Jaar, Alfredo (Chilean artist, architect, filmmaker) |
b.1956 |
Jabir ibn Hayyan, Abu Musa (aka Gerber; Arab alchemist, mystic) |
c.721-c.851 |
Jablonowski, Josef Aleksandr (Pol. patron of arts and letters) |
1711-1777 |
Jablonski, Daniel Ernst (German theologian) |
1660-1741 |
Jabotinsky, Vladimir (Zionist leader) |
1880-1940 |
Jacinto, Antonio (Angolan poet, writer, nationalist leader) |
1924-1991 |
Jackling, Daniel Cowan (American mining engineer, metallurgist) |
1869-1956 |
Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall (English clergyman, philosopher) |
1860-1955 |
Jackson, Abraham Valentine Williams (American linguist) |
1862-1937 |
Jackson, Andrew (7th U.S. president, 1829-1837) |
1767-1845 |
Jackson, Charles Thomas (American chemist, geologist) |
1805-1880 |
Jackson, Cyril (English clergyman, scholar) |
1746-1819 |
Jackson, Eugene II "Pineapple" (American actor: Our Gang) |
1916-2001 |
Jackson, Frederick George (British explorer) |
1860-1938 |
Jackson, George Holbrook (English bibliophile, biographer) |
1874-1948 |
Jackson, Helen Maria Hunt née Fiske (American writer) |
1830-1885 |
Jackson, Howell Edmunds (Am. Supreme Court justice 1893-1895) |
1832-1895 |
Jackson, Jesse Louis (American clergyman, politician) |
b.1941 |
Jackson, Joe Sr. (born Joseph Francis Jiranek; Austrian clown) |
1873-1942 |
Jackson, John Hughlings (English neurologist) |
1835-1911 |
Jackson, Mahalia (American singer) |
1911-1972 |
Jackson, Mary Ann (American actor: Our Gang) |
1923-2003 |
Jackson, Michael (English journalist: beer & whisky expert) |
1942-2007 |
Jackson, Robert Houghwout (American Supreme Court justice) |
1892-1954 |
Jackson, Ronald Shannon (American musician) |
b.1940 |
Jackson, S. Wesley "Wes" (American environmental historian) |
b.1936 |
Jackson, Sheldon (American missionary, educator) |
1834-1909 |
Jackson, Shirley Hardie (American writer) |
1916-1965 |
Jackson, Sir Thomas Graham (English architect) |
1835-1924 |
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" (American Confed. general) |
1824-1863 |
Jackson, William (Jackson of Exeter; English composer) |
1730-1803 |
Jackson, William (English clergyman) |
1737?-1795 |
Jackson, William Henry (American photographer) |
1843-1942 |
Jacob, Cyprien-Max (French writer, poet, painter) |
1876-1944 |
Jacob, Francis-Honore (French furniture maker; son of Georges) |
1770-1841 |
Jacob, Francois (French geneticist) |
1920-2013 |
Jacob, Georges (French furniture maker) |
1739-1814 |
Jacob, Georges-Alphonse (French furniture maker; son of F.-H.) |
1799-1870 |
Jacob, Johann Ludwig "Lou Jacobs" (German-born American? clown) |
1903-1992 |
Jacob, Max (French poet, writer) |
1876-1944 |
Jacob, Violet née Kennedy-Erskine (Scottish writer, poet) |
1863-1946 |
Jacob ben Asher (German-born Jewish scholar) |
1269?-1340? |
Jacobi, Abraham (German-born American physician) |
1830-1919 |
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (German mathematician) |
1804-1851 |
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (German philosopher, writer) |
1743-1819 |
Jacobs, Harriet (American autobiographer) |
1813-1897 |
Jacobs, Jane née Butzner (Am.-born Canadian writer, activist) |
1916-2006 |
Jacobs, Joseph (Australian-born British scholar, writer) |
1854-1916 |
Jacobs, Ken (American filmmaker, educator) |
b.1933 |
Jacobs, William Wymark (English writer) |
1863-1943 |
Jacobsen, Arne (Danish architect, designer) |
1902-1971 |
Jacobsen, Jens Peter (Danish writer, poet) |
1847-1885 |
Jacobson, Dan (South African writer) |
b.1929 |
Jacobson, Sarah (Am. film producer, director, screenwriter) |
1971-2004 |
Jacobus de Voragine (Italian prelate, writer) |
1228/30-1298 |
Jacopo di Pietro d'Agnolo della Quercia (Sienese sculptor) |
c.1374-1438 |
Jacopone de Todi (Italian religious, poet) |
c.1230-1306 |
Jacotot, Jean-Joseph (French educator) |
1770-1840 |
Jacquard, Joseph-Marie (French inventor) |
1752-1834 |
Jacque, Charles-Emile (French painter, engraver) |
1813-1894 |
Jacquemart, Nelie (French painter) |
1840-1912 |
Jacquemont, Victor (French botanist, traveler) |
1801-1832 |
Jacques, Jules Marie Alphonse (Belgian soldier, explorer) |
1858-1928 |
Jacques de Vitry (French prelate, historian) |
c.1170-1240 |
Jacquet, Jean-Baptiste "Illinois" (American musician) |
1922-2004 |
Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth (French musician, composer) |
1665-1729 |
Jaeger, Hans Henrik (Norwegian writer, naturalist) |
1854-1910 |
Jager, Johann (aka Crotus Rubianus; German Humanist) |
1480?-c.1539 |
Jahangir (Mogul emperor of India 1605-1627; son of Akbar) |
1569-1627 |
Jahiz, al- (Muslim theologian, writer) |
