason (American web programmer) |
b.1973 |
Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von (German dramatist) |
1761-1819 |
Kotzebue, Otto (German naval officer, explorer; son of August) |
1787-1846 |
K'ou Ch'ien-chih (Chinese Taoist) |
d.448 |
Koumoundhouros, Alexandros (Greek politician) |
1814-1883 |
Kourouma, Ahmadou (West African writer, playwright) |
b.1938 |
Koussevitzky, Serge (Russian-born American conductor) |
1874-1951 |
Kouwenhoven, William Bennett (American electrical engineer) |
1886-1975 |
Kovac, Boris (Yugoslavian musician, composer, artist) |
b.1955 |
Kovacs, Ernie (American actor, comedian) |
1919-1962 |
Kovacs, Laszlo (Hungarian-born American cinematographer) |
1933-2007 |
Koval, Zhorzh Abramovich (Soviet intelligence officer) |
1913-2006 |
Kovalevskaya, Sofia Vasilyevna (Russian math., academic) |
1850-1891 |
Kovalevsky, Aleksandr Onufriyevich (Russian embryologist) |
1840-1901 |
Kovarovic, Karel (Czech conductor, composer) |
1862-1920 |
Kowald, Peter (German musician) |
1944-2002 |
Kowarski, Lew (Russian-born French physicist, educator) |
1907-1979 |
Kozeluch, Leopold (born Jan Antonin Kozeluh; Czech composer) |
1747-1818 |
Kracholov, Peyo (pseud. Peyo Yavorov; Bulg. poet, playwright) |
1877-1914 |
Kraepelin, Emil (German psychiatrist) |
1856-1926 |
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von (German neuropsychiatrist) |
1840-1902 |
Kraft (or Krafft), Adam (German sculptor) |
c.1455/60-1508/9 |
Krailsheimer, Alban John "A.J." (English educator, writer) |
1921-2001 |
Kral', Janko (Slovak poet, jurist, revolutionary) |
1822-1876 |
Kramar, Karel (Czech politician; prime minister 1918-1919) |
1860-1937 |
Kramer, Dame Leonie Judith née Gibson (Australian lit. scholar) |
b.1924 |
Kramers, Hendrik Anthony (Dutch physicist) |
1894-1952 |
Krapf, Johann Ludwig (German missionary, traveler, philologist) |
1810-1881 |
Krapp, George Philip (American educator) |
1872-1934 |
Krasicki, Ignacy (Polish poet, prelate) |
1735-1801 |
Krasinski, Napoleon Stanislaw Adam Zygmunt (Polish poet, dram.) |
1812-1859 |
Krassner, Paul (American publisher, writer) |
b.1932 |
Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy (Polish writer, poet, literary critic) |
1812-1887 |
Kraus, Joseph Martin (German composer in Sweden) |
1756-1792 |
Kraus, Karl (Austrian satirist, journalist, critic, poet) |
1874-1936 |
Krause, Dagmar (German singer, musician) |
b.1950 |
Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich (German philosopher) |
1781-1832 |
Krause, Wilhelm (German anatomist) |
1833-1910 |
Kraushaar, William Lester (American astrophysicist) |
1921?-2008 |
Kravchinsky, Sergey Mikhaylovich "S. Stepnyak" (Russian writer) |
1852-1895 |
Kray von Krajowa, Paul (Austrian general) |
1735-1804 |
Krea, Henri (Algerian-born French poet, dramatist, writer) |
b.1933 |
Krebs, Edwin Gerhard (American biochemist) |
1918-2009 |
Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf (German-born British biochemist) |
1900-1981 |
Krebs, Johann Ludwig (German organist, composer) |
1713-1780 |
Krehbiel, Henry Edward (American music critic) |
1854-1923 |
Kreider, Timothy Ward (American cartoonist) |
b.1967 |
Kreiger, Murray (American literary critic, teacher) |
b.1923 |
Krein, Mark Grigoryevich (Russian mathematician, teacher) |
1907-1989 |
Kreisler, Fritz (Austrian-born American violinist, composer) |
1875-1962 |
Kreisky, Bruno (Austrian chancellor 1970-1983) |
1911-1990 |
Kreisler, Fritz (Austrian-born American violinist, composer) |
1875-1962 |