c.776-868/9 |
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig (German gymnastics educator, patriot) |
1778-1852 |
Jahn, Otto (German philologist, archaeologist, critic) |
1813-1869 |
Jaki, Szaniszlo Ladislas "Stanley" (Hung. theol., physicist) |
b.1924 |
Jakobovits, Baron Immanuel (German-born British rabbi) |
1921-1999 |
Jakobson, Roman Osipovich (Russian-born American linguist) |
1896-1982 |
Jalal, Ayesha (Pakistani-born American historian) |
b.1956 |
Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi (Persian poet, Sufi mystic) |
c.1207-1273 |
Jaloux, Edmond (French writer, critic) |
1878-1949 |
Jamal, Ahmad (Frederick Russell Jones; Am. musician, composer) |
b.1930 |
Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani (Muslim political agitator, journalist) |
1838-1897 |
Jamalzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Persian writer) |
c.1895-1997 |
James, Saint (One of twelve Christian apostles) |
d.c.44 AD |
James, Clive (born Vivian Leopold James; Australian satirist) |
b.1939 |
James, Cyril Lionel Robert (Trinidadian writer, soc. theorist) |
1901-1989 |
James, Daniel Jr. (American air force officer) |
1920-1978 |
James, George Payne Rainsford (English writer, historian) |
1799-1860 |
James, George Wharton (Am. writer, photographer, ethnologist) |
1858-1923 |
James, Henry (American philosopher; father of Henry & William) |
1811-1882 |
James, Henry (American-born British writer) |
1843-1916 |
James, Jesse Woodson (American outlaw) |
1847-1882 |
James, Marquis (American journalist, writer) |
1891-1955 |
James, Montague Rhodes (British scholar) |
1862-1936 |
James, Phyllis Dorothy (British writer) |
b.1920 |
James, Selma (American writer, political activist) |
b.1930 |
James, William (American philosopher, psychologist) |
1842-1910 |
James Edward (James Francis Edward Stuart; English prince) |
1688-1766 |
Jameson, Anna Brownell née Murphy (Irish writer) |
1794-1860 |
Jameson, John Franklin (American historian) |
1859-1937 |
Jameson, Leander Starr (Scot.-born S. Af. physician, statesman) |
1853-1917 |
Jamet, Marie (Marie-Augustine de la Compassion; Fr. religious) |
1820-1893 |
Jami (Persian scholar, poet, mystic) |
1414-1492 |
Jamieson, John (Scottish clergyman, antiquary, lexicographer) |
1759-1838 |
Jamison, Cecilia Viets née Dakin (Can.-born Am. painter,writer) |
1837-1909 |
Jamison, Kay Redfield (American psychologist, writer) |
b.1946 |
Jammes, Francis (French poet, writer) |
1868-1938 |
Jamnitzer, Wenzel (German goldsmith) |
1508-1585 |
Janacek, Leos (Czech composer, teacher) |
1854-1928 |
Jane, Frederick Thomas (British writer) |
1870-1916 |
Janequin, Clement (French composer) |
c.1485-1558 |
Janet, Pierre-Marie-Felix (French psychologist, neurologist) |
1859-1947 |
Janeway, Charles Alderson Jr. (American immunologist) |
1943-2003 |
Janiger, Oscar (American psychiatrist, physician) |
1918-2001 |
Janin, Jules-Gabriel (French writer) |
1804-1874 |
Janis, Elsie (born Elsie Jane Bierbower; American actor) |
1889-1956 |
Janko, Paul von (Hungarian pianist; invented Janko keyboard) |
1856-1919 |
Jannings, Emil (American-born German actor) |
1886-1950 |
Jansch, Herbert "Bert" (Scottish musician, singer, songwriter) |
1943-2011 |
Jansen, Cornelis Otto (Cornelius Jansenius; Dutch theologian) |
1585-1638 |
Jansky, Karl Guthe (American radio engineer) |
1905-1950 |
Janson, Anton (Dutch type founder) |
1620-1687 |
Janson, Kristofer Nagel (Norwegian writer) |
1841-1917 |
Janssen (or Janssen van Ceulen), Cornelis (English painter) |
1593-1661 |
Janssen, Geraert (or Gerard; English sculptor) |
fl. 1616 |
Janssen, Johannes (German clergyman, historian) |
1829-1891 |
Janssen, Pierre-Jules-Cesar (French astronomer) |
1824-1907 |
Janssen, Ruud (Dutch Fluxus and mail artist, publisher) |
b.1959 |
Janssen (or Jansen), Zacharias (Dutch spectacles maker) |
1580-c.1638 |
Janssens, Abraham (Janssens van Nuyssen; Flemish painter) |
c.1575-1632 |
Jansson, Tove Marika (Finnish artist, writer-illustrator) |
1914-2001 |
Januarius, Saint (Gennaro; Italian prelate) |
272?-305? |
Janzen, Daniel Hunt (American ecologist, conservationist) |
b.1939 |
Jan z Rokycan (Bohemian religious leader) |
c.1390-1471 |
Jaques-Dalcroze, Emile (Swiss composer; creator of eurythmics) |
1865-1950 |
Jardiel Poncela, Enrique (Spanish playwright, writer) |
1901-1952 |
Jardine, Alan Charles (American musician, singer; Beach Boy) |
b.1942 |
Jarir (Arab poet, satirist) |
c.650-c.729 |
Jarman, Joseph (American musician, composer, priest) |
b.1937 |
Jarmusch, James R. "Jim" (American film director, musician) |
b.1953 |
Jarnefelt, Edvard Armas (Finnish-born Swedish composer, cond.) |
1869-1958 |
Jarnes y Millan, Benjamin (Spanish writer, biographer) |
1888-1949 |
Jarratt, Devereux (American clergyman) |
1733-1801 |
Jarreau, Alwyn Lopez "Al" (American singer) |
b.1940 |
Jarrell, Randall (American writer, poet, critic) |
1914-1965 |
Jarrett, Keith (American pianist) |
b.1945 |
Jarry, Alfred-Henry (French dramatist, writer) |
1873-1907 |
Jaruzelski, Wojciech Witold (Polish general, premier 1981-1989) |
b.1923 |
Jarves, James Jackson (American art collector, critic) |
1818-1888 |
Jarvis, John Wesley (English-born American painter) |
1780-1840 |
Jarzebski, Adam (Polish composer, musician, poet, writer) |
c.1590-c.1648 |
Jason of Cyrene (Jewish writer in Egypt) |
fl. c.100 BC |
Jaspar, Henri (Belgian politician, diplomat) |
1870-1939 |
Jaspers, Karl Theodor (German philosopher, psychiatrist) |
1883-1969 |
Jastrow, Morris (Polish-born American scholar) |
1861-1921 |
Jastrun, Mieczyslaw (Polish poet, essayist) |
1903-1983 |
Jatho, Karl (German aviator) |
1873-1933 |
Jaufre Rudel (Prince of Blaye; French troubadour) |
fl. 1130-1150 |
Jaurequi y Aguilar. Juan Martinez de (Spanish poet) |
1583-1641 |
Jaures, Jean-Joseph-Marie-Auguste (French socialist, pacifist) |
1859-1914 |
Jawlensky, Alexey von (Russian painter) |
1864-1941 |
Jay, John (Am. statesman; first Supreme Court chief justice) |
1745-1829 |
Jayadeva (Indian poet) |
12th cent. |
Jaynes, Julian (American psychologist) |
1920-1997 |
Jazzar, Ahmad al- "The Butcher" (Ottoman governor of Syria) |
c.1734-1804 |
Jean d'Arras (French trouvere) |
15th cent. |
Jean de Matha (French priest; founded order of Trinitarians) |
1160-1213 |
Jean de Mirecourt (French religious, theologian) |
14th cent. |
Jean de Paris (aka Jean Quidort; French religious, theologian) |
c.1255-1306 |
Jean de Venette (French chronicler) |
c.1308-c.1369 |
Jean le Bel (Belgian soldier, chronicler) |
c.1290-1370 |
Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard (Le Corbusier; Swiss architect) |
1887-1965 |
Jeannin, Pierre (French lawyer, diplomat) |
c.1540-1622 |
Jeans, Sir James Hopwood (English physicist, astronomer) |
1877-1946 |
Jeaurat, Etienne (French painter) |
1699-1789 |
Jebavy, Vaclav Ignac (pseudonym Otakar Brezina; Czech poet) |
1868-1929 |
Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse (Scottish scholar) |
1841-1905 |
Jeck, Phillip (English composer, performance artist) |
b.1952 |
Jefferies, John Richard (English naturalist, writer, essayist) |
1848-1887 |
Jeffers, John Robinson (American poet) |
1887-1962 |
Jefferson, Joseph (American actor) |
1829-1905 |
Jefferson, Thomas (3rd U.S. President, 1801-1809) |
1743-1826 |
Jeffrey, Lord Francis (Scottish critic, jurist) |
1773-1850 |
Jeffreys, George (1st Baron Jeffreys of Wem; British jurist) |
1645-1689 |
Jeffreys, Sir Harold (English astronomer) |
1891-1989 |
Jeffries, Herbert "Herb" (American singer, actor) |
1913-2014 |
Jeffries, John (American physician, balloonist) |
1745-1819 |
Jehan des Murs (French math., astronomer, music theorist) |
c.1300-c.1350 |
Jehoshaphat (aka Josaphat; King of Judah c.873-c.849 BC) |
d.c.849 BC |
Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee (Indian merchant, philanthropist) |
1783-1859 |
Jekyll, Gertrude (English landscape architect) |
1843-1932 |
Jelinek, Elfriede (Austrian playwright, writer) |
b.1946 |
Jellicoe, John Rushworth (1st Earl; British admiral) |
1859-1935 |
Jellinek, Adolf (Moravian theologian, scholar, orator) |
1821-1893 |
Jenatsch, Georg (or Jurg; Swiss soldier, political leader) |
1596-1639 |
Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming (British electrician) |
1833-1885 |
Jenkins, Florence Foster (born Florence Foster; Am. soprano) |
1868-1944 |
Jenkins, John (English musician, composer) |
1592-1678 |
Jenkins, Leroy (American composer, musician) |
1932-2007 |
Jenkins, Robert (English mariner) |
fl.1731-1738 |
Jenner, Edward (English physician; discovered vaccination) |
1749-1823 |
Jenner, Sir William (English physician, anatomist) |
1815-1898 |
Jenney, William Le Baron (American architect) |
1832-1907 |
Jennings, Elizabeth Joan (English poet) |
b.1926 |
Jennings, Herbert Spencer (American zoologist) |
1868-1947 |
Jennings, Waylon Arnold (American musician) |
1937-2002 |
Jensen, Gerrit (Dutch-born? English cabinetmaker) |
fl.1680-1715 |
Jensen, Jens (Danish-born American landscape painter) |
1860-1951 |
Jensen, Johannes Hans Daniel (German physicist) |
1907-1973 |
Jensen, Johannes Vilhelm (Danish poet, writer, essayist) |
1873-1950 |
Jenson, Nicolas (French printer, engraver in Venice) |
c.1420-1480 |