Kremer, Gerhard (aka Gerardus Mercator; Flemish cartographer) |
1512-1594 |
Kress, Samuel Henry (American merchant) |
1863-1955 |
Kretschmer, Ernst (German psychiatrist) |
1888-1964 |
Kretschmer, Paul (German linguist) |
1866-1956 |
Kretzer, Max (German writer) |
1854-1941 |
Kreuger, Ivar (Swedish industrialist, financier, swindler) |
1880-1932 |
Kreutzberg, Harald (German dancer, teacher, choreographer) |
1902-1968 |
Kreutzer, Rodolphe (French violinist, composer) |
1766-1831 |
Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold (Estonian physician, folklorist) |
1803-1882 |
Kreve-Mickevicius, Vincas (Lith. philologist, poet, dramatist) |
1882-1954 |
Krieger, Adam (German composer) |
1634-1666 |
Krieger, Johann Philipp (German composer) |
1649-1725 |
Krige, Mattheus Uys (South African dramatist, poet, translator) |
1910-1987 |
Krim, Norman Bernard (Am. electronics engineer, businessman) |
1913-2011 |
Krimpen, Jan van (Dutch type designer) |
1892-1958 |
Krippner, Stanley Curtis (American psychologist, educator) |
b.1932 |
Krishna, Somanahalli Mallaiah (Indian politician) |
b.1932 |
Krishna Menon, Vengalil Krishnan (Indian politician) |
1897-1974 |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu (Indian Theosophist) |
1895-1986 |
Kristeller, Paul Oskar (German-born Am. Renaissance scholar) |
1905-1999 |
Kristensen, Aage Tom (Danish poet, writer, critic) |
1893-1974 |
Kristensen, Knud (Danish politician; prime minister 1945-1947) |
1880-1962 |
Kristeva, Julia (Bulgarian-born Fr. psychoanalyst, philosopher) |
b.1941 |
Kristol, William "Bill" (American writer) |
b.1952 |
Krizanic, Juraj (Croatian priest, scholar) |
1618-1683 |
Krleza, Miroslav (Croatian writer, playwright) |
1893-1981 |
Kroc, Raymond Albert (American, founded McDonald's restaurants) |
1902-1984 |
Krochmal, Nachman Kohen (Ranak; Jewish scholar, philosopher) |
1785-1840 |
Kroeber, Alfred Louis (American cultural anthropologist) |
1876-1960 |
Kroemer, Herbert (German electrical & computer engineer) |
b.1928 |
Kroetsch, Robert (Canadian writer, poet) |
b.1927 |
Kroetz, Franz Xaver (German dramatist) |
b.1946 |
Krogh, Schack August Steenberg (Danish physiologist) |
1874-1949 |
Krohg, Christian (Norwegian painter) |
1852-1925 |
Krohg, Per Lasson (Norwegian painter; son of Christian) |
1889-1965 |
Krommer, Franz Vinzenz (Moravian composer, Kapellmeister) |
1759-1831 |
Kronecker, Leopold (German mathematician, logician) |
1823-1891 |
Kronenberger, Louis (American critic, editor, writer) |
1904-1980 |
Kropotkin, Pyotr Alekseyevich (Russian geographer, philosopher) |
1842-1921 |
Kroto, Sir Harold Walter "Harry" née Krotoschiner (Eng.chemist) |
b.1939 |
Krubitzer, Leah Ann (American neuroscientist) |
b.1961? |
Kruczkowski, Leon (Polish writer, playwright) |
1900-1962 |
Krudener, Barbara Juliane von née von Vietinghoff (Rus. mystic) |
1764-1824 |
Krueger, Walter (German-born American army officer) |
1881-1967 |
Kruger, Paul (Stephanus Johannes Paulus; S. African statesman) |
1825-1904 |
Krumbacher, Karl (German scholar) |
1856-1909 |
Krumm, Philip (American composer) |
b.1941 |
Krummel, Otto (German oceanographer) |
1854-1912 |
Krupa, Gene (American musician) |
1909-1973 |
Krupp, Alfred (German munitions maker; son of Friedrich Krupp) |
1812-1887 |
Krupp, Alfried Alwin Felix (German munitions maker; son of B.) |
1907-1967 |
Krupp, Bertha (German munitions maker; daughter of F.A. Krupp) |
1886-1957 |
Krupp, Friedrich (German ironmaster; father of Alfred) |
1787-1826 |