Jepsen, Glenn Lowell (American paleontologist) |
1903-1974 |
Jeremiah (or Jeremias; Hebrew prophet) |
650?-c.570 BC |
Jeremias II (Greek prelate) |
c.1530-1595 |
Jeritza, Maria (born Mizzi Jedlicka; Czech singer) |
1887-1982 |
Jerne, Niels Kaj (English-born Danish immunologist) |
1911-1994 |
Jerome, St. (Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus; Dalmatian trans.) |
c.347-420 |
Jerome of Prague (Czech theologian) |
c.1365-1416 |
Jerome, Chauncey (American inventor, clock-maker) |
1793-1868 |
Jerome, Jerome Klapka (English humorist, writer, playwright) |
1859-1927 |
Jerrard, George Birch (English mathematician) |
1804-1863 |
Jerrold, Douglas William (English playwright, humorist) |
1803-1857 |
Jervas (or Jarvis), Charles (Irish painter, translator) |
1675?-1739 |
Jervis, John (Earl of St. Vincent; English naval commander) |
1735-1823 |
Jervis, John Bloomfield (American engineer) |
1795-1885 |
Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry (Danish philologist) |
1860-1943 |
Jesse, Friniwyd Tennyson (English writer) |
1889-1958 |
Jessel, George Albert (American entertainer) |
1898-1981 |
Jessner, Leopold (German theatrical producer, director) |
1878-1945 |
Jesup, Morris Ketchum (American merchant, banker) |
1830-1908 |
Jesus (Founder of Christianity) |
c.6 BC-AD c.30 |
Jevons, William Stanley (English economist, inventor) |
1835-1882 |
Jewel, John (English prelate) |
1522-1571 |
Jewett, Milo Parker (American educator) |
1808-1882 |
Jewett, Theodora Sarah Orne (American writer) |
1849-1909 |
Jewsbury, Maria Jane (English writer) |
1800-1833 |
Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor (English writer; sister of Maria) |
1812-1880 |
Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa (English physician) |
1840-1912 |
Jhabvala, Ruth née Prawer (German-born American writer) |
b.1927 |
Jhering (or Ihering), Rudolf von (German legal scholar, writer) |
1818-1892 |
Jiang Zemin (Chinese Communist politician; president 1993-2003) |
b.1926 |
Jibanananda Das (East Pakistan-born Bengali poet) |
1899-1954 |
Jien (born Fujiwara Dokai; Japanese religious, historian) |
1145-1225 |
Jili, al- (Islamic mystic) |
1365-c.1424 |
Jillette, Penn Fraser (American comedian, illusionist, juggler) |
b.1955 |
Jillson, Joyce (American astrologer) |
1947-2004 |
Jimenez, Juan Ramon (Spanish poet, writer) |
1881-1958 |
Jimenez, Luis Alfonso (American sculptor) |
1940-2006 |
Jimenez de Cisneros, Francisco (Spanish prelate, statesman) |
1436-1517 |
Jimenez de Quesada, Gonzalo (Spanish conquistador) |
c.1495-1579 |
Jimenez de Rada, Rodrigo (Spanish prelate, historian) |
1170-1247 |
Jimenez Oreamuno, Ricardo (Costa Rican politician) |
1859-1945 |
Jimmu Tenno (born Kamu-yamato-ihare-biko; Japanese emperor) |
7th? cent. BC |
Jinnah, Muhammed Ali (Indian-born Pakistani politician) |
1876-1948 |
Jippensha Ikku (Japanese writer) |
1765-1831 |
Jirasek, Alois (Czech writer, playwright, teacher) |
1851-1930 |
Jnanadeva (or Jnanesvara; Indian poet) |
1275-1296 |
Joachim of Fiore (also of Flora or Floris; Italian religious) |
c.1130/5-1201/2 |
Joachim, Joseph (Hungarian violinist, composer) |
1831-1907 |
Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson (British philosopher) |
1891-1953 |
Joan of Arc, Saint (aka Jeanne d'Arc; French national heroine) |
c.1412-1431 |
Joans, Ted (born Theodore Jones; American poet, painter) |
1928-2003 |
Joaquin, Nicomedes "Nick" (Filipino writer, poet, playwright) |
1917-2004 |
Jobs, Steven Paul (American computer engineer, businessman) |
1955-2011 |
Jocelin de Brakelond (English monk, chronicler) |
fl.1173-1215 |
Jochelson, Vladimir Ilich (Russian ethnographer, linguist) |
1855-1937 |
Jochmus, Giacomo August (German soldier of fortune) |
1808-1881 |
Jocho (Japanese sculptor) |
d.1057 |
Jochumsson, Matthias (Icelandic poet, translator, journalist) |
1835-1920 |
Jodelle, Etienne (French poet, dramatist) |
1532-1573 |
Jodl, Alfred (German army officer) |
1890-1946 |
Jodorowsky, Alejandro (Chilean scholar, playwright, director) |
b.1929 |
Joest van Kalkar, Jan (Dutch painter) |
c.1460-1519 |
Joffe, Roland (English film director, producer) |
b.1945 |
Joffre, Joseph-Jacques-Cesaire (French field marshal) |
1852-1931 |
Jogues, Saint Isaac (French missionary) |
1607-1646 |
Johanan ben Zakkai (Jewish sage) |
1st cent. AD |
Johannot, Alfred (French engraver, illustrator) |
1800-1837 |
Johannot, Charles (French engraver, illustrator) |
1798-1825 |
Johannot, Tony (French engraver, illustrator) |
1803-1852 |
Johannsen, Wilhelm Judvig (Danish botanist, geneticist) |
1857-1927 |
Johann von Neumarkt (Johannes Noviforensis; German prelate) |