Krupp, Friedrich Alfred (German munitions maker; son of Alfred) |
1854-1902 |
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (Russ. rev.; wife of Lenin) |
1869-1939 |
Krusenstern, Adam Johann von (Russian navigator) |
1770-1846 |
Krusenstjerna, Agnes von (Swedish writer) |
1894-1940 |
Krushenick, Nicholas (American artist, teacher) |
1929-1999 |
Kruskal, Joseph Bernard (Am. math., stat., psychometrician) |
b.1928 |
Kruskal, Martin David (American mathematician, physicist) |
1925-2006 |
Kruskal, William Henry (American mathematician, statistician) |
1919-2005 |
Krutch, Joseph Wood (American writer, critic, naturalist) |
1893-1970 |
Krylenko, Nikolay Vasiliyevich (Russian revolutionary officer) |
1885-1938? |
Krylov, Ivan Andreyevich (Russian fabulist, journalist) |
1768-1844 |
Kschessinskaya, Mathilde (Russian dancer) |
1872-1971 |
Kuan Han-ch'ing (Chinese playwright) |
1241?-1320? |
Kuan-hsiu (born Chiang; Chinese painter) |
833-912 |
Kubitschek de Oliveira, Juscelino (Brazilian president 1956-60) |
1902-1976 |
Kublai Khan (Mongol khan, founder of Mongol dynasty in China) |
1215-1294 |
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth (Swiss-born Swiss-American psychiatrist) |
1926-2004 |
Kubota, Shigeko (Japanese visual & performance artist) |
b.1937 |
Kubrick, Stanley (American film director, writer, producer) |
1928-1999 |
Kuchar, George (American film director, actor, teacher) |
1942-2011 |
Kuchar, Michael John "Mike" (American film director, actor) |
b.1942 |
Kudirka, Vincas (Lithuanian physician, writer, patriot) |
1858-1899 |
Kugelgen, Gerhard von (German painter) |
1772-1820 |
Kugelgen, Karl von (German painter; twin brother of Gerhard) |
1772-1832 |
Kugelgen, Wilhelm von (German painter; son of Gerhard) |
1802-1867 |
Kugler, Franz (German art historian) |
1808-1858 |
Kuhlau, Daniel Frederik Rudolph (German-born Danish composer) |
1786-1832 |
Kuhlmann, Richard von (German politician) |
1873-1948 |
Kuhn, Franz Felix Adalbert (German philologist, mythologist) |
1812-1881 |
Kuhn, Richard (Austrian chemist) |
1900-1967 |
Kuhn, Thomas Samuel (American philosopher, scientist) |
b.1922 |
Kuhn, Walter Francis "Walt" (American painter) |
1877-1949 |
Kuhnau, Johann née Kuhn (German composer, organist, scholar) |
1660-1722 |
Kuiper, Gerard Peter (Dutch-born American astronomer; asteroid) |
1905-1973 |
Kukai (Kobo Daishi; Japanese Buddhist priest) |
774-835 |
Ku K'ai-chih (Chinese painter) |
c.344-c.406 |
Kuleshov, Lev Vladimirovich (Soviet film theorist, director) |
1899-1970 |
Kulin (Bosnian ruler) |
d.c.1204 |
Kulpe, Oswald (German philosopher, experimental psychologist) |
1862-1915 |
Kumarakiva (Indian Buddhist scholar, mystic) |
344-413 |
Kumarila (aka Bhatta, Svamin; Hindu philosopher) |
fl. 730 |
Kumazawa Banzan (Japanese political philosopher) |
1619-1691 |
Kume Masao (Japanese writer, playwright) |
1891-1952 |
Kumin, Maxine née Winokur (American poet, writer) |
b.1925 |
Kummer, Ernst Eduard (German mathematician) |
1810-1893 |
Kun, Bela (Hungarian politician, revolutionary) |
1886-1937 |
Kuncewicz, Maria née Szczepanska (Polish writer, essayist) |
1899-1989 |
Kunckel von Lowenstjern, Johann (German chemist) |
1630-1702? |
Kundera, Milan (Czech writer, playwright, poet) |
b.1929 |
Kundt, August Adolph Eduard Eberhard (German physicist) |
1839-1894 |
Kunene, Mazisi Raymond (South African poet, teacher) |
b.1930 |
K'ung, H.H. (born K'ung Hsiang-hsi; Chinese banker, politician) |
1881-1967 |
K'ung Ch'iu (Chung-ni; Confucius; Chinese philosopher) |