c.1310-1380 |
Johann von Tepl (Johann von Saaz; Bohemian educator, writer) |
c.1350-c.1415 |
Johansen, Frederic Hjalmar (Norwegian explorer) |
1867-1923 |
Johansson, Per Christian (Danish dancer, teacher) |
1817-1903 |
Johansson, Lars (pseudonym Lasse Lucidor; Swedish poet) |
1638-1674 |
John of Austria (Don John; Don Juan; Spanish general) |
1547-1578 |
John of Avila, Saint (Juan de Avila; Spanish cleric, reformer) |
1499/1500-1569 |
John of Capistrano (Johannes Capistranus; Italian religious) |
1386-1456 |
John of Damascus, Saint (Greek religious, theologian) |
c.675-749 |
John of God, Saint (aka Juan de Dios; Spanish religious) |
1495-1550 |
John of Jandun (aka Jean de Jandun; French philosopher) |
c.1286-1328 |
John of Jerusalem (Palestinian prelate, theologian) |
c.356-417 |
John of St. Thomas (Portuguese religious, philosopher) |
1589-1644 |
John of Salisbury (English prelate, scholar) |
1115/20-1180 |
John of Scythopolis (Byzantine prelate, theologian) |
6th cent. |
John of the Cross, Saint (Spanish mystic, poet) |
1542-1591 |
John, Augustus Edwin (British painter, etcher) |
1878-1961 |
John, Errol (Trinidadian-born English actor, playwright) |
1924-1988 |
John, Fritz (German-born American mathematician) |
1910-1994 |
John, Sir William Goscombe (Welsh-born British sculptor) |
1860-1952 |
John bar Qursos (John of Tella; Syrian prelate, theologian) |
483-538 |
John Climacus, Saint (Byzantine religious) |
c.579-c.649 |
John Italus (Byzantine philosopher) |
11th cent. |
John Maurice (Johan Maurits; Dutch soldier, colonialist) |
1604-1679 |
John Philoponus (Eqyptian-born Greek Christian theologian) |
6th cent. |
John Scylitzes (Byzantine historian) |
11th cent. |
Johns, Jasper Jr. (American painter, sculptor, printmaker) |
b.1930 |
Johnson, Alvin Saunders (American economist) |
1874-1971 |
Johnson, Amy (British aviator) |
1903-1941 |
Johnson, Andrew (17th U.S. president, 1865-1869) |
1808-1875 |
Johnson, Angela (American writer) |
b.1961 |
Johnson, Chalmers Ashby (American historian, writer) |
1931-2010 |
Johnson, Charles Richard (Am. writer, political cartoonist) |
b.1948 |
Johnson, Charles Spurgeon (American sociologist, educator) |
1893-1956 |
Johnson, Claudia Alta née Taylor "Ladybird" (Am. businesswoman) |
1912-2007 |
Johnson, Colin (Aboriginal: Mudrooroo; Australian writer, poet) |
b.1939 |
Johnson, David N. (American organist, composer, teacher) |
1922-1987 |
Johnson, Diane Lain née Murray (American writer, academic) |
b.1934 |
Johnson, Douglas Wilson (American geologist) |
1878-1944 |
Johnson, Esther (friend of Jonathan Swift; "Stella") |
1681-1728 |
Johnson, Eyvind Olof Verne (Swedish writer) |
1900-1976 |
Johnson, Georgia Blanche Douglas née Camp (American poet) |
1880-1966 |
Johnson, Hall (American choral conductor) |
1888-1970 |
Johnson, Helen "Helene" (American poet) |
1906-1995 |
Johnson, Hiram Warren (American politician) |
1866-1945 |
Johnson, Howard Deering (American hotelier, restaurateur) |
1896?-1972 |
Johnson, James Price (American pianist, composer, songwriter) |
1894-1955 |
Johnson, James Weldon (American poet, diplomat, anthologist) |
1871-1938 |
Johnson, Jay (American ventriloquist) |
b.1949 |
Johnson, John Harold (American publisher: Ebony, Jet) |
1918-2005 |
Johnson, Jonathan Eastman (American painter) |
1824-1906 |
Johnson, Kevin (American ventriloquist, comedian, magician) |
b.1970 |
Johnson, Lionel Pigot (British poet, critic) |
1867-1902 |
Johnson, Louis Albert (New Zealand poet, teacher, journalist) |
1924-1988 |
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (36th U.S. president, 1963-1969) |
1908-1973 |
Johnson, Martin Elmer (American explorer, naturalist) |
1884-1937 |
Johnson, Osa Helen née Leighty (Am. hunter,pilot; wife of M.E.) |
1894-1953 |
Johnson, Owen McMahon (Am. writer; son of Robert Underwood) |
1878-1952 |
Johnson, Pamela Hansford (English writer, playwright, poet) |
1912-1981 |
Johnson, Emily Pauline (Mohawk name Tekahionwake; Can. poet) |
1862-1913 |
Johnson, Philip Cortelyou (American architect) |
1906-2005 |
Johnson, Richard (English writer) |
1573-1659? |
Johnson, Richard Mentor (American vice-president 1837-1841) |
1780-1850 |
Johnson, Robert II (English composer, musician) |
c.1580-c.1634 |
Johnson, Robert Underwood (American editor, writer) |
1853-1937 |
Johnson, Samuel (American philosopher, theologian, teacher) |
1696-1772 |
Johnson, Samuel (English writer, lexicographer, critic) |
1709-1784 |
Johnson, Sargent Claude (American painter, potter, ceramist) |
1888-1967 |
Johnson, Thomas (American Revolutionary leader, jurist) |
1732-1819 |
Johnson, Tom Loftin (American politician, inventor) |
1854-1911 |
Johnson, Uwe (Pomeranian-born German writer, translator) |
1934-1984 |
Johnson, Wendell A.L. "Jack" (American speech pathologist) |
1906-1965 |
Johnson, Sir William (British administrator in America) |
1715-1774 |
Johnson, William (American politician, Supreme Court justice) |
1771-1834 |
Johnson, William Eugene (American reformer) |
1862-1945 |
Johnson, William Samuel (American politician, educator) |
1727-1819 |
Johnston, Albert Sidney (American Confederate general) |
1803-1862 |
Johnston, Alexander Keith (Scottish geographer) |
1804-1871 |
Johnston, Annie née Fellows (American writer) |
1863-1931 |
Johnston, Archibald (Scottish political leader) |
1611-1663 |
Johnston (or Jonston), Arthur (Scottish poet) |
1587-1641 |
Johnston, Daniel Dale (Am. singer, songwriter, musician,artist) |
b.1961 |
Johnston, David Claypoole (American cartoonist, lithographer) |
1799-1865 |
Johnston, Edward (Uruguayan-born British calligrapher) |
1872-1944 |
Johnston, George Henry (Australian journalist, writer) |
1912-1970 |
Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton (British explorer, writer) |
1858-1927 |
Johnston, Jennifer Prudence (Irish writer, playwright) |
b.1930 |
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston (American Confederate general) |
1807-1891 |
Johnston, Mary (American writer) |
1870-1936 |
Johnston, Ollie (Am. writer, animator: Disney Nine Old Men) |
1912-2008 |
Johnston, Sir William (Scottish geographer; brother of Alex.) |
1802-1888 |
Johnston, William Denis (Irish playwright) |
1901-1984 |
John Talaia (Eqyptian-born Greek prelate, theologian) |
5th cent. |
Joinville, Jean de (French chronicler) |
c.1224-1317 |
Jokai, Mor (Hungarian writer, dramatist) |
1825-1904 |
Jokl, Norbert (Czech linguist) |
1877-1942 |
Jolas, Eugene (American co-founder of Transition) |
1894-1952 |
Jolas, Maria née McDonald (American co-founder of Transition) |
1893-1987 |
Joliot-Curie, Irene née Curie (French chemist) |
1897-1956 |
Joliot-Curie, Jean-Frederic née Joliot (French physicist) |
1900-1958 |
Jolivet, Andre (French composer) |
1905-1974 |
Jolley, Elizabeth (English-born Australian writer) |
b.1923 |
Jolliet (or Joliet), Louis (Canadian-born French explorer) |
1645-1700 |
Jolly, George (English actor, manager) |
d.1673? |
Jolly, Philipp Johann Gustav von (German physicist) |
1809-1884 |
Jolson, Al (born Asa Yoelson; Russian-born American singer) |
1886-1950 |
Joly, John (Irish physicist) |
1857-1933 |
Jolyot, Prosper (Pen name Crebillon; French tragic poet) |
1674-1762 |
Jomini, Antoine-Henri de (Swiss soldier, military writer) |
1779-1869 |
Jommelli (or Jomelli), Niccolo (Italian composer) |
1714-1774 |
Jon, Francois du (Franciscus Junius; Dutch scholar) |
1589-1677 |
Jonas, Justus (aka Jodocus Koch; German reformer) |
1493-1555 |
Jonasson, Johannes Bjarni (Icelandic poet, reformer) |
1899-1972 |
Jones, Alfred Ernest (Welsh-born British psychoanalyst) |
1879-1958 |
Jones, Allen (English sculptor, graphic artist) |
b.1937 |
Jones, Anson (American president of Texas 1844-1846) |
1798-1858 |
Jones, Bryn (English musician, composer) |
1961-1999 |
Jones, Charles Jesse "Buffalo Jones" (American hunter) |
1844-1918 |
Jones, Charles Martin "Chuck" (American animator: Loony Tunes) |
1912-2002 |
Jones, Daniel (English phonetician) |
1881-1967 |
Jones, David Michael (British artist, writer) |
1895-1974 |
Jones, Donald Forsha (American geneticist) |
1890-1963 |
Jones, Douglas Gordon (Canadian poet, literary critic) |
b.1929 |
Jones, Ebenezer (English poet) |
1820-1860 |
Jones, Edward D. (American statistician; re: Dow-Jones) |
1856-1920 |
Jones, Edward P. (American writer) |
b.1951 |
Jones, Elvin Ray (American musician) |
1927-2004 |
Jones, Ernest Charles (English Chartist reformer, poet) |
1819-1869 |
Jones, Franklin P. (Am. journalist, PR executive, humorist) |
1908-1980 |
Jones, Harold Spencer (English astronomer) |
1890-1960 |
Jones, Henry (pseudonym Cavendish; English physician, writer) |
1831-1899 |
Jones, Henry Arthur (English playwright) |
1851-1929 |
Jones, Howard Mumford (American educator, critic) |
1892-1980 |
Jones, Inigo (English architect) |
1573-1652 |
Jones, Jacqueline (American historian) |
b.1948 |
Jones, James (American writer) |
1921-1977 |
Jones, James Warren "Jim" (American cult leader) |
1931-1978 |
Jones, John (pseud. Jac Glan-y-Gors; Welsh poet, polit. writer) |
1766-1821 |
Jones, John Beauchamp (American writer) |
1810-1866 |
Jones, John Luther "Casey" (American railroad engineer) |
1864-1900 |
Jones, John Paul (Scottish-born American naval officer) |