551-479 BC |
Kung Hsien (Chinese painter) |
c.1618-1689 |
Kung-sun Hung (Chinese scholar) |
d.121 BC |
Kung-sun Lung (Chinese philosopher) |
320?-250? BC |
Kunikida Doppo (aka Kunikida Kamekichi; Japanese writer) |
1871-1908 |
Kunitz, Stanley Jasspon (American poet, editor, translator) |
1905-2006 |
Kuniyoshi, Yasuo (Japanese-born American painter) |
1893-1953 |
Kunstler, James Howard (American writer, cultural critic) |
b.1948 |
Kuo Hsi (Chinese painter) |
fl. 1060-1075 |
Kuo Hsiang (Chinese philosopher) |
d.312 |
Kuo Mo-jo (born Kuo K'ai-chen; Chinese writer, politician) |
1892-1978 |
Kuo Sung-tao (Chinese diplomat) |
1818-1891 |
Kuo Tzu-i (Chinese general) |
697-781 |
Kupferberg, Naphtali "Tuli" (Am. poet, writer, cartoonist) |
1923-2010 |
Kupferblum, Markus (Austrian theatre and opera director, clown) |
b.1964 |
Kupka, Frantisek (Czech painter, satirist, illustrator) |
1871-1957 |
Kupper, Christian Emil Marie (Theo van Doesburg; Dutch painter) |
1883-1931 |
Kuprin, Aleksandr Ivanovich (Russian writer) |
1870-1938 |
Kurakin, Boris Ivanovich (Russian diplomat) |
1676-1727 |
Kuratsukuri Tori (Japanese sculptor) |
7th cent. |
Kurbski, Andrey Mikhaylovich (Russian general) |
1528-1583 |
Kurchatov, Igor Vasilyevich (Soviet physicist; asteroid) |
1903-1960 |
Kurenberger (aka the Knight of Kurnberg; Austrian poet) |
fl. c.1160 |
Kurnberger, Ferdinand (Austrian writer, revolutionary) |
1821-1879 |
Kuroda Kiyotaka (born Ryosuke; Japanese politician) |
1840-1900 |
Kuroda Nagamasa (born Kichibe; Japanese general) |
1568-1623 |
Kurokawa, Kisho (Japanese architect) |
1934-2007 |
Kuropatkin, Aleksey Nikolayevich (Russian general) |
1848-1921 |
Kurosawa, Akira (Japanese film director, producer,screenwriter) |
1910-1998 |
Kurtag, Gyorgy (Hungarian composer, teacher) |
b.1926 |
Kurtz, Thomas Eugene (American computer scientist) |
b.1928 |
Kurz, Hermann (German writer, translator) |
1813-1873 |
Kusama, Yayoi (Japanese painter, collagist, sculptor) |
b.1929 |
Kusch, Polykarp (German-born American physicist) |
1911-1993 |
Kushner, Aleksandr Semenovich (Russian poet, essayist) |
b.1936 |
Kusser (or Cousser), Johann Siegmund (Hungarian composer) |
1660-1727 |
Kusturica, Nemanja (born Emir; Bosnian filmmaker, actor) |
b.1954 |
Kusumi Morikage (Japanese painter) |
1610?-1700 |
Kusunoki Masashige (Japanese soldier) |
1294-1336 |
Kutta, Martin Wilhelm (German mathematician, aerodynamist) |
1867-1944 |
Kutuzov, Mikhail Illarionovich (Russian field marshal) |
1745-1813 |
Kutzing, FriedrichTraugott (German botanist) |
1807-1893 |
Kuusinen, Otto Vilhelmovich (Finnish-born Soviet politician) |
1881-1964 |
Kuwatli, Shukri al- (Syrian politician) |
1891-1967 |
Ku Yen-wu (Chinese scholar) |
1613-1682 |
Kuyper, Abraham (Dutch theologian, politician) |
1837-1920 |
Kuzmin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Rus. poet, writer, playwright) |
1872-1936 |
Kuznets, Simon Smith (Ukrainian-born American economist) |
1901-1985 |
Kuznetsov, Anatoly Vasilyevich (pseud. A. Anatoli; Rus. writer) |
1929-1979 |
Kuzwayo, Ellen Merafe (S. African teacher, social worker) |
1914-2006 |
Kvaran, Einar Hjorleifsson (Icelandic writer, journalist,poet) |
1859-1938 |
Kyber, Manfred (Latvian writer) |
1880-1933 |
Kyd, Thomas (English dramatist) |
1558-1594 |
Kydland, Finn Erling (Norwegian economist) |
b.1943 |
Kyger, Joanne (American poet, writer, teacher) |
b.1934 |
Kynaston, Edward "Ned" (English actor) |
c.1640-1706 |
Kyoka (aka Izumi Kyoka; Japanese writer, playwright) |
1873-1939 |