1747-1792 |
Jones, John Paul (English musician, composer) |
b.1946 |
Jones, Joseph Stevens (American physician, actor, playwright) |
1809-1877 |
Jones, Lewis Ralph (American botanist) |
1864-1945 |
Jones, Lois Mailou (American painter, teacher) |
1905-1998 |
Jones, Mary née Harris "Mother Jones" (American labor leader) |
1830-1930 |
Jones, Owen (English architect) |
1809-1874 |
Jones, Robert Edmond (American scene designer) |
1887-1954 |
Jones, Rufus Matthew (American educator, religious leader) |
1863-1948 |
Jones, Samuel Milton (American industrialist, polit., reformer) |
1846-1904 |
Jones, Spike (Lindley Armstrong Jones Jr.; American musician) |
1911-1965 |
Jones, Terry (Welsh actor, comedian) |
b.1942 |
Jones, Thomas Franklin Jr. (American educator, engineer) |
1916-1981 |
Jones, Thomas Gwynn (Welsh poet, scholar) |
1871-1949 |
Jones, Thomas Hudson (American sculptor) |
1892-1969 |
Jones, Vaughan Frederick Randal (New Zealand mathematician) |
b.1952 |
Jones, William (English mathematician; first to use pi symbol) |
1675-1749 |
Jones, William Tass "Bill T." (American dancer, choreographer) |
b.1952 |
Jong, Erica née Mann nee Weisman (American writer, poet) |
b.1942 |
Jongen, Joseph Marie Alphonse Nicolas (Belgian composer) |
1873-1953 |
Jongkind, Johan Barthold (Dutch painter, etcher) |
1819-1891 |
Jonnart, Celestin-Auguste-Charles (French politician) |
1857-1927 |
Jonson, Benjamin "Ben" (English playwright; poet laureate) |
1572-1637 |
Jonsson, Arngrimur "The Learned" (Icelandic scholar) |
1568-1648 |
Jonsson, Finnur (Icelandic bishop, historian) |
1704-1789 |
Jonsson, Hjalmar (aka Bolu-Hjalmar; Icelandic poet) |
1796-1875 |
Jonsson, John Erik (Am. businessman; co-fd. Texas Instruments) |
1901-1995 |
Jooss, Kurt (German dancer, choreographer) |
1901-1979 |
Joplin, Janis (American singer) |
1943-1970 |
Joplin, Scott (American composer, pianist) |
1868-1917 |
Jordaens, Jacob (Flemish painter) |
1593-1678 |
Jordan, Archibald Campbell (Xhosa writer, educator) |
1906-1968 |
Jordan, David Starr (American biologist, educator) |
1851-1931 |
Jordan, Dorothea (born Dorothea Bland; Irish actor) |
1762-1816 |
Jordan, Elizabeth Garver (American writer) |
1865-1947 |
Jordan, June (married surname Meyer; American writer) |
b.1936 |
Jordan, Marie-Ennemond-Camille (French mathematician) |
1838-1922 |
Jordan, Thomas (English poet, playwright, pamphleteer) |
1612?-1685? |
Jordan, Wilhelm (German writer, politician) |
1819-1904 |
Jordan, William George (American journalist, writer) |
1864-1928 |
Jorgensen, Jens Johannes (Danish poet, journalist, writer) |
1866-1956 |
Joris (or Joriszoon), David (Dutch Anabaptist leader) |
c.1501-1556 |
Jorn, Asger Oluf (orig. surname Jorgensen; Danish painter) |
1914-1973 |
Jortner, Joshua (Polish-born Israeli physical chemist) |
b.1933 |
Josel of Rosheim (Joseph ben Gershon Loans; Ger. Jewish leader) |
c.1478-1554 |
Joseph (orig. In-mut-too-yah-lat-lat; Nez Perce Indian chief) |
c.1840-1904 |
Joseph of Volokolamsk, Saint (Russian religious, theologian) |
1439-1515 |
Josephs, Devereux Colt (American businessman) |
1893-1977 |
Josephson, Brian David (Welsh physicist) |
b.1940 |
Josephson, Matthew (American biographer) |
1899-1978 |
Josephus, Flavius (born Joseph ben Matthias; Jewish historian) |
c.37-c.100 |
Joshi, Arun (Indian writer, management consultant) |
b.1939 |
Josika, Miklos (Hungarian writer) |
1794-1865 |
Josipovici, Gabriel David (French-born British writer) |
b.1940 |
Josquin des Pres (or Desprez; French composer) |
c.1440-1521 |
Jost, Isaak Markus (German historian) |
1793-1860 |
Joubert, John (South African-born British composer) |
b.1927 |
Joubert, Joseph (French essayist, moralist) |
1754-1824 |
Joubert, Petrus Jacobus "Piet" (Boer general, statesman) |
1834-1900 |
Jouffroy, Theodore-Simon (French philosopher) |
1796-1842 |
Jouffroy d'Abbans, Claude-Francois-Dorothee de (Fr. engineer) |
1751-1832 |
Jouhaux, Leon (French labor leader, politician) |
1879-1954 |
Joule, James Prescott (English physicist) |
1818-1889 |
Jourdan, Jean-Baptiste (French soldier, marshal of France) |
1762-1833 |
Jouve, Pierre-Jean (French poet, writer, critic) |
1887-1976 |
Jouvenot, Jean (French painter) |
1644-1717 |
Jouvet, Louis (French actor, director, designer) |
1887-1951 |
Jovanovic, Jovan (pseudonym Zmaj; Serbian journalist, writer) |
1833-1904 |
Jovanovic, Slobodan (Serbian jurist, politician) |
1869-1958 |
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de (Spanish politician, writer) |
1744-1811 |
Joveyni, 'Ata Malek (Persian historian) |
1226-1283 |
Jovian (Flavius Claudius Jovianus; Roman emperor 363-364) |
c.331-364 |
Jowett, Benjamin (English Greek scholar, translator) |
1817-1893 |
Joy, James Frederick (American financier) |
1810-1896 |
Joy, William "Bill" (American computer scientist) |
b.1954 |
Joybubbles (born Josef Carl Engressia Jr.; Am. phone phreak) |
1949-2007 |
Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (Irish writer) |
1882-1941 |
Joyce, Tom (American blacksmith) |
b.1956 |
Joyce, William "Lord Haw-Haw" (American-born British traitor) |
1906-1946 |
Jozsef, Attila (Hungarian poet) |
1905-1937 |
Juan Chi (Chinese poet; in Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove) |
210-263 |
Juan Manuel, Don (Spanish soldier, politician, writer) |
1282-1348 |
Juan y Santacilia, Jorge (Spanish explorer, writer) |
1713-1773 |
Juan Yuan (Chinese scholar, bibliophile) |
1764-1849 |
Juarez, Benito Pablo (Mexican lawyer; pres. 1861-65, 1867-72) |
1806-1872 |
Jud, Jakob (Swiss linguist) |
1882-1952 |
Judah (ha-Nasi; Jewish scholar in Palestine) |
135?-220? |
Judah ben Samuel (aka Yehuda the Hasid; German Jewish mystic) |
d.1217 |
Judah ha-Levi (Hebrew poet, philosopher) |
c.1075-1141 |
Judd, Charles Hubbard (American psychologist, educator) |
1373-1946 |
Judge, Jack (British vaudeville performer) |
1878-1938 |
Judge, Michael Craig "Mike" (American animator, actor, writer) |
b.1962 |
Judson, Adoniram (American missionary) |
1788-1850 |
Judson, Arthur Leon (American impresario) |
1881-1975 |
Judson, Edward Zane Carroll (American adventurer, writer) |
1823-1886 |
Juel, Jens (Dutch painter) |
1745-1802 |
Jugurtha (aka Iugurtha; king of Numidia 118-105 BC) |
c.160-104 BC |
Juhasz, Ferenc (Hungarian poet) |
b.1928 |
Juhl, Jerome Ravn "Jerry" (Am. writer: Sesame St., Muppet Show) |
1938-2005 |
Juilliard, Augustus D. (American merchant, patron of music) |
1840-1919 |
Jukes, Joseph Beete (English geologist) |
1811-1869 |
Julesz, Bela (Hungarian-born American neuroscientist) |
1928-2003 |
Julian the Apostate (Flavius Claudius Julianus; Roman emperor) |
c.331-363 |
Julian of Eclanum (Italian prelate) |
380-c.455 |
Julian (or Juliana) of Norwich (English mystic) |
1342-1416? |
Julian, Percy Lavon (American chemist) |
1899-1975 |
Julien, Pierre (French sculptor) |
1731-1804 |
Julius III (Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte; It. Pope 1550-55) |
1487-1555 |
Jullien, Louis-Antoine (French conductor) |
1812-1860 |
Juminer, Bertene (Guyanese writer, playwright, doctor) |
b.1927 |
Junayd (Arab painter) |
14th cent. |
Junayd, Shaykh (Persian religious leader) |
c.1430-1460 |
Juneau, Solomon Laurent (Canadian-born American fur trader) |
1793-1856 |
Jung, Carl Gustav (Swiss psychologist, psychiatrist) |
1875-1961 |
Jung, Jonann Heinrich (pseudonym Jung-Stilling; German writer) |
1740-1817 |
Junge, Joachim (aka Jungius; German philosopher, scientist) |
1587-1657 |
Junger, Ernst (German writer, philosophical essayist, diarist) |
1895-1998 |
Jungmann, Josef (Czech writer, philologist) |
1773-1847 |
Jung Myung Seok (South Korean religious leader, messiah) |
b.1945 |
Junker, Johann Wilhelm (Russian-born German explorer) |
1840-1892 |
Junkers, Hugo (German airplane designer, manufacturer) |
1859-1935 |
Junod, Henri Alexandre (Swiss missionary, anthropologist) |
1863-1934 |
Junot, Andoche (Duc d'Abrantes; French general under Napoleon) |
1771-1813 |
Junot, Laure née Permon (Duchesse 'Abrantes; French writer) |
1784-1838 |
Junqueiro, Abilo Manuel Guerra (Portuguese poet) |
1850-1923 |
Jurado, Maria del Rocio Trinidad Mohedano (Spanish singer) |
1944-2006 |
Jurafsky, Daniel S. (American computer scientist, linguist) |
b.1962 |
Jurjani, al- (Arab philologist) |
d.1078 |
Jurjani, al- (Islamic theologian) |
1339-1413 |
Jusserand, Jean-Adrien-Antoine-Jules (French writer, diplomat) |
1855-1932 |
Jussieu, Antoine de (French botanist) |
1686-1758 |
Jussieu, Bernard de (French botanist; brother of Antoine) |
1699-1777 |
Jussieu, Joseph de (French botanist; brother of Antoine) |
1704-1779 |
Justice, Donald Rodney (American poet, editor, teacher) |
b.1925 |
Justin the Martyr, Saint (Greek theologian) |
c.100-c.165 |
Justinian I (born Petrus Sabbatius; Byzantine emp. 527-565) |
483-565 |
Justinian II (Rhinotmetus; Byzantine emperor 685-695, 705-711) |
c.699-711 |
Justus, Saint (Roman-born English prelate) |
d.627 |
Justus (or Jodocus) of Ghent (Flemish painter) |
c.1435/40-c.1480 |
Juvarra (or Juvara), Filippo (It. architect, stage designer) |
1678-1736 |
Juvenal, Saint (Palestinian prelate) |
d.458 |
Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis; Roman poet, satirist) |
c.55/60-c.127 |
Juxon, William (English prelate) |
1582-1663 |